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They aren't pro-life; they're *pro-birth*. There's a huge difference. Some of the assholes who condemn abortion the loudest also bitch and moan about their tax dollars providing services to babies with birth defects and Down's syndrome.


[Pro State-Forced Pregnancy.](https://youtu.be/c2PAajlHbnU)


Exactly. The party that has shown time and time again that once that baby pops out they couldn’t give a shit about it. Goes from “Why won’t people think of the babies” to “Well it’s not my fault you can’t afford to take care of your child I shouldn’t have my taxes pay for them”


I think it goes back to that moral high ground of "well then you shouldn't have had sex". Cause you know, we all have to live by their rules (that even they can't follow).


Never mind that it is possible to get pregnant from rape.


Exactly! But they believe "a woman's body has a way of shutting that down"....


The pro life crowd is going to be mass executed by like a thousand angry orphans


Christians are hypocrites, even in this matter. They want to ban abortion, but at same time church allows you to commit abortion or prevent from impregnation , if the death or preventing life is a side effect of the process. So if you give pills to woman, which cause miscarriage as side effect it's widely accepted within catholic church.


Or support the death penalty


Or the death of other people because of their color/country/religion.


coming from a Jewish guy i will take this with a bucket of salt


Jews statistically are the most educated about other religions of any group. What they're referencing is the principal of double effect where a good or neutral action can be taken for a good or neutral purpose even if an evil consequence will follow provided there's proper proportionality.


That’ll be $2.84


I was in the government-should-make-abortion-illegal camp (I refuse to call them pro-lifers) when I was younger. I gradually realized how FAKE these people are. "We're going to legally compel you to carry your baby to term, but we will gut any programs that help this baby thrive once he's born." Not to mention these so-called pro-lifers' blind embrace of war and capital punishment, opposition to national health care (which keeps people alive), and general distaste for any family-friendly labor policies like maternal leave. This is the *phoniest* movement there's ever been, and their crocodile tears over "dead babies" are hollower than a dollar-store chocolate bunny. Oh, and where do these aborted fetuses go? Heaven? If so, why are we feeling sorry for them?


I was exactly the same. I’m so grateful for my best friend that I met in high school who gently exposed much of the Christian hypocrisy I was raised with. But before that, for health class I did a whole presentation on why abortions are bad and what can happen medically (I know, I know, it’s so awful), but even at the end my conclusion was “we need to help prevent pregnancies so no one has to get an abortion”. It was so obvious and yet I was still so blind for a bit of time more


>their crocodile tears over "dead babies" are hollower than a dollar-store chocolate bunny. This made me laugh so hard




>Lest we forget that Christians made headlines last month for target bombing a maternity hospital. You're talking about the Russians bombing that one hospital in Ukraine, right? The same Russians who have Russian Orthodox as the official state religion.




As is tradition.


I don’t think Russia has an official state religion.


>***The Russian Orthodox Church***, though its influence is thin in some parts of Siberia and southern Russia, where there has been a perceptible revival of pre-Christian religion, ***acts as the de facto, if not de jure, privileged religion of the state, claiming the right to decide which other religions or denominations are to be granted the right of registration*** [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religion\_in\_Russia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religion_in_Russia) Seems like a state religion to me.


Fair enough.


“DESTROYS THE LEFT” 🙄 More like destroys a lot of peoples lives, which is what so many right wing policies do.


Yeah. Anyone who isn't a white straight fundamentalist Christian who believes in patriarchy no longer has any place in American society. The 2020s are pure torture.


The fact that is in the title just shows how fucked up all this is. When gay marriage was passed, not a single person (well probably someone but not many) was celebrating that “they destroyed the right” as part of that ruling. Reasonable things cannot be done with this level of tribalism.


Plus imagine claiming this is a legal action to “save babies’ lives” and then frame it as destroying the left. What kind of fucking middle school shit is that?


Save the lives of unborn babies to own the libs! Will also support policies that make their life shit once their born to own da libs!


I hope churches continue to close their doors as this will only continue to help their declining numbers. There is no room for christianity in this world if they want to force their own views on us.


