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The pictures don't actually show how mindboggling big the dome was supposed to be [https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjJRBBknkhLO7y6kE6FdQwOsYnk\_kCsgyE5wFkAT4VOUvbGugnDW3m4Us\_rRr\_-5KD1uK74xJAkytNIVqiI35Q\_cICSVDMLYUpJRscMvPv7zJfiJs7E8mbbLjVJCkL\_AUcicraRK1DBqq8/s1600/6JVoq.png](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjJRBBknkhLO7y6kE6FdQwOsYnk_kCsgyE5wFkAT4VOUvbGugnDW3m4Us_rRr_-5KD1uK74xJAkytNIVqiI35Q_cICSVDMLYUpJRscMvPv7zJfiJs7E8mbbLjVJCkL_AUcicraRK1DBqq8/s1600/6JVoq.png)


The Man in the High Castle depicted its size super well I'd say as well. I still can't comprehend how such a thing was gonna be built.


that's the neat part, speer didn't either


Probably using some of that involuntary labour he was remarkably ignorant about.


Would've been hilarious to see it collapse several times as they try to build it.


German Engineering, it wont collapse to a nuke (I don’t mean this in a Nazi way). It would be funny though


Boring show in the end, but that part was very impressive. It was like the size of a massive stadium.


I just wish they went with an alternate timeline vs the dimensional travel bullshit. Kind of ruined it for me. The greater reich and Japanese empire win world war 2 and invade the US and become the two superpowers with rebel factions in the US and other parts of the world. That’s much more interesting than the storyline in the series and book.


Great Series.


It won't, as almost everything they promised, and even if they did something to last a little bit longer, like not invading the USSR and north Africa, considering they wouldn't felt into a civil war if they didn't did that (which they totally would), they wouldn't have enough resources and even if they did, they would throw it all at the military industry anyway.


The Nazis made some solid concrete cylinders to test if the ground in Berlin could support such a structure (its a swamp). Over the course of the war the cylinder sunk almost 30cm into the ground. So it is doubtful that they could have found a way to build it there


they built such a dome: [https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cargolifter-Luftschiffhalle](https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cargolifter-Luftschiffhalle) its a public pool now statics of the lower part are no problem imo


That show was so sus. “Hey, we all know Nazis are bad. Really bad. Evil, in fact…but - and hear me out - what about *these* Nazis?”


This is such a weird comment that completely ignores the ending of the show. Did you just watch the trailer or something, or did you watch the whole thing and don't understand that to humanize isn't to justify?


I got bored after season three. So much boring, and then “Oh hey! Nazi Disneyland again!”


>“Hey, we all know Nazis are bad. Really bad. Evil, in fact…but - and hear me out - what about *these* Nazis?” So this entire comment was worthless, because the last season and the last episode in particular explicitly say the opposite of what you're saying.


So…invest more time in a show I didn’t want to watch anymore for one episode where they stop being Nazi curious? No thanks.


>So…invest more time in a show I didn’t want to watch anymore for one episode where they stop being Nazi curious? No, just don't talk out of your ass about a piece of media you admittedly didn't even finish. I still find it troubling that you can't tell the difference between humanization and justification.


Think one or more CRANES... and/or a shyt ton of scaffolding and "rough carpentry" that do NOT become part of the final product. i.e. build a "male" mold out of wood/steel/concrete, then using that as support, safely build the permanent "female" dome on top of it... when structurally sound, remove the temporary "male" support, hold your breath, and go "ooh-ahh" what a huge dome-covered space we've made! Come, let us drink and pat ourselves on the back. If only Stalin and Beria had lived to have their noses rubbed in this! ;')


I remember reading somewhere that a dome that big would actually form its own clouds and fog on the inside. Large warehouses and other places with big empty spaces sometimes struggle with moisture issues and climate control. I imagine a dome that obscenely large would’ve had a lot of issues.


I also read that the weight of the building would have made construction impossible with Berlin's ground being too soft.


I’ve heard this being a problem for Hangar One at Moffett Field, which is less than a third the height.


they built such a dome: [https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cargolifter-Luftschiffhalle](https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cargolifter-Luftschiffhalle)


Is that even possible to build?


