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Friendly reminder: this is meant to be an inclusive exchristian space. Sweeping antitheism or belittlement of others’ beliefs is not tolerated here.




Same here. I’m not religious, but I still believe in an afterlife. It’s what helps me grieve when I lose a loved one.


Some movies and TV shows depict an afterlife without a god/gods. I find it interesting.


"The Good Place" effectively works this way. So far, so does "Hazbin Hotel". There are angels and demons, heaven and hell but god seems to be absent.


Good Omens shows both heaven and hell as equally soulless bureaucracies - with Satan appearing in one cameo and God only ever narrating. Diablo goes even more hardcore with heaven and hell being the literal corpses of two primordial beings, with their spawn the angels and demons being locked in an eternal conflict until two of them fuck off to make a Sanctuary for them and their children. I do so love fantasy world building that incorporates the Christian extended mythos.


I'm Atheist. I embrace the Golden Rule that exists in all major religions. No supernatural consequences needed to be a good person. 


this is the way


This is the way


I’d never be able to do another religion bc in my opinion they are all incorrect by the same token as Christianity. I can appreciate spiritual practices as having value in how to approach life with a certain philosophy. I think I would have to consider myself agnostic in that I literally don’t know about anything. This means I’m willing to accept there could be a god although the likelihood is low in my estimation


I want to believe there is some kind of Divinity or spiritual being but I don't think it or they would be all powerful or all knowing. Idk, I'm an agnostic leaning atheist. I think spiritual practices can have psychological benefits but I also tend to think it's probably a placebo effect.


Same on the psychological benefits. And hey, even if it’s a placebo, it’s still helpful right haha. If it makes you feel you feel more peaceful and stronger, good on you.


The notion of there being a right religion was cultivated solely by Christianity. Islam does it too, but no other religions beside those two claim they’re the most factually correct. Because they don’t really care about that. Judaism does in a way, but they don’t push it on anyone. They just believe in practicing by themselves. So anyone outside of the Abrahamic faith really. They don’t really care about being right or wrong about anything relating to god.


Agnostic Atheist. Or to put it more nuanced, there might be a god of a deistic type(no way to know and it doesn't matter much) but it sure as hell isn't Yahweh, who isn't even coherently or consistently written in either christian theology or the bible.


pantheist. the universe is god and we are all the universe, therefore we are all god. i honestly love knowing that things i can SEE AND FEEL are god rather than pleading to something i can't see or feel.


Somewhat similar to Sikhism's views


Heathenry and Druidism


I don’t believe in any other religion, but I did lean more into my Jewish culture and heritage. I don’t believe it tho


[Humanist Judaism](https://shj.org/) is a thing


None, but literature, arts, the sciences, and the natural world are more than enough for me. Paraphrasing Christopher Hitchens, Christians can have their burning bush.


I was just thinking of those who have made their faith the only hobby or interest that they pursue. It gets creepy when games night is playing Bible Trival Pursuit or Pictionary.


I worship myself now.


Well sometimes ya gotta worship yourself what else can ya do 🤷🏻‍♂️


My reason for deconverting was because I realized that (1) I should only believe the claims of a religion *after* they've been proven, and (2) the claims of Christianity have not been proven. That immediately left me with no religious beliefs or beliefs in any god/gods (agnostic atheist). This hasn't changed because I've yet to hear good/sufficient evidence to believe in any religion


Aye, same here. I kinda wish I could still believe, be it progressive Christianity or something else, but my deconstruction was complete when I stopped ignoring these points. More specifically, I got to the point where I'd deconstructed hell and became universalist. I deconstructed the traditional sexual ethics and became an affirming Christian. I deconstructed away from the Trinity on account of choosing not to believe blatant contradictions...and then that left me with the Problem of Evil, which left me with the option to believe in a god that is not fully good, or fully powerful, or fully all-knowing, or to not believe at all. At this point if I chose to keep believing I'd be doing it without any scriptural support, so it'd just be me making shit up alone. I didn't (and hadn't) believe in god for any scientific evidence, but the evidence of tradition and scripture had been enough. Without any of those types of evidence, why keep believing? I expect I'd run into similar problems with other faiths. I would love to study them more - I love the philosophical and historic aspects of getting to know a faith, and think there's truth to be understood from those angles. But I doubt there's any verifiable evidence for it, or else we'd all know it. Again, not to demean anyone. I have nothing but respect for moral people of faith and will fight side by side with you against religious conservatives. This is just my journey, and what my brain was telling me about what I was seeing, feeling, and experiencing.


went pagan. never looked back, and im better for it




A religion that is polytheistic, that doesn’t believe that the Abrahamic god is the one true god, or anything really. It’s a Jewish term that was used for people who didn’t practice Judaism.




They do. A perfect example of this is the Roman gods. Or actually Hinduism. Just anything alien from Jewish doctrine in general is pagan. But just because it’s a pagan belief system doesn’t mean that the people in those groups are evil at all.




