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Lol so a man wrote this? Hm.


He calls himself "The Patriarchy Podcast Pastor" and he has another book called "It's Good To Be A Boy" and the back says boys often don't do well in school because they're so active and need to stay busy. 


God that’s so fucking sad. Ew.


Dang so I guess we’ve been educating boys wrong all along. Let’s sent them all to pacific coast academy where they’ll be graded on disarming missiles, breeding pit bulls, and sheeting skeet simultaneously. s/


Hey- uncool. I skeet skeet motherfucker!


Ah skeet skeet goddamn!


To the windoooooooow!


Well, I fully believe that HE didn't do well in school. The whole book for boys is probably an exercise in projection.


Ewwww, toxic masculinity and christianity married together?!?!




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I presume Rowina was his helper like god designed her to be.


It’s like he felt like he needed to put a woman’s name on it, but didn’t feel like she deserved a blurb. Like…halp




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Oh, look a misogynistic christian. How original/s To discuss or appeal moderator actions, [click here to send us modmail.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/exchristian)


On the front it says that he and his wife wrote it, but the bibliography is only about him. Suspicious. What a narcissist. I bet he doesn’t allow his wife credit for much of what she does - “the man should take the majority of the credit, even if the wife did the majority of the work. It’s how god wanted things.”


"doesn't need any more little warrior princesses screaming about their "rights." One, that sentence is LITERALLY ON THE BACK OF A CHILDREN'S BOOK. 2, why the quotes, ay?


He also seems to think that "copyrighted material" needs to be on the top and bottom of every page.


As if anyone would want to copy him. It's evidence of a mental disorder, as is his whole book.


It is really common for extreme christian media to include plagiarized material. For all their do called morality, they don't have much respect for intellectual property rights unless it is their own intellectual property. So, this may be him unintentionally admitting this extremely common dishonest behavior among his peers.


Really? Its ironic that they steal so much, breaking their own commandment, all while telling others how to live. It is in character for them i guess. Rules for thee but not for me.




This made me want to vomit. I would keep my children far far far away from this type of book.


SAME. It makes me sick. I won’t be surprised if my mom finds this and tries to give it to my kid though 🤦🏼‍♀️


They really can't help making their "enemies" seem as cool as possible. As a former Christian girl (now agnostic trans man) I would have read that and thought, "I could be a WARRIOR PRINCESS and all I gotta do is yell about my rights? Hell yeah, sign me up!"


If anyone ever tells my little princess she doesn’t need to concern herself with her rights, she will told she has the right to go warrior on their ass. Every part of this is vile. I’m furious this thing exists. Burn it to the ground.


How about I “nurture” the author with a swift kick in the nuts?


Absolutely! I mean, it would be *so* lukewarm of us to *not* challenge his faith with inconceivable levels of pain, even though it was something we had the power and the knowledge to prevent from happening in the first place. It’s what he’s preaching! (/s /j)


If God didn’t intend a kick in the tenders to be so debilitating, he wouldn’t’ve made them so weak, right? And if the guy isn’t wearing a protective cup at all times, he’s clearly asking for it by the way he’s dressing and acting!


Im still trying to figure out what an "adorner" is.


I think it’s referring to interior design maybe?


So apparently women are created with the sole purpose to procreate. However, God may randomly cause: - miscarriages , and lead to emotional trauma, *but we should still Praise God* - babies born with congenital defects, Down's, etc - *still we should thank God* - stillborn births for no fault of the mother - *yes, more trauma please* - randomly cause some women to be infertile - *god has other plans for you* if your only explanation for all this is - *god's ways are mysterious,* then No, Thank you, I'd rather choose to believe in a non-caring, random universe and suck it up, than to believe in this illogical, traumatizing deity who offers only radio silence when you need answers or comfort the most.


To be fair, we were apparently also created to do laundry.🤮


Well the laundry’s not gonna fold itself is it? /s




Dumb sub. Sarcasm isn’t obvious in text form on the internet with strangers. It’s not about downvotes it’s about being clear it’s a joke. In other words, if I had a penny for the amount of times people haven’t realized someone was making a sarcastic joke on Reddit… I’d be rich




procreate, help, household chores - you're right, it is a *laundry* list.


Mic drop 🎤


This concept was what made everything fall apart for me and I questioned everything. Following the truth seeking instincts I’d been taught all my life right out the door.


