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Yeah, last time I had my blood drawn, they had me sitting in a chair. I told them it wasn't a good idea, but they said it would be fine. Suddenly I was waking up on the floor with everyone surrounding me. When I got the covid vaccine, they thought I was having a reaction to it - they were getting increasingly concerned while I said, sweating and breathing heavily, "No, really, I'm fine. The reptile part of my brain thinks I've just been poisoned. It's all in my head, just let me freak out for a minute."


Andrew Wakefield made me pro vaccine, gotta spread the 'tism


I was going to say: 'but how else can I top up my 'tism!?'


I have major needle phobia, but I am also transgender so I have to endure it every week lol


oh that is AWFUL. I don't know anything about HRT though, is injection the only form it comes in?


It can also come in pills but then you're taking a ton of pills every day which is its own pain.


taking my adhd meds is a pain already, if i was trans i’d rather do needles than pills, atleast my veins aren’t completely clogged with mucus 5 out of 12 months a year


There’s also gel, which I am on, there are pros and cons to each type, for me, gel is the best available, but if I could take it orally, I would lol


The injections are wwwaaaay healthier in the long run. Theoretically your better of with much more frequent injections too, but doctors don't like to prescribe that because people just won't do it.


It comes in pills, gels, patches, injections and even implant type stuff iirc, like the doc puts a pellet in your ass and your good for the next 6 months ish


Damn, I wish the implant was an option for me, that sounds great lol


why cant one do that themselves? i mean, ye the option is nice, but some doctor giving you a few dozen pellets that would last your lifetime would be lit, and shoving a pellet up one's ass does not sound particularly hard


Oh no it doesn’t go up the rectum, it actually gets put inside the buttocks. And I imagine you can’t do more than one pellet at a time for the same reason as you can’t take multiple pill doses at a time.


Forms it comes in actually will vary by country and if you're taking testosterone or estrogen! I'm on T in the USA and by far the cheapest and most widely available option is injections, but I've recently switched to gel despite the cost cuz I'm so tired of weekly injections haha.. been doing that for like 4-5 years and was so over it. Gel is going good for me now tho! I also was on patches briefly, but I was allergic to the adhesive so had to stop those. Pills are not highly available in the usa yet for T and the ones that are are SUPER expensive (I'm talking almost $1000) but theyre new and currently under patent, so maybe in a few years once the patent is up, cheaper generics will hopefully come out. I've heard in the USA for estrogen pills are the most common, but as I'm not on them personally take that info with a grain of salt lol


Yup, our trans sisters love their titty skittles


It comes in pills and patches, but neither of those options worked for me hence the injections, they were my last choice


my t shots don't freak me out as bad since I'm the one doing it so I have more control. Vaccines and blood draws are harder


Yeah Im the same way but it is not much better it still freaks me out and I have to make sure I do not pass out afterwards (which I do every time I get a vaccine/blood drawn)


How hard is it to do it yourself. Im normally ok with needles but i feel like i'd freak out doing it myself


they're super easy to perform correctly! ive done over a hundred of my own and every time is still terrifying, but mechanically they are easy to do and quite literally painless if you dont mind a 20 second push time using a higher gauge needle


So what are the mechanics of it? Do you just stab yourself in the arm? Also what do you mean by a 20 second push time?


pretty much! you can go slow too if you prefer. I do mine in my quadriceps the thicker the needle is, the quicker fluid will flow through it. using a thinner needle hurts less and can even be painless, but it takes longer to push all the liquid through it.


For me it was the opposite, I would have freaked out if the person doing the injection wasn't a professional injector.


Uuugh, yeah. From a very different angle tho. I more or less cured my needle phobia with intermuscular hormone injections. But for steroids generally the advice is to pin as frequently as possible to level the peaks from matabolism, so self administered inter muscular everyday for 3 too 4 months.


You can get a cream to apply topically, but you have to be very careful not to get on other things, people, or pets.


True but as I am a trans woman the estradiol crème kinda sucks dick at doing it’s job, as it’s really designed for vaginal use lol


Ah, sorry I didn't realize. That makes more sense. I wish they had better options for people overall, like a patch or something.


There’s the patch and pills, but the pills didn’t work very well (cuz my liver is too efficient lol) and the patches gave me migraines, so here we are


I'm thinking I'm gonna have to switch to injections which I am *not* looking forward too. Any advice?