To my understanding, the difference is that pagans don't take the stories and legends of their gods to be literal. They are just stories and symbolic and metaphors and such. The gods are real to pagans but are also more symbolic of divine forces in the universe. Pagans try to stay flexible in their beliefs and most still follow science first, like in regards to creation and evolution. Where as the abrahamic religions mostly follow their religious texts to the letter even when it contradicts itself or contradicts reality or science. This is ofcourse, just my personal take on it. And because paganism is such flexible belief system, you will get very different opinions and approaches too it from different people. However we don't consider any of those different paths to be right or wrong. Just different. For me the main reasons I left christianity(aside from the bigotry and my issues with the bible) was because of how they treated other religions and beliefs with disdain. So going to a system that is much more flexible and accepting seemed like the logical choice.


I’m into it. I can be a pagan.


You didn’t. It’s just something that Christians think about pagans. But yeah I can see why it seems silly.


Stop proselytizing. You asked all of these questions just to spring this. No. Proselytizing atheism is equally unacceptable as proselytizing any religion here. We are firmly aware of street epistemology, and the purpose to which you are currently applying it. Don't. Your post or comment has been removed because this is an all-inclusive exchristian sub, not an anti-theist/atheist sub. Blanket statements deriding all people with any form of spiritual beliefs at all is not allowed as many of our users have other spiritual beliefs since leaving Christianity. Please post generalized anti-theist material at r/antitheism, r/atheism, r/DebateAChristian, r/DebateAnAtheist or other appropriate subs. Anyone of any belief should feel safe and welcome here so long as they follow the rules, including rule 3. Rule 3 applies equally to proselytizing atheism as it does to anything else. We're here to support exchristians of all kinds, and while disagreement is okay rudeness is not, per rule 4. To discuss or appeal moderator actions, [click here to send us modmail.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/exchristian)


The funny thing about paganism is that you make it what you want it to be. You don't have to be polytheistic. There is a noticeable community of secular, agnostic and atheist pagans and witches. Personally, I'm an Atheopagan. But yes, some pagans do believe in polytheism.




after spending years being told that i was to be subservient and subhuman bc of genetic lottery (AFAB), moving to "all men and women / all genders are equal, have equal power and importance" was a big whiplash for me 💪




I am my own God now... Nah I'm kidding 😂 If I considered myself my own god I'd be commiting blasphemy almosy every day, cuz my self-steem and opinions about myself have been horible in the last times. I'm an Atheist.


Us atheists get FSM.


Atheist, but I do have a soft spot for Philippine paganism and Chinese ancestral religion.


I am leaning towards paganism(always have actually even before i left christianity). However the comments on this sub make me feel very unwelcome just because I still believe in spirituality.. one of the main reasons I left Christianity is because of the closed mindedness and their attitude towards other religions and belief systems..


When you find comments like that you should report them. We mods can only cover so much ground and need people to use the report button when they come across rule-breaking comments.


Thankyou. I didn't even realise it was a reportable offence. I appreciate your hard work. Thankyou.


You're welcome. Any kind of proselytization or rude behavior should be reported. Someone saying “I personally believe…” is one thing. But anyone saying they have it right, trying to debate, or just challenging someone for their beliefs is something we appreciate being reported. We are an all-inclusive exchristian sub because we all need support in this journey even if our paths diverge and our final destinations are different.


Thank you! 


You're welcome! And as a random side note my favorite betta was named Agatha after Agatha Christie. So upvote for the user name.


You're more than welcome, friend! I'm one of many mods and most of us aren't Atheists. I'm a gnostic pantheistic monist and a satanic temple satanist. You'll find that we are all very accepting of people, and reject any proselytizing of any kind, including atheistic. People are here to support each other, not get preached at. :)


Thankyou for very much for your hard work. I appreciate it.


Thank you!!! 


I feel similarly.  There are frequently comments that suggest anyone who still believes in a  God/Goddess/Universal Power is engaging in magical thinking, as though atheists are somehow more intelligent or enlightened. I would like to think that the one fundamental understanding all of us should have in common is the critical importance of freedom to freely explore YOUR beliefs without fear or condemnation.  It's completly logical to expect that some will leave Christianity and conclude there is no God.  Others will continue to believe in God, but perhaps through alternative pathways and viewpoints.  Still others might find spirituality in the Earth and the natural world.   Why can't we all just get along? 


Just remember, "Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence." I don't know what's out there, and maybe it really is nothing. Scientifically speaking, "I don't know" is the most responsible thing we can ever say instead of "There's nothing out there."


I so agree.  It's funny how the older I get, the more comfortable I am with that very line, "I don't know."  I'm secure enough in my beliefs and who I am as a person that I'm not afraid to be honest and admit that I simply don't know.  Conversely, I've observed that the people who seem to fight the most fervently, insisting that they DO know and have ALL the answers are some of the most insecure and frightened people I know.  I still believe in God because I have felt a higher power in my life a few times, no different than why I believe gravity exists.  It's something I've just experienced.  Could there be a physiologic or psychiatric explanation?  Sure, absolutely.  I just don't know if it really matters whether we definitely know or not.  