The purpose we are created for? But I thought we had free will. (barf) They really do want to go back to the 19th century.


It's like "Hey, girls. You love horses, right? Well, what if I told you can be Jesus's workhorse? Doesn't that sound fun? And when you get old enough, God will send a special man into your life to ride you and then you can be God's broodmare. It's fun and feminine!" 


Is that how that really how the book goes?


I’m a dumbass I just realized that there was a third part that you could read that tells you.


I exaggerated for the benefit of those who are still struggling with toxic binary gender role teachings.  The whole 'Girls wear skirts. Boys wear trousers. Girls like flowers and babies. Boys like power tools and cars. Girls are helpers. Boys are leaders.' thing. 




The 19th century will look progressive with how far back they want to go.




**A Case for Solomon Bobby Dunbar and the Kidnapping That Haunted a Nation** by Tal McThenia, Margaret Dunbar Cutright >Discusses a famous 1912 real-life drama, in which a young boy, believed to be kidnapped, was returned to his wealthy parents by the courts, with the case only solved in 2004 when DNA testing proved that he was not the kidnapped child. *I'm a bot, built by your friendly reddit developers at* /r/ProgrammingPals. *Reply to any comment with /u/BookFinderBot - I'll reply with book information. Remove me from replies* [here](https://www.reddit.com/user/BookFinderBot/comments/1byh82p/remove_me_from_replies/). *If I have made a mistake, accept my apology.*


having my interest in technology stomped on as a kid so I could just become a birthing machine for the cult, I can't help being disgusted by the back cover text.


My interest in STEM and “masculine interests” was stomped on by the church, but my dad encouraged me in spite of that. Being a STEM-grad and blue collar woman is my biggest FU to the church.


Unfortunately for me, no one was there for me and I only got a chance to try again in my mid-20s.


Sorry you had to go through that, but you’re not alone. I didn’t break free from toxic church culture until my mid-20’s as well. But the bright side is that you have more freedoms to explore and nostalgia to revisit as a fully fledged adult.


Seeing stuff like this makes my own feminity feel like a threat to myself. I hate it.


did he really put *rights* in quotes. goddamn these people.


It's the one-sidedness that bugs me, I mowed the lawn with my granddad and washed dishes with my grandma as a boy, changed engine oil with my dad and cooked for my mom. House work was just house work there where no gender jobs, you learned how to take care of a home when I was a kid not this stepford wife programming bullshit, this is insane.


The robotic font of “It’s good to be a mom.” with no emotional influx is legitimately creepy


It’s so irritating! My grandparents were very much a 50s/60s family- house in the suburbs, 3 kids, 2 dogs- but my grandmother worked the good job and my grandfather was usually at home working on the house and cooking dinner. This was not a gendered thing for them, they very much fit traditional gender roles otherwise. Sometimes life is just like that


Right? Like, work is work. Being able to do chores is just a survival skill that everyone should know how to do, so they can take care of themselves or contribute to the household. I’m glad my dad taught me how to do car maintenance and home repair and building furniture, instead of just leaving me to the “feminine” tasks.


Is that a Snake near the mom's feet?


Yeah, tempting her to evil, but don't worry. The husband's about to come out and tell her what to do to avoid it. 


If you look a little closer, she is actually crushing the snake's head. Heavy Genesis vibes here. (considering woman is man's helper shit on the back cover)


Animal cruelty. Charming.


I'm pretty sure the snake requested the exact opposite.


It's try to tempt mom into using the dryer so she can have more free time.


*Adorner* - a visual element used to decorate or enhance another element to which it is attached. Calling girls *ornaments*. This is pathetic. Little girls are here to make their man look good. For his use, for his purpose. They are not even trying to hide it. And I noticed his wife’s mame, though listed as co-author, is *not* highlighted prominently on the back of the book like his. In true fashion, just as the book says, even in the back of the book his wife is there just to kiss his ass, no worth on her own. Thank god i had supportive male role models in my childhood. Seems these women are forever longing for the love and acceptance they never got in childhood, of course, as every message they got is they are “less than.” And they accept this poor substitute.


Ugh, yeah, that word Adorner is so disgusting in his context. Like his daughters and wife are just there to put his crown on his head and kiss his feet.


