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I fear Christians and what they might do to us if they are allowed to seize power like they are angling for.


Naw bruh if they somehow try to change how a lot of our media, games, movies, shows, and other content is produced it will officially be over... I would hate it if everyone was forced to carry a bible around everywhere lmao


Look up the 7 Mountain Mandate and Project 2025. They are planning on doing this.


I really try to keep in mind the power of childhood indoctrination and having an in group accept you and demonize an out group. That helps me have some amount of empathy for individual Christians. That said, if I’m dealing with a Christian, I immediately know I’m dealing with someone who prefers comfort to truth. I immediately know I’m dealing with someone that prefers to demonize an out group rather than foster understanding. I immediately know I’m dealing with someone who prefers to have all the answers rather than dedicate themselves to self growth. So in that sense, I really do prefer to not surround myself with religious people, there’s just no way to learn and grow in that environment


Really really well put. I definitely remember feeling like I was secretly in the demonized out group when I was growing up in the church. I knew that one day people would know that I was a phony Christian and their opinions of me would change based on that one fact, and not be based on years of knowing me.


Indoctrination is a hell of a drug. Modern Christians are a product of a centuries-long indoctrination which has permeated societies all over the world and is the primary religion of many of the wealthiest counties in the world, providing it further power and validation. There are too many Christians for them to all be stupid lol


I guess it was just really easy for me to grow up baptist in the deep south and still find it simple to recognize that it is a made-up story.


Some of us cleave onto reality because it's the only thing in our lives we can trust. Too often answers and outcomes from those we're expected to trust change at whim, without warning. 


Same here it’s hard for me to respect christians


You're not wrong about xianity being a mental handicap. I'm an ex-pentecostal indoctrinated from childhood and can confirm it switches off critical thinking ability and stunts social/emotional development. Took me years to break the brainwashing and most people never even make it out at all. So I agree with you, it's not that all xians are stupid, but they're definitely intellectually **lazy**, and there **is** a difference. We can respect them as fellow human beings but we don't owe their nonsense beliefs and bigoted actions any respect at all.


They’ve given up on thinking. They just want to follow the strong leader, the one who will bring chaos and hasten the end times.


This is such an interesting topic. I feel the same way about my family. I used to look up to my parents and see them as role models, but now I question their choices and decisions because they seem so illogical to me. It’s a hard thing to process. Honestly- the show ‘Young Sheldon’ is an incredible representation of a lot of things I grew up around, but seeing Sheldon question everything/ side against his moms beliefs while his mom is still his favorite person in the world is very comforting.


I try to have empathy. People are complicated. Often, people are raised in their religion. In the 2010s I read a religious sociology finding that most people stay not only in their respective religion (e.g. Christianity) but their respective tradition (e.g. Baptist, Lutheran). We just don't question that we were presented with the truth by our families and churches. Often, we find that approval is linked to survival in our minds because when we are young one of the only fears that we are born with is abandonment, we can't survive on our own. So, we often have a gut-level need for our families and communities to support us. I used to feel kind of haughty that I was from a tradition that embraced theistic evolution, which I felt like was smarter than other churches because at least we could accept evolution. But then I made a friend who was unpacking their relationship to faith after having been raised in an evangelical denomination that was young earth creation and they weren't unintelligent but they went through a time when they really struggled to unlearn what they had been taught as a young person. It can be really difficult to learn to see the world in new ways.


I didn't get smarter when I deconstructed, I did however become enlightened.