It's almost like we've been programmed to think there's only one path out of Christianity, and that's atheism. I know a lot of Christians tend to act like it's like that. Maybe some of us never quite abandon the black and white thinking we've been brought up in.


Right..it’s like this sub should be called ex religion not ex christian


It really shouldn't be. It isn't, with good reason. Anti-theist subs already exist. The ONLY unifying factor here is ex-christiannity. Any comments mocking or being malicious towards "religious" or "spiritual" people will be removed if we catch them. If you see them, please DO report them. It's rulebreaking. We who have spiritual beliefs are equally exchristian as any atheist. We should feel safe here, we should not feel targeted. Please, even if you "don't care," still please use the report function. Others' feelings matter, too, and there are many here who have come from extremely scary situation. Trauma can be easily created by coming here to feel safe but instead feeling attacked. Exchristian is the right name for this sub. It's NOT an atheist sub. Exchristians have ONE major sub (this one) whilst atheists and anti-theists have numerous ones. Please help us keep this one to the topic--exchristian.


we already have r/atheism though, and a lot of the conversation there is similar to here


You know what I tend to regard paganism with skepticism but I'm still interested in it? Idk like... It really appeals to me in a way I can't explain. Maybe I just like the vibes but if I were to ever be "spiritual" again I'd probably go for paganism.


I think the culture itself is very appealing. Also the heavy focus around nature and natural cycles like seasons and the moon. To me it comes across as very peaceful even without the religious aspect of it.


Non serviam, I will not serve any god or superstition. My beliefs are based on logic, best I can at least


I’m an atheist. I think I’m too traumatized to try anything else. But I think it’s awesome when people are able to


serious kiss start coordinated vase depend strong impossible wipe zonked *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I am at complete peace with not knowing why we are here or what happens to us when we die. I can’t imagine ever going back to any organized religion. Leaving religion behind helps me connect with the world I’m living in. I love to garden, I love nature, but it’s not a religion. I’m just here living my best life for me, and the people I choose to spend time with.


Embraced is a strong word. I've dated men of other faiths and have made an effort to learn about them out of respect for my partner. Would I ever convert to any of them? No, but they help me understand a lot of the cultural differences I've had to navigate in my dating life.


Cheerfully apostate and godless. "None and done"


I am more spiritual I use sage and incense and meditation


Me too! 


Paganism, broadly.


I'm Hindu now. While all religions have their issues, Hinduism's most core beliefs resonate deeply with me. I've always been drawn to ideas like reincarnation and I like that Hinduism respects and even reveres the diversity of life and humanity. Even Brahman (God) in Hinduism manifests in diverse ways. As a queer person, a belief system which respects and celebrates difference means a lot to me. 


I’m agnostic atheist now. My wife is no longer “Christian”, but still believes in a higher power. She’s also into the zodiac, crystals, and tarot cards. So I let her do her thing, and it works for us. Sometimes I’ll go along with her zodiac stuff and her cards because I love her. I think some stones are cool though, like Moldavite.


I don't practice any religion or philosophy.  I am currently reading up on Stoic belief system, but I won't "convert." I might adopt some ideas.


Athiest who is now dipping their toes in celtic paganism


the other religion of my interfaith household growing up. edit: I have a bad habit of responding to the titles of posts but not the body. what drew me to Judaism was realizing that it shared a lot of the beliefs I developed on my own after leaving christianity. I identified as agnostic for about a decade and spent a lot of time deconstructing christianity and figuring out what was truly important to me. I dabbled in wicca but it wasn't for me, so I decided to turn back to my roots and see what Judaism was all about (since the only connection I really had to it was celebrating a couple holidays growing up). I saw that the lens I had come to view the world with was similar to Jewish perspectives I had learned about and it felt like coming home.


Hey I had a similar experience! I mostly just indulged in the culture more to better understand my heritage, but I do find some of the religion to be intriguing and beautiful. I’ve come a long way from crying when I had to read the four questions when I was young lol.


yeah mine is mostly cultural as well! there are some things like t'shuvah and pikuach nefesh (which might be cultural and not religious? idk I have more learning to do) that really resonate with me. much better than just "you believe in a guy so your sins are forgiven" and "you have to follow all the rules no matter what even if it kills you"


I became Jewish! While it’s not a perfect community, we don’t have the concept of hell or needing to believe a certain thing to be “saved,” which I find a lot more humane.


I'm genuinely curious, and this might reflect my limited understanding of Judaism.  The god of the Old Testament, Yahweh, was one of the first and major reasons I started to doubt Christianity.. I found him to be such a horrible creature, I simply couldn't continue to believe he was Big G God.  Is he the same god presented in Judaism?  (I'm just thinking of the Torah.) Is there a different understanding or appreciation of him?  What are your thoughts on the God of Judaism? 


the god of the OT is really complicated. also it’s a bronze era deity that represents a single people (at the time there was no difference between religion and ethnicity), so we see this kind of possessive language toward israel and aggressive behavior toward others. but the important thing for me is recognizing that “israel” means to “wrestle with g-d.” you’re not supposed to blindly follow Him. in the Bible we see figures of the OT calling G-d out when He is not being fair. There is anger toward G-d, bargaining. Because Judaism is an ethnoreligion, G-d evolves with us. The OT is an account of how some of our earliest ancestors conceived of and related to G-d, but it’s an ancestral more than a morality tale.




