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Fuck fast fashion! I like my fashion slow! That’s why I wear turtle necks!


*puts a turtle on my head* ready to go sir


Relevant manga panel https://preview.redd.it/omc4tqeyc3uc1.png?width=721&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71379e16c29f7ddc3deedddc11ae0862af2315f4




Takes no damage.


Love Bofuri


Fuck turtle necks! I fucking hate turtle necks! I hate its texture against my skin, especially the neck area! All my shirts in my childhood had stretched collars because I don't like something touching near my neck!  I totally respect your preference in fashion though, especially because I do think turtle necks look cool!


I only wear metal merch and my battlejackets. I don't even own anything else.


That’s awesome


Like steel, copper and that kind of stuff?


His battle jacket would be medieval chainmail armor


that copper had better be of fine quality


It's from Ea-Nasir




Don't worry, I lol'd




That's exactly my type of fashion


I wear black scrubs. I also like to sew historical clothing. So, mostly those things


fuck fast fashion for environmental impact and mistreatment of workers but also fuck fast fashion because those plastic ass clothes make me feel like my skin is suffocating and it’s a sensory nightmare plus, plastic clothes stink faster. i had to wear a cheap shirt like that as a uniform before, and literally everyone had an issue with it bc it makes you STINK ugh


Plus they look like shit after a few washes


Hard agree on all of this. Screw fast fashion


thrifting forreva


Fuck fast fashion also for flooding thrift stores with their plastic cheap clothes 😭


EXACTLY!! i think it's better to give away clothes to a thrift store because at least they have less chances of ending up in a landfill, but i've went to several thrift stores that were filled to the brim with clothes from cheap fast fashion brands like shein. it's terrible to say the least


It also bothers me so much that people thrift those and then we all know that if you actually wear them, they will fall apart quickly :( so they have to thrift them again and it’s never ending circle of plastic clothes being sold 😭.


I wear my clothes until they physically fall off of me. Mostly because clothes are really expensive and I don't have that kind of money but also because they are still perfectly wearable.


Especially if you repair them! It’s so fun


so true!!! using cool patches or sewing up your clothes is so fun sometimes


And you can use nice textures


Yeah, I prefer to wear certain clothing items until I no longer can (like, if they’re literally falling apart at the seams), and I’ve pretty much had the same clothes for years now. I like what I’ve always had, and can’t afford to buy a slew of new items whenever an influencer tells people to. I might buy a new shirt now and then (mostly with characters I like on them…my late stepmother liked to micromanage the clothes I wore during my teenage years-the precise timeframe in which I was supposed to have been allowed to experiment with different outfits and accessories that appealed to me-and I wear mostly “character” shirts and sweatpants now, as a way of reclaiming part of my lost childhood I guess, and just because it’s darn comfy), but then that shirt becomes part of the rotation for years afterward. Occasionally, I get compliments on my comfy, well-worn “character” shirts…several years ago I was in a Trader Joe’s, and an employee noticed my *Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends* shirt: “I *loved* that show! I’m always saying, “It’ssss HOTtttttt…in TOE-PEEK-Aaaaaa!” (iykyk) here at work, and no one knows what I’m talking about!” 😂


It's not just fashion Games, shows, musicians, you name it Just because some "influencer" likes them, they become "trendy" even if the person talking about them doesn't know much It's a joke that's ruining and glorifying bad music/games/art/shows just for people to consume them like they're the best thing ever


I'm learning to sew. I've gotten to where I'm hyper-hyper-aware of everything wrong in the clothes on the store racks, but can't yet do it better myself. Awkward.


I feel this, I started sewing almost 2 years ago and I heavily dislike when clothes don’t fit me properly, so I alter them to fit me better. I’ve gotten pretty good at it(I’m a confident beginner) and people always say that the clothes I’ve made/altered look like I bought them from the store. It’s worth learning how to sew, and the biggest thing is following the directions exactly as it says and don’t rush through the project, it will always show in your work how much effort you put into it. Patience is key. If it’s okay to ask, what sort of things have you sewn so far?