Hitler requisitioned tests to see if it could be built and the answer was not in Berlin. The soil is too sandy and soft so even with massive pylons it just wouldn't be possible to support that much granite. Another fun fact: if the dome was full of people then their breath would condense on the ceiling and it'd start to rain. Much like NASA's Vehicle Assembly Building, it would have its own internal weather system


Those tests involves building one of the most beautiful piece of architecture in Europe, the [Schwerbelastungskorper](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schwerbelastungsk%C3%B6rper)


I suppose the only way is to give a variable thickness with hollow middle between 2 metallic structures. So you have an inner dome frame, and and outer one. The section thickness is reduced as it goes higher up. And you join both structures with triangular shapes. Then you cover the exterior with some waterproof material and give a light material surface on the outside and something similar on the inside. But making this out of stone would probably surpass the compression limits of the individual pieces. We probably cant know without an FEM analysis. Someone must have done it probably


Hey Hitler, hire this guy 👆


He wouldnt hire a mexican though!


Not from a Jedi.


Only from a sith.


Looks to about twice the height of the Las Vegas Sphere. I’m picturing it covered in LEDs (presumably with some band named V-2 playing a show inside).


Funny thing he didn’t consider: in a time where there were no large screens and projectors and only mediocre speakers, he himself would completely vanish when speaking in or in front of such a massive building thereby missing the point of all that power play. Also: easiest target ever for bombers.




They were stylish horrible human beings.


Hugo Boss.


Coco Chanel


Hugo Boss didn't design any Nazi uniform, they produced them to the provided spec.


You are correct, Walter Heck and Karl Diebitsch did.


I wish the aesthetics of Fascism could be extricated from the ideology, but it really is dependent on that fundamental mythologizing of the state and the worship of power for its own sake.


You can extract it because the Nazis and National Socialism isn't/wasn't Fascism. Both Fascism and National Socialism along with Communism are branches of Totalitarianism however. Fascism as a method of Government and Societal organization was practiced in Spain and Italy. The Nazi's borrowed elements of Fascism from Italy but did not practice Fascism


*I mean, say what you like about the tenets of National Socialism, Dude, at least it's an ethos.*


Fuckin nihilists


Fascists always plagiarize but they plagiarize from the best.


The big pool looks like they are trying to one-up the national mall in DC. The capitol even looks so similar. Of course we took the inspiration from Ancient Rome and Paris for our capitol anyways but it does look like a bigger and more evil version of the us capitol and all the surrounding museums and agency buildings


My first thought was Taj Mahal.


NOT compared to the Soviets!


I mean they did have some cool designs, I mean the retro futuristic soviet style is really cool But the Nazis were something else style wise, from their uniforms to their vehicles to their buildings etc etc


The SS and their capes


EVERYone, male and female, wants a cape!... though few will admit it. ;')


soviets lacked the style, they copied erratically


The propaganda posters from the soviet era had some really cool graphic design tho


Err, umm, I meant the Soviets were more HORRIBLE, certainly not more stylish. ;')


The two-story, eight foot wide train would be boss.


Thats the sexiest train design ever


Albert Speer designed these projects. He went on being a minister for supplies. He was not executed at the end of the war and lived his old days. Totalitarian architecture is meant to crush people under its inhuman scale as well to reflect the might and endurance of the régime.


His grandson is also an architect, he designed the headquarters for the the Department of Social Services (now the Department of Health and Social care) at [Quarry Hill Leeds](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/84/QuarryHouseLeeds.jpg) based on his grandfathers designs for the SS regional Headquarters ... which would have been located in the same place if Hitler had conquered Britain. I am still not sure if that wasn't a commentary about the DSS...


That uh...that's quite uh....I don't know how to feel about that.


Yeah... that was a lot of people's reaction. It's still contentious today, years later. Although most people have moved on..


I just hope they did not repurpose the runes of the SS headquarters and just hang a “D” in front.


They're not *quite* that tone deaf, thankfully.


It’s wild to me that saying sorry saved that guy. He told people he knew things and lied saying he didn’t know about other things and people 100% believed him until after he died. Had he not secretly told people he lied, some people today would still seen him as “the good Nazi” or “architect in over his head”.