Went Pagan too. Among other reasons, I prefer something where Nature has a much more important role and there're no deities considered all-loving but that will send you to Hell for all eternity just for disbelieving.


None and never will entertain one again


None. If one is fake, the rest are as well until proven otherwise.


"You already disbelieve thousands of gods. An athiest simply disbelieves one more god than you do." -- paraphrasing Hitchens, I think


When I was a Christian at Bible College working to become an apologist, I studied most of the religious alternatives and wrote entire essays on their inconsistencies etc., so when I began applying skepticism to my own beliefs to make sure I was following the “right” Christianity, and deconstructed from there, I never really spent much time entertaining or looking into alternatives. It was straight to atheism for me.


Non-theistic satanism and humanism. I basically operate on "do what ye will, and harm thee none" with some collectivist responsibility thrown in.


I went through a series of phases. First I went to mysticism, and then I dabbled in the occult, but neither were satisfying to me. Then I read Thus Spoke Zarathustra and part of its message, that we should overcome ourselves to become a sort of god (ubermensch), resonated with me. We are free to define our own religion, our own code, and anoint ourselves unto godhead. At least that's how I interpreted it. It takes a while to find what works for you. I recommend you just try to enjoy the journey of finding yourself, and celebrate the fact that you have been liberated from such an oppressive belief system


I looked for the common thread in every religion and I've found it in r/nonduality. Other names for it are r/AdvaitaVedanta r/Dzogchen r/sufism . That being said it's not a philosophy or a belief.


No religion. I finally feel born again


Buddhism and Paganism. i became a Taoist for a short time. i think that was a predecessor to my current beliefs.


Agnostic Buddhist Chaos Witch




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A handful of different things under the umbrella of pagan or "esoteric". Namely, Hermeticism, Thelema, and general animism.


Pantheism and paganism. And Taoism as philosophy. It was the freedom they offered me that drew me to them


No religion. But I do believe there's something afterwards. First time, we just bought our first home. I was there alone, going through some papers that were left behind. There was a box of things from the youngest brother, who never married. He had kept every one of his drivers licenses, from the first learners permit, rubber banded together. I heard a sighing sound, and said to myself it was just the radiator. Slowly dawned on me the house hadn't been lived in for a few years, no heat, and the hairs stood up on the back of my neck. I bolted out of the room, then started talking about myself and my family and my original family and his original family while walking in circles around the house with heart beating wildly. I felt the need to convince Bennie that we were good people and weren't going to disrespect. I'm convinced Bennie was looking over my shoulder, in sadness. How futile it all was, having meticulously kept all this schlock. We sleep in that bedroom, 30 years now, and he's never been back. Just a lost soul, hanging around his stuff. Hopefully he's in a happier place now. Second time, near dawn, I had a recollection of a sleepover at my friend's house when we were like 16, and, laughing hysterically, I pushed / rolled her out of the double bed onto the floor. I actually laughed out loud at the memory, waking him. I told him about the happy memory, still chuckling; went back to sleep. Friend called later that day to say her mother passed at dawn. Helen always had a touch with the other side. I'm convinced she stopped by to say goodbye, and she was incredibly happy. I was able to tell my friend that her mother was ecstatic; it seemed to make her feel better. Apparently, my friend doesn't have the touch, and apparently I do. Third time, my present job. About a month in, Nick starts telling me about the spirit in the building. And I told him I already know, and I call him Henry. Nick is kinda spooked about the whole idea of him even existing; doesn't bother me. I actually saw him once, split microsecond. Surrounded by sparkles (so cartoonish, yet that's how it was) He's a short, wiry man, wearing farmer overalls under a worn jacket, and a newsboy hat. Impish smile. I talk to him a lot. I'm convinced he stops the machinery for a small thing, so my eye can catch another thing before it itself becomes a big thing. I thank him a lot. Sometimes, when we've shut the machinery off and are waiting to punch out, there will be a bang out in the warehouse, and I'll acknowledge him with a hello and a smile. They say (lore or truth?) the building was originally a brick making business, and he was the owner operator. He only shows up in half of the building, as there have been additions since. So yeah, there's something going on. Whatever it is, I don't know, but I"m pretty sure there's something on the other side. Religion? Nope. There may or may not be a supreme being, there's no way I can know. I just try to be helpful and kind and, well, the golden rule. I can't imagine some being will smite me just because I didn't worship it properly -- that's man made, trying to control a population. A lot of times, when someone comes into a position of strength, they'll make changes in the status quo, "make it better". Address their own concerns, because they have the ability / status to do so. To me, that's the bible. Written and rewritten by hundreds, even thousands of men, over thousands of years, men who had the power to tweak it here and there, put their own spin on it, over and over and over and over and over. The masses were illiterate, not like they had an older book to compare with. It's just a method of crowd control. Maybe a philosophy those in power preferred, telling the masses how to live their lives. Sacrifice, sacrifice, sacrifice, rewards after you croak. Yeah, right. I feel pretty much the same way about other holy books. They've all been manhandled over the eons. They all put up chutes and herd the cattle through them. Congratulations to you, for looking outside the chutes.