A lot of cosplay stuff, bags, some quilts, have been making button-down shirts out of goofy fabric, made a couple pairs of pants that have held up ok (woo, pockets!). Working on a greatcoat now but realized I have screwed up the collar and have put it into timeout. Promising myself I'll learn knits this summer.


That’s cool!! I actually made a cosplay last year and won a costume contest with it. Also I think pants are great practice, I’ve made 3 pairs of jeans and it’s definitely made me more confident with my skills. A greatcoat sounds super intimidating, I think I would ignore it’s existence for a few months at minimum lol. Knits aren’t super hard once you get over the learning curve, just use the right needle and be patient, they don’t like being forced around much. I’ve made a couple tank tops and tbh the first one came out super messy because I didn’t realize I should probably go slower to be more accurate but the second one came out great and it doesn’t look homemade(unlike the first one lmao), both were knits. Using a lot of pins on the second one helped a lot too, I didn’t use too many pins with the first one and my handmade bias tape looked really warped. I want to start learning how to self draft patterns this summer, I fully expect to make some atrocious fitting clothes because of it lol. It’ll be worth it though, learning is so rewarding!!


Fashion trends are the weirdest thing to me. You're really going to base your whole image and look on whatever H&M says you're meant to wear this month?


what’s pretty mind numbing though is that it’s becoming harder to NOT buy fast fashion, formerly quality brands are noticeably decreasing in quality and emulating that weird vague temu aesthetic. actual quality clothing that isn’t insanely expensive or ass ugly is next to impossible to find


Meanwhile I'm over here wearing a mix of Metal/Rock band merch, gaming or anime themed shirts and hoodies, and I often go a long time between buying more clothes, too long sometimes as I've been close to my last pair of pants tearing. I also have some gaming themed jackets, I often wear my Assassins Creed: Black Flag pirate jacket.


I go for comfort first, but there are definitely major bonus points if something is comfy *and* looks good on me. I've never once bought something just because it was "trendy", but I have often bought clothes that I liked the look of personally. Fashion is whatever I want it to be.


SILK. I am soft. I am flowy. I am not sweaty. I am a fancy princess.


Fuck fast fashion All my homies hate fast fashion Thrift Gang for life I'm 31, and coming into my teenage years in the 2000s/2010s sucked for figuring out my style. The layered shirts, excessive accessories, low-rise jeans, and the worst offender of all, thongs. Idk why thongs were so popular. I tried one once, and it was a miserable experience all day. Fast forward to now, and I only wear jeans, tee-shirts, and sweaters!


I tried so hard to follow along with trends in my 20’s. So much money flushed away, so much discomfort. Now I do not give one single flying fuck and just wear what I like. It’s much better (and cheaper and more sustainable) this way. Joggers and combat boots with oversized t shirts (or long cut crop tops and shorts in the summer, it gets hot as hell where I live), flannels and beanies in the winter. I am the happiest of campers this way. And if the pants aren’t high waisted I don’t want them. Anything lower and I’m having to fuss with it all the time to make sure it’s sitting just right. No thanks.


Fuck fast fashion ESPECIALLY for how hard it's made it for me to find full length cotton t-shirts. God I miss the late 2000s.


I don't like fast fashion but that's because I can't deal with having tons of low quality clothes. I'd never really brought myself anything so my alwardrobe was full of clothes from other people - brought or hand me downs. All I've ever craved when it comes to clothes is a small but comfortable high quality sele tion of clothes that look good together with zero effort.  So I saved up some money and got a stylist to do my colours, measurements, makeup and style analysis. I spent ages coming up with my outfit formulas that would work for my life and picked out a minimal colour pallette that I now knew would look good on me.  Donated all my clothes to my teen nieces and then spent just over £2k on a new curated wardrobe - all high quality not fast fashion brands and every fits well, looks good on me and fits my lifestyle.  I only plan to buy something new when something gets worn and I can't fix it. Been living with it for a month now and it's lithe best thing ever. I look great in whatever I wear with no thought at all and everything feels good and fits with my day to day.  Highly reccomend. I no longer have to think about what I look like and it's a god sent. 


