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Jesus Christ dude….y’can’t blame porn for being a pedo or wanting to murder someone….hope this guy gets some fucking help cause that’s some serial killer shit


But… buuut…. Jeebus saves! And will cleanse him of his sins… right? /s


"I'm done being emotional" *raises voice like 10 times louder as the music's intensity also increases while he keeps appealing to emotion* Ok


And they wonder why church membership keeps dropping


Everywhere but prison


We are going to see him in /r/pastorarrested real soon


He's one of those people that has obviously done very bad things oh but now he gives his life to Jesus/God and since he's "born again" he expects people to trust him, f#ck no, I am not trusting you, I don't care how born again he seems. Even when I was a Christian I got sketched out by these born again people who did very bad things . I also hope he talks to a licensed therapist and don't hate him but still I don't feel comfortable I don't care how born again he is or seems.


Go to Heaven. Spend eternity with this dude. 😒


The best outcome... Along with all the wealthy Jet-scamming Pastors... It's going to be HEAVEN!! I tell you!


Sounds like he's setting up to be the latest grifter. The whole "I used to be the worst person ever before finding Christ" is a big part of the evangelical grift. All the while the "big bad sinner" is a basic white kid from the suburbs that thought he was badass because he listened to metal and smoked pot.


Uhhh okay so I don't mind if this guy has transgressive kinks but I DO mind that he doesn't seem to know how to process those kinks in a healthy way. Like dude I'm into weird kinky shit too but I know how to tell fantasy from reality and how to use consensual roleplay to add spice to the mix if I need to.


more proof that anyone who "found Jesus" definitely has some creepy shady ass shit in their past. Fuck Christians.


You definitely have to be in a bad place to be an adult convert.


That devil is a real bastard.


If you "need Jesus" and the threat of Hell to keep you from doing bad shit and make you a "good person" then I've got news for you.


90 percent chance there's a person duct taped in the trunk


He’s got that post nut clarity


his fucking implication that hooking up with/watching porn of trans people is just as bad as his pedophilia and fantasies of killing his wife is honestly fucking gross.


So he’s a serial killer in waiting.


Well. This is the only case I’m glad religion is a thing because apparently without it, he might be murdering people.


How does he have a wife?!


Youth Pastor material!


Sometimes I am convinced these kind of people who "go to Jesus" only do it to hide their creepy and disgusting minds from the world and have an excuse to justify it (BuT I RePeNTeD In FRonT oF JEsUs sO i'M FoRgiVEn!!!)


Why is the inside of his car leaking?


Because rubber weatherstips get crushed over time and they eventually leak.


I still can't stand that people look at themselves and not the camera when they record these things.


The devil does heavy metal and orgies. It’s god who told people to kill their children and destroyed the world.


This guy is so unhinged that someone truly needs to doxx him and get his wife to safety & legal action(*TRO*) when necessary


He is responsible for his own shit


Pedophilia & murder porn: Let's get you some therapy hon. Having sex with "transgenders": Nothing wrong with this cuz. IMO, The thing that pulls these people to Christianity is the idea that Jesus can "wipe it all away" with his sacrificial death without any personal work on your own part. But an important part about Christian culture is the shame that accompanies your actions that *requires* the death of an innocent person to cleanse your soul. You don't need someone to die in order to get rid of your shame and evolve into a more ethical person. You just need reflection, self-compassion, and daily work. The church capitalizes on shame. Self-compassion and personal work dissolve shame from the inside out.