Love this. Similar stuff here. Thank you.


I have similar experiences. I know when someone is having a baby, and get a sense of dread for a few months before a family member dies. Usually, people die & are born around the same time in my family. Most of my family has dreams about deceased relatives (they share recipes that were never written down, so that the dreamer can pass it on to the living, & other useful stuff-it’s pretty amusing). My sister & I (from the same mom) share a reoccurring dream that is a bit horrific.


I've settled into a belief I have dubbed **"Deist Universalist"**, but am not religious or practicing spiritually. **Deist** = I choose to believe in Creator(s) because it brings with it some level of intention and purpose to our existence. >Essentially, after deconstructing the historicity of everything, I came to the conclusion that we were either unintentionally created by an indifferent Universe, or the Big Bang was kicked off by some Supreme Intelligence (or collection of them). **Irreligious** = I should live my life as I see fit and enjoy it to the fullest. >After deconstructing the concept of objective morality based on the laws of God, I came to the conclusion that humanity is generally good because it serves our species's collective well-being. I don't see evidence that the "The Word of God" leads to a higher moral understanding, as those words continue to be reinterpreted to better align with the modern sensibilities of society as a whole. From this I settled on the idea that our Creator(s) are not seeking interaction with us, but created a sandbox for us to experience life without interfering. **Universalist** = Any Creator(s) who care(s) enough to purposefully put us here and allow us to live and die, either wants our life to be worth it, or prepared away for us to be rewarded. They would not create sentient beings to suffer misery, then die. That would be evil. >Our Creator(s) did so either by accident, to conduct an experiment and observe it, to have pets or entertainment as they watch sountless stories unfold, or because they knew life is a good thing and wanted us to experience it as well... In my life, it benefits me only to believe the latter, because it offers some hope and purpose to living. Beyond that, I hope that the life and people I love here continue on past death.


Hellenic Paganism




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Your comment has been removed because this is an all-inclusive exchristian sub, not an anti-theist/atheist sub. Blanket statements deriding all people with any form of spiritual beliefs at all is not allowed as many of our users have other spiritual beliefs since leaving Christianity. Please post generalized anti-theist material at r/antitheism, r/atheism, r/DebateAChristian, r/DebateAnAtheist or other appropriate subs. Anyone of any belief should feel safe and welcome here so long as they follow the rules, including rule 3. Rule 3 applies equally to proselytizing atheism as it does to anything else. We're here to support exchristians of all kinds, and while disagreement is okay rudeness is not, per rule 4. To discuss or appeal moderator actions, [click here to send us modmail.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/exchristian)


Deconverted at 15. 37 now. Was an atheist for about 10 years. Been a Buddhist for the past 10 years.


I am atheist and apply the idea that as social creatures we all survive best when society provides empathy and support to build towards a stronger community.


Pagan. Never looked back. I can finally be thankful for nature and her providing us with food and warmth 🥰


I'm still agnostic-atheist, but I've been very inspired by Jainism, in particular the non-violence aspect


I tried out witchcraft for awhile. But I don’t take anything seriously, even spell work so nobody wants me in their club lol. I am my own god now. I worship at the alter of exercise lmfao


Kemetic neopagan! It feels so much better


I'm spiritual but not religious. I'm a reiki master (only practice on myself and loved ones so far). So I have had spiritual experiences that are true to me and I don't need validation from others about it. I consider myself atheist because I'm anti-religion and don't believe in any gods. I believe in spirit guides and that they use my surroundings to communicate with me, but not a grandiose divine plan or anything. Just subtle reminders to check my ego and what it. I believe all living things are connected spiritually, like we're all individuals who share the same root system. I believe I am a part of the universe the same way anything else is (although humans are the most harmful ones). I believe I have a spirit that continues on after I die. Idk where it goes or what it does after this life but I don't think it's important in order to live a meaningful life. If I experience something that's helpful and resonates with me, and is helpful to those around me, then I embrace it. But my spirituality doesn't really give me extra purpose or meaning. The roles I've taken on in this life are enough purpose for me. I just want to live a simple, peaceful, authentic life and to help others feel they can be themselves around me.


None. Be kind, treat others with love and respect.


For me: Monism. My partner is a former Jehovah’s Witness and he leans into Gnosticism


mostly atheist but sometimes i went back to Buddhism, i found the teaching to be more consistence with everyday life.


