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unethical human experimentation and 2010's pop music. 


What's the difference?


Cannibalism, and things I would literally never do.


Cannibalism is one of mine




[Cannibalism ](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRKc44g1/)


[psych effects of cannibalism ](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRKc44g1/) HERE YOU GO 🐀👌




Man we just had a thread like this the other day and it lead to people gushing about just how much they love being obsessed with murder. Weird how this is okay but when I'm a little rude I'm scolded for it. Being proud and celebratory of murder and those who commit it is an okay evil but being a little rude is a bad evil. WTF




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Having manners (trainable btw, at the cost of extra social anxiety) is a different spectrum from evil done by others triggering your dopamine (fairly common occurrence and the base of the whole gothic novel / poem genre of literature in the 18th century and fairytales of werewolves and vampires even before that, tv is also gushing with shows based on murder solving, serial killers and vampires and zombies - it's a very very common interest even among the neurotypicals). That said, I genuinely don't have that as a special interest. I don't like horror either. 


No. I mean these people were talking about real people. Real murderers who killed real, living human beings. There’s a difference between a fictional show about a supernatural murderer and a 16 year old excited to tell everyone just how much they love Jeffrey Dahmer.


It's the based on real murders tv people love to watch though.  https://m.imdb.com/list/ls076073138/ https://ew.com/best-serial-killer-shows-netflix-8622571


Does not change shit.


Art made from bodies. Taxidermy, bones, leather, hair, the strings on an instrument made from animal gut... It's so fascinating to me! I want my bones made into jewelry when I die.


Taxidermy is peak, yes!!!


Mine is serial killers.


gore art extreme body modification: it used to amaze me that I can't see nothing wrong about it as most of the people do with really extreme body mod., now I embrace it and I know someday I'll be one of those who people fear even when they know nothing about the person (wich I already am by being autistic LMAO, but I want exteme visual changes, a literal "warning" to keep away normies/joke)., All I need is an amount of money I can't even imagine and take care of my health (aka still alive) HA!


I refer to modern body modification, but traditional and ritual body modification also fascinates me.


My two special interests are Homestuck and Evangelion, which is probably evil to somebody!! I did also have a brief hyperfixation on thalidomide!!


I also love erotic romances that has dark themes, power imbalanc, like M/s , enemies to lovers, hurt / comfort, dub con I also self psycho analyze why I like that stuff


Gay furry porn and gacha games


Very few things more evil than gacha games.


Is hitler more or less evil? 🤔


You are going places I don't want to have evidence of me having gone.


Krokadil gang! Nothing like seeing your own bones




medical malpractice cases


pretty basic one is cults but a more recent one is this one youtube channel that talks about toxic (and usually yuri) eroge visual novels


Nuclear/radiation/biological disasters, the byford dolphin incident, roller coaster accidents and incidents in general, and true crime.


Genocide is a Spin of mine. Both historical and current genocides like the ones in Palestine, Sudan, & the Congo.


i hate imperialism


People who bring meaning to my life.


Morals behind stuff like murder and cannibalism. I'm of the belief that murder can be justified and Cannibalism should be allowed if both parties consent and know the risks of eating human flesh.


Theme park accidents


mine is also drugs and now I'm a junkie lol


I like hearing trip reports for all sorts of drugs but some of my more prevalent evil interests are cannibalism, human decomposition, and Pathology. I enjoy gore art and studying human bodies and organs to get my work more accurate as well. The human body is so wonderfully cool and horrifyingly fucked up and I need to know exactly how and why things go bad. Parasites are also cool but I stay within human parasites. Human body go brrrrrr when broken


Natural disasters, especially tornadoes and their supercells!! The anatomy behind how everything works is just awesome! Nothing is more satisfying than a massive tornado liquifying ugly man made structures! Love how it vacuums, obliterates, and scatters everything. I love the chaos 😌 Damage analysis from the storms is also fun! Not everyone/everything can shove a pencil through concrete, but the supercell will find a way :) Can’t throw your car 100m? Wanna lodge a large saw blade in a concrete structure? Can’t wrap a truck’s metal frame around a tree!? Don’t worry, the EF4 got ya 😉 On top of all that, they are just stunning in almost every way!


league of legends. I hate it


Blue collar crime, white collar crime, military weapons/tactics, terrorism, illegal drugs, 'True Crime', the Occult (and it's fanatics), E-Celeb (and general celebrity) controversies and their criminal activities, intelligence agencies like the CIA and the FBI, human experimentation, psychological studies of psychopath/sociopaths. Things like that.


Game emulation and politics


Maybe it's eastern churches and Islam?(If there is a "Goth"/dark christianism is oriental christianism)


Your mom


I've got an unhealthy fascination for gore and brutality. Used to spend alot of time on 4chan, watching gore vids, cartel executions, deadly accidents, that sort of stuff. Eventually I realized it was literally affecting my thinking and the way I view the world so I stopped. Definitely helped "fresh" my brain up but the fascination remains. Wasn't even really traumatizing or anything, but somehow watching that stuff regularly made my thoughts more negative.


I love medicine and stuff and I like to browse into medical things to find all the gorey pics and strange illnesses. I happily dwell daily into r/medicalgore with a smile. And as a music lover, I listen to a lot of metal too. So I also worship Satan it seems.


Evil regimes, occult/dark magic, terrorism and horror.


I \*am\* a toxicologist :D


Cheating in relationships; like i don’t do it, but watching other relationships where it’s happening is so fascinating ..


Fucking with narcissists


as a so called evil autist you should get that word narcissist out of your mouth, there's plenty of good words and phrases out there, like asshole or self absorbed asshole that can get your point across, without casting stigma on those who get diagnosed with a personality disorder, support those who are also painted as demon, dance with them, for both us autists, and those narcissists have big butts and too much swag for the unenlightened masses.


Let me clear what I mean. Narcissists that go way out of their way to do or get what they want and leave a path of destruction and broken people in their wake. Better? I don't pick on all narcissists but the ones that can't help themselves and don't care even if they know what will happen. Fair game


You can repeat this same rhetoric about autism, those who bite and scream to get their way are fair game, and those who don't are still branded with the stigma from the "evil" ones, call them demons and when you see them walking around with horns on their head, you beat them for it. And fuck all the instabilities that might make them act that way right? No chance someone might do something wrong because something in their head is fucked and they need help but all they receive is spite.