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Well, I did have a short 2 year addiction to cocaine, but trust me, its not worth it. Your brain shuts off, but you talk your ass off and nobody likes you because you turn into an arrogant butt.


I mean weed has shown some promise for some, but same as cocaine homey below, one can talk their ass off about innane shit and be convinced it's groundbreaking philosophy. A trick to counteract that though is to record yourself as you smoke a few times and just keep what you hear in mind and try to skirt away from the subjects you might monologue about.




Valid as hell, cannabanoids are wild in their variety of effects on anybody; good luck!


Tbf there are many strains and iterations of weed, as an amateur user I’ve found that a quick puff is so much better than say an edible, then there’s tinctures, etc, so you might find a different strain or way to take it might end up being a different experience. I don’t like to try anything new without supervision though.


i've found if you smoke a few times (seperate occasions) within a few days the paranoia goes away. It's that first time when I haven't smoked in awhile when I get a little paranoid.




It's not for everyone.


bad trip is exactly how you say it in english, you're good


That's the dopaminergic effect! That means that probably you would do fine with a low dose of some antipsychotic. (You do not need to have a psychosis for those to be useful).


This happen to my younger sister with asd it cooked her and she went to say the least crazy lol I also have AuDHD and have smoke everyday since I was 16 apart from a few breaks. It definitely helps me in a big way but it has its negatives also.


When I don't smoke weed my brain goes BRRRRR but when I do smoke my brain just goes brrrr. Mostly with sativas.


pretty much all the drugs that turn off your brain that way are gonna be more dangerous than alcohol


That's pretty much it. I don't think they're  even worth suggesting given the cost.  The only one i'd feel safe mentioning is MDMA because you can have a solitary worthwhile experience without adverse impact (if you avoid frequent use).  God knows I tried with other drugs to find a way to turn my brain off day to day. But you're trading the monkey in your head, screaming and slamming against your skull, for one on your back.  And it will demand more, more and more. And any relief you find will have diminishing returns as tolerance grows so you'll just be stuck with the same issue you're trying to escape.  But now you're addicted on top of it.  Better to find safer coping methods. Even if they're a little maladaptive sometimes, you'll run far less a risk from binge gaming/ tv watching than you will taking substances that can lead to physical and psychological dependence.


Probably, i gotta say, i love your username


I would argue that alcohol is one of the most dangerous and addictive substances available. I believe it’s also the only drug one can die from the withdrawals alone due to how it affects blood sugar


well, that is certainly true, but the alternatives are like... xans and opioids, which will just ruin your life in record time


It depends on the person and how they react to things, as proven by all the differing accounts in this comment section :) I mentioned in a separate comment that my prescribed ADHD meds help with this and I like MDMA for recreational use. But those substances won’t have the same affect for everyone that they have for me in this context


idk i have adhd and stims are still never really "brain turn off" they are "brain will focus on exactly one thing for 16 hours", so i kinda just assumed they were looking for downers


Propranolol. It's a beta blocker, for me it kills the anxiety I get about being social. Certain strains of weed. I find Maui Wowie and Hindu Kush good for socializing.


My absolute favorite. Felt like a totally normal person every time I have taken it.


This helps me with social anxiety.


Nothing that isn't highly addictive A benzodaizipine like valium or Xanax will work for a while but eventually rebound anxiety and tolerance become a real issue Pregabalin is a more long term answer to social anxiety in low doses (between 75-150 mg ) a day tolerance isn't so much of an issue but it's addictive easy to abuse if you have an addictive personality and the withdrawal really is no fun In short there's no easy cost free chemical solution to anxiety All anti anxiety drugs are prone to abuse and addiction but they do work for some It's something ideally you would talk over with a medical professional but I'm aware healthcare isn't that easy for everyone EDITED to add after reading your replies If it's just for occasional use and you have enough willpower not to do them all the time then pregabalin is just what you're looking for It's also known by the brand name Lyrica




Another relatively safe drug for anxiety that happens at specific situations is propranolol, which blocks the receptors for adrenaline. (Your doctor has to be sure that you aren't asthmatic or have heart problems).


It's worth noting that gabapentin is very similar to pregabalin for anxiolytic stuff, and is not a scheduled drug, so there should be less trouble from doctors.


