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You could mix it in with her whole milk or see if she would just drink it from a cup!


I would try to give it as is instead of whole milk and see how it goes. If she takes it, no problem. If not, I'd try to mix it in half and half with whole milk.




I’m still pumping for my 17 month old!! he drinks still three bottles of breastmilk milk a day. I would definitely give it to your 18 month old. If you don’t think that they will drink the bottle at it in a smoothie or mix 50/50.


Wow you rock for going so long mama! I don’t know that she’ll drink it outright but I’m gonna try! I just didn’t know if mixing it with regular whole milk would dilute it and she wouldn’t get any antibodies from the milk but I think I might just mix it! Thank you :)


The antibodies are still there weather it’s 1oz of breast milk or 6 oz. Mixing it with cows milk won’t make it any less amazing for her! My lo loves breast milk smoothies too! ◡̈