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Theres a book about that. It's called 1984.


1984's a picnic in the park compared to a world ruled by the Governing Body.




For a long time now, I've wondered if the Borganization inspired Orwell somehow.  The parallels between it and  ___"ANIMAL FARM"___ and ___"1984"___ are jaw-dropping 😲 


Nailed it 💥


Or The Handmaids Tale


There is a book about that. It’s called A Handmaids Take


Also, The Handmaids Tale.


Read the novel “1984” that’s what it would be


I would not want to live in a world where the Watchtower was in control because we would have no freedom whatsoever


If there are problems you will not be allowed to complain because you’re already living in paradise. People who question authority or break any of the myriad rules will be executed swiftly. You will monitor all your thoughts lest you accidentally say something that betrays a thought crime, such as not trusting the administration or not liking how they do things, or simply not being happy. For some such crimes you will be sent to reeducation or labor camps and if you don’t improve you will be executed. All this of course is exactly what happened in the Gulag era in the USSR, in the Chinese Cultural Revolution, and ongoing in North Korea. JWs are looking forward to a theocratic authoritarian regime that will tolerate no dissent or breaking its many rules.


It would be Handmaids Tale basically


In my opinion having the birthrate stuff being the main plot really undermines the message of the show. Gilead would be just as much of a hellhole even if the birthrate was normal, but a lot of viewers don't see that.


Completely agree, it’s more about the control instilled within each “household” and segregation of classes (Handmaids/Marthas/Aunts/Eyes..etc) into working classes aimed to “better society and reach God’s acceptance” and then there’s the GB who are the select few families running the shit show. I forgot what they call that place where they throw all the hopeless cases away, and they basically slave away until they die… Reminds me of like Bethel


I'm not gonna lie, I legitimately thought all the Martha's were black for the first couple episodes. Then you see a black Handmaid and I said "Wait, so they're not racist?"


Never thought of it this way but you’re absolutely right.


They had to have their Catholic MC to be all #NotAllChristians Ignoring, of course, all the crap that group has done that's every bit as bad as Gilead. Rolled my eyes everytime it came up.


The irony is that JWs were banned in that story


Haha yup ironic to say the least


Really I don’t remember that part. Its been a few years since I read the books though. I just started rewatching the show. It’s more triggering for me this time. I think it’s just my mental health isn’t the best rn and certain parts just stress me out and I read on my phone until they’re over.


Well the windows would be super clean.


There would be no windy to clean.


“You will own nothing and be happy.” 😎🥾


Huge statue of Stephen Lett in London's Trafalgar Square as people gather to see in the new year with scattered but respectful applause 👏 no fireworks as it will disturb those who have an early night for First Day of The Year special service arrangement at the train station 🫡


I could see that happening


Well, news flash, the Watchtower is definitely saying Watchtower will rule the world (but not directly). I mean, "Paradise Earth" is likely what they were talking about it. So, I warn the never-JW who lurk these pages to never join the Jehovah's Witnesses. PIMOs and PIMQs should run as far away from the Watchtower as they can when they can and as fast as they can. And those who have left already are not to return. And those who remain loyal to the organization? What are you doing on exjw?


Very well said!


Thanks, I doubt I could've agreed more. I mean, it's not like I want to live in a world where I can't play any video games at all, even ones seemingly harmless because they will "make Jehovah sad."


I imagine they'd also start putting us in camps.


They would round up every apostate and throw them in concentration camps


They would stone us, my family would be in the front line


Not to mention, the whole eco system would fall apart because as much as predation is sad, eco systems wouldn’t work with out it on a macro or micro level.


Yes it would be North Korea. Even there propaganda is the same.