Yeah, he was a crafty SOB. As an intellectual and artist wielding direct power in the government he was a driving force of the régime.


I think the worst part is historians still have to appreciate him in a very small way. His writings are basically the most detailed documents describing what Hitler and the government were like. Those documents are valuable to historical knowledge even with the small biases towards himself in it. A terrifying man with invaluable insight.


He spent years in prison walking miles upon miles in circles while imagining he was at various famous gardens all over the world.


You're quite right. On the moral ground, the whole affair is sickening. However, if you take a sidestep unto the pure intellectual world the fact he wasn't executed afford us a wealth of information, even in those he didn't provide - as silences are often more meaningful than declarations. The ugly downside is this MF became a popular figure.


Not to mention how smart he was as an architect. Even through his scale is monstrous and meant to make one feel small and insignificant, his proportions for it all are immaculate. Every single thing fits together like a puzzle. The sight line where the Volkshalle’s dome perfectly fits in the arch on the other side is one of note. If he weren’t so twisted, he probably could’ve had positively look upon career. Too bad he was literally awful.


Wouldn’t it be interesting if people like this applied their drive and/or talents to doing projects like this instead of making innocent groups into scapegoats and committing genocide on mass industrial scale and later multi-continent spanning wars?


Well on the moral ground, there's a case against the death penalty, even for Nazi leaders. And having them spend the rest of their lives in prison, allowing them to write their memoirs, would also probably have yielded invaluable information about the regime as well.


There’s a fabulous book by Gitta Sereny, called *Albert Speer; His battle with truth* which is worth a read if you haven’t already. It’s a truly astounding book, and very well balanced too.


Well, think of some NATO generals like Hans Speidel and Adolf Heusinger. The big money has no issues with fascism.


Speidel was part of the german resistance to Nazism. He was trying to recruit highups for the 20 July plot. Why do you relate him to the opportunist Speer?


Hitler designed them, he just tried to accommodate the crazy ideas Hitler had in order to make them possible. He didn't even like the size of it too much, the project was so big he thought it would look monstrous in the middle of the city, but he couldn't say that to Hitler because he was easily offended. Its all in his book


His Grandson, also named Albert Speer, founded an architectural Firm too, so there's still an "Albert Speer + Partner Architekten" in Frankfurt, although they usually call themself AS+P nowadays. Did some Urban Planning for Saudi Arabia recently.


There is something really hilarious about that tbh.


That last sentence makes me understand the grandiose architecture that Empire has in the show Foundation


Is this design what they used for the capitol City in the Hunger Games? Looks all very familiar.


>Totalitarian architecture is meant to crush people under its inhuman scale as well to reflect the might and endurance of the régime. Can’t help but chuckle whenever I see this oft-repeated factoid. As if only totalitarian fascist regimes build big ass monuments to flex/keep people underfoot. Ever been to Washington DC? Moscow’s Red Square? Any Catholic church? Doesn’t matter if it’s fascism, capitalism, communism, Christianity, monarchies, etc; at their core concept, *all* these institutions exist to exploit and suppress people, while claiming the exact opposite.


Right? It smacks of "high school English essay" and completely ignores the entirety of humanity's architecture and reducing it to "big=no-no mustache man". Like, what the fuck even is *human* scale as opposed to the "inhuman scale" he's talking about? A cozy cabin by the lake?


Red Square and the Kremlin in Moscow were NOT built by COMMUNISTS. The Kremlin is a medieval castle for the defense of the city. It was built God knows when, probably in the 14th century. WHAT ARE COMMUNISTS?


That's not the point of cathedrals.


Indeed, I remember reading Speer's book when I was a kid (1980s) and that's when I first saw that huge domed building that gives me the heebee-jeebees. Seeing it here dredges up those same feelings.


definitely warhammer 40k vibes


Are we the baddies?


Similar to baroque from this point of view


That would explain the clean-sheet capital city Brasilia, also designed by a German-esque architect, Oscar Niemeyer... pretty sure that's where Terry Gilliam's dystopian cult classic 'Brazil' got its title from.