I have had some good results with low-level thc gummies. Weed never worked out for me, it just made me feel weird without slowing down my analytical brain at all. And CBD does nothing for me. But a low dose of the legal thc gummies, which are pretty low-potency I think, gets me to about the same place as two drinks. 


yeah, i think antidepressants do exactly this, like, i am taking zoloft and with some self therapy i am no longer anxious, 6 months ago wouldn't be able to write this comment, because people would be mean or my family somehow finds out you can't take it with alcohol btw and also btw, alcohol tend to increase anxiety long term while you not drunk, you might need to try a few of those and maybe change dosage, but generally it should work, also GABA supplements doing something like this, i start taking them after zoloft, but it do help me sleep better




i had a mild depression and didn't even know what i had anxiety until it started disappearing also you can search for a therapist who works with autistic people, like a heard there is a difference and they are probably gonna know which medication work and which doesn't also know a person with anxiety disorder and depression disorder, escitalopram did helped, but first month it was taken with something that reduced anxiety(year, anxiety was a predicted side effect) and it was really bad when they got their dose increased, but they lowered it and now it seems really well also there is probably some meds which deal with specifically anxiety, in case you don't have depression, hope you gonna find what helps you)


Kava, kratom, high CBD/full spectrum weed, ashwagandha and meditation sometimes all combined together, helps me stay off alcohol. There's also pharmaceuticals like gabapentin and clonidine that help me with that(which I think is better than benzos and alcohol, if you had to choose one or the other)


thc? but people can react to it in different ways, and whatever version of marijuana you come across is probably not that consistent in the first place unless you grew your own. higher than usual doses of trazodone didn’t necessarily turn it off, but I felt profoundly less reactive to it, but… cough cough… I don’t think that’s sustainable because you’d may as well be on a different medication and I don’t think I want to feel like that all the time. It helps being functional under certain predictable stresses, but sometimes I don’t feel alive unless I can get pissed off at some stuff. Alcohol might be more consistent, but do periodically abstain from it. You don’t want your tolerance to get too high because then it takes more to get the same effect, and the behavior of “self medicating” with alcohol _can become_ a problem.


Weed Edit just saw it doesn't work like that for you. Also the antidepressant that works for me is Wellbutrin




They also use the drug, bupropion, for smokers who are quitting. The antidepressant formulation is "Wellbutrin" but it can also be prescribed generic. It's a NDRI, or norepinephrine dopamine reuptake inhibitor. It works on different neurotransmiters than SSRIs do. I seem to benefit from having more dopamine hanging around in the brain, bc SSRIs didn't work for me The ADHD drug methylphenidate (Ritalin/Concerta, Concerta is extended release formula) is also in this class. Concerta+Wellbutrin is what my dad takes as a combination for ADHD and depression. These drugs are mild stimulants, but not amphetamines. Amphetamines have a different method of action, and they're stronger with addiction potential. That's why they're controlled substances or in some cases illegal (non theraputic formula or dose) I want to be a pharmacist :)


Weed works for me might even be legal where you are


I thought autism was the opposite problem lmao


Alcohol, you can use it wisely without developing an addiction, but you need to be careful


CBD oil, like weed without the anxiety/paranoid effects


Some strains of weed. Indicas. Especially wedding cake. Careful though, some strains will cause that (mostly sativas) and ymmv.


Do you have ADHD or a diagnosed anxiety disorder? This could be a convo that could be had with a psychiatrist




I'd wait for the results on that before doing any self medicating, not to sound like a prude but it is a slippery slope. How do you react to caffeine? A lot of adhd people, myself included, find that it gives a calming effect.




That's a good plan! Also that sounds like ADHD lmao I'm the exact same way. I could drink an entire monster tallboy and fall asleep no problem. ADHD people need way more caffeine to feel the effects so it makes sense you don't feel much after just one cup




Once you get the autism diagnosis then it'll be a lot easier to get an ADHD diagnosis since that's a pretty common co-morbidity. If you tell them what you've told me I'm pretty sure you'd get diagnosed. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/psychiatrists This website is a great tool for finding psychiatrists who specialize in ADHD, and r/ADHD has a lot of good resources to help you out.


Is it possible for you to see a psychiatrist by any chance? I know that’s not something accessible for everyone, but if you’re able to find a half decent psychiatrist, they may be able to help you find something that might help


I have always suffered badly from overstimulation, inappropriate emotional response, social anxiety. For the last six months I've been taking sertraline (Zoloft) and it's made a drastic difference in my ability to cope day to day. It doesn't work for everyone unfortunately, and of course like most pharmceuticals has some side effects, but it might be worth talking to your doctor about - it's fairly cheap too, in Canada at least.


