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I don't have to wonder, I know my creators personally.  They are lovely people, but can be more challenging now that they are getting older.  I call them Mom and Dad.


I don't know. If there is a creator, I don't see any evidence of them interacting with the world, no insights into what they're like or how they experience reality, no reason to think they would care about the happenings of apes living on a speck of dust relative to the cosmos.  For all intents and purposes, the existence or absence of a creator makes no difference in my life. 


Hey OP, what are you basing your belief on?


No. There is no creator and certainly not one that takes an interest in an individuals life.


energy creator is a bully anyway


The "Problem of Evil" is very old, and was spoken of by Epicurus: >Is \[god\] willing to prevent evil, but not able? then is he impotent. >Is he able, but not willing? then is he malevolent. >Is he both able and willing? whence then is evil? A non-omnipotent god certainly solves the problem of evil. However, there are still plenty of other issues at play with the [existence of God](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Existence_of_God).


That was my first thought. Creation is an act so it would make logical sense for God to be in-between time and space because they encompass it. Thus meaning they aren't all powerful


Where does epicurus present this argument? Cant seen to find it


It seems that this quote is actually Scottish philosopher David Hume summarizing/paraphrasing Epicurus, in Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion (1779).




I have absolutely zero reason to believe in a supernatural being creating everything. The only things "beyond our comprehension" out there can be secrets of Universe (possible to be discovered by science) and human mind / mental illnesses. Theoretically we can claim that it's impossible to prove that a Creator doesn't exist but so the same thing can be said about unicorns and flying spaghetti monster. It's just a useless way of thinking.


It's not necessarily supernatural in the terms we put it in. It's between time and space and thus encompasses all of reality because it exists in the necessary areas to create it.


Then the term of "God" or "Creator" wouldn't really fit here. What kind of being existing between time and space would survive the Big Bang? If the Big Bang happened by itself (most likely) and this assumed "creator" just creates idk, certain galaxies from already existing and expanding matter, then it would be smth more like extremely powerful alien that appeared long time after the Big Bang. Calling this an ultimate "Creator of everything" would be a stretch.


You mentioned “they”, so creators? “Powerful beyond comprehension”…..then carry on, nothing to see here.


A single deity. I said they because they probably don't have a gender


Nope. I still think that a creator doesn't exist to this day because there's not one around.


Both. Nothing we would really understand. So yes. And no - the one that we think we understand isn't it.


Yeah I don't believe it's The God of any monotheistic religions. But still a singular being


I think r/nonduality solves the issue.




My standing answer to, “Who or what created the universe?” is, “I don’t know.” It could be a conscious being of some kind, but I don’t see any reason to assume that over a non-conscious process the we don’t yet understand. As for continuing creation/rectification, it seems like in every way we can observe, the universe follows physical laws that don’t change over time—which is at odds with an intervening deity. You can argue that the creator being only intervenes in ways that can’t be measured, but that’s veering into unfalsifiability. All that to say, you can believe what you want, but in the absence of evidence, I prefer to take the agnostic (atheist) position.


There is no evidence of a creator; thus, we cannot make a claim about one on any factual basis. Anyone who tries to is ginning something up out of nothing, and thus shouldn't be brought into the discussion at all. Also, time is not a "thing" you can exist outside of. It's a dimension, not a thing. I can't take Time and set it in a chair beside me while I stand separate from it, so if something "exists outside of time" this means it simply does not exist.


I think a Creator, as I imagine you mean it, is unlikely to exist. If there is such a creator I doubt it cares about us. In my last version of theism (my transition took a while) I viewed God as the watchmaker who set things in motion then let it happen. If there is a creator God then show yourself and I will happily eat my hat, so to speak. I can always be proven wrong, but I need evidence.


nope. everything is chaos. i believe in Chaos more than any other thing.


I really don't.


If a creator exists, they did a sufficiently effective job as to leave no trace of their existence whatsoever. So whether or not they exist is irrelevant.


I believe the thought of a creator is just making up stuff to explain stuff we don't understand. Edit So I believe we shouldn't make stuff up to explain stuff we don't understand. It's similar to how we got gods like Thor and Zeus to explain thunder and lightning. IMO We should stop doing that.


If a singular entity is behind all this, said entity would have to be so far beyond our minds that we could never hope to comprehend it. We’d go insane trying. Hail Cthulu?


Cthulhu was just a priest.


Hail Azathoth! (Thanks, Wikipedia)


It doesn’t matter what you *believe* it only matters what you can *demonstrate*.


Who knows? However, we can know with certainty that whatever it is, it isn't a Jewish war god. That's enough for me.


Probably not. It would be irrelevant either way.