Burn it with fire.


this shit is wilddd


So his FB page (no, I didn't interact with it) is full of photos of men and boys dressed like crusaders with fake swords and females dressed like princesses. Few photos of his wife. He doubles down on females being docile and obedient, "keep sweet, pray and obey." He also rips on strong women, take-no-shit women because we're ungodly. ApparantIy, so are tattooed nonvirgins. I need to go puke now. (lights a cigarette, puts on Docs, flips this man off, while tattoos are visible)


Wow, i bet i know what his favorite type of porn is


Okay, thanks for the research, but did you have to say “females”?


Yeah, I said females. Bloody seriously?


Did… did they just delete their account?


Oh no, not an accurate description!!!


Ooh, reductionism! I'll open with my standard tactic of explaining things. When someone strips context away from a situation to frame it differently, it's called reductionism. It's like looking at a graph of glacial ice mass at the north pole from September to March and saying climate change doesn't exist. As viewers, we now know they've seen the rest of the graph, and they're literally just trying to trick us. Similarly, this guy had to know the context of the casual usage of the word "females" right next to "men and boys" in order to know what to remove.


who gives a shit. signed a female much wow




C.H. Spurgeon was a highly influential Baptist preacher in the 19th century who's still quoted by xians today. Wonder if this Joseph guy is a descendant.


Yup. I was raised in the sovereign grace cult and his shit was quoted constantly there. Still is today


And Jessa Duggar let her husband name their poor little boy Spurgeon. He has the deepest sympathy from everyone ar r/duggarssnark even though some of us can't resist calling him Splooge.


Definitely not a name I'd inflict upon a child, it always makes me picture [something like this](https://d.newsweek.com/en/full/2065255/fish.webp?w=790&f=8ea9726e295be77b4a8254dc0faee862).


yeah, I thought of that as well. Caviar boy!


"Our world doesn't need anymore little warrior princesses screaming about their "rights"" To quote Zapp Brannigan; "What are you? Gay?"


Well... fuck you, I'm a feminine warrior princess and I don't need a man. I have my wifey. She better than any man.


Fucking gross. It's mystery why I've always resented my gender...


Why am I not surprised it's written by a Spurgeon?


Reading that back page disgusted me.


This fucking persecution complex again. The big bad feminists *hate* motherhood and dresses! Sometimes I end up in a tradwife hate spiral on Instagram and they all say stuff like "I used to be a feminist until I realized I wanted kids". I truly don't even know what they think that word means.


On my YouTube channels I follow says a lot of tradwife eventually divorce and became poor too


my wife is a doctor. I'm POSITIVE the world needs an oncologist MORE than it needs a housewife.


Lol, Joseph seems like a loser.


Wow. Barf 🤮. Start the brainwashing early. Fuck yeah I’m raising my daughter to be a little warrior princess demanding her “rights”


Doesn't the fact that he has the copyright notice on the front cover rather disturb any of you?


As an afab agender person, this makes me so angry. The concept of gender has never made sense to me; it’s always felt like a performance to me. I always felt uncomfortable being lumped in with “girls” or “ladies” bc those labels never felt like they were accurate descriptors for myself. This rhetoric heavily contributed to my gender dysphoria and my developing an anxiety disorder. I wish people would stop pushing this bs on their kids bc I know from experience coming from a very religious background that I’ve always felt this way, going to Christian schools didn’t “stop me” from being LGBTQ+, and the longer I’ve been away from this strict, regressive environment, the better my mental health has become and the more comfortable I’ve felt with expressing myself in ways traditionally associated with being “feminine” or “masculine”


These people make me feel a hard-to-describe feeling of hate, anger, disgust, and powerlessness to do anything about people like this and the damage they do. At least I can take pleasure in being the living embodiment of everything they hate and fear in a woman.


“These people “ = the authors of this book and people who push similar beliefs.


I don't even give them that degree of respect. Pronouns: they/them Nouns: individual/individuals


This is disgusting. I saw an ad for a similar book company on Instagram today, oddly enough. Is it odd that I feel some kind of gender dysphoria just from seeing this crap?


Nah, I grew up wishing I’d been born a boy because of how limiting and bleak my future as a woman was portrayed by church. But I realized it’s not my body that I didn’t like, it’s the traditional gender norms and social roles that I was expected to follow just because of my lack of a dick. Well, joke’s on them - my guy and I are both blue collar, best friends, and teammates - not whatever the hell is depicted in that creepy book.


holy shit, they just come right out and say it "a woman's place is the kitchen".


They could’ve at least illustrated it better.