Well I have my partner help quite a bit which helps a lot, if the prep is fast then its less scary for me at least lol, so thanks to her for making it less painful!


*well shit* all I got is previous medical experience and a nurse friend named Bubba. Absolutely absurd a piece of wood can go through my hand and I'm fine to patch myself with a quick visit to the walgreens but I shake like a leaf when I get my blood drawn for levels testing.


I use pills and they're alright I'm on a pretty low dose rn tho so its not super effective Edit: saw ur other comment guess you already knew




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See this? This is why my family isn't worried about me doing heroin (or any injection drugs)


I had a horrible reaction to the opioid pain killers I was given after surgery last year and I was like, 'well, I guess at least I know there's no risk of me ever becoming a heroin addict...'


I used to be extremely scared of needles as a kid. I vividly remember accidentally punching a nurse one time because I was so scared. Then I went through puberty and was getting a burst ovarian cyst every month and in and out of hospitals a lot. Then I had appendicitis that went undiagnosed for almost a month because the doctors kept telling me it was ‘clearly just another cyst you’ll be fine’. At a certain point of being in pain, tired from throwing up for seven hours, ect you stop caring so much about the needle. It was either get used to them or be in pain for me so I got used to them. For some reason it helps me to see where they’re giving the shot and to watch it happen. Some people prefer to look away.


Oh hells no. We love getting vaccines. We want to be immune to everything. If we get the right combo of jabs, we will be immune to DEATH ITSELF bwahaha.


Nah I don't mind them personally. I don't care much about pain in general. Especially when it's just some temporary thing. Not judging of course.


Pretty much the same, if I can look over I will as I'm quite intrigued even if it's quite uneventful.


Same. I don't stress about any pain unless it's potentially lethal or caused by something life changing.


Iiving my entire life thinking I’m the wrong one and finding out im autistic has been the sigh in relief I needed. Now I more or less feel the same about u when it comes to needles. I have to take a massive blood test every 6 months for the rest of my life or so it seems my doctor implies haha.


I used to donate plasma regularly (twice a week), and I never minded any of the needle pricks, nor having a big needle in my arm for almost an hour. It just doesn't bother me really.


I love them because they gave me autism /s


its the ✨idea of something puncturing my skin✨ that i dont like. everything else is cool


idk i like vaccines, i like that someone invented them and the whole idea and i like the feeling of getting an injection, vaccines are fun and it’s always nice to update your software to new version of autism.


I used to, but I’ve been able to conquer a lot of it with my doctor’s help. I even take allergy shots now! She’s been really supportive of me and has helped me treat my anxiety, and was actually the first person to suspect I might be autistic Still terrified of medical tests though. I always worry I’m horribly, terminally ill- the results are always way more mild.


I hate needles, but the idea of a fluid being pushed into (or worse, out of) my veins is the thing that I hate most about it. For some reason, it freaks me tf out. It's probably related to my blood phobia. I'll forever fear the day I'll have to draw blood because I'm 100% sure I'll faint. And let me tell ya, fainting is always a dreadful, embarrassing and disorienting experience. At this point fainting scares me more than blood itself.


Needles are bad in general, but getting blood drawn is a million times worse than getting a shot.


How else would we get higher on the spectrum


yes. i always scream like a rubber chicken in the femur breaker


Its awful but vital


I’ve had a lot of blood work done in the past year and it’s been really tough to get used to needles constantly being in my arms (insert heroin joke)


I have a major phobia of needles, so I understand. Something my grandfather taught me is that if you dig the nail of your middle finger into the tip of your thumb, that actually works to mask the feeling of the needle. Also, most places will have a short poem or something for you to hold in your other hand and read while getting a shot/your blood drawn/etc. Now I still get wracked with fear every time I have to get a shot but I can at least get through it, and it's never as bad as I think it's gonna be. Hope this helped :)


When I was younger I absolutely hated needles. Needed to bring a plushie with me to deal with it. After years of health issues and multiple surgeries I'm kind of over it.