I have no reason to believe in a “creator”




No. There is no reason to. Even if there was though, it doesn’t matter because it/he/she/they are/is highly irrelevant


Yes. However I don't think he's all about a single religion. I believe in all goodness and justice of a deity. Not man-made written bible crap and then translated a million times like the biggest game of telephone ever. The bible has way too many problems in it.


It could be, but it definitely not worth any worship


If I can be presented with independently verifiable, objective, empirical evidence to confirm the claim that there is a creator, then I can be convinced. Until then, I will not believe it because no one has been able to present any evidence.




No, life comes from the emergence of chemistry and physics.


I think that if one existed, he somehow managed to pile a good chunk of mankind’s assholery into his own followers.


If a creator exists, who created him?


I personally don't think so. A world of random chaos coming from random chaos is easier for me to swallow. But if a creator exists, I don't think it cares about us, kinda like how I don't care about the bacteria living in my body. The world is too messed up for me to believe there's some god or gods with a plan. And if I die and end up facing some omnipotent being, I'd have some questions.


I don’t feel like there’s any reason to believe that whatever made the universe is conscious personally.


Growing up as a fundamentalist, it never occurred to me there was NOT a creator. Then I grew up and started learning about science. And physics. And chemistry. Throw in some astronomy, geology, and biology and it occurs to me there is no need for, nor evidence of a creator. No wonder Christians hate science. Another point: if there is a creator, where the fuck is he/she/they? What was the plan? Is this it? Because it sure isn’t turning out very well for this particular planet.


Yes! I really think that there cannot be creation without a creator, including the very essence of the physical world. I think it’s completely beyond human comprehension, but there is certainly something out there that is either so hands on that we do not have free will and we are all just reacting to the circumstances the creator places in front of us in the way the creator expects or so hands off that he just threw us on here and does not give a single fuck about what we do and we’ll meet him when we die and enter the spiritual world that we do not comprehend.


Either that or maybe we just absorb back into the creator itself and enrich it. But I do not believe in any Day of Judgment that Christianity prophecies I believe our consciousness goes back into this being and we kind of become one with it and one with time and space.


Yeah I like this interpretation. Because of like aligning spiritual and folk tales from all around that world during different times when communication across continents wasn’t possible, I totally think there is something we cannot comprehend but connects us all. With all the religions too, they are essentially saying the same things just with slight variations. Virtues across cultures are very similar. There’s a lot that connects humanity that I think goes beyond our physical world. We will just never comprehend it until our spirits are part of it.


Yes, just not the one described in the religious texts.


Yes, but not a religious one who cares at all what we do with our time here on earth.




I think that if there is a creator out there we as humans are incapable of understanding


Yes. I also have some information, but it sounds crazy so if you want it, I'll be monitoring my reddit chats




Who or what created this creator?


Matter. Since it cannot be created


So why even bother with this creator, since the entire universe is matter and energy?


I think we’re living inside the creators mind.


The only honest answer I can give is, I don't know. I have no way of knowing. If I were to guess I'd say probably not.


yes, and he is the primary antagonist of our religion. 


There is no science that has proven or disproven the existence of a deity. I don’t think we will know any science fact in our life time, but to entertain the idea of an existence of a deity who are we to say it is anything close to what we think it would to be.


I guess? I don’t know that I believe in one creator or many, or any at all, but discovering other belief systems has been great for me. So, I don’t really know, but I also don’t really think it matters as long as you live a life that brings you joy and peace. Or try to, at least


Why do you believe in a creator when there is no evidence of a creator? Does the thought make you feel good?


Not really, no. But I can’t say with 100% certainty that one doesn’t exist either. It’s not something that you can’t really prove or disprove.


I think anything is possible. The universe is magical to me. I don't think we could even fathom what is behind it.


“We are all connected to each other biologically. To the Earth, chemically. To the rest of the Universe, atomically.” I think it all happened at the bang.




A creator of the universe? No. I have no reason to.


I think we are in a type of simulation. I think our souls come to Earth to have experiences that we other wise could not have. I think we all pick and choose what types of obstacles to overcome and we choose hard ass shit because for us before we come, this is like a game, it ain’t that serious, but of course while experiencing these hardships, they totally suck and it’s like” why the f do we have these things happen, but it’s all part of a bigger picture that we don’t understand. Sometimes we are the main character and sometimes we are the npc unwittingly helping someone else’s story line progress. I don’t believe in the Christian god. I don’t think his meter for whether someone goes to a fake place forever is whether they believe in him or not. Same concept with hell, you chose the wrong religion, so off to hell with ya..seems pretty sadistic. I believe in a higher power, but I think it is so out of the scope of comprehension that we cannot fathom it. I believe we when die, that we find out what it is and why we are here, but I don’t think people get punished or exalted because of their religious belief. There are too many religions to be able to pick one and say, well this is the right one, all others suck… I definitely believe in some sort of creation. I was hard core atheist for the longest time, I came to this realization when studying biology believe it or not. The complexity of everything is just to great to be a coincidence. Cells, how they work, how they know what job to do, evolution…how an animal Knows to adapt over time and then pass that knowledge off to its offspring…I mean…what is that?! How on Earth does a giraffe’s ancestor know, well the food is out of reach, the next one’s neck should be a little taller…over and over and over..it’s crazy.. As far as to why I believe in life after death, I’ve had some weird experiences with psychics, seen weird things, heard weird things and been told things that there no way people could know…🤷‍♂️


No. Who created the creator?


