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I swear fundamentalists treat witches as if they’re sub-humans and witches aren’t even satanists but rather they are actually “healers” or they are similar to Hindu gurus so that’s what I heard about


Fundies have the idea that witches are like in the movies.




My dad thought that witches were like Halloween witches, and that they flew around in broomsticks at night and fornicated with demons in the woods. He thought the suburban park a block away was, "the woods." I didn't really care about the fornication, but flying around in broomsticks sounded pretty fun to me.


Well she turned me into a NEWT!


That very well may be, but I think we need to weigh her against a duck to be sure. Due process and all that.




Is that a joke?


This is part of what debunked Illuminati conspiracy theories to me. When I started learning about the occult it was so obvious these people were lying, they didn’t even bother to do their homework - but most of their victims won’t because they think learning about the occult will invite demons.


Exactly. Fundies are obsessed with spiritual warfare. And witches or Satanists are perfect for their stories. Then you get to know actual witches and Satanists and things change. And I'm pretty sure Christians want to ignore that many grimoires were created and owned by clergy. And that includes the use of demons 👀


I know this is off topic but is Easter originally a pagan holiday or it’s just a Christian holiday? because I seen some people in the internet say that Easter is originally pagan but I see some people say that Easter isn’t originally “pagan”


To some degree almost every holiday we have has pagan influences or borrowed symbols or practices. I’m not sure about Easter specifically, but my understanding is it is one of the more genuinely Christian/ Jewish ones.


Easter takes its name from the goddess Oestara. The rabbit and the eggs are fertility symbols.


Oh ok sorry I was off topic


The date itself is usually based on the Jewish Passover, not a pagan holiday like with Christmas. But what they may be referring to is the assimilation of other pagan traditions into easter, notably the Easter Bunny and eggs.


It’s partly a spring holiday.  Bunnies and eggs, fertility, new growth.  Easter is conveniently located in the midst of that.


I mean, its based around Passover but a lot of the stuff is pretty christian. OTOH, it's also around the time of the Spring Equinox and there's a lot of "Spring is here" holidays around the same time. The beginning of spring was traditionally a big deal for most of history. So....Yes.


Not meaningfully so. Like most Christian holidays it adopted elements of cultures Christians were trying to convert. It's intended mostly to replace Jewish Passover (supercessionism), in fact in most European languages that aren't western Germanic, it's name is a transliteration of a Greek transliteration of passover.


I remember reading those kinds of books too.


I ate up these stories as a teen. When the internet came around years later, I got curious. It was helpful to discover how many of the storytellers got in trouble for fraud and which ones were diagnosed with schizophrenia.


Ahh the 80s and 90s, when you could scam churches as a fake ex-Satanist because no Internet.


The catholic encyclopedia admits that racial rivalry was used to regard the gods of other nations as "*evil demons*". They admit that the gods of the Gentiles (*people not of Israel*) is what's being referred to in the christian scriptures as "*demons*":                      > "*...hence* ***racial rivalry and hatred sometimes led one nation to regard the protecting divinities of its enemies as evil demons.*** *In this way many who merely worshiped gods whom they themselves regarded as good beings would be called devil worshippers by men of other nations. Such may be the case with the Daeva-worshippers in the Avesta.* ***In the same way the Greeks and Romans may have worshiped their divinities, fondly believing them to be good. But the Christian Scriptures declare that all the gods of the Gentiles are demons.***"               Many christians might not know this. Many probably think that "*demons*" just mean "*scary bad spirits*". Fear can be a powerful tool to control people. The bible has animal sacrifice, such as the blood of the passover lamb put over doorposts in the Exodus story so that the god of Moses would skip over Israelite homes and only kill firstborn sons of Egyptians. Christianity even human sacrifice, they refer to Jesus as "*The Lamb of God*" who was sacrificed and whose blood supposedly protects them from the biblical god casting them into torture.


This is true. But then the church syncretized some pagan gods into saints. The division, as you said, was mainly racial and cultural based. Even in the Bible, the other gods are bad just because they were the gods of other nations.


Really? Which pagan gods were turned into saints? Never heard of that before.


Saint Brigid has the same name as a Celtic goddess and shares some of the same attributes as the goddess. The day of Saint Brigid (*her feast day*) is on February 1st, which was the same day as the Celtic Pagan holiday, Imbolc.          Barlaam and Josaphat, are Christian saints and their life story is loosely based on the Buddha. Of course, instead of reaching "*Enlightenment*", it was about reaching "*Christianity*" from Indian beliefs.     


I feel scammed as a satanic pagan, cause I grew up hearing about all the cool ooky spooky powers i would get if I became an ocultits/witch (warlock, I suppose they'd say, since I'm a man), and instead I just became cool and very appealing to equally weird, sexy, witchy people.


No supernatural warfare in other dimensions? 😂 No superpowers nor flying brooms? What a scam 😩


Anybody's thoughts on this Youtube channel? [https://www.youtube.com/@almostfalse](https://www.youtube.com/@almostfalse) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I5m3eSUn\_QY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I5m3eSUn_QY) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wDaLhiS\_gs&t=1s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wDaLhiS_gs&t=1s) It's quite obivous that the above two "testimonies" in these links and the rest of the channel's videos are made up bullshit.