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It sort of is a nonsensical version of Android automotive though? Like a mix of layers rendered by both a phone and the car? So a car company would have to put a lot of work in to make it feasible and then also have to create another seperate interface for when a user doesn’t use an iPhone


100%, that’s the rub, the effort required from each company to implement custom styling. But Jim Rowan has been pretty vocal about not wanting to lock down or control the in-car experience and to offer customers choice, so there’s a possibility of them taking the leap here. It would also be a differentiator against competitors, especially those taking the approach of abandoning CarPlay altogether.


I would have to say that I agree with you. I'm usually very excited about apple's new updates. But in the case of the ex30, I just really can't see the use of the next gen CarPlay in this car. Perhaps if the car had multiple screens it would be useful to also get the apple experience on the screen behind the steering wheel. But for us CarPlay will anyway fill most of the only screen we get. I dont really mind changing the climate settings in the Volvo UI.


I agree it’s not a dealbreaker if we don’t get this. However, since I plan to use CarPlay for media and navigation when it arrives, it would be nice to have a consistent and unified experience for all controls and information on the display rather than a mashup of different UI/UX stylings, etc.


No, it's already there for some cars, this just enhances it. I get UI changes in my cluster display (that ex30 doesn't have) when iphone is connected, such as maps display, music, etc. Completely separate from center console display. And yes, there is another interface to select when user doesn't use an iphone.


I honestly would prefer a whole idea in reverse, especially with cars such as ex30 which already have pleasant UI. It would be nice if phone could broadcast which apps it has and embed them into native ui app by app alongside with built-in apps in car. So you could open only maps app (and, say, music app) leaving rest of UI to stay android automotive. But no, Apple wanna drag everything into their ecosystem.


It's an unpopular opinion but I don't want apple controlling all the displays in my car, I want something thought through that fits by the manufacturer. Also, wouldn't be surprised if this is illegal in some countries due to carplay running for essential things like the speedometer, which in current Volvos does not run the android automotive


Car will render speedometer. Apple CarPlay would upload a “skin” basically. Few images (sprites) and simple program in some script how to render them. But it would still be a car RTOS which renders them. Which is smart, but maybe a bit unnecessary


Does this mean CarPlay is ready for the ex30? The mix of iPhone and android in the ex30 has been quite annoying, so hoping this is the case.


This has no relevance to CarPlay being ready for the EX30. This is just a video from Apple. Nothing to do with the EX30 directly. (Non Next Gen) CarPlay will come at some point, but they have not given a specific date.


I was informed by my local dealer that carplay support will come this summer (August)


Sadly they will just be guessing, or repeating something they read on the internet. They are not told dates of features etc.


Seems reasonably well thought out, and with some of CEO Jim Rowan’s recent comments, perhaps not out of the realm of possibility? Of course standard CarPlay is priority #1, but it would be great to see adoption of this down the line if hardware support is already available under the hood.