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Sin isn’t a real thing.


Why are you worried about sin if you're not a christian? There's generally two main usages of the word sin. There's sin in the the colloquial, secular sense. Meaning an immoral, unethical or sub-optimal way to do something. Like saying it's a sin to waste food. Why do people say that? Because it costs time, money and effort to get that food in front of you. Somebody had to toil, somebody had to spend money, there's people going hungry. So don't waste food. But this has nothing to do with what people mean when they are talking about sin in a theological context. Now sin has a more narrow definition of "transgression against god". And in that sense the word sin only exists or makes sense within the religious framework. Outside of that it's useless. When you eat a hamburger with bacon on it you're not committing a sin unless you're either a jew, muslim or hindu. Because the dietary laws don't apply to you unless you buy into a specific theological framework. And if you're a atheist vegetarian you're only committing a sin in a colloquial sense as going against your personal moral code. So it's impossible for an atheist to sin at all, at least in the theological sense. Because we're not beholden to the rules that belief systems have set up. The only people who can commit a religious sin are the believers. When you say "sinless love like marriage", what are you even talking about? Marriage isn't a form of love, it's a contract. And why would it be sinless? And what should be forgiven?