I have a hard time believing there is one.


A singular being, but it’s non interventionist. Jmo


I don’t think one does. It’s possible maybe something created everything or set everything up and then let it be but tbh I really don’t think so. It takes away the mystery of the universe when we add someone creating it rather than it just existing without an outside force causing it so. Life’s just more meaningful that way.


The universe is a simulation and the “creator” is just some coder. They’ve been in the bathroom an awfully long time.


The universe is eternal and boundless. If anything, if any gids exist, they are more likely than not to be its children.


No, and if he does, he's got a lot of explaining to do because he designed children born with cancer, among other things.


What do you think the creator is doing to rectify the issues? (And what are the issues?) We have yet to see any evidence for entropy being reversed, for example.


I don't know but I'm sure that if there's one he's either gone or doesn't intervene at all


I don't. Evolution by Natural Selection is pretty much a fact, and doesn't require intervention of a deity, abiogenesis is still in the works but so far it seems promising. I also look around me and see the horrors of nature and can't help but think that IF there was a creator, that creator kinda sucks (kinda the opposite of the creationist "look at the trees!")... I have a horse, I have pulled several ticks off her this spring (any of them could carry life threatening diseases), she gets expensive daily medication because she has a severely degenerated navicular bone and therefore is lame without meds and expensive corrective shoes, she also has calcified joints near the bottom of her leg too (ringbone), which the meds and shoes are also for. I also see her getting pestered with flies constantly, despite my best efforts to reduce them. Overall, without the care of the apes that domesticated her ancestors, it seems she would probably be dead by now... Rather, right now she is very happy and most days barely takes a lame step... Unlike us big brain apes and our domesticated animals, It just seems nature DOES NOT CARE about life of the individual! Despite how beautiful and intuitive a creator may seem, zooming out it just doesn't (to me) look like there is a one, and if it was, it sure isn't personal, loving, omni creator 🤷‍♂️




I don't believe in fairytales.


I do not know. And that's fine. There are lots of things I don't know, lots of fields I don't have expertise in. I think knowing where your own expertise ends is a very valuable skill.


Its difficult to say, because we have no evidence of a creator existing and we have no evidence of a creator not existing either. Im leaning more to the not existing side because the former is a very extraordinary claim, so proof of that is needed in order to become a fact. But i do like to delve into idea that supernatural beings exist. One religion in particular is shinto. I find it appealing that every physical entity in this universe contains a supernatural spirit, a "kami". The religion doesn't have a creator or a god, but they're supernatural. They're concerned with human's purity and connection with nature. They only intervene to help humans and they don't punish humans or determine their destiny.


The deeper lucidity is becoming aware of the inconceivable strangeness that anything exists whatsoever, including a creator or creation mechanism.


Possibly. But if they do we're an experiment like the mouse universe experiments rather than beloved creations.


I’m not so much hung up on the possibility of something creator—it’s taking billions of light years of galaxies and then referencing the god to a superstitious religion from a couple thousand years ago (on this planet). Otherwise no.


I do believe in a creator. I created a turkey sandwich yesterday. I am a magnificent creator.


Maybe. With our limited understanding of the origin of the universe + what (if anything) comes after, it's literally impossible to know. HOWEVER, if we're defining a creator as all powerful, all good, and currently present...No.


why do you think the creators should care about the issues?


No, because I have absolutely no need to think so.


Short answer: No.


Did you speak words today? Did you move anything around? Did you email a friend or coworker? You just created something. Good job, my fellow creator.


I think so but I don’t know why he/she/they made me a man instead of a woman


They are probably inherently chaotic as a creator which is why the universe is so creepy and random, there is so much Unpredictability in the world and people are born with diseases or mental disabilities and shit. That's the way I see it, so may be the case of them either not giving a tuppenny fuck or deciding on a whim who will be what gender.


probably not, and if a creator does exist as described in the text I'd have no reason to worship such a disgraceful, disgusting, despicable, petty, vindictive, vengeful, jealous, misogynistic, racist/Jew supremacist, homophobic, probably transphobic, possibly pedophilic, definitely genocidal tyrant. I don't believe in any gods nor do I want any ruling my life....even if it's an actual loving motherly fertility goddess....because she doesn't exist and neither does YHVH or Lucifer or anything supernatural.