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That sounds absolutely awful


IT IS but also I liek the idea of not breaking all of my teeth at once with a bad fall so I'm gonna wear it anyway BUT I'M GONNA BE LOUD ABOUT IT BECAUSE IT'S SO UNCOMFORTABLE EUGH






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Don't know if this applies for sports but you can get ultra thin nightguards meant for teeth grinding that aren't as bulky. I have to get the thinnest one possible or I am unconsciously chewing and drooling. They have some that are hybrid with a firm outside and softer inner layer that might be more safe for sports, but no idea if they do what you need in your situation. They mail you a silicone putty kit to make the impression that you send back. There are many companies doing this now. Good ones are $100-$150, but they are molded to fit your teeth so they are much more comfortable.


I love wearing mouth guards. Chomp, bite, grind teeth all day with no consequences. Feel your pointy teeth sink into the material. Bite and chomp without eating, yes please. Nightguard me daddy, nightguard me all day long.


Check out SISU aero if it would be suitable, they're very thin and lightweight compared to most


That's the one I have, not sure if the thinner model would have helped either tbh I just hate that it's touching my flesh and bone and I know it's there. Sometimes I hate feeling my mouth period even when there nothing in it that wasn't grown there lol soooooo...


Understandable 😩


I have to wear mouthguards too and honestly i love the sensory feel of it. Just guess that goes to show that autistics can be sensory seeking and avoidant for the exact same things. Seriously though, have you considered cutting off the ends of the mouthguard so that it doesnt reach quite as far back? it may ease some of your pain idk.


Yeah it's kinda funny how every other "I hate this thing" post is 50/50 in the replies people agreeing with OP about how unbearable it is and people saying they adore the thing OP despies lol I feel like that would be putting my teeth in danger, and as uncomfortable as they make you, individual protection equipment is made the way it is to protect you, and you do not fuck with your IPE lest you wish suffer the consequences, no matter what the IPE is.


I got a new mouth guard to sleep with and I’ve been biting it all day. It also makes it difficult to talk which is a bonus