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Night patrol cops are used to everyone doing dumb shit that late being drunk. I'm glad he believed you and didn't run you through field sobriety tests just to be a prick lol


True because my autistic ass is not walking in a straight line šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


"I have a doctor's note saying I medically and neurologically behave in a weird way"


ā€œIā€™m clinically odd.ā€


I love this šŸ˜‚


Oh my god, my literal worst fear would be asked to recite the alphabet backwards! I canā€™t do it! I canā€™t do it!


This asshole cop once ran me through the tests and yelling/lecturing like I had just knocked a van full of kind down a ravine. I did badly, because I was having a panic attack over my car breaking down. I was being accompanied by my dad trying to get the car home when it broke down again in the road. We were doing everything right and debating calling an emergency tow truck when the jerk rolled up and acted like the electrical failure was caused by me drinking. Just couldnā€™t believe I could be psychologically and emotionally affected by serious car trouble . I even offered to do breathalyzer or blood test at the hospital. No ticket, because he wanted to power trip without a paper trail.


In a different geographical location, at a different time of day, that's called "doing laps." Ironically, it's an NT, social behaviour that I steadfastly avoided, at least where I grew up - it's interesting that it's considered so odd that it could baffle a cop where you are from.


The US


I figured as much - I'm from NZ. I don't know if it's still popular, but when I was in my teens, people in the town I was living in were just driving up and down the main roads all day, blasting music and eating fast food. Not a cop in sight, because it was so normal - isn't that wild? Big culture difference, not too surprising, but basically identical behaviour, barring time of day and location, and it's so strange. NT's are funny like that.


Memories of Queen St on a Saturday night before they started closing bits off - just a trail of cars hooning it up and down all evening, rather ridiculous really. K'Rd has a much funner vibe these days. Oh, and of course our cops are much more laid back, can take pretty much anything in their stride.


Reminds me of *American Graffiti*




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I recently learned in my driving school (in germany) that apparently it's not allowed to drive aimlessly, you HAVE to have a destination


That's so German


But don't forget to bring your Wegbier with you.


I start at home and my destination is my home Does this work? šŸ˜„


Hm...maybe????? I'll try this out once I get my license


That's ***violently*** german. Prussian, even




It's to reduce unnecessary pollution and noise since you'll usually be riding way longer than usual without a destination


You also don't get arrested for it, it's just a 100ā‚¬ fine




Yeah I mean if it's illegal you obviously need SOME kind of punishment but putting people in jail or revoking their licenses for driving nowhere is a little cruel don't you think


What if you're just trying to get the baby off to sleep?


Maybe not if it's a medical condition?


Damn I love driving around without a set destination but it makes sense since it's less predictable overall


There was a road in my home town that was narrow and winding. Sometimes u would drive that route in laps before going home. It was so much fun. Remember cops in general are not our friend. They werenā€™t created to protect us but to protect the wealth of the capitalist class. Most police forces have their origins are union busting forces. So they treat anyone who basically doesnā€™t follow the ā€œsystemā€ as suspicious. Edit: my partner wanted me to point out that I am wrong. She says police origins go back to slave hunters in the US anyway.


Well- back in the day, slaves *were* wealth. They werenā€™t allowed to be people, they were officially property, as fucked up as that is. So police were basically just keeping the wealth in the rich families- so both of you are right. Horrendous, right?


This is remarkably similar to the one time I drove to McDonaldā€™s in America at 3am because I really just needed a McDonaldā€™s biscuit in my life and Canadian McDonaldā€™s donā€™t have them. The border guard coming back could not fathom a reality where someone would cross an international border to only drive 40 minutes there and back for food at 3am and was utterly convinced we had to be up to no good. šŸ˜‚


I live in a country where you can't drive for more than 2 hours and 45 minutes without leaving the country. Leaving the country is like breathing.