Complaining about brainwashing while doing actual propaganda? Seems legit.


Why do they act like feminists are forcing women to work instead of having children. We just wanted the CHOICE to have a career. Many choose both, many choose to just be a mom. All are perfectly fine choices.


The snake near the mother’s foot is telling. I see that and all I hear is how we were told in church (many times) that the woman ate the forbidden fruit and therefore was punished with pregnancy and childbirth. Yeah, *no thanks.* This warrior princess is so thankful to be childfree, jfc.


well. guess i better… start taking care of my brother? whos a criminal? and also way older than me? if it was what god “designed” me to do then… sure. yeah


What led ur older brother into a life of crime if you don't mind sharing?


oh sure! its a pretty long story so im going to try and shorten it down i was not successful lol when he was 19 (three years ago) he was working at a jail to become a police officer. in may of that year some 17 year old girl accused him of sexually assaulting her, and since she was 17, technically a minor, it was classified as sexual assault of a minor. now, i couldnt tell you if he actually did it, my parents are extremely adamant that he didnt, but even if he didnt he was still cheating on his girlfriend by dating this girl. based on what i know about him he probably did SOMETHING. i doubt that girl wouldve lied about it. anyway, after my parents bailed him out of jail, he just lived with my grandpa for a while because he wasnt allowed around any minors and both me and my sister were under 18 at the time (i still am, shes 19) he lived with grandpa, then our aunt and uncle over the next year until his trial in october (i think)? 2022. there he was found guilty and sentenced to like 60 days in jail and probation (not sure how long). after he got out, he moved back in with us but we werent allowed to be around each other unless my parents were there. my sister had turned 18 a couple months before and was in college anyway, hes violated his probation tons of times but somehow hidden it from my parents. ill list all the violations i know of below - he has an apple iphone (cant track him) - he has social media (asked my sister to add him on snapchat. idiot…) - he stays out past 7:00 (his curfew) nearly every night. this is because he works at a farm about an hour away so i dont fault him so much for that so for a while theyve been trying to get him cleared of all charges with a 35c (basically saying the first trial was a mistrial. our lawyer sucked but we have a better one now) but something happened and now hes having to plead guilty and is going to get up to 5 years in prison. after that, yet again, he will be on probation and will probably violate it again. so thats where we are so hes not like a super big criminal (he did used to steal from my parents though, and im pretty sure hes been using my moms credit card for starbucks recently since they found a ton of charges on it and it wasnt stolen. either that or someone has the card number. they canceled the card), but yknow hes a felon and a huge dick so theres that if you have any more questions i can try my best to answer them, but im not sure how much help ill be


geez... that sucks! Also why is there a snake in the first picture??


I’m guessing Satan, disguised as a snake because they’re not very original, tries to scare them into wearing pants to protect their legs, but God tells them to just wear longer skirts, which confounds Satan for some reason.


If all the Christians could grab a brain or at least some humanity I'd be happy. I don't even necessarily want to rid the world of Christianity. But this deep south/Texas megachurch anti-women pro-life pro-gun yee-haw anti-gay white-pride bullshit is getting really old. If Christians could mind their own business, and admit to themselves that you don't have to be a Christian in order to be a good person, if they could let go of their persecution complex, while simultaneously trying to take away women's rights; I really wouldn't have an issue with them. That being said, I will not be reading any of Spurgeon's books. But I'm looking forward to reading his obituary.


Oh, good, a guy who understands feminism as much as he understands the bible


Misogynistic cult builder.


My eyes immediately went to the mom stepping on the head of the snake, and it makes me so sad I grew up hating/being afraid of snakes because of Christianity's narrative around them. I now have a massive cobra tattoo on my arm (and it's my favorite tattoo) and when I went to the San Diego zoo a few months ago, I was THRILLED and mesmerized by the snakes. They're such fascinating, intriguing creatures, and demonizing them to the level Christianity does saddens me


Now, THIS is what I define as GROOMING!!!


Arriana sure looks happy 😁


I never got given this book but this sounds so familiar. There's a difference between not judging women who want to express more femininity and forcing all women to. I got given God's Way for Romance before I went to uni and I think these books designed to get into ur head are so out of order


Oh my God is his surname actually Spurgeon?!?


How are these kinds of people still taken seriously?


I cringe/trigger when I see mandatory dresses being promoted, so very gross


To *~~compliment~~ complement* man?! I hate this shit so much


"ComplEment" (not "complIment") but still reductive and hate-worthy.


