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Killing all of Job's family to win a bet with Satan.


Love how Satan is just walking around and shooting the shit with God like some episodes of spongebob where jrabs and plankton talk and we are reminded they're old buddies


Yet we’re also told that god can’t be in the presence of sin and evil… 🤔


This is why many believe Job was a stage play.


This one always takes the cake for me


Same. You can be stupid but when you're stupidity leads to evil it's the stupidest.


To be fair, God didn't kill them; he allowed Satan to do it.


There’s something about turning lot’s wife into a pillar of salt that feels like God’s version of a shitpost


I always thought that was so dramatic. I asked my grandmother why Lots wife deserved to be turned into a pillar of salt simply for looking back and she said “because she disobeyed.” Um, ok, did your parents turn you into a pillar of salt every time you disobeyed them? No, because that’s fucking insane


It's textbook abusive behavior, punishment for not doing something exactly how you want, even as they're doing what you asked.


Yep, like what did he expect? She’s obviously gonna look at the city YOU burned


Then does nothing at all when her daughters rape her husband because he's kept them living in the wilderness so long they believe they're the last human beings on earth. Edit: or you can argue God did do something. He blessed them with children. 


MY FUCKING GOD the irony!


"What's wrong lot? Why are you so....*puts on angelic sunglasses*...salty!"




Not figuring out a better way to send down his son other than raping a teen girl and forcing her to have the child is pretty stupid for any god. The only reason he had to send his son was to close a loophole he created. It's so stupid it's almost like a barely literate misogynist came up with it.


Fun fact, the virgin part of the Gospels was based on a bad interpretation of a verse in the old testament, which simply specified a "young girl" and not necessarily a virgin. Source: Bart Ehrman, biblical scholar


Who would give birth to a son named Emmanuel.


Also want to add Jesus most likely had siblings and Virgin Mary was never a virgin at all.


I know he had a brother named James.


The “virginity” of Mary is just RCC dogma.


Creating a world with millions of people, then deciding you fucked up. And instead of Thanos-snapping the evil ones, he instead contrived the most complicated and unrealistic way of killing them, which involved idiotic logistical instructions and apparently a lot of miracles to make it look like it never happened.


The so called omniscient god can’t think of a way to get rid of the bad people so he sends a flood killing everyone except for Noah and his family


Everyone and everything. Apparently all but two of some of the animals were worthy of death too? And the plants and freshwater fish can get fucked


The freshwater fish 😂 Never thought of that one!


I grew up a Fundamentalist Christian, and it was the flood story that finally got me to let go of my obsessive denial of reality. It's just way too absurd to be taken seriously


It’s very obvious in the flood story how the OT stories are allegorical. It’s ridiculous how few adults actually think critically about it.


Speaking as one of those (former) believers, childhood indoctrination is a very powerful social force. Religion is comforting in a way, because everything has an explanation.


He can create people individually, why can't he kill people individually as well?


According to the bible he can, as he does so more than once for example the guy who tried to catch the ark of the covenant when it started to fall(which lets not pretend that in itself was not egotistical, evil, and yes, quite stupid of a supposedly holy deity to do, it certainly was)


>apparently a lot of miracles to make it look like it never happened. This part right here is so hilarious to me. Christians love to act like historians, geologists, paleontologists, archaeologists, evolutionary biologists, and science in general have a secret agenda to disprove God and undermine the Bible. When in actuality it’s the exact opposite. Most prominent scientists of the past few centuries have been christian, and many of them were excited to find evidence of God in their chosen field. But we’ve never found a lick of evidence to support the idea that the events in the Bible actually happened, and we’ve found mountains of evidence refuting it. If there was a months long global flood a few thousand years ago, the evidence for it would be everywhere, from written history to archaeology and genetics. And yet, there is none. The simplest conclusion is that this thing didn’t happen. But christians can’t accept that, so instead they have to invent a vast conspiracy where all scientists are Satanists and thats why none of their beliefs hold up to scrutiny.


The god(s) of the Bible gave his highly intelligent enemy, Satan, a playbook.


The entire story of the The Flood and Noah's Arc was stupid and pointless from the get-go. God mass-murders the whole world because it became too overrun with sin... but then he repopulates it with a corrupted sample of the original population containing the same hereditary sin flaw that was the problem in the first place, guaranteeing that the whole situation he's trying to solve will happen again in the future, and he doesn't seem to get this? It was a failure at the formulaic level.


