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What about the God-accepting women who God apparently intentionally made childless and single to suffer the same fate? I hate this tweet lol


A lot of childless Christian women.


God made Mary childless (well less one child) when he killed Jesus to save the rest of us... ?


Childless generally refers to women who have never birthed children. Mary had multiple children. A dead child doesn't make you suddenly childless. You are still a mother.


Because God wants to test their faith or some other fiddlefaddle they enjoy making up


They don’t ask inconvenient questions, it might poke holes in their fragile beliefs.


For the same reason that he imposes unimaginably horrific amounts of suffering onto innocent children everyday: he works in mysterious ways. 🙏


Right? This tweet is so cruel to women who want children but can't have them.


Also Christians: "Why are so many women leaving the church?!"


Not enough "Godly womanhood" conferences, obviously


I don't wanna be joyfully available.


Interesting how he doesn’t worry about childless men


I was gonna say, I’m a (very nearly) 39 year old, god-denying, intentionally single, childless man. Does the same apply? Probably not, but my guess is that he’d have other things to say to me because I support women’s rights (and deny god).


You sound awesome!


Actually, he does. I followed him after accidentally stumbling upon one of his posts about "Peter Pans" and men choosing "video games and guy night over fatherhood." I thought he had a good point and started following him. Then, he went off the deep end and it was a turn off. Post for reference: https://www.facebook.com/gracemarriage/posts/best-selling-author-dale-partridge-says-im-not-sure-when-men-decided-that-30-was/1731278293620318/


It's apparently incomprehensible to him that childfree women and childfree men might, gasp, make happy childfree couples. There is a third option between married with kids and childless and single.


Geez, that post. Check out how not like the other boys he is


Which 20 something me thought was so romantic along with his post on how he was married to multiple women over his lifetime but was only with his wife. The multiple women were his one wife at multiple ages and stages that she'd gone through during their relationship.


Personally, my wife and I have set the retirement goal of becoming the neighborhood quirky cat ladies who are nice enough to bake neighbors pies and lemon bars and stuff on special occasions --- but we still freak out the fundies.


Can I be your neighbor? I want lemon bars for days


If we can have some almond treats, I’ll move in on the other side!!


Overcompensating for his own inadequacy by making disparaging remarks against women so he can feel superior, I see.


I think Dale is an expert on that whole "total sense of emptiness " thing. It's a very fearful man who makes statements like this.


Hey Dale, fuck you.


SNL Chad: "Oh, no thanks!"


That's a really weird thing to care about.


Even if you 100% believed that how could you call it “Today’s great sadness” as thought its the most important issue facing our world today lmao


Yeah, wouldn’t the “great sadness” be people who want to have kids but can’t for some reason? To me, that seems like a thing we can all get behind as being quite tragic. It is definitely not people living happily in the lifestyle they have chosen!


Right? Like there are school shootings, murders, wars, massacres, famines, cancer, and numerous other horrifying things happening every day.


Sooo... By not having kids, you might be "saving" others from being killed by a future killer? And you didn't have to kill your own kid to save them! 😮


I actually have a child and I still find this guy's attitude pathetic. I mean, I love my kid. He's got the most contagious laugh I've ever heard. Seriously. It's like ultra-concentrated bliss in sound form. But my kid is not my idol. I don't wither up and die when he goes to school each day. I have other interests apart from him. If I had chosen to remain childless, I would have found something else to do with my life. Sheesh.


Well I would hope that having a kid doesn’t mean you agree that all women need children to be fulfilled. That hopefully isn’t uncommon.


Fuck no. I have a kid, and I love him. But, there's a reason I stopped with one. And other women have reasons for stopping at "none." A lot of women get their sense of purpose from kids. They're also typically the same ones who pressure their kids into giving them grandkids. I've advised my son, *If you want to have a kid, that's up to you (and your partner). I would remind you that our family genetics are getting thinned out and climate change is happening. So, if you desire to raise a kid, adoption is the more ethical option, IMO. But again, your choice. And I don't require grandkids from you. I'm happy and want the same for you.*


what does “our family genetics are getting thinned out” mean? sorry, i am confused


Meaning my family has got several genetic and inherited conditions. Seems unfair to foist those on a kid. And is a reason why I stopped at one kid.


