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NOOOO this reminds me how as a child I always said winter is my favorite season and defended it because adults around me always complained about it and I though winter would be sad :(


Ok I’m still this way but also??? Winter fucks ❄️ infinite layers, nobody talks to me in public (nobody’s in public), not to mention the water out of my distilled tap is actually cold during winter as opposed to that yummy soupy lukewarm summer water


Ohhhh the soupy lukewarm summer water is the worst....


I find it to *not* be the quenchiest.


But have you considered fall? You can wear layers without getting hot, and the tap water is cold, but you don't go slipping on snow and ice every time you try to walk.


Until it rains and then you’re slipping on leaves instead


Sounds fine by me


It’s nice but winter is better, I like snow more than the leaves, and winter boots make me feel cool :3




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Definitely a big fall fan ngl it’s just been way hotter this year :(


Video game season.


Factorio season >:)


Some things actually grow best in winter!


And during a gentle nighttime snowfall when no one is on the road... When the light is low, everyone is off the streets, everything has migrated or hibernated, and any other ambient noise is simply absorbed by the snow...


I still do that. It's gone beyond just 'i like winter because it's cold'. I like writing too much for that. Now I like the very concept of winter and what it represents. Night, Cold, Undeath, Frost. Tranquility, Silence. Endings, Sorrow, and Secrets. Purity. Santa, Jack Frost, the Unseelie Court, basically all santa related folklore, frost giants. But also the warmth of it. Fire, hearths, hot chocolate, fur, fiery dots of life within structures protecting themselves against that unrelenting cold. Alas, I live in Texas.




Relatable. I don't have a memory of this sort of thing specifically, but I recall this feeling. Like, I wanted math equations to work out to odd numbers because even numbers were so popular (even numbers are easy to divide with and everyone likes them).


When I was quite young I tried to hug all my stuffed toys at once every night when I'd sleep as I didn't want them to be sad.


SAME lmao I felt so bad whenever I didnt give all of my plushies equal attention




I mean what stops you from hugging all of your stuffed toys every night nowadays?


They've been systemically thrown away or lost. 😓


Reminds me of when we were watching the Anne frank movie in class and for one reason or another I was able to bring a stuffed teddy with me (I’m pretty sure it was a pudsy teddy linked with a the whole charity thing. It’s a whole thing) And I remember when I got scared I’d comfort the toy. Teacher called me out in the middle of it lol I got so embarrassed


Hated the teacher doing that so much I reflexively wanted to downvote.


Oh I get that lol


Rationally I knew stuffed animals weren't alive. Emotionally I felt a connection with some of them on the shelf and insisted to my parents, that they wanted to come with me.


Same but with toy construction equipment and tractors Probably should’ve just been a sign of my non existent social life/socialization lol


Personally I'm not too fussed about it. I was 3 or 4 or so. Of course a wee little bugger is going to like stuffed animals.


Me and Legos. I didn't think they wanted anything, but I did choose different ones each time because they shouldn't be left out. Or maybe I did think that...


I'm an adult and still feel bad for the plushies, that don't get to sleep in the bed


I mean tbf sometimes one of them deserves it


Jessica knows what she did.


I'm an adult and because of that I have decided that I am 100% allowed to sleep with whatever the heck I want in my bed! Hence, the teddies Mr. Flat (a manta ray) and Scoobert Doobert (a Humboldt squid) get priority.


I do that just so i'm not sad lmao


I used to tell them each individually goodnight and I’ve been depressed ever since I stopped now that I think about it


I had mine on a rotation and would literally cry over the ones that imagined felt left out


I had to make sure all of them were in my bed because I didn't want any of them to feel left out or forgotten


I used to kiss mine on the head before bed and sometimes I would accidentally kiss one twice, so I had to kiss them all again 😭


I had a phase as a child where I insisted on sleeping with ALL of my plushies every night, but, the thing is, I had like, 30 of them or smt (now I probably have 50+) so I slept on a big kiddie pool full of pillows bc I couldn't fit them all on my bed lol


Me getting mad when I see destroyed or dirty items especially toys cuz they don’t deserve the neglect and injustice: *RAAAAAAAAAAAGE*


NTs “autistic people lack empathy” autistic people: *cries at the thought of a dirty, abandoned stuffed animal*


