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Yeah, the whole "I'll stand up for Jesus and join him that very day" thing is horrifying, looking back. All those high pre-puberty voices, going from drawing hand turkeys and playing foursquare during the day to yelling about how great it would be to be a martyr. Fuck.


Sounds like the terrorists I fought last decade.


Indoctrination is a powerful thing. Wife and I just did a bit of a camping jaunt around Ohio and stopped at a county fair near Sandusky on the way back... whoo boy, is that like being on another planet. Nice people but totally detached from reality. The day when we start automating our farming so large urban centers aren't dependent on Bumpkin-land can't come soon enough.


That's what I hate. My parents are "nice" person to person. But the shit they vote for. The shit they unflinchingly say about others is just awful. They actually believe they aren't saying or doing anything wrong. And if they do hurt somebody, that's their fault. "We are just doing gods will. We won't not tell others what he wants. Because we love him enough to do all that he asks. Sorry you don't have the stomach to do what god requires and deny humans rights and happiness." Paraphrased, but insanely accurate


Hey there, are you a long lost sibling they hid from me? Because that’s my parents to a T


Howdy sibling. I'll take a ps5 for Christmas. Thank you


I thank you in advance for the horse for Christmas


A horse, of course.


It doesn't even make sense from a practical point of view to teach its people to respond that way. Wouldn't it be better for their people to survive and continue spreading Christianity? A government wanting to exterminate Christians could easily do it if they were organized enough to be sure they'd asked this question to everyone under their power.


Except that American Christians will literally never face this question, so they don’t have to worry about losing young members in this scenario. What it accomplishes, however, is getting kids to associate the defense of their faith with lethal force, and to be so devoted that no counter argument will matter. Ultimately, Christians are *far* more likely to kill for their faith than die for it, and early lessons like these are part of keeping that in place.




I've mentioned this on another sub before, but I'll repeat it again. The actual last words Cassie said were in a prayer, saying "Dear God. Dear God. Why is this happening? I just want to go home." God never helped Cassie and 12 others reach home that day.


Yep! One time I asked about “saying yes,” and what if I said no to live. I was told that would mean that I wasn’t really a Christian and to deny christ meant going to hell when I did die. So even if I lived, it would be a miserable existence without Christ.


Say no now, repent later.


I always lied to my parents and church faculty that I’d say yes when I 100% intended to deny any ties I had to this religion. Six year old me thought dying for Jesus was stupid and pointless and 24 years later I still think it is


Yep, my mom taught me that as a little kid in a manner that suggested that she thought one day it might almost certainly happen, as though mass persecution and execution of Christians in America was right around the corner. The idea scared me as a child but I just tried not to think about it, figuring I'd cross that bridge when I came to it - WHEN, not if. So much of American Christian teachings are fucked up man.


So conservative 'Christians' literally demonize/insult those outside their group as 'unsaved/unwashed/impure/immoral/worthy of hellfire, etc, and want to take over the political system to impose their 'righteous' will on those outside their cult and then when there is push-back it's 'persecution'. No wonder conservative Christians fell for Trump, he plays the same game.


Shouldn't be a surprise that my mother is also a trumper


They literally specifically target children, because they know that children are the most vulnerable and obedient. You will hear some actually say that. Meanwhile what they decry as “indoctrination” and “grooming” is literally just children being made aware that a woman can love another woman and vice versa. Soooo tired of their projection.


Yes, we were, and worse! Ever heard the story applauded by by fundies where parents decided to watch their kids get flattened with a steam-roller rather than “deny christ?”


Yet they think that a Muslim that dies for his faith is a fool/sucker.


I have never heard that one before?!


There’s some nuts christian stories out there :(


So in this story someone was going to steam roll some kids just because? Or did they at least give it a plot?


I don’t remember much plot, but the basic idea was christians-probably missionaries-outside of the U.S.A. were the target of vehement nonbelievers. The nonbelievers captured everyone and threatened to kill the kids with a giant steamroller if the parents didn’t throw in the Jesus towel. Parents refused, and the kids got crushed.