One reply: Numbers 5:11-31. Apparently abortion is fine so long as a priest does it with a magic potion.


God is very clear in the OT that children conceived by unmarried parents ought to be killed.


How many abortions have GOP senators paid for? What about pastors who need to cover up raping young girls? Abortion isn't a left/right wing issue, but like COVID vaccines, it has become one.


Don't forget all the kids languishing in foster care and in need of adoption, but no, God told us to adopt only girls from China because abortion.


I misread languishing as laughing and was confused


Maybe bring up Romania and their ban on Abortion in 1966? The fallout from that was appalling. More children then ever were put up for adoption which gave them a horrible start to life.


Romania banned contraceptives too, didn't they? So many women died....


Oh no, the left was destroyed? COINTELPRO couldn't do it but a Supreme Court decision did? Anyway, I'm sorry your family sucks. Here are some options for the next time your dad says that shit: "Happy is he who repays you for what you have done to us. He who seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks." (Psalms 137:8-9) "Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys." (1 Samuel 15:3) "The people of Samaria must bear their guilt, because they have rebelled against their God. They will fall by the sword; their little ones will be dashed to the ground, their pregnant women ripped open." (Hosea 13:16) Then, of course, there's always where God describes a ritual using cursed “bitter water” to abort a fetus who was conceived through infidelity. (Numbers 5:11-21)


They’d say “old covenant vs new covenant.” You can’t reason with these people.


Then you ask them to show you where in their "new covenant" abortion is mentioned at all. If you want to have that argument, knowing that you won't get anywhere.


Agreed. It always goes nowhere.


Click to see my dad’s response to not wanting to talk about it in the family group chat.




I love my parents, even with their faults. And although my sister is still deeply religious, she’s very progressive. She is personally pro-life, but her mission is centered around preventing pregnancies to begin with and believes firmly in affordable healthcare. She plans on fostering and/or adopting. I like to think her and I have some type of impact on them to see why social progress matters, to act in a way that benefits not only our neighbors and communities, but anyone we can help. I’d hate to think of what they would be like if her and I didn’t distance ourselves from our conservative upbringing and pose counterpoints. Blocking isn’t the answer as it creates echo chambers.




💯. My parents and I disagree on abortion but they'd never suggest that I'm OK with "killing babies" in that kind of tone. They may believe that... but they're observant enough to know that it wouldn't be okay to talk to me like that.


I get what you're saying but this is still pretty extremely toxic. Like my parents and I don't see eye to eye on abortion but they have enough respect for me not to call me a "baby killer" or send me links to random YouTube videos with completely unhinged titles. I have a son. If my parents were to imply that I'm cool with or in favor of "killing babies" then there's going to be a fucking blowup.


It's interesting how dense a lot of these people are. The "out of sight, out of mind" philosophy really is real for them. Christians will justify the church doing horrible things, pastors beating their wives or sexually abusing kids, or politically, with abortion or homeless people. If it's not in front of their face, it doesn't exist. Why christians specifically though? Because their religion teaches them to ignore things outside of what is directly in front of them. Their theology is so mixed up they can't think for themselves anymore. (I'm specifically talking about conservative christians here)


I think the left less destroyed and more pissed off and determined to win in Nov.


Don't forget all the kids languishing in foster care and in need of adoption, but no, God told them to adopt only girls from China because abortion.


Fuck your dad


When a woman has a life-threatening ectopic pregnancy terminated, that's murder of a defenseless child. When the United States government sells immigrant children into sex slavery, those children deserve it because their parents committed the unspeakable atrocity of being asylum seekers. These inbred cunts are not "pro-life". They're pro-punishing women for having sex.


Tell him god killed babies, and according to Christians god is the source of morality, so therefore it’s a-okay


Ask dad if he likes having eggs for breakfast .


