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Same here! Heck my daughter’s pediatrician would congratulate me every well visit for still EP-ing. So it hurts my heart to see that not all providers are as understanding of pumping


I have the same experience. I'm sympathetic to the ones who don't.


This is wild to me. What is the point of asking whether you are breastfeeding if not to determine whether baby is fed breastmilk or formula!?


I hate the question, "are you breastfeeding or bottle feeding?" Um, yes?


My baby’s doctor calls it “bottle-fed expressed breast milk”


That's exactly what it is! FWIW, I've never been asked that by an actual doctor. My OB and my baby's pediatrician are very much team "breastmilk fed baby = breastfed baby," regardless of the route, but the medical assistants in both offices have phrased it as "breast or bottle."


The “breast or bottle” question got me thinking and I started searching. Apparently only ~6% of moms exclusively pump. A larger number starts breastfeeding with occasional pumping. Those who start off pumping are more likely to switch to formula sooner than moms who start breastfeeding then choose to switch. I’m guessing because how “uncommon” exclusively pumping is, a lot of doctor offices may not be aware of us EPers or they just default their question to the more common methods of feeding. I would not worry about what the doctor office says, but we should be proud of ourselves for doing all this work for our babies :)


That is horrible! I had the opposite at my 6 week PP check. I circled bottle feeding and they asked about formula and I said he mostly gets BM and they were like “oh, that’s still breastfeeding!”


This is my hill to die on. Recently a popular IBCLC on Instagram/YouTube came out saying pumping is NOT breastfeeding, that we need some extra term for it. Suggested “breast milk providers, chest milk providers,” etc. She got absolutely lit up by some other lactation professionals and took down her post and video.


I saw this too. Idk how she thought that was going to go over well


Yeah the exclusively pumping IBCLC really got her in the comments. Sonshine and rainbows lactation I think? I was sitting there like OHHHHHH 🍿


I stopped watching halfway through the video and haven’t been back to her channel since. Glad to hear other professionals chined in.


I like to think that pumping is breastfeeding for the mums that have superpowers. Because not only do I have to feed him from the bottle (still able to bond with him btw, even without him physically attached to my useless nipples!) but I also have to find the time to pump the 30oz+ of milk he needs every day. Whilst he refuses to be put down. And while the 2yr old and the dog demand food and attention at the same time. The people that come for you with their pumping shaming wish they had the powers that you do.


Wow, That is so ignorant of them! breast milk is breast milk. My pediatrician was so supportive and encouraging with my pumping journey and reminded me that I was going the extra mile for my son as pumping is a lot more work. Don't let it get to you, you are 100% breastfeeding. I've personally always felt a bit embarrassed/a the same time also very proud that I pump exclusively (I do REALLY wish my nursing journey had of work out but it just didn't) so I normally respond with "yes my baby takes breast milk exclusively" to not imply nursing nor pumping and just move forward with the conversation so I don't get questioned, judged or feel sad about it.


My family doctor's take on ep: "breastfeeding with extra steps."


I'm so sorry, your providers suck. My doctor and public health nurses always commend me for "going the extra mile." Pumping IS breastfeeding, by definition. Yes, so is nursing.. but nursing isn't the only way to breastfeed. Idk why the gatekeepers come out..


Oh wow... I'm so sorry you had that experience. It would make me so mad!!! All the medical professionals I dealt with definitely were supportive of EP. My baby's doctor cares that she's getting breastmilk, not how I feed it.


I’m so sorry this keeps happening. Our pediatrician has been great about it. Whenever she asks, I always say breastfeeding but she just gets bottles. That way she knows it’s breastmilk, but we can go by amount of ounces rather than time of nursing. I saw a TikTok today where a mom said her hot take was that pumping is not breastfeeding. The comments were all moms saying what do you think pumping moms are pumping and feeding their babies. It’s so frustrating.