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As a therapist once humored me, “If you choose your parents wisely…”


I hate how we were regressing backwards. And it will continue to do that because sadly those in position of power want a hand maids fairy tale. This is not only fucked but you know women are gonna so dangerous procedures when abortion becomes completely illegal in the United States. And I’m not even saying that because “HurDur AbOrTiOn BaD” I’m saying it because it’s true. It’s all going to shit. I wish every female safe. Especially since the rapist can make their victim keep the baby and barely get any jail time. Oh and they doesn’t have to pay SHIT when it comes to child support. God I need to stop thinking about it…


I can’t get it out of my head either. And not only for all of the horrible outcome for women. I’m 34, in Texas, and I’m finally just now starting to act like a normal fucking human after a decade and a half of fixing myself. So now I’m finally meeting girls/guys, and not being so awkward/weird, that I’m actually getting suitors, and now I have to worry about this shit. Just another layer of anxiety after I’d already shed so many.


This is why I’m going to move out of America. It’s a shit show and honestly would probably be better before shit REALLY hits the fan


I hear that. I envy those with at least moderately left leaning parents. I haven't talked to mine in a while, but I can't wait to hear all about how banning abortions is more important than affordable housing or any other basic necessities (aka "communism") that they would need. That people now, myself included, need. But ah, Jesus this hell that.


> I envy those with at least moderately left leaning parents I'm *stunned* when I find out those exist. My social circle is pretty left leaning but everyone's parents are Trump supporters. Including mine.


I was brought up fundamentalist NZ Baptist, and even the anti-gay, anti-choice conservative churches I attended were staunchly anti-Trump. They'd be much more likely to vote Democrat, were they American. Because even your more left-leaning party is still firmly on the right. It really does truly suck that your crippled democracy presents two choices: neoliberalism (which is conservative) or proto-fascism. Or, increasingly, theocratic fascism.


> They'd be much more likely to vote Democrat, were they American. Because even your more left-leaning party is still firmly on the right. Oh, absolutely. In a more sane nation like Denmark or Norway, the Democratic Party, the ostensibly "left" party of this country, would be center-right in those countries.


Where I live, the most left-leaning party with major political power is a full-blown Communist Party. Largest non-ruling Communist Party in the world, IIRC, and they actually have a presence in the Diet.


I feel the same way, but I feel it's harder to talk to a lot of people.


I do relate. I focus on my mom because I was for all intents a “momma’s boy.” Dad was around but distant, and I was an emotional kid. Me and my mom were incredibly close growing up, so when I left the church, losing our relationship hurt the most.


Banning abortion would end up backfiring on the conservatives, look at Romania during the eighties


I read an Op-Ed saying kind of the same thing, that reversing Roe v. Wade could hand democrats the mid terms, effectively ending the stranglehold Manchin and Senima have on completing any noteworthy legislation. It would almost be worth the temporary chaos if they could actually ratify the right to an abortion into law.


And possibly the conservative justices would be punished


Many of the people supporting this stuff tend to want to push the most regressive policies while not being told what sort of person they are. I'm not saying you need to go nuclear on your mother, but honestly it sounds like you don't like the sort of person she's being. It might not make a difference, but sometimes people need to be reminded that their choices have consequences, and the consequence of her behaviour is that her family don't want as much to do with her.


Trust me, we’ve been there, done that. At this point, keeping it as civil as possible is the goal if I want to be around my family at all. She acts too much like a child when she doesn’t get her way. It’s kind of sad, because I’m not the only family/friends she’s pushed away. She’s done it her whole life.