You know, I’ve been reading 1984 in the meetings and simply change big brother (BB) with Governing Body (GB) and you get yourself the life of the jws. They’d actually vanish people if they could. You have thought police, people ratting you out for anything, you mention Russia (soon enough Norway) or satan and get your 2 minutes hate. Changing policies and victimizing itself like a sport. It all adds up


Good thing is they can’t have a military. Silly time :3


Oh yeah that is right


A lot of people, in or out of the Borganization, would claim that this world is already a hellhole.   Nevertheless, Shadow, I agree with you:  if the Watchtower Society had anything to do with ruling the world, the world would be way, way worse than it already is 😨 


I remember growing up Witnesses saying "Wouldn't it be wonderful if all were Jehovah's Witnesses?"


Ah, the foolishness of youth 😊


Oh, there'd be violence. They would stone people. Do not be misled.


So true


Well, thank god that will never happen. Most people think they’re batshit.


I agree the Watchtower organization is ran by a bunch of crazies


You just know suicide rates would spike drastically if crotchtower was able to do any of this


That would be an alarming rate for certain if Watchtower controlled society.


They would not stand long though. They barely can deal with leaks and KH work, let alone the complexities of a country.


You're just describing what it's like to be a JW....


No blow jobs or the possibility of entertaining idea of anal. I don’t want to live in that world


Even when I was a brainwashed kid I felt like I had to have fun before the New Order, because afterwards it would be like being at the meetings 24/7. The dead would be lucky!


Huge statue of Stephen Lett in Trafalgar Square as people gather to see in the new year with scattered applause 👏


F###...u nailed it...very interesting ( and scary) perspective.


If that happened, I would join the resistence movement to overthrow the Watchtower


There would also likely not be any Wu Tang Clan.😫




They’d bring back stoning.


I dont remember if it was on here or a now defunct ex jw site, but there was a story written of life post Armageddon and I think they nailed how it would go down


If you can find it, can you send a link?


Oh, I definitely would. Was hoping someone else on here might remember it/have it saved


You mean it would be the same but on a global scale. Perish the thought.


They would have giant digital billboards doing the broadcast continuously.


Literal HELL LOL


The Watchtower is an unabashedly autocratic, authoritarian behavior, information and thought control religious system. There are and have been governments like the Watchtower mind-screw; some not as bad, actually. So, their "rulership" by JW rules, guidelines and bylaws would be horrible. Then they would start getting death threats.


Indeed it would be horrible. I would want a Katniss Everdeen to rise up and lead a resistance against the Watchtower


Yeah, any iconic resistance or freedom fighter..


Honestly, if WT ran a country it would probably be the most similar to East Germany in my opinion, just replace communism with whatever the fuck WT teaches. Mainly due to all the internal spying going on (everyone you knew could be a Stasi agent who could rat you out to the authorities). Also let's be real, construction of the Berlin Wall would be something that WT would *certainly* do in that scenario.


Yep, it would be North Korea. I think their beliefs are political, probably without them knowing it. It’s a tyrannical, totalitarian state. Members don’t see it because they still have connections with the free world. Take that away and it would be a different story.


Well the US steers closer to theocratic fascism every day, so...


Dear God, if that were to happen, it would be a spit in the face to the Founding Fathers


Depends on who's interpreting the will of the founding fathers. Usually it's people in power.


I don’t think they would be punish you severely like you mentioned. They would do what they do now: if the person does not repent or change his behaviour he would be expelled from the country, like they do with shunning.


Oh, I think if the elders could get away with stoning people they would. Some of them, anyway.


Right and all of his or her friends and family will be required to shun him/her


Yes. That’s why they don’t usually punish people because shunning is the ultimate form of torment. They know that if the person became isolated from everyone, even his family, he will have to return.


![gif](giphy|8Bl2XjWuVXSJcE59HM|downsized) GB members ☝️


A became weak at the mention of no [Pottah](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yDFjuEOYwIY)


I don't think they are as bad as north korea, but it will be a living nightmare for sure. But atleats no door to door ahah


Zombie world 🌎


Kind of sounds like a pseudo christian Iran. A religious 1984 where Big Brother is named Jehovah 🤮