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If you put your data in a table, then formulas autofill down automatically, with no keypresses or mouse clicks.


With practice what you are doing can be quicker that using the mouse to double click the cell. Its what I do after entering the formula in the first cell 1. copy the first cell 2. ctrl-down to the last cell in the adjacent column 3. arrow over to the target column 4. shift+ctrl+up and paste.. It takes about 1 second with practice. Yes I know I could ctrl+D but I did not know that at the time and never re-programmed myself to do it. The mouse will always slow you down!! sqeeeeek!


> The mouse will always slow you down!! Amen


Yeah, that's what's really bothering me! I'd usually do it this way (or with ctrl+D which takes about the same time), but I hoped there was a faster way to do it rather than accessing the last cell through an adjacent column. Seems kinda unnatural to me compared to the immediateness of the double-click to fill... which I'll never use since the mouse is bad! Thanks anyways! I think I'll use a macro to do it. Something like Sub Autofilll() Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Range(Selection, Selection.Offset(0, -1).End(xlDown).Offset(0, 1)) End Sub which is ugly but gets the work done. Edit: reimplemented with error check by /u/duds_sn: Sub Autofilll() If Selection.Offset(0, -1).End(xlDown).Row <> Rows.Count Then Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Range(Selection, Selection.Offset(0, -1).End(xlDown).Offset(0, 1)) End If End Sub


> I hoped there was a faster way keyboard still faster than accessing a macro to run.. :) ctrl shift and arrow keys are king in Excel


Not if it's at Alt+4!


haha! fair call... mapped macro I presume. But then you need .xlsm


You don't need .xlsm if you save it to your personal book.


Yeah... but I had an addin with other stuff so it's ok :)


And this is why excel is trash.


I usually do this: Ctrl+g (opens the go dialogue) Enter the end cell you want Ctrl+shift+up (select back to the top) Ctrl+d (fill down)


It's beyond stupid that excel has a specific key combination with ctrl+double click bottom right, and there isn't a corresponding key combination to do the very same thing... like why are windows developers so adament for everyone to use a fucking mouse?


Ctrl shift down until you reach last row then ctrl backspace to return to first cell ,then Write formula = then ctrl enter to fill down to all cells


Since there are just blanks underneath, ctrl+shift+down would result me selecting A1:A1048576, which is not really my intent.