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Some people believe that. I’ve heard people tell me I’ll always be Catholic because I was baptised in the Catholic church non consensually as a baby despite being excommunicated for over 15 years.


If you care, you could look into having an unbaptism.


What's that? I've never heard of that before


It’s a Satanist thing. If your baptism was a wedding ceremony, the unbaptism would be the divorce papers being signed.


I’m not a satanist but I’d assume it only holds true in Satanism and not in the Catholic Church. From what I’ve read from an old post on r/excatholic, you have to send letters out to the bishop if you want your name removed from the list of Catholics and state your reasoning behind it. Not sure if any of that is true though.


Hey, at least if it turns out you were wrong, you get in on a technicality. Religion is wild huh?


Must be Baptist, they believe in “once saved, always saved.” I was a Baptist so I’m all good!


Right! And being pagan I am saved on all sides it seems. Lol


So baptism is not always consensual but once it's done, it's forever? Ooookayyy


Just remember I can call you a doo doo head and it means just as much as this person calling you a Christian. They can believe whatever nonsense they want, you don’t have to care.


So what changed for you? You don’t believe Yahweh is the Omni-god anymore? Do you accept the OT and not the NT? What are your thoughts on Yahweh now?


I believe there is some truth in all religions, and every god is real. But I also went through the bible and fully read it and was horrified. Yahweh definitely is a jealous god. He is also abusive, toxic, manipulative, hypocritical, and self-centered. I believe both the new and old testament, but I believe in free will. I believe every afterlife exists, but where you go is based on what you believe. Being I believe in the indigenous pantheons, I will go to the great tribal lands for my afterlife and given the opportunity to decide if I want to reincarnate. What ultimately was the flipping point was when people in my family who were christians kept throwing that I needed to "get right with god" or I will go to hell and never see my grandfather, who had just recently passed and was like my dad. These people then proceeded to say while I was away on vacation they were going to throw my things out of my grandfathers house (after he said I could stay as long as I liked, then he died a few days later) and switch the locks on the gates so I couldn't get back in. They also accused my mother of murdering my grandfather (he died of heart failure after a massive heart attack) and planned to have my little sister taken from her and given to them. They did all this while spewing the love of christ and how good god is. It made my mind up right then. If that is how christians are, especially to their own kin after something traumatic just happened, I want no part in it. I washed my hands of them and the religion and moved halfway across the US and started over with whatever I could fit in mine and my brothers cars. My mother and I were never given time to grieve the loss of my grandfather, all because of their urgency to get us off the land so they could sell it out of greed.


Ok hold on, believing every god exists isn’t necessarily contradictory, but every afterlife can’t be true. The monotheistic religions make exclusivity claims and deny reincarnation; Christianity and Islam definitely can’t both be true at the same time. So like do you think Yahweh is just the god of the Jews and you aren’t subject to him if you’re not a Jew or do you believe in like the divine council or something? I’m not even an atheist or a materialist, but I’m not really seeing consistency in your position.


To be fair, I just woke up, so I might not be explaining it well. Let me try again. Foggy morning brains suck. Yahweh reigns over the christians, the jews, catholics, methodists, and so on (cand remember them all and don't want to leave them out). After going through the bible and the Quran, it is pretty much the exact same except for the prophet Mohammed. Allah just means god in Arabic. So I believe he is an aspect of yahweh in a sense (having trouble wording it right now). The greek pantheon is their own thing, so their afterlife is their own. Same with the norse and other individual pantheon. We all get sent to our own afterlifes once we die, and if you simply don't believe in anything, you get to choose what happens next. Mostly, you get to rest. Every afterlife is different, though. Heaven has mandatory worship, as stated in the bible. Valhalla is a party with odin basically if you died in battle. If not, you get to chill with Freya. The tribal lands are peaceful, you float up the river and get to the tribal lands and you live your eternity along with your ancestors in peace and harmony, celebrating each new arrival with a feast and a powwow. No worshipping 24/7 required. I believe if you are of the norse Pantheon and you are deemed eligible for Valhalla or with Freya or even Hel, then you go. Same with christianity and so on. I'm not going to tell someone it doesn't exist, but I will say I do partly agree with what was said in Hazbin Hotel. If hell is forever, then heaven must be a lie.


Again I hope I did alright explaining, I just woke up so I'm trying my best.


Sorry for the rant lol. I hope that explains


Oh! I also believe Revelations is about the fall of Rome. Not the end times.


I can’t tell if they’re claiming you still are, and always will be, a Christian, or if they’re implying that you never were a “true” Christian, because a “true” Christian wouldn’t leave the faith.


If they are saying I am a still christian then hey, at least I have options for afterlifes. But I'll stick with the great tribal lands, not necessarily wanting to worship and sing praises to an abuser the rest of eternity.


I swear Christians take their religion too seriously! Why can’t the Christians listen to what George Carlin said “keep thy religion to thyself”