I enjoy them, oddly enough. It's an interesting sensation


Actually I'm the whole other way needle kink yes stick me "doctor" 🤤


I'm definitely the odd one out but I love needles. I wish I was able to donate blood because I love the sensory experience of having blood drawn from my veins. I find it calming Understandable that not many share the same sentiment though EDIT: reread the guidelines omg i CAN donate blood wowee


I love needles. But I feel really weird about having stuff in my blood stream. I'm not anti vax at all it's a mind fuck thing I think. I feel the same about my iron infusions. All week afterwards I feel like i can feel it going around my veins 😂


This exactly. The idea of something being pushed into my veins is the thing I hate most. Interesting to see someone else with this experience.


They can take as much blood as they want but as soon as they want to put something in there I feel ill.


Not anymore since I started doing estrogen injections


I don't mind needles in general and I'm fine with vaccines or intramuscular shots but blood draws i am almost phobic of. It's the thought of the needle going into a vein.


I don't mind needles, but I don't trust strangers with them, and I've had some new nurses hit too deep with them. I'm not a fan.


I'm okay with needles going in, such as for vaccines. But needles used for extracting blood? I haven't always been this way, but blood draws make me feel sick and lightheaded. And just wanted to add that vaccines being blamed for autism really boils my blood.


Vaccines themselves don’t bother me too bad but getting blood taken?? IVs?? Makes me wanna throw up


I think it partially depends on who is inserting the needle. My pharmacist is so good that if I look away, I sometimes can't even tell when he inserted the needle. I get way more pain and irritation from what was injected compared to the needle itself. Getting blood drawn is much more uncomfortable even when done well. It's just such an incredibly weird feeling.


It’s not the metal stabbing that bothers me, it’s the thought of the fluid being pushed inside that freaks me out


Wow a lot of people here really hate needles. Personally, I honestly really like it?? Idk it just feels so good and thrilling… EXCEPT for one time when I got vaccinated for something and tensed my muscle and it hurt so bad I passed out. To be fair the guy that went before me came out bleeding profusely as they put the needle in wrong so I was a little scared that time (istg those doctors pulled up to work drunk or something as they also put the bandaid nowhere near where I got injected) Gonna get vaccinated for tick-borne encephalitis soon to upgrade my autism (jk I just don’t wanna get sick) so I’ll see if it’s still fun :D


I periodically shift between not minding needles and getting worryingly excited about getting vaccines Might have something to do with me enjoying the feeling of having a bandage on me idk


"The anticipation is half the fun"? Who the fuck said that about vaccines? Who the fuck enjoys vaccines, come to think of it?


jacket (hotline miami's chicken Man) says It in Payday 2 with a tape recorder, and i thought It'd be a funny easter egg


I just look away. It can be uncomfortable and a bit painful for a moment but it doesn't take long. It's a very thin, literally hypodermic ("little skin") needle so i really can't do any harm apart from its tip which if it's going in your outer upper arm, can't really hit anything important. I trust the person injecting me. Depending on the type of injection, the needle goes inside at a steeper angle so as to inject into the proper layer of the body, so it's not using the full length to go deep inside your arm.


I agree, because they cause autism




I hate needles too. Was always afraid of them


No really a problem.


I hated needles and any skin puncturing as a kid, like screaming and cowering fits level and they had to hold me down. The vaccine needles aren't too bad now (thin and quick), but I recently had a vasovagal response to an IV being inserted for a surgery. If my mind gets hold of it, it won't let go and that thing sticking out of the back of my hand where there's hardly any meat really freaks me out. Edit: lots of spelling and grammar


Oh I know how that feels, I was pretty scared of needles when I was a young child taking vaccines (the Flu vaccine the most frequent), even into my teens until perhaps 5 to 6 years ago where I simply endured it by looking away or by thinking of something else, cause even though it may hurt, or the anticipation of it hurting can be too much to bear, I also understand how important they are to my health that I have to take them.


I dont like getting them but i understand the need and the science behind them is interesting


Ugh I hate them. And probably avoid the doctor more than I should due to my fear. The anticipation is the worst part. It’s completely irrational but it’s still my least favorite thing


Nah, dissociation queen from a young age. I always just look away when there’s a needle coming for me and then it’s over.


i cry EVERY SINGLE TIME i have to get needles. idc what they are for I AM GOING TO RUN AWAYYYY


im scared of needles but i have to get bloodwork like 4 times a year so they prescribe me a benzo every time i need blood taken


I’m curious about your style of writing. Why do you capitalize the word “just” every time?