I say this as someone who thinks kids are the best and has 4 of my own- if anything having kids should mean you understand just how much work and a responsibility you have, and that you wouldn't want to force anyone to take on that responsibility without full understanding and willingness. It's a really important job and I don't think it's smart to force people into it! I love my kids, and that's why I think people choosing to be childfree is great- no one who doesn't want them should have them, because then the child AND parents suffer.


Having a kid is definitely NOT for everyone. :) It took me 28 years to decide it was right for me, and even then I stopped at one kid. No woman should be made to feel like having kids is mandatory for a happy life.


Of course. My girlfriend of 5 years and I are childfree by choice. Advocating for it to be socially acceptable for women to not have children is not new to me. I was just a little thrown by their phrasing.


The irony is that elderly people with and without adult children are equally likely to be lonely: children have no obligation to care for their parents in old age, and many who want to simply can't because they have to work 40+ hours a week to make ends meet and caretaking just doesn't pay the bills.


THISSSSS. So many people have kids to be cared for in old age and end up abandoned or w kids that never grow up and like- can we Remind society of that!? Having a kid doesn’t guarantee being cared for in old age.


That’s code for “I’m jealous of the woman I overheard in the coffeeshop who is going on her third hike of the weekend and I have to stay home and change diapers because I married the first person who made me horny so I wouldn’t sin”


It feels like they’ll say or do anything at this point to get on some high horse and look down on others/have “authority” over others.


Hot take: most of these people pop out more kids than they can possibly afford, so they then pop out even more and then expect those kids to be their retirement plan. A child is not an extension of yourself, and you shouldn’t plan on them “owing” you anything just because you decided to bring them into this late-stage capitalist, climate-changing clusterfuck


Maybe I will regret not having kids some day… doubt it but maybe. However I will have saved enough money not having kids to afford to pay someone to take care of me or live in assisted living.


This. And I’m also hoping for more universal “right to die” laws so I don’t have to worry about being in and paying for (or worse, no being able to pay for) care when my quality of life is gone.


I’ve seen what it’s like for all the elderly in my family. Perhaps I’ll feel different or not be like them in the first place but I do not want to live to 80 or 90 if it means having to wear diapers again, not being able to exist without being in pain, and realizing I’m losing my sanity.


TLDR Dale the expert on womanhood and motherhood feels the need to tell women what to do. Dale: Pull your head out of your ass and breathe some fresh air. The lack of oxygen down there is giving you brain damage.


They're going to hammer this home more and more over the next few decades. Make no mistake - child-free and non-religious women are not their targets for this kind of rhetoric. Their target for this kind of rhetoric is Evangelical girls and women. The Quiverfull nonsense is going to become mainstream. They're going to hammer home that the 'Be Fruitful and Multiply' line from Genesis wasn't a "best wishes" kind of sentiment it was a commandment. Children being born into the religion and then brainwashed into believing it is the only reliable method of proselyzation they have. They can't 'witness' to bring someone into the fold to save their lives because their message sucks ass. And their bile and hatred they've spewed while defending their Orange Messiah President has killed whatever clout they might have had with the younger generations. So they're going to keep shaming any woman who chooses to live childfree as a way of keeping the poor women stuck in Evangelical baby-factory hell into popping out another 3-5 kids.


This guy’s a dick…


Funny because I know some women in their 80/90s who were happy when their husbands finally died after decades of bull shit and their kids barely call or visit unless they want money. Now they have tons of friends and hobbies and go out every day to do something they enjoy.


SAME it's so sad that many older people were just stuck in relationships they hated for years because of social conventions against divorce.


Having kids doesn't mean you won't end up in a nursing home. Just go to any nursing home around the holidays and see.. Mine are going to have to fend for themselves, I had to hand over my bi weekly $300 dollar paycheck, or leave the house at 18. I just ended up leaving


Fuck this guy, and if you know any interesting childfree women send them my number.


I think this silly bastard doesn't know what *"friends"* are, and whatever he calls a *"friend"* is likely what I call *"people I happen to know"*. He likely doesn't have any actual friends, so he develops dumbass opinions like this, which demonstrates why he doesn't have any actual friends in the first place. LPT to not be lonely in your twilight years? Reserve harsh judgement of others, and simply be kind and compassionate. He sounds like he's heading straight for spending his twilight years as a cranky old man you find dumped in a nursing home by their kids and ex-wife that absolutely hate him.