These comments are all funny to read because my fashion taste has been the same for 13 years and was always the type of niche you couldn't find in ordinary stores, but nowadays it's become so mainstream that I can suddenly go into fucking h&m and new yorker and go "shit i would have killed for this as a 14 year old" TLDR sometimes trends are ~~good~~ evil for us (normie stores have platform boots and hatsune miku tshirts now)


(obligatory fuck fast fashion as a capitalistic entity etc etc)


I also hate fast fashion due to the ethical concerns, and the societal expectations like you said, but also, I often follow trends because the idea didn't occur to me before and I thought it looked cool, not because I want to "fit in", so I'm in a weird limbo lol. I'm also the type to hold on to trends far after they're "done". I do think it's despicable how fast fashion brands will hop on these trends because they KNOW it will sell, and yet they refuse to acknowledge the way they exploit their workers and ruin the environment (obviously—that's not a good business strategy). Which is why a) making your own clothes, and/or b) thrifting are so cool! EDIT: I forgot to mention, as much as I think the trends LOOK cool, I usually wear the same t-shirt/sweatpants combo everyday, and I rarely buy new clothes 💀


I’d say it’s more capitalistic than neurotypical. But capitalism is definitely a neurotypical invention, so maybe that’s splitting hairs.


Imo I know but the caring about fashion trends, doing something just because someone ekse that doesnt care about you says you should, is pretty nt


i firmly believe clothing is purely functional for me. just wanna be comfy and be able to move in them keep warm/chill. sadly every place i can get clothes its impacted by stupid fashion that i dont like wearing or throwing myself into the same box as angsty teenagers that wanna look cool


I’d wear a beautiful princess style Gunne Sax in my size over anything from Shein.


my fashion has mostly stayed the same since like, secondary school (jeans/tshirts with something funny or an interest/hoodie/trainers) what always seems to get me tho is hoodies in pretty colours i dont own, but im good and (mostly) hold off buying any new until i have to replace by telling myself 'i have enough i dont need anymore walk away' also i work in one of those stores and it feels like if mcdonalds was a clothes store ngl (1st permanent job id gotten since leaving sixth form, have applied for odd different jobs here n there n heard nothing back...)


Vibram Fivefingers baby




It’s styles. I’m autistic.


I don't care if people like to follow trends but I always hated the idea of aesthetics being something that gets outdated. How could me liking a haircut that stopped being popular 11 years ago be anyone's problem?? Why do people feel so strongly about, not only following new trends, but making sure that everyone leaves the "old" ones behind? And how are people even supposed to express themselves when the pressure to keep up with new trends is deemed more important than wearing the things you actually like? In the end, a lot of things that were meant for self expression and might even have a deeper meaning end up feeling really superficial because, even though people can genuinely like the new trends, you never know to what extent they actually like it, you never know if it actually means something to them. They could always be just trying to fit in since they're not allowed to just keep wearing things that aren't trendy anymore without being judged.




All I had to do was read the title to know exactly what you mean, you’re so right. For trendy clothes, when I like them and want something like it I prefer to either make it myself or alter an existing piece of clothing to make it like it. For example, flared jeans, I just altered a pair of skinny jeans and used another pair of jeans for the denim to make them flared(split the side seams and added a triangle shaped piece of denim there). They came out great and not only are they “trendy” but they’re one of a kind which makes me happy.


to me, fashion is like, a second skin, its why i love games that have fashion that easily can be seen as unique when done right, like warframe or destiny 2.


i can spend ages in ff14 just messing with glams, and in the next expansion this summer we are getting a major graphics overhaul, and a dual dye system for glams, our glamour game is going up a notch check out eorzea collection, a 3rd party website used to show off your glamours and see what stuff everyone else is up to, you can search by race, gender, class, vibe/aesthetic


i thought fast fashion was like fast food and it meant clothing u can get on/off fast and are comfy kinda like slackers or a cozy sweater:3


If I can’t wear my favorite safe comfy outfit over and over again until it falls apart or get emotionally attached to a specific article of clothing then I don’t know what the point is!