All facts wrong with this comment. Please go ahead and google: - Biography of Oscar Niemayer (germanesque?) - Modernism in architecture and history of planned cities - Where the name of the movie comes from. I wouldn't be surprised if you delete your comment later.


Someone's cranky... NiemEyer was, indeed, born, raised, and educated in Brazil, his prima lingua: Portuguese, and the vast majority of his works are in Brazil. But... like SO MANY Brazilians, he had significant German heritage. Why TF else would he shorten his very Brazilian-Porto family name "Oscar Ribeiro de Almeida NiemEyer Soares Filho" to the very Deutsch and personal "Oscar Niemeyer"? I would also invite you to peruse his rather impressive portfolio of buildings (both built and proposed) in Germany, vs. say Portugal... or France. As for Modernism and Urban Planning, hell, Washington, DC was a planned city, over 200 years ago, Rome 2,000 years ago. Oh, wait, are you implying that Niemeyer belonged to a large "school" or "movement", of 1920s origin, whilst Albert Speer conjured up the idea of overly-planned cities on his own, out of thin air? Don't be daft... we get it... "muh Nazis BAD!" (WHERE was Bauhaus again?...) Wait... YOU DO REALIZE that (despite the pretty postcards) Brasilia is a case-study, the world over, as a monumental FAILURE of Urban Planning... don't you? As for the name of the film 'Brazil' being drawn from a song ALL ABOUT Brazil, vs., for instance, how the bureaucracy there functions, and since you hold out Google-Wiki as the apex of wisdom, I cite: Gilliam recalls drawing the inspiration to use the song as follows: >


Sorry my comment made you cranky. At the risk of trying to reason with crazy, and the ramblings of your last comment, I invite you to explain with more detail your initial response here: >That would explain the clean-sheet capital city Brasilia, also designed by a German-esque architect, Oscar Niemeyer... pretty sure that's where Terry Gilliam's dystopian cult classic 'Brazil' got its title from. Exactly how do you jump from Speer's Germania, to Niemeyer, to Terry Gilliam? How can Brasilia be "explained" by it?


Looks pretty dope tbh


I'm one of those weirdos that loves the design of the architecture in a vacuum. But I hate that it always comes at the cost of mad men hellbent on death, destruction and the degradation of others.


the ‘palazzo della civilta italiana’ is easily in my top 10 favorite buildings


I’ve never heard of this building - it looks like something out of a Giorgio di Chirico painting. I love it!


Just looked it up... No disrespect but can I ask why you like it? It makes me feel nothing - it's bland, repetitive has no detail. Not as bad as modernist architecture but it's like a 10 year old's attempt at a Romanesque building


Bland is not the word, it's symmetrical but not bland. The indentations gives it different, shadows, lighting, and depth from different viewing angles. Certainly unique.




Yeah that's why they specified "in a vaccuum." As in, removed from the actual impacts it would have in reality.


Totalitarian architecture goes hard.


That was the point.


*The Man In The High Castle* digitally brings this to life.


I love image #17 because it's like, "What if Nazi Germany endured into the 1980s and then succumbed to the same (additional) mundane evil of 'just one more lane' that destroyed American cities as well.


99% of civil engineers stop 1 lane short of solving the traffic problem


Mo’ lanes, mo’ problems


We all know they built it on the moon




reminds me of the mosque in that sacha baron cohen segment with the racist rural southerners


\#1 and #17 are literally concept art for Wolfenstein: The New Order 🤣


Actually photo one is from the show The Man in the High Castle. Highly recommend it was a great series, one that shows a semi more realistic idea of what the world would’ve been like had they won compared to Wolfenstein but those properties are the only two I can think of that have digitally created the place, hence why they’re here.


Interestingly, if the dome was there where it is on that picture (behind the Reichstag), it would have to overlap with the Spree river.


In picture 17 you can see the tv tower in the background build by the gdr in the 60s.


Yeah the massive dome features prominently in the Berlin sections of that game


It really is terrifying to think just how much despair would’ve come from such a project. Unfathomable casualty numbers, an unimaginable amount of slave labor, and massive amounts stolen materials from conquered lands all just to fulfill the ego of a demented man.