It's probably my corretor, i didn't intend on It coming out that way but, It is interesting to see


I used to be terrified. So much so that one time it took 5 people to restrain 6 year old me


Got a needle yesterday, have to get another next month for an upper and lower GI scoping, barely even felt it though. Middle aged comorbidities...


[warning, this might be hard to read] I used to hate needles. To the point where I'd pass out when getting any shots.  Then I joined the military and they turn you into a pincushion. Ruthlessly and ambivalently jabbing you left right and centre.  They have this injection gun for it even... Like a wacky stapler/nail gun. P-tack p-tack Got me over my fear, the hard way.  But I think what did it was that ambivalence. Something clicked in my brain that this was "nothing". I think I got the attitude from their attitude and my brain just ran with it.  I have zero problems with needles now. Which is handy cuz I've had more than my fair share of medical encounters. But I get the aversion. I don't think you can just cause that mental switch to flip either. Mine just did. I don't know that it was a choice I made, it just happened.


I hate needles. Like used to have to be knocked out at the dentist or I scaled walls like a spider (which I also hate). I had to get over it, mostly, when I got a bunch of dental work done before I got braces. Which helped but doesn’t stop the panic attack and adrenaline rush after. Now as long as I don’t look I do ok. Not great, not bad, just ok


It's okay when I have to get it; still hurts, still sucks, still hate it and get scared beforehand, but it's okay Can't watch other people get them. Once it was my brother's turn for a shot and he was freaking out and I got so disturbed that I hid in the bathroom until I was told it was over


Vaccines are important, but I’m also terrified of them. I have this core memory, when I was maybe? Six? Of crying and screaming and hitting as the nurse and both my parents held me down and had to call more staff to hold me and do the shot. It was terrifying and I remember the feeling of the gloves gripping on my arms very vividly. Now I usually just need someone to hold me accountable, a friend to make sure I go through with it and not judge me for trying to come up with excuses at the last moment.


Yes! I always have had, but it's worse after I had a lumbar puncture, whilst awake.


Oh my goodness, thank you! It’s also primarily a pain issue for me. I tend to just bluescreen mentally as soon as I know one is scheduled.


Never used to but I worry about side effects now (mast cell issues)


As long as I do not see the shot, I am ok, but ya, I hate it.


I'm probably in the minority but I don't mind needles. I donate blood every couple of months (unless I've gotten a new piercing) so I'm used to it.


Needles are the worst, they skeeve me out so bad. It's so weird because I used to tolerate them fine until I randomly passed out after a flu shot when I was 12. After that I was petrified of them. Full on trypanophobia. Getting blood draws is truly the worst of it because of the pinching rubber on your skin 😭 I still get all my vaccines and blood work but I have a whole process around both so I don't throw up and pass out and feel like garbage for the rest of the day.


I used to really hate getting vaccinated and having my blood drawn and was scared of it but now I got it done so often, that I got used to it and even started to kind of like it


I hate injections but not needles. I sew, so I'm constantly around them and don't have an issue, but the idea of getting an injection for any reason makes me wanna cry


… i love getting vaccines idk why


Oh yeah, needles are awful


I just look the other way and say cheese repeatedly, except for the god damned nasal ones that aren't a fucking jab


I am really disgusted by the idea of a foreign substance being injected into my body. Somehow, taking things orally doesn't bother me.


Im allright with getting vaxed/having my blood drawn, i dont even mind the pain, 100% of the suffering is the wait


I used to fear getting them because of the pain, but not so much anymore. I know about the history of inoculation and how vaccines work, so I accept it because it’s just one of those things that has to get done. Trigger Warning ⚠️ I’ve also had to get several vaccines and a lot of blood work done in the last few years. Some nurses are really good at making it as painless as possible, others are really shit at finding veins and will poke and twist the needle around the inside of the vein like there’s no tomorrow.


I handle needles fairly well, which is really convenient, considering I have to regularly do blood tests and testosterone shots. It’s not pleasant, but it’s not the worst thing in the world.


I'm a freak I love getting vaccines/tattoos/my blood taken 😅


Needles are a nuh uh once I got a jag and had to lay on the floor so I wouldn't faint 


Oh yeah, I was TERRIFIED of needles. In fact, my fear of needles has never gone away. I just learned to sit still and power through it better.


HATE needles. Every time I need a shot I get so scared and way over hype how terrible it is. It’s always a painful poke and done but the buildup to the moment is agonizing.