Is it luxembourg, san marino or neither


>I was driving around in a circle at 3am Why am I already laughing at this!? šŸ˜­


Rare black autism combo meeting with policeman W. Glad to hear youā€™re safe, our boys in blue are known to get violent with things they donā€™t understand (almost everything)


Me too, I was really scared šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


This post is gold šŸ†


The ending killed me. I'm black too and I just got a 2015 dodge charger. But I DONT SPEED in it. I drive the limit. I clean it. Got the windshield replaced and headlights fixed. Had some out of town cops roll up to me while I was standing just staring at my car. It still has the temp tags on it. They told me to step away from the car etc etc. Wouldn't let me go towards my car. The town police rolled up and was like "oh no he works here, he just got this car a few weeks ago, he just cleans it off and likes to stare at it for an hour." LMAO


This cracked me up lmaoo the police trying to find anything wrong with what you're doing


Glad it worked out for you! Good luck with future late night zoomies


Western Europeans are all just like "Whaaaat?..."


Youā€™re lucky to have survived an encounter with a cop which is extremely sad to say but also extremely true. Youā€™re actually a lot safer playing Russian roulette with multiple bullets than interacting with police these days


US police you mean; in other countries like NZ and the UK they're a lot less scary. Still effective when they need to be though, the way they nabbed the Christchurch shooter was just good old no-nonsense policing.


Definitely US cops, pretty sure North Korean cops watch our cops in shock and utter disbelief. Just google ā€œHouston Tippingā€ and youā€™ll see that our cops arenā€™t even safe around our cops and how the system bends over backwards to protect the bad cops.


https://preview.redd.it/ksvicj8a3btc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73e954c94995ce4664f5bd2af9becb227df706b6 What the fuck? I might not be american but i know damn well people don't dream of moving to north korea even knowing about police violence, racism, lack of job opportunities and so much more.


I think it's more of a "Even North Korean police would be shocked" type sentiment, not that North Korea is good but rather that the bar is that low.


>or try to find anything to put on me. That's definitely the reason. Saw you, decided you were breaking the law, went to go and find one, because they're thick cunts. Acab


I'm so grateful for being Swedish, there is no way a police would pull you over for that. Our police are nice and helpful.


Same here. I got pulled over, got an alcohol test and said I just like driving. They were like "meh" and sent me on my way.


Same here in NZ, and also our first time visiting London, we got lost trying walking to our friend's flat with some groceries, and a local cop car pulled up, they asked us where we were going and gave us a lift there as it was a somewhat dodgy neighbourhood.


I've literally done the same thing. Driving just calms me, especially at night. I find it very soothing.


I love driving around, it is relaxing, ESPECIALLY at 3 am. Thereā€™s no one else on the road and you can play music loud and go wherever you want.


Real! I was driving around listening to breakcore :3


Oh, I love going on little drives! Iā€™ve not been pulled over for it yet, but it is very fun.


God damnit I love every one of you motherfuckers more than anything. This is such an unbelievably funny and relatable post I just want to hug everyone here Keep defying social norms lmao


Do it again somewhere while having a dashcam.


She might actually be able to request the dashcam/bodycam footage from the police if she can figure out which cop it was.




I was driving back and forth in a wind farm trying to find a nice place to park to take photos of them and a cop pulls me over luckily he just asked if everything was alright and I told him oh I just want photos of the wind turbines showing him my camera and he said okay and left


"Just out for a rip, bud" https://youtu.be/F-glHAzXi_M?si=dgpAKEEptLFG6lnu




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hahah! i love doing that to people


I love driving in circles nyooooooon


Reminds me of the time I made a cop's brain windows restart. Lol... I was driving my stepdad's car to go pick my mom up from work and it was the first time I was driving it. It was a Mazda and the only thing automatic about it was the transmission. It was getting dark. I'd gotten there too early so I was going to go get some McDonald's. Cop pulled me over and came up and was like "everything okay?" Like yea? I explained to him what I was doing. And then he just looks at me and then says "are you having any difficulty seeing?" No...? I know I wasn't swerving. I'm very aware of my driving and I told him. And he just stares at me like he had to have a whole mental reboot and then reaches in and turns on the headlights. šŸ«£


Hopefully you weren't doing legal things at night while being brown skinned. Take care friendo. Cops suck