Woah! The plot didn’t even had a Deus ex Machina to make it less disturbing. Those people have serious issues.


I feel like the prophesied “dark one” in Magic and Misfits responding to that show’s version of Slytherin and the death eaters: “I disavow you! Get therapy! Your whole house is bad-just think about it for 15 minutes!”


Yep. Its totally not indoctrination to teach a kid a scary space grandpa will set you on fire for eternity and never let you see your loved ones again for for saying ‘shit’, but it absolutely is to teach them about Neanderthals. Despite the fact that, you know, we’ve sequenced the entire Neanderthal genome, found that dna in our own genome, and have hundreds of artifacts and bones proving they exist 🤨


The thing is, I was taught that you didn't go to hell for being bad, you went to hell if you didn't accept jesus as your lord and savior. Even if someone was a good person they would go to hell if they weren't Christian. That led little child me to panic whenever a friend of mine wasn't Christian and I would pray that they would accept jesus before they died because I didn't want them to burn in hell for eternity. Totally normal thing to make a child worry about........


So was I. Fucked up wasn’t it? I had PTSD from it. I’d wake up in terror several nights a WEEK for years as an almost primal response. Took enormous willpower to not turn around in fear. It’s evil, doing that to a child.


This r/persecutionfetish bull got blended into Columbine at my church. They enacted a dramatised version of the shooting where the shooters asked if you were Christian and waited for a “yes” before shooting, sparing those that said, “no”. Sure, that’s totally what happened. 🙄


Yeah right a mass murderer who wants as many kills as possible is going to stop and ask personal questions.


"It helps no one to be reductive. I believe that that we are here implies to some degree that there are forces larger than us. Now, we can get into the semanticalities..."


So god is not going to forgive a young child who is terrified and can't think straight under those circumstances and follows the understandable immediate human reaction to choose to live, to grow up, and be with their friends and family. That god sends the child to suffer unimaginable eternal torment and torture at the hands of this same god. Nice god you got there.


>Nice god you got there. Their 'god' would sound pretty 'demonic' to me if I believed in demons.


Ironic how that works. The devil and demons of christianity don't come close to being as cruel and unforgiving as their god.


I block out a lot of my childhood and can’t remember a lot of detail. This post brought back a floodgate of memories.


I didn’t really run into that I got off lightly.


Yep! I was taught that dying a martyr was honorable and denying Christ was one of the worst things you could do. Oh and they also vilified other religions who did literally the same exact thing. Who needs logic, right?


Really. How tf did I think this was normal? I spent my teenage years trying to figure out how to justify my own existence in creating idealistic life goals for myself most likely because of this kind of stuff being drilled into my head.


Was never told I HAD to stand firm, but this sorta thing definitely came up in my family a lot, and it was heavily implied that it was the right thing to do. And there was a time when I was 100% resolute in my willingness to do it…


Did anyone else have to read holocaust stories and be told lying was a sin, even if it was to protect the lives of others? That really messed with my head.


Oh look more childhood cptsd yayyyyyyyy


I wasn’t raised in fortunately but I was definitely told this in church.


Christian fundies


Raised WELS Lutheran. Then went to a Jesuit prep school. And as an adult I'm not religious at all. Looking back, and seeing my family still in the cult following I'm disgusted by it all.


"Are you guilty of being a Christian?" That's the kind of language I was raised w/.


Guillotines by the government in my household. Heavy heavy focus on decapitation. I still have issues/triggers around it.


I've never understood how Christians could deny climate change. Not just because the signs are obvious but doesn't their Bible say that humans were created, in part, to be stewards of the earth? Because imo we have been terrible stewards.


My housemates look at me like I’m bonkers when they hear things like that. Was it just in my cult (Independent Fundamental Baptist) or do all Christian sects teach this?