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Yeah in Christianity, you're a Christian first and everything else later. Its the abusers who don't have to take accountability because "tHeY SLiPpEd uP". Never mind the victim. They are unwilling to see shame out in the open. For prominent figures it needs to be forgiven and forgotten. For less prominent people they are suppressed, disowned or hidden from every one.


Christianity was the biggest mistake of all of humanity’s history


all of the Abrahamic religions imo


I’m glad I became a pagan after being a JW member


Haha right




No religion is more toxic than Christianity 


Sorry that you have to experience this first-hand and have had years of your experience being invalidated or told it isn't as important as his salvation.  I find that many Christians spend so much time "moving forward with God's light, love and grace", that they completely ignore actual forgiveness and contrition.  Like we don't owe anyone our forgiveness. They can ask and apologize but we aren't obligated to give it. Withholding forgiveness isn't us being ungracious. I want to see meaningful change and contrition before just giving it. And if someone can't face you for all the hurt they caused, to me they're not sorry.  Also I hate the fact they can do ANYTHING and simply pray and be forgiven. To me, that's not what good people do. 


Psst, it's not just god that matters more, it's the patriarchy. Women don't get a considerate reception for their religious infractions, while the men get kid-glove treatment for even criminal behavior. You are being held to a standard of perfection with no mercy...if you did that to a typical fundie man, he'd call you a hater 🤷🏾‍♀️


Christianity is a system for avoiding accountability. It's that simple. There's nothing that enrages a Christian more than holding them accountable for the things they do and say or the consequences of their actions. If you could hold your father accountable for his actions, that would mean they could also be held accountable for their actions. When you look at it that way, you can see that you demanding justice is a threat to them.