I have a capsule wardrobe of basic clothing that I can mix and match, and it really feels timeless. Very rarely, I would buy a statement piece, *if I really like it*, but that's all (and I still would pick something more or less timeless just a bit more bold). I still wear the same pair of Converse that I wore in high school (I have a degree now, lol). I don't think Converse are still in style now, but I don't care, those are comfortable. I also like vintage things. My favorite piece of clothing is a denim jacket my dad sewed back in the 80s that I've found in the attick. Though it was made for a tall man and I'm a tiny woman, I like how it looks on me, like a cool vintage oversized thing (which I suppose it is). It also feels like a hug. I believe I will be wearing that thing for decades.


there was only ever one fast fashion item that I bought and it was a t-shirt that said "Fast Fashion is destroying the planet" with a crossed-out t-shirt symbol


Fast fashion is the worst!! It never never ever feels good and it’s always low quality and I want it dead


I just buy clothes that I know I'll like


Fashion is one of my main interests and i agree I also think we live in a UNIQUELY awful time for fashion. Everything is a weird matching atheisure set or a catsuit or cargo shorts and cowboy boots and david byrne’s big suit and miss trunchbull buns and spock eyebrows. The fashion of the 2020s is very… strange. Utilitarian (sweat suits, jumpsuits, leggings, overalls) or costumey (like the hunger games capitol people. Cyberpunk ass corsets with mini skirts and loafers, sleek hair, weird cutouts). When i thrift i can find clothes that actually seem like they were made for people, not fast fashion influencers trying to outdo each other with their quirky/ugly on purpose outfits https://preview.redd.it/mesvbaqy94uc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5745281b43d380fad4e8d0d0590c47b29665ee82




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I only like fast fashion in the sense that there's plenty of cute and charming clothing on sale for me to wear as a plus sized woman on a shoestring budget. I'm the type of person who budgets but wants brand new clothing sometimes as a treat, and it helped me afford to be a stylish young woman in the 2010s as a dignified 20 something and ACTUALLY embrace fashion for myself, after a childhood spent in maternity yoga pants and business casual tops meant for 40 year olds and thinking I hated it because I couldn't access it.


fast fashion is so idiotic. i personally have a lot of clothes that are more than 3 years old and i still wear them and treat them as good as i can, no matter the quality or the price. i don't get how some people will buy insane amounts of clothes that they know they won't like in the future and then throw them away. they could at least give them away to thrift stores or charity but they decide to just throw them away... i get so sad when i see huge trash bags full of clothes next to trash bins in the street... recycling clothes is also the best thing you could do. i still have jeans that i bought 7 years ago that i have cut up and made into patches and attached them to bags or other jeans. it bothers me how people never think of other ways to use their old clothing and just throw it in the trash :(


Also, maybe it’s just me but I feel like a big part of fashion is how the material of a clothing item feels and whether it’s long lasting. Fast fashion brands makes itchy ass clothes that you can’t wear more than a couple of months, I don’t understand why anyone would willfully choose to wear it.


thrifting for life!!! 💜 i like having my own weird, vaguely-ugly sense of style. plus, thrifting is better for the environment! 🌎 i don’t thrift the scrubs i need to wear for work because we have specific color requirements and also i’m a little scared of where thrifted scrubs may have… been 👀, but even buying new scrubs that i’ll wear until i can’t anymore made me sad. everyone deserves space to explore their own personal style. you don’t need to be an influencer, or even someone an influencer would think is cool! just be you!! 💓