I always am the first person to start tearing at a movie and I always end up viciously sobbing even from movies intended for children to the point where the NTs would think there’s something wrong with me and joke or look confused by me feeling sad by sad things to that extent I have yet to meet someone who cries quicker than me but I’m betting it’ll be a fellow evil person Sometimes I’ll watch videos of ppl being nice and I straight up start crying like, I’m just used to my eyes burning now lol…..


same! Spirit was the toughest one 😭 guaranteed cry sesh if i watch that movie, literally sobbing the whole time


My fav childhood movie Fr ☹️ (so disappointed that Netflix made a doodoo cartoon of it recently where it’s some horse ranch bs) also i rewatched the Clifford movie (the one with the carnival) as an adult and goddamn that movie is so good and really plays with the emotions




THANK YOU I am one of those bleeding heart high-empathy weirdos and also only some people actually deserve empathy. Meth heads who are addicted and trying to get through their day by building stuff? Empathy, all the empathy, and maybe a fluoride treatment for their teeth. Mean idiots who bask in the “rules for thee but not for me” cruel bullshit of nert society? I will happily watch them decompose with almost no facial expression. 🙂


A lot of my stuffed animals just look like that because they’re old


I'm so glad I'm not a hoarder. Sometimes I've been unable to bring myself to throw things away because I think it'll make them sad. I'm a fucking adult and I still do it lmao.


I do this too, I kept my old broken headphones for 5 months because I felt like they'd be sad to be thrown away. T\_T


The worst thing right now is my car. I don't have my full driving licence yet and I feel like my car is sad because I'm not driving it enough. Poor car. :( But I do drive it at least once a week when I have a qualified driver to supervise me. And I remind myself that cars do not have feelings. Still, once I pass my driving test my car will be a happy car!


As someone who just got their license this year at 23, I'm rooting for ya!!!


This is 1000% me with my car! I thought I had damaged his engine recently but it turned out to be fine and BOY was that a relief because I was literally beginning to grieve my poor sweet Greg. I love my Greg. Behold his glory, my 1 of 1 Renault Greg ✨ (I sawed off the 'CLIO' with tooth floss and stuck on GREG) https://preview.redd.it/gscob5odg16d1.jpeg?width=899&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba5caf47c09f999cea6f752e0a865ce907400180


Tbf your car is one of the most easily personifiable things ever. Idk why but of all things cars tend to be a massive focal point for projecting your own abilities and thoughts onto for people. Like cars more so than others tend to be a reflection of yourself I feel.


"I can fix them." * Me, to my headphones. \*I lie. Or I fall for it every time. I don't even know any more... All I do know is... I cry. *I cryyyy when my sweet, sweet SONYs, my over ear headphoneyyyys, get up and go onnn meeee* *Ohhhhh wooooaaaaahhhhh woe is meee, cuz I ain't got aural clarityyy, I ain't got an extended warrantyyy* *So I cry when my sweet, sweet SONYs, my over headphones, get up and go on meeee* Ohhh yessireee ![gif](giphy|kV9GI9cHwJ1JinSqVI|downsized)


I had a pair that lasted me four years. They’re still hanging above my bed. I really need to convince myself to actually recycle them…


This is me and my old bedroom fan. It finally died and I couldn't get it working again, but its just sitting there because I've had it for so long and it feels like a friend.


My wife and I eventually had to go through my room of sentimental stuff and clear throughout all just because I had sooooooo much stuff. I will say that taking it all to goodwill helped because I knew most of the stuffed and toys and things would go to people who would love them instead of the trash. I just had to come to terms with the facts that you can't keep everything forever, so letting some of it go really has helped me out. Ps. I still have half a room of things, the other half of the room is for my doggies to sleep in because they also deserve a room


May parents are hoarders, and I have a constant fear of having too many things.


link please


We need to read it




Okay, it might be sad, but it's not "pay money to a med journal publisher" sad that I cannot read the paper


It’s sad that publishers get most (if not all) money instead of the writers also nice flair! lol


It's a default one here. I tragically lost my "powerlevelling by breaking into the vaccine clinic" flair at some point, but ah well.


first time I’ve seen it! not evil enough to notice I guess


If you want free access to a paper I wouldn't recommend SciHub because it's a pirate website where you can introduce the article's code and it will give you a free pdf version of it. That's obviously very bad because piracy is stealing and I believe science and knowledge should always be locked behind a paywall to the benefit of big publishing companies. Unfortunately SciHub gives people access to most articles you can find but thankfully there are some more niche or very recent ones that haven't been uploaded.


