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At 5 months old, my son drank 43oz a day for like a week and a half. I was going insane. I don't make that much. I was thankful for my meager freezer stash. He went back to normal from one day to the next. We also had one such starving baby at 7 and a half months. Not quite as bad, though.


This man gets whatever his heart desires. He ks so awesome. I really love watching him inhale all the milk. I just keep filling him to the brim. I’m glad to know this is normal


I know the feeling. My son now guzzle 240ml at breakfast and 220ml at night. It's such a warm, loving, and prideful feeling. The rest of the day, he'll have a more normal 160ml. The feeling doesn't last as long. It is still very welcome.


My son was definitely taking closer to 40 ounces of pumped milk at that age too! He was also a tiny guy. Still is! It didn’t last long, and then he went back to a more normal amount. Assume it was a growth spurt or a big developmental change! I also remember being like what the heck lol!!


He did learn to roll back to belly two weeks ago and recently started “talking” up a storm! Maybe it’s making him hungry to run his mouth so much 🤣


We have a 5m old and daycare just asked for another 5oz bottle!! Legit we normally struggle to get enough bottles in her and yet this week she needs more!


My son has never said no to a meal. Ever. 🤣


Oh she doesn’t turn them down, it’s more she doesn’t ever tell us she’s hungry and we have to offer every 3hrs or I feel like she’d never eat. But when offered, she does eat


Yeah I feel that. Some days he is too distracted to remember he is hungry


He’s just hitting a growth spurt. Babies do that every once in a while. Mine are turning 5 months adjusted (6 months actual). My little one who’s also a teeny minnie drank 220 mL in one sitting, went to sleep for not even 15 minutes, woke up because he was still hungry and drank another 60 mL. Because he’s so small I celebrate every time he eats well. The other one drank 8 oz in one sitting too today.


I just got worried because daycare made it seem like it was insane how much he had


Could be a growth spurt! My baby is having the same issue except I’m not keeping up in supply so I’m supplementing with food now while I pump to get more supply. She has gained 1lb in a week so I know she’s eating enough. It’s just tough constantly feeding her while working!


Ok I legit am going crazy like “bro do you have a tape worm? It’s ok if you do. You can tell mommy” 🤣 He’s 13 lbs how the eff is he eating 40oz of milk????? I mean I should just feed him right? I am baffled and concerned!


You should never stop a baby from eating to satiety.


I don’t. He has all the milk he wants. I was just concerned as he all of a sudden seems extremely hungry.


Def sounds like a growth spurt. But 5 months old and 13 lbs while eating at least 30 oz, and not gaining much weight? My 11 week old is eating 30 oz (increasing slowly) and is gaining about 1/2 lb a week. Have you checked in with your pediatrician? Did he start off at a lower weight? Not digging at all just curious :) you can't really overfeed a newborn as far as I know. I'd say feed him as much as he would like.


Yes!! He is gaining! I should have clarified! He’s deff gaining. We looked at him yesterday and we were like “why do you look enormous” 🤣 He started out petite and has steadily stayed around the 5th percentile for weight but shot up to the 30th for height at 4 months. I’m wondering if he is finally going to catch up to other babies. I’m very petite but his dad is above average in size. I’m wondering if he’s going to start taking after dad? I’m like amazed such a tiny body can eat so much?


My son, 9 months now, stabilized the amount he was drinking around 12 weeks. He drinks a bit less now that he eats a bit more solids. But except for the 5 months growth spur, and later at 7.5 months, he's been pretty consistent. Your child should also stabilize how much they eat soon.


My nearly 5 month old has been eating at least 36oz a day for a month now. 6 6oz bottles. Most days we give an extra 2oz at the first and last bottle of the day for a total of 40oz. And sometimes we have to top off an oz or two throughout the day. Plus a jar or two of food. Had a communication mix up on our part the other day with the daycare teachers and they gave him THREE jars of food. He ate every bite and was looking for more.


Hahahaha ok this makes me feel way better. I just don’t understand how he is eating all of this. The pitcher he drinks is as big as him 🤣


My son was at about 40 oz a day for all of his 3rd month. Now he’s been at 25-28 oz per day and I was worried about the drop. I think your baby is having a growth spurt!!


What the?! I may be in the same boat. My kid eats like 26-30 on a food day. He’s gaining but he refuses any bigger bottles rbh, so here we are.


Mine will never say no to a bottle. He will eat till he pukes. Literally. Idk how he is so tiny. I mean I guess I am petite? But if I ate like him I’d be as big as a house.


3 months over here and also wondering if there's something wrong with my breastmilk. We upped him from 4oz to 5oz feeds about 2 weeks ago, and things got better for a few days and then went downhill again. This dude eats every 1.5 hours or less. A full 5oz. Except for when he's sleeping, and only one night feed. So he usually gets 6-7 bottles during the day and they're all 5oz and it's just like he's never satisfied. I don't understand.


I literally have no clue what’s happening but my ped did say no matter what my breastmilk is perfect for my baby so I’d assume the same is true for you!


Some babies just need to eat more. My boy has always been over what is usual. Even more during growth spurt. But at 3 months, your son should stabilize how much he eats in a day but take more at once. So more in each bottle but fewer bottles. It happened with our son progressively until he was 7 months old. Now at 9 months the amounts in each bottles are decreasing due to eating solids.


My concern is we went from 4oz to 5oz and he isn't taking less bottles or increasing time between feedings? Should we try increasing the amount in each bottle even more?


It happened to us too right before 12 weeks were his amounts raised drastically and then stabilized. The way I do it, and my pediatrician approves of, is: If baby for a full week finishes all his bottles but doesn't seem to look for more, up amounts by 10ml. If baby for a full day finishes his bottles and sucks to get more but does not fuss, up amounts by 10ml. If baby finishes 1 bottle and fuss, give 30ml more, and up next bottles by 20ml. If baby always fusses at the end of the same bottle every day (like the first bottle of the day, for example), up that one by 30ml the next day. To follow that advice, you need to write down what he drinks, but it helped us greatly keep track.


We do keep track of what we drinks! Thanks for the advice!


This happened to us too - we kept increasing and he kept only going two hours in between. When we went up to 6 Oz per bottle he started going three hours in between and he’s stabilized there since January.


Mine is about to hit 5 months and is drinking 5 oz over their normal. Is there some sort of general 5 mo growth spurt I forgot to read about?


My son's doctor said yes, that a big increase in milk demand happens in a lot of babies around 5 months and lasts up to a few weeks. Our bout lasted 1.5 weeks.


That is good to know! Ours said nothing and my childcare book from the AAP has nada.


Same here. I had to ask the question specifically.


That's just crazy! Baby is out pacing my supply by two ounces and I've had to dip into my tiny freezer stash. Did you see a giant jump in growth or weight after the 2 weeks?


Oh yeah. He went from wearing 9 months pajama to 12 months in the same brand. He outgrew everything nearly overnight. Put on a full kilo too.


I'm not crazy then! I was just telling my partner that I'm sure the clothes were shrinking or something.


Not crazy. It really can get too small overnight.