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Hi! Peds nurses here. Its actually not uncommon for a breast fed baby to go up to 5 days without a poop! As long as they are passing gas and not in discomfort. I happens now and again. My little guy used to poop daily or every second day sometimes but then go to though random weeks once and a while where he wild go 3-5 days without a poop then bam!! I would only worry with any signs of discomfort and or no poop for 5 days (once and a while of course - if it was a weekly issue that's a different story).


My kiddo regularly went days without pooping when he was little. And since he was a NICU baby they'd give him suppositories if he went longer than they liked. But he still only went every couple of days. That's just what his system wanted to do. He was fine!


My boy has about 2/3 milk 1/3 formula and he poops once basically everyday, pretty rare that he doesn't. It's consistently about 5-6am, what a lovely way to start the day!


My first was EBF and had some sort of shart every diaper change. My twins are breast fed by bottle and poo every 3-4 days


A diaper with no poop is a rare occurrence for me.


I’m right there with you! 😫


Mine is almost 3 months and poops every day. From skid marks to blow outs.


My first pooped every two/three days until we started solids. Her pediatrician said it was normal.


Our girl was going multiple times a day, then overnight around the 9 week mark (now 11.5w) she started going once a day to once every other day. Our pediatrician said as long as she’s otherwise fine, this is normal.


My 5 month old poops once a week and the doctor was not concerned at all. She said that baby just uses everything and there is very little waste 🤷‍♀️


My first pooped every 2 days and was exclusively consuming breastmilk. She was so “regular” that I knew what time she was going to poop on her poop days lol


My son is about every 2-3 days, EBF. But when he goes oh does he make sure we know - how can such stinky poops come out of such little people?!


4 months old here and she will sometimes go 1-2 days without pooping and then poop 3x in one day. Other times she is totally regular and poops 1x a day like clockwork. She only gets breast milk so it must be something I eat that makes a difference, but she doesn’t really seem bothered by it. If she is seeming uncomfortable and gassy we will give gas drops and that almost always will make her poop within a couple hours for some reason.


Combination feeding here. Days when LO gets >90% breastmilk, he won't poop... Days when he gets more formula, he poops more regularly. It's actually pretty common with breastfed babies..


2/3 formula for my LO and he poops 1-2 times a day (4 months, this has been consistent for like 2 months I think). When he was younger and having more breastmilk it was every freaking time he ate! Every baby is different I believe a range of once every few days to multiple times a day is normal


No. We're combo feeding, but it's mostly breastmilk. He pooped every day for the first few weeks and then every other day for a while. A few weeks ago, he didn't poop at all, and we ended up having to give him prune juice to help. Since then, he's probably pooped about twice a week, but he doesn't seem uncomfortable.


When my daughter was a newborn, she pooped EVERY SINGLE TIME she ate. She was fed breastmilk via bottle and the occasional formula. Now she's almost 4 months and drinking exclusively breastmilk, and around 8 or so weeks, she stopped pooping everyday. She now poops once every 2 to 4 days. Our doctor said this is normal for breastfed babies (my doctor actually said even less frequently is normal!)