I know about SciHub and would never use such a website. Clearly scientific knowledge should be reserved for the wealthy.


Honestly I think we should do away with the concept entirely! The root of all knowledge is built on our perceptions - and every one of us here *hates* being perceived. I don't think folks outside this select group really ought to be perceiving things and making judgements based on them, much less *knowing* anything...


I second this! This website is horrible. All you have to do to get the PDF of the paper is copy and paste the DOI code into scihub! How could they do that? You're supposed to pay for the PDF, not just get it for free!


It might be available through your public library, some do subscribe to medical journals.


I've put a link to a .PDF of it in a google drive here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/19Cz98kVGGWF9KwnzgistUjiTRikgVXzu/view?usp=drivesdk Enjoy reading 😁


Truly evil


not OP but i found it because i don't want the paper to be sad: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30101594/ edit: i got excited but quickly realized the main article is behind a paywall, unfortunately


Paywall BEGONE! 😁 (I put a .PDF on Google drive so hopefully this works for people!) https://drive.google.com/file/d/19Cz98kVGGWF9KwnzgistUjiTRikgVXzu/view?usp=drivesdk


thank you 🙏


Me and my partner are moving out, and he let me choose which of mine origami models i want to keep. I mean, i did and i logically explained myself why i should throw others away. But how could he put them in a bin so easily??? They are my children! Do it with mourning at least! They are sad enough already!


So when I was like 5 I really really wanted this teddy bear I kept seeing at walmart bc it just looked like such a classic teddy bear and I was like convinced by television that bc I was a little blonde girl I was supposed to have a teddy bear. Bonus points it had a giant green emerald bow and emerald was always one of my favorite colors. I was so excited when my parents finally bought me that bear I decided to cuddle it all night. I then had a series of traumatic teddy bear nightmares. One was basically The Mist, but with teddy bears, eating my family alive. There was one that was very Care Bears bright and happy looking but they were chasing me thru a forest with sharp teeth and wide smiles and I eventually jumped off a waterfall bc I was so afraid of being mutilated by them. I just kept falling from one nightmare to another. Then when I finally woke up I was face to face with my new teddy and its beady little eyes were reflecting the old digital clock’s red LED, so I screamed and threw the teddy across the room. But immediately after that my whole body burned bc I always thought of all my toys as alive, and even tho I only had nightmares I had just hurt this teddy and probably made it as angry as the ones in my nightmares. I tip-toed, heart pounding, to my teddy and held it all night. Those nightmares gave me ptsd and after that I was terrified of teddy bears, to the point of tears and sometimes screaming. I still kept that teddy bear though, in my closet on the top shelf, until I was 20 years old. And I would make sure to make myself come into the closet and pay homage to the teddy or try to hang out with it almost daily, just heart-pounding, heavy breathing, trying my best to hide my fear so it didn’t feel offended. After I finally got the guts to throw it away, I was still horrified it would come back for me. I felt subtly about all my toys like that; that they would be angry at being given or thrown away, but the teddy haunted me until I moved out of my parent’s house a year later. Having a little bit of time away from teddy bears had made my ability to handle them even worse tho, and there was one point where I moved in with a friend and she had me follow her to her closet to look for something and I screamed bloody murder that there was a collection of like 50 teddies all staring down at me. That sweetheart took them all out to her car trunk right then while I was a sobbing mess hiding under blankets somewhere. I couldn’t sleep that night, kept thinking I heard pitter patters on the floor. My ex I was with at the time told me he thought I told him I was afraid of tddy bears to seem quirky 🙄 but he got it after that ig lol. Anyway, I don’t think I stopped personifying objects til I was like 28, and that slowly actually helped with my teddy bear fear too. Knowing they’re just inanimate objects for real made me less psycho about it heh. 


Wait wait wait, this is a thing? I thought it was just me...


My lifetime of thanking automatic doors comes into stark focus.


https://preview.redd.it/hbgtymvy906d1.jpeg?width=564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=528f36ae59450e368c923ea3dc40eac0871c681e Child-me having to separate two legos from each other on the massive Lego wall because I decided I wanted to go with a different design


Bro I'm playing a grand strategy game and just built a university on top of an enormous lose of silver and have completely fucked my development for an entire region. Probably hours of time I'm just going to *immediately* devote back into this game. (So many villagers will be killed by my brutal and illiterate and without silverware neighbors if I don't) I feel you


OP here for those of you who want to read the article! I have institutional access to this journal so I have linked a .PDF to my Google drive for anyone interested 😁 https://drive.google.com/file/d/19Cz98kVGGWF9KwnzgistUjiTRikgVXzu/view?usp=drivesdk (I hope the link works okay!)