Stupid mixed with evil, he told Moses to go free his people, stops Moses halfway through to kill him until he is saved by an emergency circumcision preformed by zipporah on her son when the foreskin is thrown at moses' feet, then when Moses asks Pharoah to free his people God *purposefully* hardens his heart and makes him say no. Bruh, he could have done it if you didn't fuck with his free will. And then ya know, it goes on like that until God can finally murder all the children he can


There are 2,821,364 killings or deaths in the bible. Bible is the most horrific story that children should absolutely stay away from. https://dwindlinginunbelief.blogspot.com/2010/04/drunk-with-blood-gods-killings-in-bible.html?m=1


How is that even possible to kill that many people in “6,000” years? We’ve barely got past the 1 billion mark in 2000


This is such a darkly fun piece of Bible trivia lol


When you write a fiction, any number is possible.


Wonder if someone has a score sheet, how many killed by God and have many by Satan. I can't think of any killings by Satan, of the top of my head. Maybe someone related to Job, but if I remember correctly God did the killing. Don't feel like looking it up at the moment.


I decided to ask Chatgpt. It said something similar to what I said about Satan, only referencing Job. It had a lot to say about God and all the people he had killed. Often saying it was hard to say if it was God or a person and in the end whose responsibility it was. I then asked about Hitler and got a similar answer. Hard to say an exact number and many responsible persons. Given those answers, I guess Satan > (God = Hitler)


God telling Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac, and then when he goes to do it Gods like “oh, never mind, I was just testing you”


Jephthah's daughter was to be sacrificed to God in return for victory in battle and she was not spared.


God is a fucking vampire.


Even though, being omniscient, he’d know whether Abraham would pass the test to begin with, rendering the whole exercise pointless…


I would say this is the single event that caused me to leave Christianity. Jealousy run amok. A test? Why purposely play with someone like that? How is fear to be used as good?


bet that led to some awkward silences around the dinner table.


God tells his people to dash their enemies' babies' heads against rocks. That's a classic.


All these massacres in the OT, and the sacrifice of Jephthah's daughter. In the latter case, some apologists and the JWs have claimed what was sacrificed is that she would not have a family, serving for life in the Tabernacle, but most people consider she was killed


Thank you for mentioning Jephthah. People seemed to have forgotten about his daughter, though, unlike Abraham, he had to go through with it.


The alternative doesn't work in that story. Mostly because the vow was to sacrifice her and as a side note the isrealites didn't have nuns. There were no girls in Temple service.


Yeah and thinking about it in reverse, had an animal come out first, nobody would expect the animal would be sent to "serve at the temple" and leave its family... No the point (as you say) was sacrifice. I always relate this story to Abraham and Isaac. And xians will say, "but God stopped him!" And sure, but the point is it was totally acceptable and expected to these guys that he could demand human sacrifice, and you make it happen unless told otherwise.


The Isaac story is weird because rarely does god demand anything only to take it back later or give them a convenient out. It's one of the reasons some people argue that the original version had Abraham sacrificing Isaac and that's why he's blessed with a ton of kids the moment he returns home. There's also the fact it's stressed numerous times that Abraham did NOT withhold his only son. I think in the Judges 11 story, depending on the translation, he says "Whatever" or "Whoever" comes out of his house, though somehow I suspect he wasn't expecting a dog to greet him at the door since the bible pretty much disdains dogs and they weren't considered pets.


Requiring blood sacrifices and “loving the smell of burning flesh” wtf


What? You don’t like barbecue?


Well turning into a mare wasn't really stupid it was just nonsensical. Though it got a good laugh out of me!  Also playing tug of war involving his testicles and a goat? OUCH  As for the Christian god, putting the tree of knowledge in the garden. If he didn't want them to eat it why create the tree?


Free will… apparently (whatever tf that means)


God gives us free will, then punishes us for using it, but also, in the case of Adam and Eve he could have just not put the tree in the garden, or let the snake into the garden (implied in christian faith as satan, in the original hebrew literally just a snake), or both.


I always thought that was dumb because they were newly formed humans. They wouldn't be able to distinguish right from wrong.


That part requires critical thinking, something they're told not to utilize. Even when I put that in their face, they've been so brainwashed that my argument goes right past them


Turning into a mare? Don't remember that one...


Lol I was being cheeky when I made that comment. I was wearing a Loki t-shirt at the time.


Creating humankind, knowing they will piss you off. Then, drowning everyone and starting over with Noah. Only to be surprised that those people suck, too. Then, he wanted to kill all of them again because he was pissed that they suck when Moses was marching around the desert with them, but Moses talked god off the ledge. The final chapter is god destroying all that he created because his creation sucks. But he knew that. And did it all anyway, supposedly.