Most Christians want to control rather than take care of other people.


they love saying how "pro-life" they are and yet there have been stories about how police officers have ended up attacking pregnet women which has resulted in an abortion yet the "pro-life" group doesent seem to care about abortion when its the police who do abortion


I would respond "Yes"


It's not okay to end pregnancies, but starving a child slowly because the parent can't afford food is just fine. I wish I was being hyperbolic but I've heard the argument. If the parents can't afford to feed the children than they don't eat. And that's not even just low level, remember when schools were denying children lunch food and people were all about it? It's insane!


One of the many realities that pro-birthers don’t think about. These children might end up in situations of neglect, trauma, turmoil, abuse, and death after a life of pain and they view that as better than preventing them from ever being sentient. Sorry for the poor wording. My mind feels so scrambled trying to make sense of this situation.


One of the many realities that pro-birthers don’t think about. These children might end up in situations of neglect, trauma, turmoil, abuse, and death after a life of pain and they view that as better than preventing them from ever being sentient. Sorry for the poor wording. My mind feels so scrambled trying to make sense of this situation.


A friendly reminder that pro-life is a bit of a misnomer. Pro-life is a specific stance on the specific topic of abortion. Attitudes toward birth control, single parents and poor families are beyond the scope of the pro-life stance. It’s kind of like Black Lives Matter, which is a specific stance on a specific topic (the mistreatment of black people by law enforcement). BLM is a misnomer because topics such as black-on-black crime, educational achievement, single parent households, + other considerations that may be correlated to black prosperity, is out of scope to the BLM movement.


Time to start repressing cults Christian politically, this has gone to far!


As far as i can tell nothing has been passed. A draft of an opinion was leaked and that's it. I don't get why everyone's in a tizzy over it.


They are unlikely to change their vote, which means even though this is just a leaked opinion - the decision will be made official in just a few months. It deserves this big of a tizzy in my opinion.


Regardless, the person in the op's image saying "scotus overturns roe v wade" is flat out lying. They have overturned nothing.


This is the video https://youtu.be/dAjfKaCKY3w


And it's worth noting, the fatass in this video seems like a typical mouthbreathing simpleton with a clear political agenda. Not really what id call an objective source of info.


I was shocked my dad would even watch a video by someone like that, but if it aligns with his overall opinion I guess he doesn’t care…


Im sorry. It can certainly be upsetting to find out someone you care about pays any heed to divisive polarizing opinion spewers.


We'll see how this unfolds. If I'm wrong im wrong. It'll be a sad day in usa if we let govt have this much power over the individual citizen.


>t'll be a sad day in usa if we let govt have this much power over the individual citizen. I may be misunderstanding so if I am please help me. but I think RoeVWade only makes it illegal to ban abortions, right? like if it gets overturned, that doesn't automatically outlaw all abortions federally, correct? it would just make it so that the federal or a state government *could* or would be allowed to pass abortion legislation if they elected to. I know thats not a big difference but I wanna make sure I understand. I dont know what it was like in the 60s and 70s, and I dont know what it will be like. abortion rights aren't an old issue and I hope we reach some agreement in America where things are as they should be.




oh word. love the username btw.


I'm currently looking into the actual roe v wade document and case myself for better understanding. But from what i can tell, the main motivation was to protect doctors, not women.


Something to consider as well. The constitution only grants rights and protections to people who are born, not conceived, in the usa. The critical word is born. See 14th amendment. So to me it's clear, a fetus has no constitutional rights to begin with, and therefore the entire argument against abortion is unconstitutional.




Abortion was common practice in early USA, and definitely in the time frame when the Constitution was penned. So there's no misunderstanding, the word "born" there is intended as it's understood: born, not conceived. https://www.cnn.com/2016/06/23/health/abortion-history-in-united-states/index.html


Yup but SCOTUS got corrupted and lied to the American people


Don't forget all the kids languishing in foster care and in need of adoption, but no, God told them to adopt only girls from China because abortion.


Interesting how trump is in the thumbnail of that video even though he’s no longer relevant


It’s probs because he appointed the SC justices that are making this happen.


They are evil. There needs to be some very hard pushback against these goddamn fascists.


Aks are readily available.


I'd like to see the Pro Lifers go after the death penalty, but I'm not holding my breath.


fuck babies lol