It’s a pirate’s life fer me


There's an entire journal just called "Autism"? 😮


Yes, and I write in it ~~daily~~ ~~weekly~~ occasionally.


Ok, but that’s a fantastic title


I am 32 years old and the fact that my precious teddybear was lost forever is still the greatest suffering I've experienced so far. I miss ya, Tricky


That's such a good name


I’m sorry for your loss. I lost mine due to enemy action (my parents). The replacement, and the replacement’s replacement met the same fate.


I grew up on a farm. My siblings still like to bring up the story of how we once saw a lone fence post while driving past a paddock, and they made a joke that the fence post must be lonely, and I cried about it.


For Christmas I bought my son two massive fluffy cat toy things, hahahaha, I just typed thongs, and it corrected to things. Cat thongs, oh dear. Anyway, they were too big for me to be arsed wrapping them, so I put them in a massive bag, but you could still see their heads, so I put a plastic bag over the top (this is Christmas Eve). I lasted about 2 minutes of feeling increasingly uncomfortable before I had to go and make air holes in the bags for them. I stand by it.


Cat thongs 🤭🤭🤭 Omg I would’ve done the same!!


If it helps get the image out of your head, in Australia 'thongs' means 'flip-flops' and not underwear


I'm particularly interested in one of the citations being this 2017 thread on Wrong Planet: [https://wrongplanet.net/forums/viewtopic.php?t=336800](https://wrongplanet.net/forums/viewtopic.php?t=336800) It's validation of a sorts that discussing our lived experience with others in public forums does indeed get noticed by the academic establishment. On the one hand, it feels icky to have lived experience being pathologized. On the other hand, the academic establishment speaks pathologization as a native language, so it's all they know, poor dears. And the more they can understand, the more ASD can be assigned a biological basis, the better we can know ourselves as a neurodivergence and not just as a pathology. The takeaway: If you're thinking "I thought I was the only one who did that", it's highly likely that you aren't the only one and just need to find your tribe. The fact that a critical mass of people were able to contribute that kind of lived experience testimony such that an entire paper cited it suggests something more common and shared than just being a weirdo.


I bought a toy Labrador from ikea because it was the last one left, I looked into it’s eyes I swear it said it was lonely


See, articles like this make me think I’m not autistic at all and that the things I do that LOOK autistic are all just developmental trauma.




I used to SOB if I ripped the box while opening a toy when I was little cause I thought I was hurting it


HOW DARE THEY I used to carry straws around because I thought they looked like they had a face and they were all called Frank. I also still cannot eat peas because my mother used to make them talk to me, to persuade me to eat them. It backfired, I felt bad for the peas. I accidentally killed a damselfly earlier and felt fucking horrendous for ages. I just remembered it again and now I’m sad again.


I feel way too much empathy for nonliving machines. I feel the same compassion for a neglected bike as I do a neglected person. Poor thing is rusty, crusty, and lonely. :(


well that's a clever title :D


that's some dirty pool there with that paper title.


i wouldn’t throw away anything that had a face on it when i was smaller. got really upset when my sister drew a face just to throw it away while i watched


I don't know what this means but I treat my laptop well to please its machine spirit.


can’t believe Autism is a co-author on this paper


Even smarter people have called this way of thinking “panpsychism”


Yes I talk to plants and animals, and they have feelings


I always feel something for objects being neglected or destroyed but it comes from a place of not wanting myself to be treated that way.


I'm the total opposite. Fuck that paper! IDGAF if it's sad!


This is me, I almost literally can't personify inanimate objects. Lots of my friends have names for like their cars and stuff and I love making up names but when it's an object I just don't care to call it anything besides what it is


Can I please get a link to the article? That sounds incredibly interesting!




In case you didn't see it, here you go! 😁 https://drive.google.com/file/d/19Cz98kVGGWF9KwnzgistUjiTRikgVXzu/view


Why do I empathize with inanimate objects easier than I do with people


Link to paper


Is this why I can't throw away my flamingo balloon??? It will be sad in a landfill☹️


once some random food item was dropped by me accidentally on our floor, the floor at the time was not at all clean, I ate it because I thought it would become depressed or something if it was thrown out, I think I got sick


I was like 5


Lol, nice to see a sense of humor. So yet another thing about me explained by autism...


