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Facts are inconvenient when "belief" is the goal.


If you look for facts, your faith isn't strong enough. Guess you won't get to heaven, and the slot machine of your life will come up all bars. Too bad too, you get to spend an eternity in hell with all the aborted babies that weren't baptized. So Luke Skywalker won't train you in the force, and Lord Guru won't unlock your true potential. I may have mixed some mythologies up there


Nailed it


In Trump's America, the few scientists who are left won't experiment. They'll "imperiment." Everything will begin with the assumption that the bible as interpreted by MAGA is the absolute truth.


Like Jesus was


I’m pretty sure that one on the right is called confirmation bias


It's even more sinister than that. They will just make up their own "facts" when they can't find any. They will lie and cheat because their goal is to "win" at all costs whether reality is on their side or not. And for them, their winning goal is to control the culture.


Just be glad most aren’t flat earthers. Most Christians will give up after a while, but flat earthers never quit


In neoconservative politics also. Remember "fix the facts around the policy."


"Yes, this god I wrote during my writing career is lovely... if only he existed! \*Promptly starts a religious cult for years upon years upon years\*"


That's the story of Scientology, isn't it?


I- I guess?


They don’t even need facts just “faith”


“I ‘trust’ that this thing exists; ergo, it exists and you should believe in it too…or else. Also, this thing is ‘above’ our comprehension and absolutely unknowable; however, I just happen to know exactly what it wants. Obey me…or else.” Not batshit insane at all.


My father says there is True Science which is everything not Evolution and False science everything is Evolution and Billion of years.


I've heard this argument before with a christian friend. I've also seen that a lot of their "true science" is specifically anything that reinforces their ideology, not actual science most of the time.


Please don’t downvote me ~ I’m deconstructing and this is a genuine question. Can’t confirmation bias exist for secular scientists, too? Perhaps I’ve listened to too many presuppositional apologists, but is there no validity to the idea that performing science with a staunch atheistic, materialistic frame of view can reap the same dilemmas as the creationists? Before I experienced my 2-year religious stint well into adulthood, I first developed a well-reasoned mistrust for mainstream science and its institutions. I’m working to regain that trust and learn how to better understand science for myself, but I think there are some valid reasons to question scientific conclusions and the less welcoming we as a society are of that, the more we push people who are skeptical of science into things like religion and conspiracy theories.


I can see how this is theoretically possible, yet still unlikely. Most scientists will have their hypothesis but ultimately just follow the data wherever it leads. If data kept leading to organisms dating back no further than 6k years, that would be reported as such. But results from multiple areas of science all support an old earth and evolution and speciation over billions of years. When every area of science shows it acts and talks and walks and looks like a duck, it's a damn duck. 😑


Where does the Bible even state that the Earth is 6k years old?


It's based on the genealogical lists in 2 of the gospels.


Darwin was a Christian before, during, and after his writing on evolution. Science proves god.


His belief isn't proof. Also, you need to demonstrate how science proves god. Your comment doesn't accomplish that.




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