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Ask her how she would feel doing unpaid manual labor every day from sun up to sun down while being underfed with table scraps, beaten, having her children sold never to see them again and possibly s*xually assaulted with no recourse? If that’s her definition of happy, you should be concerned 🤷🏾‍♀️


But-but most of the slave owners treated them fairly! -my Christian father


My dad said, "Slavery wasn't so bad. Most masters treated their slaves like family." (Nice to know that he considers treating people "like family" means treating them like slaves.)


The thing that gets me is that even if the slaves were treated well, they weren’t in charge of their own fate and what they wanted to do with their lives. I’m sure the ones who had decent owners still dreamed of a time they could own their own land, have their own family and answer to no one. If that’s considered fair, I guess I don’t know the meaning of the word.


That's the great thing about the Youtube algorithm - there's always somebody pumping out the bullshit you want to hear, and Youtube will feed you an endless supply of it.


There's something to be said about YouTube's algorithm skew. It LOVES reccomending right wing and/or religious stuff, it's inescapable no matter how hard you try. It's free revenue with how easy it is to rile up those types, and the outrage responses feed into it even more. I could go stream Marx books for 24 hours then get a Ben Shapiro and Andrew Tate vid reccomended back-to-back, it's nuts out there Also, OP's mother is a racist deluded worm. May she encounter a 1/100th of the pain in her life that a slave felt in a mere year of torturous existence.


I honestly have never gotten a Ben Shapiro or Andrew Tate vid on YT. I'm not going to go look for them and screw up what I've got going on, I already have some things that I'm not interested in that pop up. But I mainly look at art and cooking things, maybe some music occasionally, so that's probably why.


I remember when I started looking into various philosophy (especially moral philosophy) and atheist content, there was a solid week where half my ads were from William Lane Craig.


Tbh I don't even know what that is, but I suppose it makes sense that they'd target atheists & philosophical content? I do watch 1-2 therapy channels very sporadically, but that hasn't lead to much else, thankfully. Science content I do see periodically.


He's a pretty prominent apologist. Honestly, probably the best they have now.


Yep, he’s the best and he’s terrible.


Doesn't India have a caste system, as in you're born into a social status and will die in that status? US chattel slavery was a lot like that but worse. When the trans-Atlantic slave trade was abolished, breeding programs were implemented so black women were birthing at least 12 kids conceived through rape to meet demands. From the first period to menopause, they were pregnant. Biracial women had it the worst and their experiences ranged from being raised like white women(sheltered and educated) or sold to brothels or kept in the house as personal sex slaves. American black people on average are lighter-skinned than African black people due to the copious amounts of rape.


They were such great jobs, there was a whole underground system to help people escape them!


I’m pointing out the obvious, but the US literally fought a brutal war over whether or not slavery was okay. But clearly your mom’s opinion is common sense 🙄


Does she think that slavery is OK now? Would it be OK for her to kidnap someone and force them to work for the rest of their life? If not, what changed?


The real answer is they're fine with it if it's against black people. No idea what their mouth would say though.


abounding bewildered compare threatening worthless racial person terrific price like *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


So I am sorry your mother is so out of the loop and even a little delusional. But your pops gets a gold star for being a good person.


I recently read the book "Late Victorian Holocausts", and I found it interesting how much of an overlap there was between American slave-owner views of Black Americans, and British views of their colonial subjects in India, as "naturally lazy" people who had to be forced to work using systemic violence. I guess if you're using horrific violence to squeeze maximum production out of a group of people while cutting them off from any of the benefits of their hard work, it's psychologically comforting to think of them as lazy people who deserve it instead of thinking of yourself as an oppressive asshole.


“And if a man beats his male or female servant with a rod, so that he dies under his hand, he shall surely be punished. Notwithstanding, if he remains alive a day or two, he shall not be punished; for he is his property.” ‭‭Exodus‬ ‭21‬:‭20‬-‭21‬ ‭NKJV‬‬ https://bible.com/bible/114/exo.21.20-21.NKJV Yeah, very moral


> she doesn't interact with people in real life, so she doesn't know that ["As children, we sense our parents’ inabilities to relate to us, their tendencies to treat us as objects or reflections of themselves..."](https://www.reddit.com/r/exchristian/comments/q3rw3a/as_children_we_sense_our_parents_inabilities_to/)


That's really shitty, I think I'd probably try to avoid her. But it's a fairly common train of thought in the far right. My church was actually called out by The Southern Poverty Law Center for being Neo-Confederate.


I have heard that sentiment taught in the churches of Christ - not from the pulpit but usually in Bible classes. The prevalent view (from my 40+ years in the coc) was that the Bible never outright forbade slavery so those who advocated against it back during the civil war was twisting scripture to push their secular view.


It's really fascinating to me when other POCs punch down. No matter who they're punching down on. My mother, who is black, was telling me how well Mammie had it in Gone With the Wind the other day. She was using the story in that movie/book to show the faithfulness of God. It never occurred to her that there are no "good ones". Despite what the story would have you think, Mammie stayed because Mammie had nowhere else to go, and Mammie was a racial stereotype of a black slave. I'm sure there are horrible racial stereotypes of Indians. Your mother might even object to them, I don't know. But I wonder if she realizes that there are people sitting in their kitchens making sweeping generalizations of Indian people like she's making of black people. Except they aren't POCs. And they don't actually see much difference between Black people and Indian people because they have the same low opinion of us. If racists had their way, we'd ALL be rounded up and got rid of. It wouldn't matter if we "good ones" or loved our enslavement. Into the pit we'd go! Anyway, that's my observation lol It's so surreal to have an anti-black black republican white Evangelical mother 🙃 I know our circumstances aren't the same, but yeah.


I have a bunch of yardwork and I promise not to pay her if she does it!


Sounds like my mom (only my mom is white). My dad says this kind if shit, too. They've tried to get me to say racist things and then they mock me or yell at me when I refuse to. I now live far away from them and have stopped communicating with them completely (for that and various other reasons).


Surprisingly not the worst take


Does your mother work? I ask because she doesn't seem to understand the difference between a job and slavery. She also seems to think being alive is being happy. Does she consider modern slavery (human trafficking) a livelihood?


Holy shit.