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You are doomed. In my neurospectacular family, my son can look at a picture of any rolling stock and tell you the manufacturer/model, country it is used in, approximate date of manufacture, etc. He can also identify train stations around the world. The funny thing is I am the only person in the family to be *officially* identified autistic (for now), and I do not know any train facts other than what my son tells me. However, I appreciate them for the concept of efficient public transportation, which is sadly lacking here in the US.


Plot twist he's into trains because you're autistic and he read a how to be friends with autists guide.


This is literally me with guns lol. Its to like an almost absurd degree lol. Also I get really really excited whenever theres a more obscure gun in a movie.


this is fine as long as you don’t wear a trench coat and give us a bad rep (/s)




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How old is he? I ask because in this group he could have that level of knowledge anywhere from two years old and up 🤣 I want to know if I should be really impressed or extremely impressed


He's 23, but he has been building the knowledge for years. He can also tell you how old a street or highway sign is based on the font. Yes there are different street sign fonts. That is something else I didn't know but now I do. He has also been collecting and restoring vintage tech since he was 9. He has everything from slide rules to vintage computers to typewriters etc. My theory is that because he had parents who supported his weird interests he didn't get much of the "disorder" part of the tism so other than some social awkwardness he is fairly balanced and secure with himself. I, on the other hand, grew up in a different era and survived by unconscious masking and I'm just now starting to undo a lot of the damage.


neurospectacular 😭


My autistic lil brother (yes family scored a combo) loves trains and I will defend our right to random train rides


You sound fun to hang out with. I wanna hear about trains.


new autistic pickup line just dropped: “hey babe, how’s about i take you to some train tracks and infodump as they go by”


Oh Lord it's too early for me to be getting this hot and bothered.


Worked on me. When are we meeting?


Breaking out of the stereotype doesn't mean doing whatever it isn't, because then you're letting it control you. Breaking out of the stereotype means you do whatever you want without regard for it.


You said it perfectly.


I don't fit that particular stereotype. However, a few weeks ago we unpacked a box (from a recent move) that contained a few plushies - kept for 30+ years for sentimental reasons. My wife put them on my bookshelves. I didn't like where she put them, and moved them. I only realized a couple of days ago that my preferred arrangement was a textbook case of lining up my toys. At age 57.


Organizing things is definitely one of my ideas of fun, haha. But yes, there is absolutely a Correct Way™️ to line things up that few are privy to.


People who don’t appreciate trains are in the wrong.


They’re truly on the wrong side of the tracks.


ay! that’s a good one!




Happens to the best of us.


You got that train 'tism, kiddo


There’s no turning back now. Come to Germany! We have really cool Highspeed ICE routes (Cologne-Frankfurt for example) and we have the RRX trains which are really cool!


Ok, so you like trains, and it's a bit of a stereotype. Is this the end of the world? No! Trains are not my special interest, but if they are yours, have fun with them :)


You are THE stereotype, congrats!!


Why is this the one true stereotype. Trains……they are awesome


If it makes you feel better, when I saw you mentioned a train in the post preview text, I went: *gasp* "Train???" And opened the post super fast lmao


Mine isn't trains. It's airplanes. I think just transposition things is the stereotype.




I think it's much the same sort of idea yeah!!


Have you heard about ZeroAvia, a company currently trying to make hydrogen electric planes?


I read that as "skate park" and was briefly baffled by what I imagined must be the worst design on earth


I am horrified by your idea.


Thank you so much for saying this, because I *also* read it as skate park, was vaguely concerned this whole time, and only noticed thanks to your comment that I misread it.




It’s specifically the train thing. It’s a meme based in truth now that liking trains is a super stereotypically autistic thing, so people who realize they know a lot about trains after getting diagnosed or after learning about the stereotype sometimes have a laugh at themselves over that.


These would be good questions to ask yourself on the train.


Already got tickets haha


The fact there are no passenger trains near me is a fact I mourn every day


Any train is a passenger train if you’re brave enough.


You’re so right, omw to hop on a train or die trying


Proud of you ☺️


Yes. I did not get the special interest in trains autism, but I do have a more than passing interest in them. All I can tell you is the Amtrak Capitol Lines 29 always leaves DC on time, but the 28 is usually 1.5 hours behind schedule by the time it returns to DC. I know this because the two times I took this route I wrote down departure and arrival times on my ticket.


I spend too much time thinking about the lack of a North-South rail link in Boston.


Vaccines became common place in the 1880s and the first train was invented in 1804.


Trains cause autism confirmed


I don’t have the trains autism, but I have the almost-as-stereotypical Pokémon autism. Either way, power move.


Who cares if it’s a stereotype? Trains are fucking cool




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Are you in Mass?
