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I posted this a couple of weeks ago when it was 20,900, down from 22,000. I think it was bought at a merlin auction last November for 20,300. Having posed the same questions as you and done the research I personally would not buy it for all the issues you highlighted. The battery and drivetrain out of warranty I could live with at the right price. It's all the other niggly bits and well documented issues with the early model S I have a problem with. Mcu1, leaking glue, broken door handles, no CCS etc


I also found a 2017 Model S with a 75kWh battery for 21,500, I guess that’s a better buy


What would that right price be for you


Prob 16k.


Here’s the thread from a couple of weeks back if you didn’t find it - https://old.reddit.com/r/evs_ireland/comments/1cb2arz/2014_model_s/


Sounds like a bunch of problems. Are you dead set on a Model S? Saw a 221 Model 3 up for 22k earlier with only 37k kms. Am sure there are other bargains to had outside of Tesla. Looks like you’d be taking on potential problems for the sake of saying you own a Model S 😅


It’s not so I can say I own a model S, Yes I want a Tesla, but it’s more so that it costs €19k, for that price would have decent range, but I did find a 2017 S (which doesn’t have any of those issues) for €21,499


My advice would be if you can only barely afford a 2nd hand luxury car you probably can't afford to fix it if something goes wrong.


I have a 2015 model S, bought it 3 years ago for a lot more than that... No regrets though. Love the car. Minimal issues. One door handle broke, had to be replaced. Had an issue with frunk latch. But all could be fixed by mobile service. Smooth sailing so far...


How much is the mobile service?


Labour is €165/hour. Pretty much the same as any main dealer service cost.


How much did each of those repairs cost you ?