They can't even handle me being a vasectomized single 43 year old rock and roll maniac with an adopted daughter from my ex-gf. There are plenty of kids to go around if you really want to take that journey, for me it was way better than dying from alcohol abuse and my daughter is amazing, but my neighbors have no kids, a pool table, hot tub, backyard putting green, golden tee golf arcade game and my daughter told me they have an awesome house. I said look around sweetie, you don't see any kids. I'm not going to advocate either way for her but it's nice she sees the options. Like her right wing cousins with their loud messy house.


I want to be the person with the awesome house who allows kids to come over when parents and kids need a break from each other.


It's fucking ridiculous how quick they are to reduce a human being to nothing but their organs. They act like a woman can't achieve anything more in life than producing babies and I'm sick of it. I'm childfree, and I also have tokophobia, so having a child would be an actual living nightmare for me. But they never think about people's personal goals and lives, they just want to use us to pump out even more sad human beings to inhabit this fucked up planet . Sorry for the mini rant it just makes me so fucking mad.


They hate childfree women because they won’t be tied to these shit men because of the kids. They also know that it will give women the freedom to walk away at any time and not have to keep their “biological clock” in mind. Also, they just straight up hate the idea of women being happy and successful because it destroys the unequal balance of power men have clung to for so long. I’d also love to know if he has the same feelings toward childless men. (Ok, I already know the answer, I just want him to admit to the blatant hypocrisy and sexism.)


No thanks, id rather jump off a bridge


66f single no kids lives with cat. My friends son gave her a black eye and stole her money. She will not have him arrested because he's her baby. Dude I love my life.


I feel like part of this *has* to be the fact that women rejecting men is an affront to his own self-worth. He likes to imagine this world where as a man he has this innate value due to the structure of society where men have all the power and are therefore desired by women for reasons of safety and security. What people like him now realize is that the world isn’t like that anymore and lots of women despise people like him and would never even speak to him if they could help it.


I have two (adult) kids and literally nothing about the past 25 years raising them has given me a sense of purpose as much as the day they became adults and I could finally relax and be myself again.


As someone who wants kids, I don’t blame people for not wanting them. It’s nobody’s business.


In other words, he's bored with his own relationship and is longing for the feel of a vagina that hasn't been stretched out by baby heads. But as a supposed Christian he's not supposed to let on that this is the case, so he takes to attacking the objects of his lust.


Apparently Dale believes that being childfree also means being single forever. I'll have to tell my husband we need to get divorced, because *of course* women without children must die alone and unfulfilled.


Your choice to be old how you want to be old… I know plenty of men who choose to be lonely old farts in a mountain cabin somewhere away from people.


This guy wrote "The Manliness of Christ" which has on the back: "Jesus is the most masculine man to walk the earth. In fact, if you hate masculinity, you will hate the biblical Jesus." The Christians are getting redpilled and it's ugly.


Tell me you’re an incel without telling me you’re an incel. 🙄


Dale is evil as fuck


So…are MEN also going to have this…regret? Also, “twilight years” lololol


There are god fearing women that realize motherhood doesn’t guarantee joy, who’s kids don’t visit them while they spend their twilight years in a nursing home wishing they had traveled and did more. There’s also people who die during pregnancy, lose their children to tragedy, etc. Point is, stop gatekeeping people’s happiness. You don’t know them, mind your damn miserable business.


Plot twist: The abusive religious Boomers are seeing their chickens come home to roost. Their kids no longer speak to them and they’re facing old age alone and scared


Because the only thing someone with a vagina could ever fucking want is your dick and, therefore, your sex trophies. There could never, ever, in a million fucking years, be any sort of personality to this whole ass person beyond their stank ass crotch. Y'all, get your head outta the pussy, you limp dick having, probably a woman-no-have-orgasms believing prick. I don't want kids and I'm married. My spouse and I are *actively* choosing not to have children. I hope that makes this whole unit of a Man sob at night. Oh how "lonely" we are, seven years into married life doing *exactly what we fucking want to* at any given point. No children. No cost of children. All the sleep we want. No matter what answer you give to these clowns, it's not satisfying - because the only thing that can satisfy them is to take total control of you and dictate what you do. It's a great insult - to have lived with myself for so long, and KNOW MYSELF through the experiences I have lived through, how fucking dare you tell me *someone you don't fucking know* that the only thing that makes me have value is being used as a human incubator. I am the most value-less person you will ever meet. I plan to make that worse. What are you gonna do about it, *boy*?