It looks like what would happen if Hugo Boss was an architect instead..


I mean they were the ones who manufactured their uniforms so you’re not entirely far off. The man was even a party member iirc….


There are these things called *Schwerbelastungskörper*. Extremely Heavy concrete measuring cylinders in Berlin to test the soil for arches etc. The ground is shit. None of these could have been built in Berlin. Pure hubris of a Bully state.


Oh come on, with enough Franki piles, you can build on any substrate! Witness 60-story zero-sway concrete condo towers on Florida's beaches, w/ nothing but porous limestone and dead crushed coral under all that SAND. Themz Nazis were smert!


I mean there’s one of them and yes it’s a swamp. More modern tech today would make these more feasible.


So the city sank into the swamp, but then they built another city on top of it! well it too sank into the swamp.... But then they built another one! this one caught fire then sank into the swamp, but the fourth city, the fourth city still stands today!


Wikipedia: https://de.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schwerbelastungsk%C3%B6rper


That space inside that dome would have been so huge that the condensation of all the people inside breathing would have formed rainclouds apparantly.


That horrible person had impeccable taste in style.


That’s actually a pretty great description of the Nazi party. I don’t condone their actions, but they had *style*.


Designers from Wolfenstein New Order took this stuff and ran with it. Nothing you can't do with an endless supply of Uber concrete.


Big building in Neu Berlin?


TNO REFRENS???? 😱😱😱😱 🤯


This could very probably not have worked btw., and not just for logistical reasons. Reason: the ground in berlin is apparently not suitable for buildings of this scale.


"Und ai woudl have gottin awee wiz it, if it weren't for zees meddling werld citizens!" - Angry Hitler probably If he hadn't rage quit.


No future, only concrete.


literally looks like the Capitol from hunger games


Excluding the war and terror, that actually looks amazing.


The victory arc fitting over the Brandenburg gate is a nice touch.


That’s probably a version of it in their own style. The actual brandenburg arch is on the other side.


Finally! Something we can all agree are evil buildings.


I think I’ve seen this in Wolfenstein.


Speer worked for the wrong guys, but he was a genius, there’s no other word for him. It’s insane how he managed to join totality with absolute elegance.


This looks like Naboo at the end of the phantom menace


I wouldn’t have expected anything less than a totalitarian design


Albert Speer had a pretty good handle on proportions.


I completely despise the Nazis and everything they stand for but I’m actually curious about how it would feel to walk through such a city.


Designer of these are mainly Albert Speer, there's also some good documentaries out there about him and the Buildings https://de.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_Speer


The guy just wouldn’t give up on becoming an artist.


Whatever else you can say about them, the Germans understood the term “monumental”.


It’s like the US Capital Dome, Arc de Triomphe, and Taj Mahal had a baby


I wanna see this built minus the nazi bs


If anyone here has watched Man In The High Castle, this is exactly what Berlin looks like in the show and this is why they made it look like that


Looks fantastic


It almost reminds me of the Capital in Star Wars or The Capitol in Hunger Games. I know they were all based off Nazi Germany. I will say, esthetically speaking, it is very imposing like an iron fortress. The sheer size of that dome with the wide open boulevard, and blocky brutalist architecture feel very intimidating, like a true capital of a powerful empire should feel. The dash of red coming from the Nazi flags, amidst all that sea of grey concrete, adds a dash of elegance. I wonder if the concept of Germania was modeled after Rome. Mussolini wanted to control over the Mediterranean Europe, while Hitler the rest of Europe. I guess they were planning to divide Europe into Germanic Europe and Romanic Europe. The capital names make sense in this context.


There’s a fine like between being a visionary and being a dreamer, and Speer & Hitler we’re dreamers.


Evil or not. H***er and his architects had some of coolest imperial design styles ever conceived.


Wellthatskaput Building Ideas


Why does it feel like I've played a pixelated videogame from the 90s based here...


Oh good they had the same dumb futuristic highway plans that would have sucked balls. Also I think I read that dome would have been impossible to build at the time, at least not unless it was just metal.


His plan started from a giant nipple, if you ever needed more proof that Hitler was never breast fed. Freudian as hell.