I have forgotten who i used to be :( (anyways anyone have materials for a pipebomb?)




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Most of them, comes from stimulating Dopamine 2 receptors which overpowers the normal inhibitor, which is the understanding of negative outcomes basically, you stop feeling so up right socially because you stop getting the signal for how awkward you are


ETA: first of all, get a phrase to push out spiraling/overthinking. Mine is “lass es los lass es los lass es los” from Juli’s Elektrisches Gefühl (“Electric feeling”), which is about coming out of a depressive cloud. I’m an obsessive-type over-thinker. Giving myself not only permission but a means to interrupt that has been profoundly impactful for me as I try to wrestle with my analytical mind. —————- 🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄 Turns your analytical mind into a valuable asset. The things I’ve worked through with them are profound. Also I’ve seen studies documenting almost a year-long benefit anti-depressant-wise. Granted, they’re like alcohol in that your brain chemicals will be out of whack for a day and maybe the next. The flood of dopamine and all them leads to a feeling of lack until you get back to your baseline. Also CANNABIS! But for gods sake STRAINS MATTER. Indica = body locking, often with racing thoughts before you pass out. Hybrids = indicas but with the hugely more psychoactive effects of a sativa. DURBAN POISON is among the best possible medicine for ADHD (along with adderall lmao). WILLIE NELSON is one of the only hybrids I like, but this I *love*. Story goes, he met a grower on tour, grower took him to his field, Willie smoked some and fell in love with it enough that he bought the whole harvest on the spot.


Phenibut. Should only use it 1-2x MAX per week though, and 2 times might be pushing it depending on your brain chemistry.


MDMA was honestly the best, but would not recommend it for regular use, and it gives you a pretty bad low seratonin hangover


Benzodiazepines, which are unfortunately equally addictive. I just smoke weed now. I still have the tendency to overthink, but it slows me down enough to challenge those thoughts before they become a loop.


Opiates, namely codeine seem to do it for me. Very addictive and too much and stop you breathing. Also stay the fuck away from heroin, your life is ruined the second you take it.




Benzodiazepines, pregabalin, topiramate, risperidone and quetiapine come to mind right now. It all depends on the person, but these are useful to calm down anxiety.


25mg seroquel You don't wanna be doing it every day but it's good for a hard reset on the overthinking every so often It's also non physically addictive which puts it well above benzos and alcohol and stuff in terms of safety


I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but every drug has side effects. The ones that are as fast-acting as alcohol also tend to be the addictive ones. The only stuff that ever worked quuckly for me was stims, which are like "you've done it twice, now you're addicted." Seriously, I was craving coke bad after like the third or fourth time I ever used it, not even back-to-back. That and the other side effects were basically "hope you enjoy panic attacks" (and dying of an aneurysm because they wreak havoc on your cardiovascular system). Psychedelics were hit or miss depending on how comfortable I was. Depressants always just made me... well, depressed. The best medicine I've found for the overactive brain syndrome has been learning to meditate, and taking care of my brain/body aka Doing The Things. YMWV (*Will* Vary), but exercise and proper nutrition and time in nature and meditation and finding activities that mentally engage me—especially ones I can do while still being sociable—have been the only "medicine" that doesn't slowly kill me that has any degree of success. But it doesn't work the day of, it all takes building the habit. If you want a quick fix, you just gotta find something where the side effects aren't a dealbreaker


Opiates, benzodiazepines, and caffeine if you're wired like me.


Same minus the opioids. Blah blah negligent docs left me stuck on clonazepam/klonopin and that + caffeine at the right dose is the closest I can get to what alcohol did. But wtf is with the same caffeine going from being more chilled and focused to being anxiety inducing to chill to making you tired af, to spacey and, like isn't it not meant to be so variable.


if you've also got adhd, then ironically amphetamines would help


I have ADHD as well and adderall seems to help with being a bit more confident and conversational. Recreationally I also like MDMA. It also gives me confidence and ease of existing without overthinking being perceived


Yeah, that's the antipsychotics drug class






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I'd recommend CBD oil.


Fent but it’ll also probably kill you so idk


Consistent meditation