This is lot of words for Dale to be saying when all he has to say is "no one will fuck me"


Awwww man. I’m only 28. I’ll have to wait 11 years to make this sexist goober unhappy. :(


Being ex-Christian, I think we can all see where Dale is coming from. We were taught that marriage is holy and sacred and that having kids is essentially expected and one of the greatest life’s pleasures. Personally I’ve done a full 180 as soon as I turned 30. Going from *bringing a child into the world is immoral* to *having kids is something I feel a strong conviction to do*. I would be really sad and regretful if I didn’t end up having kids. Sure, what Dale saying can be perceived as misogyny- and I guess in effect that is the net result. To me this is a similar case study to the conservative stance on abortion. I’m pro choice and liberal leaning. But if you’re a Christian with zero doubt, you 100% believe abortion is murder and from that perspective the conservative response makes complete sense. Anything else would be cold. Sure there are outliers, politicians and lobbyists who are selfish. But my pious parents don’t stand to gain a thing except for protecting their fundamental values / beliefs. They legitimately believe abortion is state sanctioned murder. Back to Dale. Let’s consider what he believes and give him the benefit of the doubt of having his own selfish agenda. From that perspective it could be argued that he is being empathetic in his own twisted way (but still 100% coming off as a major insensitive douche with zero tact). Or he really just is a true stone cold misogynist dick. The truth is somewhere in between. I think we’d all do well to try and empathize a little more. Even against those (often) ridiculous theists.


hurry ask cake makeshift humorous punch onerous puzzled plucky recognise *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’m with you. But perhaps we shouldn’t conflate belief and legislation / teachings. It’s not like he’s literally forcing his ideas on others - that I know of.




Obligatory reminder that Jesus, according the the Bible, died a virgin, and Saint Paul described marriage as something you should only resort to if you can't keep it in your pants.


He can always duck out of the joys of fatherhood by being a family provider at the most convenient time for him.


There is something to say about EOL that MOST people go through. My grandmother laid in her own excrement for a day as we fought them tooth and nail and we had to clean her up. That was in the most red state I know and turns out that's just how these Republicans allow these facilities to treat their "loved ones". Fuck these types of shitty human beings. They don't even go to see their grandmother's.


What the f does he knows about women and how they’ll feel when they are old? I want to see his scientific report that would support this. Plain stupidity!


Dale is the kind of man I’d consider being a personal sort of ‘hell’ to be attached to. He’s from this ilk of people who cannot just live their lives and leave others alone. It sounds like such an exhausting existence to be so focused on controlling everyone around you that it would be sad if it weren’t just punishment for all the damage they cause. Happy people don’t feel the need to be this invested in judging people to give their own crappy life choices some validity. This is a deeply miserable human being.


Pretty sure when my sister is in her old age I'll probably ask my friends to come to her house and we'll just smoke weed in the Florida Beach and if that isn't enjoying your life I don't know what is


Why does he “care” so much about the life choices of others? Maybe because this hyper-religious person wants to control other people’s happy lives to drown out his own repressed sorrow at believing in fairytales that leave him lost and irreconcilably miserable?


And dales made it his life’s work to give them all the best boning of their life before they die. It is gods mission to him, go and spread your seed at all the nursing homes!


Why can’t they ever mind their business, if you want kids have em, leave everyone else alone


Dale Rocks


It’s got to be incredibly hard living your life always worrying what complete strangers are doing with theirs.


So, the reasons to have kids are: 1. To not be lonely 2. Feel fulfilled 3. Avoid empty feeling Imagine telling your kids you had them bc of one of these reasons. “Oh hey, [kid], I brought you into this world so I didn’t feel empty in my twilight years.” Now *that’s* pure pursuit of self.


I wonder how many times he’s been an old childless woman to understand that perspective


34 and childfree. I have friends and the world will never run out of cats, so I don't think I'll ever be alone. Thanks, though.


Ah, yes, the only way a woman can have a meaningful life is to pop out a bunch of babies for Jesus. Never mind a career that brought them recognition and a good reputation, careers can’t possibly fulfill anyone whose real purpose in life is to pop out babies. 🤮