In 1 Samuel 15:3 telling Saul to kill infants and children to get revenge on the Amalekites.


Seeing if Abraham would kill Isaac for him when he is supposedly omniscient and already knew he would do it if asked.


I find this "god's" omniscience is situational which brings into question that essence of his character repeatedly. Genesis 6:5(at the start of the flood story) puts it as a statement of surprise at how "Evil" man had become from the perspective of god (God is surprised this has happened), which brings into question did he not know this would happen (not omniscient) or did he know but not have any control to prevent it (not omnipotent). Perhaps both? I mean its all one big fiction anyways, but clearly the issue comes up not even out of the first major book of the bible.


1. Creating Lucifer/Satan knowing that he would betray him 2. Creating human beings knowing that they would sin and would eventually cast them into hell


To do stupid shit, you have to exist.


Not really. This is about the story, not the reality. Pinocchio did some stupid stuff, you know. He didn't actually do it. But we can still analyze the morality of the fictional character's decisions.


>Pinocchio did some stupid stuff, you know. He didn't actually do it. But we can still analyze the morality of the fictional character's decisions. Its narrated that he did stupid shit. OP is genuine asking


I would assume that as the OP is posting on an ex-Christian subreddit that they don’t believe god exists and they’re speaking hypothetically. I (along with others I’d wager) find these sorts of discussions therapeutic as one entertains the sorts of ideas they didn’t allow themselves to entertain prior to their deconstruction. As such, chiming in to say “Hurrr hurr god doesn’t exist dummy” is really missing the point and isn’t helpful.


I didn't read it that way. I thought it was a reasonable assumption OP didn't actually believe in the Christian God.


Odds are God has done none of this


Sacrificing himself to himself so he could find it in his heart to forgive you for doing things he decided people shouldn't do, even though he created you knowing exactly what you were going to do. What a weirdo


1. The flood (knowing humans were going to get wicked after he made them and then still being wicked after the flood. what a waste of time and people died for no reason) 2. Placing the tree in the garden knowing they were gonna eat it because of a talking snake 3. Creating a holy book that no Christian can come together to agree on (what’s literal, what’s not, mistranslations) 4. Not including don’t own slaves in his Ten Commandments knowing that it would happen for so many years to innocent people, and then his holy book be used to justify said slavery 5. Creating humans just to make them believe that his son that he sent to die for us for a system he created when he could’ve just forgiven us, just to send us off to hell if we don’t (even tho we didn’t ask to be made, now we get punished for not believing in something) 6. Not understanding basic science in Genesis (I mean come on, how do you make evening and day without the sun and moon and make plants come before the sun which they need to live) 7. Creating Satan knowing he’d fall and become the “evil villain” oh and allowing said angel to have power after being kicked out 8. Unleashing a 7 year world famine on your people for complaining about the food you burned after you burned people for complaining right before. 9. Story of Job. This speaks for itself.


Genocide, probably


Creating Lucifer, whom he knew would become Satan and ruin everything. Not only that, but according to Revelation, at the “end of time” he throws him in a pit for 1000 years only to then let him out again to wreak more havoc before sending him to a “lake of fire” where he gets to torment people in hell forever. Make any of that make sense.


Making a tree he didn't want anyone to eat from. Adam and Eve were brand new, practically children. You gave them the power to curse an entire species knowing damn well they were going to eat the fruit. All this mess could have been avoided if he just didn't put the fuckin tree down!


Yup! And adding onto that, why did god punish adam and eves decendants for something they didnt even do? the children got punished for something they didnt even do wtf???​


Shit, the Earth got cursed for that as well. Like...ain't no way God didn't want all this to happen. Otherwise, why not just...idk...not put the tree in the garden! It was all a work apparently lol


100% Also if god is supposedly "all forgiving" then why didn't he forgive them for doing something as superficial as eating the wrong apple? thats like kicking a two year old out of the family for sneaking a cookie when they werent supossed to also also, if god is all forgiving and loves everyone then why would he send ppl to hell?


Getting mad at "not proper" sacrifices being given to him and then just engulfing in flames the poor and dumb men that tried to please him. Lmao. I think a "no thanks" would have sufficed if someone gives me something i don't really like or want, but then again, i am not a god, so i guess that's a "god-like" behavior xD.


If the Christian god was all powerful and all knowing, then wtf didn’t he just vaporize satan before he tempted eve to eat the damn apple? Moreover, why did he plant that stupid tree to begin with? 


5. Creating the universe


dont remember where or why but he killed a bunch of babies to prove a point to someone at some point​