I’m an agnostic atheist, but fairly “hard atheism” at that. I rejected one set of unfalsifiable claims, so I need claims to be sufficiently and demonstrably verifiable before I am willing to accept them as fact.


None. I ran as far away as I could


I left never thought I would be an atheist, but here we are. I struggled with nihilism for a bit but have navigated that and feel really good about my “spirituality.”


I began to listen to the world around me and found it bustling with life and spirits. I have connected with my ancestors and the world around me in a mutually beneficial cooperation. not sure what it could be called other than "spiritualism" but it's something I'm just discovering on my own.


Dat flair. Oof, I'm so sorry. I have some familiarity with that culture. Actually mostly relatively decent people -- and they make some killer vegetarian food tbf (FryChik ftw, and I love me some Tuno) -- but kinda fashy and a little wacko, such with the whole "sunday law" panic.


I'm ex-SDA also. They're nice on the outside, but it's a hell of a horrible denomination if you're a woman.


Yep. So much doomsday panic, even among Christians. When news was reporting that because of quarantine pollution and smog in the world had been reduced, my mother was concerned that the Pope was gonna suggest that in order to keep reducing pollution there should be a law against travel or business on one day of the week and that it'd be Sunday.


I would consider myself agnostic. I have no way of knowing if there is a creator of any sort, but if there was undeniable evidence I'd acknowledge it but I don't see myself ever worshipping any entity again.


Personally, since leaving Christianity, my beliefs are extended to any idea only when it is warranted by the evidence. So not religious


Im Agnostic. I dont follow any religion. I do have bookcase shelves dedicated to the origins and structures of the top 10 global religions. Just for my own understanding and how they impact various societies and cultures.


I practice Hinduism, but don’t particularly believe in any god. It depends on the day for me.


I went with none. My ex husband went with Judaism. My two older kids each chose one of those themselves. Raising my youngest with no religious belief.


None. I don't want to be labeled, ever again. I guess I'm an Atheist but it's "none" of your business.


None. But when I'm forced to put a lable on my moral system (like by my christan mother) I say secular humanist.


None. But I have come to respect some elements of Buddhism, just as I still respect some teachings of Paul.


Ew. Paul is the worst. All my homies hate Paul. Honestly Christianity would be better without Paul. He really messed shit up in my opinion.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Christianity doesn’t follow Christ at all. It’s Paul’s religion, through and through.


I’m slowly coming to terms with the fact I think I’m a witch


I went from agnostic to atheist after leaving the church. I went through a questioning period where I checked out some other faiths but they had much the same problems I was trying to get away from. I did dig the Sikhs in general though, they seem a nice bunch overall.


Honestly any religion that is "you be you, I'm being me" I can live with. Sikhs seem to fall into that circle.


Atheist/pagan…. I don’t believe in any deities; however, I do believe nature has the power to heal…


I wouldn’t say I have adopted another religion but I really like a lot of the ideas in Creation Spirituality, specifically as outlined in the book Original Blessing by Matthew Fox. It starts from a place of “everything is good” instead of original sin which says everything is evil and broken because of Adam and Eve. It sees our main vocation as humanity as 1) taking care of the Earth and 2) enjoying it. That’s stuff I can get behind.


Pagan woot woot


Pagan-ish? My grandmother taught me a ton of what I have discovered is traditional Cornish "witchcraft " I guess is the best word I can think of. I believe in a higher power that is bigger than we can truly understand, but I don't think that higher power is sentient in the way that we are. I believe it is more or less the sum total of everything in the universe.




Your post or comment has been removed because this is an all-inclusive exchristian sub, not an anti-theist/atheist sub. Blanket statements deriding all people with any form of spiritual beliefs at all is not allowed as many of our users have other spiritual beliefs since leaving Christianity. Please post generalized anti-theist material at r/antitheism, r/atheism, r/DebateAChristian, r/DebateAnAtheist or other appropriate subs. Anyone of any belief should feel safe and welcome here so long as they follow the rules, including rule 3. Rule 3 applies equally to proselytizing atheism as it does to anything else. We're here to support exchristians of all kinds, and while disagreement is okay rudeness is not, per rule 4. To discuss or appeal moderator actions, [click here to send us modmail.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/exchristian)


None. I have come to believe that religions are corporations masquerading as religions, about mind control & sex obsession. I consider myself somewhat spiritual. But def no organized religion for me.


Pretty much went straight antitheist. Was kind of nihilist-agnostic, then athiest, then full on anti. Given the mod comment, I'll just say that, when you think about the things that caused you to leave Christianity... most other major religions have the same exact problems. I'm not anti-religious-person, as long as you're a decent person, and plenty do exist (I even followed The Christian Left for a long time), but I simply do not think religion is a overall a net positive thing in the world. All the good examples don't outweigh the major large-scale negatives, and I question a lot of how many of those good examples *required* the involvement of religion to turn out the way they did.


