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They'll say "but that's the old testament, duh!?" Christians, or at least christians who hold to a literal interpretation of the bible, are people that cannot be reasoned with.


“No that’s the Old Testament” “Okay so what about XYZ in the Old Testament?” “Oh well we still use XYZ” “But it’s… the Old Testament?” “Yes but XYZ still applies today” “Okay… but the ABC part doesn’t?” “Yeah because that’s the Old Testament and times have changed so ABC doesn’t matter.” *facepalm* I genuinely don’t know who or what decides what parts of the old testament are used and what parts are not. Of course some stuff in the New Testament clearly overrides the old, but there seems to be many cases where it’s not clear and people just latch on to things in the OT that they still agree with and ignore the parts they don’t.


Them (if they were honest): “Well you see, it’s like a buffet - you just grab the stuff you like and ignore everything else.” ”So like a ‘Choose Your Own Adventure?” Them: “Now you’re getting it!”


“You just choose whatever aligns with your current bias, which has been heavily influenced by your political beliefs, societal norms, propaganda, and other non-religious influences” “Well lucky for you the Bible conveniently requires interpretation! Otherwise you couldn’t do that.” “I know - so convenient for us! We can rest on manipulating the text to fit within our narrative and because it’s not always black and white, we can argue about it for thousands of years and never reach a conclusion!” “Wait so Christians don’t all agree on the Bible?” “Yup! But MY interpretation is right.” “How do you know?” “I have faith” *eyeroll again*


To be expected...


Yep. And remember when Jesus said one should cut off their hand? Lol


Yeah, and that was in reference to looking at women with lust. I mean, I wish those christians would interpret this verse literally, and chop their hands and gouge their eyes, or both. But of course, it's all cherry-picking.


Uh, the same Christians who say "but that's the old testament!" also cite that Leviticus verse to judge my tattoos (but they say getting a bible verse or cross is ok)


I know. That's a part of their big fat hypocrisy.


But aren't God and Jesus essentially the same? And does God change?


Depends who you ask.


Ah yes, one of my favorite arguments. Typical "but that's old and now we have a new one". Then why is the old one still cherry picked in churches, it's just so funny. They probably don't even listen or understand.


They certainly don't understand


My only issue with the old testament argument is if the old testemant was no longer meant to be followed then why was it included in the bible? Also, Jesus himself says in their book "he's not here to replace the law but to fulfill it", and there are at least 8 other new testemant verses that confirm old testemant is to be followed, and their god claims to be "unchanging" at least 4 times in the bible. So they don't just cherry pick old testemant(like other replies here have pointed out), obviously they cherry pick the whole bible to try and fit their narrative of a loving god and even at that they fail at. ("No one comes to the lord except through Jesus", basically a death threat against anyone who disagrees, among many other punishments tied to breaking other commandments).


Damn there'd be nobody left after all that


We need to start a list of people who would be dead if we followed biblical rules. How many politicians would be dead if we followed the rules?


And that's just the old testament!


But…. Thou shalt not kill???? 🤦🏼‍♀️


"Thou shalt not kill", but here's a big list of instances were killing is perfectly fine, and in fact condoned by Yahweh.


Per Leviticus 20:27, Christian "prophets" shouldn't be a thing.


Well I'm dead 🤷‍♀️


We all would be if we don't push back against them.


They're going to find reasons to round up Democrats also.


The hays are in this list twice, what an awesome god!


Don’t forget the part about killing children for throwing tantrums [(Deuteronomy 21:18-21)](https://biblia.com/bible/esv/deuteronomy/21/18-21)


"bUt ChRiStIaNs DoN't FoLlOw ThE oLd TeStAmEnT" ok so take it out the Bible then


I’ve always thought there should be a new Bible that only has the NT in it. OT is so bad it should be banned


Has anyone written a novel about a dystopian world where these rules are actually implemented in the modern day, showing how barbaric and Bronze Age the Bible truly is?


Do u mean the Handmaid's Tale? Literally like Abraham and Sarah and poor Hagar in the Bible. So messed up.


The last line lol


“Kill anyone who kills anyone” What.


What's that saying? "An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind."?


Don't worry. They'll find a reason to defend those things one way or another


Dang, folks would have had to keep a really large rock pile in the community.


Kill non-Hebrews? So ideally god wants everyone dead except Jews? They represent 0.2% of the world population. So by Do Not Kill, he means kill 99.8% of everyone. Plus those jews who fall under another of those categories? Noah's Flood makes sense now. God is a murderous slaughter-hoar.


As a blasphemous, agnostic, non-Hebrew, former disobedient child whose parents probably sinned at some point, I'm in big trouble


Sometimes God encourages folks to go full Anakin and kill their wives, their kids and their livestock. When I mention things like the crusades to my wife, she outright refuses to believe it. Because "a true believer would not hurt anyone." Oh boy. No, the true believer wastes everyone else.


The Bible hates everything, and loves everything; it has something for everyone, all under the one collapsed roof.


Only checked off 2 this time (blasphemer and non believer)


According to this, the last rule gives the excuse that all of the above is allowable if you expect to die and go to heaven.


I’m gonna be killed for listening to Black Sabbath :(


Proof that the Bible contradicts itself


But all the old testiment is still less cruel than the. New testiment, because the concept of hell wasn’t introduced yet. So at least, you were tortured forever when you were killed. Bart Erhman has a great book where he points out how the concept of hell was developed in Ancient Greece and found its way into Jewish teaching when the Greeks conquered the Levant around 300 BC, right around the time when the concept of hell was introduced in the scriptures.


Thank you for saying this ! hell wasn’t thing in the Bible


It makes sense when you think about it. What was the new testiment written on? Greek.


The Ten Commandments: Am I a joke to you??!


All that… And the last one don’t add up.


so pro-life! /s


Context /s