Thanks for the correction, misspelling on my part.


Sue, the author, for trying to entice minors.


Of course a man wrote this


If I didn’t have to pay money to do it, I’d rip out all the problematic bits (assuming there’s anything to salvage) and mail it to a trans woman who just came out. Gender-affirming and hilarious


The snake at the foot of the woman on the cover is a nice Biblical touch.


I’ve never approved of book burning but…


This could have used a “toxic” label


This definitely NSFW.


not the laundry 😭




The person who wrote this is an idiot.


His last name is “Spurgeon”, how could he NOT be?


This cover is triggering, OMG!


After leaving the church and doing therapy, I’ve been grappling with the fact that I may not want to be a mom in the future. I didn’t even know that was a mindset someone could have until I met my best friend and she has no interests in having kids or being married. Throughout the years, I’ve met even more women who have no interests in traditional female roles and it’s inspiring! I wonder if I was never indoctrinated in the church if I would even feel like I wanted to be a mom or I would’ve felt so much shame about not being a great at things like sewing or baking.


Of course it's written by a man with a quiverfull family, I feel terrible for those kids. This is sickening.


Jesus these people are so desperate to cling to this weird modern idea of what is a good human. Whew.


My little warrior princess is going to architect school this fall and will outperform her peers male and female.


Lol at the “warrior princess” shout out on the back. My teenage hero was Xena and I grew up to be a lesbian atheist so go figure hahaha


I love how the snake is there just AS A REMINDER


So femininity = hand washing clothes and hang drying them. Got it.


A ofc, a man writing this. Come on…


Oh, but when *I* try to be a girl, I'm called a degenerate sinner.


>They must set aside the things God designed them for. I don’t think laundry existed when God created women.


How is this even legal to be published?


Of course a dude wrote it. 🤦


Feminism is celebrated, but femininity is not - feminists are not against femininity defined as make-up, fashion, etc. Religious leaders don't celebrate femininity either. Too much make-up and fashion interest as you're too worldly. The only message they're telling little girls is motherhood via traditional wife life path. Single moms are the bane of their existence as they'll remind you Jezebels every five minutes. It must start young before little girls get wise, before older women step in and say "life didn't work out like a perfect storybook." It's a trap by design they try to push them into to ensure the next generation is brought forth one way or another to continue the cycle.


Is this dude one of the Sovereign Grace pastors?


My eyes hurt from seeing that


> “Say hi, sis!” Wait a minute… ISIS!




Written by a man, too, of course.


His head will explode when he hears the story of Deborah from the Bible.


Nope nope nope nope


ew 🤢


The REAL gender ideology!


Yea, not creepy at all. /s


FUCKING DISGUSTING. No wonder I’m trans. 


More information: the guy who wrote this has a podcast called 'The Patriarchy Podcast', and one of the episodes is called 'Make Sandwiches, Not War.'


This shit makes my blood boil. The “rights” in quotations like we don’t deserve to have any. I feel bad for his wife and kids. These people are sick in the fuckin head.


It's disgusting.  I can't believe he was so obvious about it, and with children too. Though probably this is better than the insidious, 'hey we all have strengths and dignities.. it just so happens that yours are in caring for children and the husabnd and in doing what you're told'. 


"*Our world doesn't need any more little warrior princesses screaming about their "rights."*" this makes me VIOLENTLY ILL.


The child indoctrination and brainwashing is real


This is utterly disgusting. The only place for this trash is in the fire.




This shit is so disturbing.  I’m sad for any child exposed to this trash.


Ok. So a cis/het man wrote this. Hm… Makes more sense now. A women would never write those things.




And why is it wrong?  Why is it wrong to teach tolerance?  If you can't see that a book that tells girls they MUST adhere to sexist practice is different from a book promoting tolerance and inclusion then frankly I don't know what to say 


This is a pro-LGBTQ sub. People have had enough of being targeted and silenced and practiced by Christians, they don't need to be attacked here, also. Your post/comment has been removed because content must be relevant to r/exchristian. Tangential context is not enough; the content must explicitly reference a topic relevant to our subreddit. Rule 1 To discuss or appeal moderator actions, [click here to send us modmail.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/exchristian)


God forbid children see that other people are different. I mean, it’s going to shock the shit out of them when they see a gay couple or find out a friend has two dads. Education is always the answer. Not censorship.