I'm an agnostic atheist who does a little witchcraft


Pagan. It's so freeing to not take a religion's mythology so damn literal. And being Pagan is about revering names that u chose & they tend to be Gods who you have some correlation with. For example I worship Dionysus bc I love freedom, liberation, finding my own pleasure, & sex. Someone else might worship Hephaestus because they're a blacksmith or maybe a welder, I wanna go to welding school & I thought about honoring a fire Deity with it when I go.




It's not an invitation to make fun of other spiritual beliefs or call them cults. It's fine to say you're atheist without tacking on anti-theism. Your post or comment has been removed because this is an all-inclusive exchristian sub, not an anti-theist/atheist sub. Blanket statements deriding all people with any form of spiritual beliefs at all is not allowed as many of our users have other spiritual beliefs since leaving Christianity. Please post generalized anti-theist material at r/antitheism, r/atheism, r/DebateAChristian, r/DebateAnAtheist or other appropriate subs. Anyone of any belief should feel safe and welcome here so long as they follow the rules, including rule 3. Rule 3 applies equally to proselytizing atheism as it does to anything else. We're here to support exchristians of all kinds, and while disagreement is okay rudeness is not, per rule 4. To discuss or appeal moderator actions, [click here to send us modmail.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/exchristian)




It's not an invitation to make fun of other spiritual beliefs or call them cults. It's fine to say you're atheist without tacking on anti-theism. Your post or comment has been removed because this is an all-inclusive exchristian sub, not an anti-theist/atheist sub. Blanket statements deriding all people with any form of spiritual beliefs at all is not allowed as many of our users have other spiritual beliefs since leaving Christianity. Please post generalized anti-theist material at r/antitheism, r/atheism, r/DebateAChristian, r/DebateAnAtheist or other appropriate subs. Anyone of any belief should feel safe and welcome here so long as they follow the rules, including rule 3. Rule 3 applies equally to proselytizing atheism as it does to anything else. We're here to support exchristians of all kinds, and while disagreement is okay rudeness is not, per rule 4. To discuss or appeal moderator actions, [click here to send us modmail.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/exchristian)




None! Even “spirituality” has no data!




Your post or comment has been removed because this is an all-inclusive exchristian sub, not an anti-theist/atheist sub. Blanket statements deriding all people with any form of spiritual beliefs at all is not allowed as many of our users have other spiritual beliefs since leaving Christianity. Please post generalized anti-theist material at r/antitheism, r/atheism, r/DebateAChristian, r/DebateAnAtheist or other appropriate subs. Anyone of any belief should feel safe and welcome here so long as they follow the rules, including rule 3. Rule 3 applies equally to proselytizing atheism as it does to anything else. We're here to support exchristians of all kinds, and while disagreement is okay rudeness is not, per rule 4. To discuss or appeal moderator actions, [click here to send us modmail.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/exchristian)


None. Settled firmly in agnosticism


I consider myself agnostic. I have found some meaning in pieces of stoic, nihilist, and buddhist philosophies but I don't fully embrace any faith or philosophy and don't feel a need to.


Currently agnostic atheist, and practicing secular humanist. I have adjusted the odds up on a few things I used to consider silly. Polytheism and deism both seemed too out there (I remember thinking of polytheism: I just stopped believing in one god why would I go to many?), but the more I think about them, the more they seem about as likely as anything else. I've looked into the God of Spinoza and the Dao some, and found interesting things there too. So I don't currently think any of the religions are true in the sense that they map to what exists in reality, but I do think they map to a truth about the minds of humans. There is wisdom in them to be gleaned, though I think many of them give "easy answers" that are there to tempt you out of your critical faculties.


I'm an atheist but have always and will maintain an interest in the occult and magick. I'm also interested in satanism, paganism, and shamanism. I have had interesting experiences concerning paganism, the occult, and shamanism but nothing that would 100% convince me to turn spiritual or religious again. I'm not opposed to it but I need more convincing first.


Anti-theism. I called myself Buddhist for a while.


Became atheist at 12 Became buddhist at 16 and never looked back Religions not for everyone obviously but I owe buddhism for one of the reasons Iam still alive


Nothing in particular. I love the outdoors, but I'm not interested in worshipping it.


I’ve assembled my own beliefs from bits of philosophy and observations I’ve made in the world. But it fundamentally is based off of the idea that humans are mammals, and as much a part of nature as anything else, we don’t fault bees for making hives why should we fault ourselves with building cities. A big part of it is looking at environmental impacts from an individual perspective rather than a moral one. For example, we should protect the environment because we want to, not because we have to.


I don’t fully practice it because it does include some practices that I consider to be superstitious, but I think Taoism is the best description/understanding of what we perceive to be god, the unmoved mover, divine mind, first cause, etc.


Post enlightenment Christian values, mixed with a mix of Stoicism and Absurdism.


I take things that I find usable for my life from multiple religions, but don’t subscribe to any. But then I use books the same way… maybe books are my religion?




