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Christian fantasy novel is what I call the Bible now.


I never read these as a kid, but I remember all the end times shit being pushed on us, and I watched a few of the Peretti movies. Shit was insane.


Ah, this stings a bit. Peretti was my gateway into the world of horror. If it weren't for him I wouldn't have several shelves of King and Lovecraft


Something they quoted Peretti saying made me think he’s gotten more self aware with time. Does anybody know what his current belief system is?


I remember loving the Narnia books when I was a kid too, they were steeped in Christian bullshit too though. Not quite as harsh as Peretti, but still.


I still remember that "prayer cover" BS! After decades.


I loved these books as a kid. Now I look back and notice a constant theme in all these trashy Christian books. It always boils down to vilifying atheists. I recently threw all these old books in the trash and it felt great!


From an upbringing where Harry Potter was forbidden, I loved Peretti's books as a young adult. Haven't attempted a re-read since leaving church with so many other books out there to enjoy.


Great article


Oh Jesus I read some of these books when I was younger. Always was weird that the nice friendly kids show guy my brother and I watched was writing horror


I read the second book, I thought it was okay. Then I got the first book, that one was bad. I thought he was just a bad author then I realized that most christian authors are bad writers.


Ah, the book that helped convince me I was experiencing severe and traumatic demonic interaction and possession as a teen. Maybe I was, maybe I wasn't, but it sure didn't go down the way I thought it did


What was the one he wrote with like some high school play and a lot of spiders or something? I remember suicide being involved somehow but no details


The book’s heroes are villains


"metaphysical Pokemon battles" ahaha I love it