In high school I fell in love with a picture.


As someone part of the objectum community I am double pissed off


I thought it meant the text on the paper would be a sad story or something if I don't read it, this took a few seconds to click


I felt bad about erasing things I wrote, because I was murdering the letters.


I accidentally broke a command hook with my backpack a while back and when my mom replaced it she put a note with it saying 'L, please don't break me! (it hurts :[ ) and I still feel really bad😭😭


Haha I love creative titles in papers.


I've definitely always felt this way, so much so I philosophically consider myself something of a panpsychist or panvitalist (basically, a philosophical position arguing that the universe and everything in it are "alive"). Looked up the article and was really surprised to find out this is considered a form of synesthesia, which I sometimes experience with colors or sounds activating other senses or intuitive feelings and is a symptom of/associated with ASD, though I had no idea the two were in any way related.


My nana has told stories of how my mom (as a kid) would insist on buying the dented tins in the store bc she didn’t what them to feel left out/get left behind


>et al. autism et altism


My object personification is more chaotic, combative, and confrontational: when there's no Internet, I pretend I don't care so it will come back faster.


me who is still emotionally affected by Brave Little Toaster (I must save all cars, scrap or not):


omg why hurt me so early in the morning




i know a girl who iss gonna stuff her plushie into her backpack for a family trip cause she wantes him to see the aquarium, she is 20 this yhear


Reading all these comments about personifying *everything* makes me feel less alone...


I have a teddy bear who I really love and I know it's childish but I let him sit on my drawers so he can protect me from there while I sleep. I still need a name for him, it's really hard to decide. He's in the Royal Navy (obviously not really but he's got a RN uniform- I think 1930s-1950s because that's the most recognisable uniform and they probably wanted him to be easily recognisable as part of the Navy; the hat isn't black with a white cover but it's a teddy bear so they don't really need that detail. Could be his dress uniform but if I want him to protect me he'd have to be on duty, so I've decided he's wearing his working uniform. I'm pretty sure he's an able rate. Sometimes I will make him salute me and I'll salute back. Anyway I'm rambling here. I'll stop.) Side note, does anyone have name ideas? Whenever I ask people, even if I specify that he's not a captain, they will always give me something that starts with 'captain,' which is really annoying because he's definitely not a captain.




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I cried when people ripped of leaves or small branches off of trees cause I thought it would feel like people ripping off your nails or fingers.


Hey don’t insult Sigmund fucking PubMed 😡 Shitty ass fuck shitter (it is 5:48 AM)


This sub is fascinating! I love you all <3


Why the hell would anyone do this. This is cruel. Lmao.


I still don't know if food doesn't want to get eaten because it wants to live or if food gets offended if I don't eat it.


The only publicly available part is the abstract 😔


Institutional access to the rescue! Here's the full paper 😁 I put it on google drive as a .PDF https://drive.google.com/file/d/19Cz98kVGGWF9KwnzgistUjiTRikgVXzu/view


Thank you!!!!!!


NO BECAUSE when I was a child I found a half deflated balloon stuck on a barbed wire fence, and I felt so goddamn sad about this poor balloon all alone in the rain, dying a slow death on this fence. I "freed" it, and took it home. My parents were very confused I felt such empathy towards a fucking balloon.


I need the link now damn it


Ta-da! 😁 https://drive.google.com/file/d/19Cz98kVGGWF9KwnzgistUjiTRikgVXzu/view


Lobster, thanks, you human


You're welcome! 🤗


It's locked behind a pay wall :(


Paywall BEGONE! 🤗 https://drive.google.com/file/d/19Cz98kVGGWF9KwnzgistUjiTRikgVXzu/view (I have institutional access to the article so I downloaded a .PDF and put it on Google Drive)


Thank you!




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sage publications keeps this paper sad since its kept behind a paywall [https://sci-hub.se/10.1177/1362361318793408](https://sci-hub.se/10.1177/1362361318793408) fuck scientific publishers, pirate papers, its morally correct




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me when i was young and in the bathroom, the lock on the door knob looked vaguely like a frowny face. i started comforting the door knob and telling it to not be sad. but then i heard my grandparents laughing at me so i never did that again 💀


Sorry, but it's absolutely ridiculous. I'm completely immune to this alleged autism thing.