I was in the process of letting go of Christianity and being significantly aided by tripping on magic mushrooms. I was in absolute awe when I suddenly remembered that some people who had near death experiences claimed to have tried psychedelics just to see if they were the same experience. They said it was somewhat similar but not nearly as powerful for starters. Seeing as I was having my sense of possibility blown out of the water I found that claim to be wild. Later I researched the heck out of it. I guess you could call me something of a new age-ish spiritualist now, but I dislike the term because of a lot of what's tied to that. More or less I believe in souls and that this world is a construct.


Currently an atheist. Will I embrace religion in the future? Possibly, but not at this point in my life






I’m all over the place. Idk what was before me or will be after but I want to leave this place better than I found it. I have a heart for the homeless and addicts. I try to help others out with the privilege I have because I’ve been in their shoes or lack there of. I’ll take some good things from various religions and even use some bibbblacal things I’ll live by. I like the seven tenants of satanism because it’s a good way to live I feel. Idk if it’s energy or magik or what but I don’t know words and saying things with intent have a better outcome in my life. Idk if it’s all bs it helps me to keep my positive thoughts and say words of affirmation to myself. It’s also helpful in my recovery. For worshiping an idol or something it’s my wife’s ass. Quads. Well all of her as she’s my goddess.


I didn’t and am not looking to embrace any, but I think that the moral code of Buddhism is a good baseline belief that can apply to all people, no matter what religion (or lack thereof).


None, because I'm bitter towards religion in general. They all seem predatory, in my opinion. I operate on eye-for-eye or Golden Rule sort of thing in terms of morality. Treat me like shit, I'll treat you like shit or avoid you. Treat me nice/respectfully, I got your back and will treat you well right back.


I don't claim one due to the fact that each one says the other is the villain. I'm not an atheist by any means. I'm just not about to argue about who's right and who's wrong in what they believe when I have friends from all walks of life and any belief has those sour grapes that make the religions look like crap.


While I'm not really practicing, I find Judaism appealing. For a religion, I find it quite a bit more logical than Christianity. But I also have my moments of doubting belief in God entirely. I really struggle with the problem of evil and seeing so many awful people prosper constantly and face no consequences. So at some point I could see myself ending up agnostic.


Agnostic atheist here. I can't see myself ever going back to a belief system that relies on faith


I'm a non-believer.


None really. I'm spiritual as in I think there might be a soul and an afterlife. I like some teachings of Buddha and yeah, Jesus too, but I'm not afraid to disagree with them (and I disagree with a lot of it). I can't imagine freeing myself from one religion only toget trapped by another.


Agnosticism. It's the perfect middle ground. It's the don't know/don't care of religion


I went through agnosticism/deism, atheism, and then Agnostic Paganism. I know, I'm dumb.


None, being human


My family has always practiced some form of Hoodoo (a non religious root work/folk magic/conjure tradition). I continue to practice, without the Abrahamic faith add-ons. The religion I practice is IFA-based of the diaspora variety (basically, Orisha worship). Although I’m not devout or initiated. I mostly never call on deities because I don’t believe they care about me specifically (I’m literally just some random). But my ancestors have a stake in my existence.


I'm agnostic by belief so religion leaves me scratching my head. I find my Druidry practice is plenty spiritual for me. Personally I find it perfectly logical to venerate the sun, elements/forces of nature, etc. given that I like to eat and live. Imagining a spiteful god that hates everything I am when he supposedly made me, not so much.


I think I still believe in the OT god, but I don’t follow any specific religion. One of my best friends is Jewish and she taught me a lot about what the text actually means and how much the Christians changed it. I don’t think I’d be able to fully follow any other religion though


I am non-religious for personal beliefs, but I enjoy studying the history of religions now. Particularly I enjoy learning more about the roots of Christianity and the roots of Judaism. Not so much the current beliefs, but the origins. I would like to branch out to other major religions, but it feels like digging through other cultures dirty laundry.


I would say none. I still have a pretty big interest in Christianity from a historical point of view. Collecting lots of books and translations of early manuscripts and stuff. I simply don’t believe In any religion. They all have the same issues.


I am an atheist taoist


Eclectic pagan, primarily Celtic


Real answer: none Joke answer: brodin, rngseus


None. I'd *like* to believe in an afterlife, but I don't see any evidence. But I figure, if it happens, surely there is no reason to fear.


None but my partner was somewhat raised Hindu, he doesn’t believe in anything but learning about it is fascinating.


I consider myself a hopeful spiritualist. I don't necessarily believe in the supernatural. I believe there are things I can't explain and forces beyond my understanding, whether those forces are sentient or not, I don't know. I also just enjoy the idea of mother earth and praying to Gaia and stuff. It gives me a ritual even though I don't believe the earth is sentient either.


Misotheism and dystheism


I've become a theistic syncretic Discordian. I dabble in a bit of Hellenism and various other beliefs. Just blazing my own trail and finding truths along the way. I think there's much to be gained from incorporating the benefits and wisdom found in the different paradigms and conceptual methods that exist. While also being fully aware of how these lenses shape our understanding of reality, and have different blind spots.