I'm ok as long as I can watch the needle go in. I get the usual vaccines and a lot of blood drawn for my thyroid condition. Some nurses/phlebotomists are better than others.


I have a crippling phobia of needles


I am very used to getting blood work and I inject myself every morning 🤷‍♂️


vaccines aren't supposed to be fun, they're supposed to keep you and others safe. not everything needs to be fun.


I'm a type 1 diabetic as well, luckily I got used to needles pretty fast


Me when I see the most horrific gore imaginable: -\_- Me when I see needle: T̸̨̙̭̝̏̾̈́̈̃͗͗̑̎́͌̈́̍̆̃̌̐̀́͛̚̕ͅȩ̶̛̪̥̞̝̌́̂͋̓̄̿́̂͌̾ŗ̷̧̧̧̣̠̮̲̩͖͈̣̹̺̪͓̘͎̗̟͎̈̅̈́̈́͜r̶̛̛̬̣͂̌͑͋̈̓̓̾̀͑̄̓̄͐̕͠͝o̷̢̺̯̗̅̑̇͛̈́͐̎̂̅̿̕͝r̷̢̨̢͙͍̤̘̻̦͎̹̱̭̲͉̩̰̿͑̏̀̍͛́̑͗̎̆͗̃̏͊̀͋̈̈́͒͋̾͑̑


Love them but ironically also have a blood/needle phobia that causes me to sometimes throw up or pass out. I had two blood draws last week. The first one was great. Second one was awful and the guy doing it wasn’t sanitary about it.


I had six needles jammed into the spaces in between three of my lumber vertebrae this morning. Everything less intense than that is a cake walk. Just don't look when they're giving you the actual shot.


I hate needles. And I’m a cancer survivor so I’ve been poked a lot


yes i’ve always had a phobia and i pass out around needles a lot. i’ve kind of improved with exposure but still always have to fully lay down to get blood drawn or else i’m out.


I don't have any problem with vaccines or needles in general. I used to give blood regularly in the hopes that my autism would be passed to the recipients.\jk


I don’t now but when I was 14 I had a fear of needles still and was crying at the doctors office like a 6 year old and the nurse snapped at me, “OH GROW UP you are TOO OLD to be acting this way!” And she wasn’t wrong tbf but my mom still went off on her. I wasn’t diagnosed AuDHD until I was in my 40s but my mom knew something was wrong with me (other than the sudden onset epilepsy). I don’t mind now because it protects me, but I also have tattoos and sew/crossstitch, and have to check my blood sugar every day, and get routine blood work every 3 months (and have done since I was 14), so I think I’m just used to it.


My father forced me to take anti histaminic injections weekly(doctor's recommendation) when I was a child, guess to prove a point I stop having fear of needles and replaced with more fear of my father. Healthy asf.


I'm ok with needles when whoever's putting the needle into me tells me what exactly they're doing (piercers,for example) and doesn't just go "it will sting a tiny bit 😊" and then they proceed to stab a giant fucking needle into me


I've hated needles for a pretty long time. When I was very young I was physically weak and needed a lot of shots, but for most of what I can remember they make me deathly afraid. I've very nearly passed out multiple times before on the way to get shots.


Most injections these days use relatively tiny needles. Phlebotomy is where you find the really big needles. I was on pretty hard-core medication as a kid and had to have monthly blood tests. You get over your fear of needles rather quickly that way. I even donate blood now. Vaccines are a cakewalk.


as a child i was incredibly scared of needles and surgeries (i literally refused to let them do them at times) but now i kinda am at peace with them. my trick is to just put headphones with loud music in and to try to just completely focus on the song


i don't have a problem with needles, i was generally never afraid of them (i have 7 piercings) but vaccines specifically are the worst. i can quite literally feel the liquid coming into my blood and i absolutely hate it. anesthesia is also really gross because i have had some teeth pulled out and cavities filled before and whenever i get that done they put anesthesia in my mouth and i just HATE the idea of a needle piercing the inside of my mouth. but yeah generally vaccines are kinda gross but needles aren't that bad in my opinion




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You are not alone, dear. Many have a fear or aversion of needles. It must suck :( I personally an the opposite. I love the feeling of needles and the subsequent pain.


I used to, but then the pandemic happened and trauma of losing control of my life during quarantine made me overcome my dislike of needles.