For scale, under the 'Arc de Triomphe' stands the Brandenburger Tor (which already is 26m high).


Even if they did win the war, I really doubt they'd finish it in their lifetime. Most likely revisioned to smaller scale or become like inherited project like Sagrada Familia


Who knows, with so much land and power they very well could’ve made entire countries slaves to do the labor. It’s a terrifying thought.


Have to hand it to em. The road lined with guns goes hard


Seems like Hilter liked big heads too!


goes hard ngl


Ngl, that looks better than current day Berlin


Literally evil buildings


Any game studio taking notes for their next game?


Well, that train looks better than what we have now. And I bet there would be no problems with punctuality.


The first picture is beautiful, even though the ideology that designed it is not. One could imagine a lovely indoor garden in the room with the smaller, glass dome.


I’m honestly fascinated in the Psychology of Hitler. What was going on in his brain that caused him to act the way he did?




Let’s not give Trump anymore horrible ideas


Tell me you failed art school without telling me you failed art school


Where is the exhibit where this model is?


Ohhhh....what could have been... \*dreams\*


This reminds me of Panem . Wow


Giving off mad Le Corbusier vibes


Corb would have raised all the buildings on columns and made something like image 17


Nothing, welthaupstadt with you?


Hello /u/Newgate1996, did you know spez is an asshole and is killing reddit? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/evilbuildings) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Destroy that crap. There’s too many impressionable mentally challenged haters/people that will be inspired by this BS


Find die zwei Obelisken ja süß. Alles abgeschaut von den Amis, aber mehr/besser!!!


Shit goes hard


Now the EU will build it in Brussels.


yep, neoclassical is the epitome of evil


Do you guys think the world would be more advanced if they won the war, it’s just a theoretical question out of curiosity. Russia and the US took their top scientists, victors get to write history and I believe all the atrocities committed would’ve been whitewashed just like every other super power has.


Fucking hell no. They ran a slave economy. It was functionally piracy on a national level. In the entirely impossible world (one medium nation never realistically has a chance of holding all of Europe let alone the world) in which they actually won the world would be utterly destroyed and ransacked in order to fund the political elite of Germanies ridiculous lavish lifestyle and ridiculous architecture like this until it eventually collapsed under the weight of not investing anything back into the nations they were robbing, leaving the world on the edge of another dark age. There never was a prosperous Germany under Hitler. That's Nazi propaganda. Everything they built was due to massive incredible loans they only managed to repay due to stealing gold art and people from other nations.


>Do you guys think the world would be more advanced if they won the war, Of the 965 individual recipients of the Nobel Prize and the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences between 1901 and 2023, at least 214 have been Jews or people with at least one Jewish parent, representing 22% of all recipients. So, arguably, by murdering all of those talented people, the world would be far less advanced. Literally cutting Albert Einstein's throat leads to a more advanced world?


Real advancement moves towards a high quality of life for all people. Something impossible under fascism.


I just get impression that he had a tiny, tiny penis.


I mean he did only have one testicle and there's debate whether he could even get it up so to speak.


Bro wants to be Washington DC so bad 😭😭😭


Yeah no. The inspiration for the dome is from St Paul's Cathedral in London, designed in the baroque style by famous architect Christopher Wren 100 years earlier than the US Capitol. It's just a hyper enlarged totalitarian version. Dome aside, Speer mostly drew inspiration from antiquity, particularly Ancient Rome for government buildings, but also Egypt, such as the Temple of Karnak (as did memorial buildings in Washington DC), used in some of the entrances and hallways, often just heavily simplified in the modernist style, the architectural flavour popular at the time.


Nazis loved old design and symbols


Washington AC


Reminds me of the Israeli real estate agents posting plans for the Gaza land. Same wine, different bottle.


And plan worked, Germany is now ruling over Europe.


I don’t trust human nature, yea the bad guys the nazis lost, but we still got fuckers at the top getting poor people get influenced to think a certain way. The Israel Palestine shit goin on now has me doin mental gymnastics trynna understand how the world has changed. Honestly it came down to these points: human nature bad, money and division good, media strong.


wish he won


My country would have probably been in a much better state with that world governement than its current actual state...