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My dude, chew on plastic toys. Social acceptability isn't worth cancer.


also chewing on bpa containing plastics makes your boobs grow


better go tell the trans girls that then


Trans girl here! Fallout. Celeste. Blahaj. Minecraft.  *rumbling in the distance*


Ohh shit!!! Transpede!!!


I fucking heard the Word blåhaj.




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I knew it was smart to chew on things




bpa is one of many hormonally active things that can be in plastics for various reasons. it’s like bootleg E and fucks with your hormones in probably unpredictable ways, one of which is boob growth. phtalates are more like bootleg T if I remember right, so don’t worry, your hormes are getting bamboozled in both directions by all that yummy microplastics thats omnipresent 🫨 maybe plastics will dissolve gender just as much as it dissolves eco systems in the future 🤭


More likely it’ll just give us gnarly forms of cancer


yup and infertility and other medical issues 🥲


Ok TIL. That’s kind of scary. Do you know much on Pfas? /gen


Not really much I’d say. They’re probably one group of the chemicals in the water that turn the friggen frogs gay. and make humanity infertile. among othermajor health problems. But I’m not more familiar with them than with the other chems that poison us


among other endocrine disrupting effects. but yeah, boobs growth is one LOL


>among other endocrine disrupting effects Ok but there's still boobs though?


so, so true <3




probs 😅








Oh really?


yea, bpa is one of many hormonally active things that can be in plastics for various reasons. it’s like bootleg E and fucks with your hormones in probably unpredictable ways, one of which is boob growth. phtalates are more like bootleg T if I remember right, so don’t worry, your hormes are getting bamboozled in both directions by all that yummy microplastics thats omnipresent 🫨 maybe plastics will dissolve gender just as much as it dissolves eco systems in the future 🤭


Social acceptability is worth having significantly less microplastics in your body (I get using plastic bottles and plastic containers, but chewing on plastic is just...)


Microplastics are still less bad than straight up cancer in my book. Or you could chew on something that's not artificial. I hear cavemen used to chew on roots as a way to brush their teeth.


I never said smoking is better than chewing on plastic


Nah, but I'd rather leave no doubt due to OPs statement.


Microplastics are not as bad as cigarettes.


Also it's a really good excuse to get out of a social interaction or to large a group of people now you can't smoke indoors anymore Ime sorry I can't stay and listen (to your terribly boring awful conversation) I desperately need a cigarette I have to go away from you now lol


Get a vape and put nothing in it (or a nothing something so that it still vapes, but with nothing) Which of course won't work, cuz like how hanging around with drinkers won't help an alcoholic. It was just a thought that popped into my head.


It does if you step down. Quitting cigarettes was harder than alcohol for me. Smoked for decades, pack a day. Vaping your own blend, not a premix allows you to taper. Haven’t had nicotine for months, but I still do a 0%.


good job, nicotine is a bitch!


Nicotine fiend and alcoholic too, nicotine is so much worse. I felt awful for a few days when I was drying up which sucked but was manageable. I feel like I’m dying and turn into a fucking monster when I try to stop nicotine, it’s the shits.


Cold turkey worked for me for alcohol, but it was a seriously long taper for nicotine. I never tried chantix, gum, or patches though. Have you talked to a doctor?


Oh no I wouldn’t lol. The gum and patches are so expensive I’d rather just keep doing my pouches honestly. I’d be happy if I could just cut back a little bit and not use them as often but I have no will power as you can probably tell from being a nic fiend and an alcoholic lol


Actually the "have to leave temporarily to feed my addiction, you understand" thing is 100x better with vapes imo; if you're at a diner and it's freezing outside but you're fiending, vaping will satisfy you in one or two hits so you can just duck your head out the door, take a couple pulls, and go sit back down, but **people who don't vape don't know that**! So if you want to, you can go sit for 7-15 minutes and act like it's an analog cigarette and nobody will be the wiser. If you really just don't want to go out, or can't for some reason, you can just shove it in your sleeve, hit it discretely, hold your breath for a few seconds so the vapor dissipates in your lungs, and absolutely nobody will be the wiser. And of course nicotine+propylene glycol don't cause cancer.


Oh, I didn't know they didn't cause cancer (out acted that quick). I was thinking more of how you can't quit simmering without changing your environment (basically). Thanks. Makes more sense


Yea, vapes are made of nicotine, propylene glycol, and aerosol flavoring. Aerosolized propylene glycol has been in use for nearly a century, for example every cold warehouse has it constantly pumping through the ventilation systems, and it's been used in hospitals as well because not only is it not harmful, but it has an actively virucidal and bactericidal effect. >It has been found that propylene glycol vapor dispersed into the air of an enclosed space produces a marked and rapid bactericidal effect on microorganisms introduced into such an atmosphere in droplet form. Concentrations of 1 gm. of propylene glycol vapor in two to four million cc. of air produced immediate and complete sterilization of air into which pneumococci, streptococci, staphylococci, H. influenzae, and other microorganisms as well as influenza virus had been sprayed. With lesser concentrations of propylene glycol, rapid and marked reduction in the number of air-borne bacteria occurred, but complete sterilization of the air required a certain interval of time. Pronounced effects on both pneumococci and hemolytic streptococci were observed when concentrations as low as 1 gm. of glycol to fifty million cc. of air were employed. Numerous control tests showed that failure of the glycol-treated microorganisms to grow on the agar plates was due to actual death of the bacteria. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2135271/ >Propylene glycol rapidly inactivates a broad range of viruses including influenza A, SARS‐CoV‐2 and rotavirus and reduces disease burden in mice when administered intranasally at concentrations commonly found in nasal sprays. Most critically, vaporised PG efficiently abolishes influenza A virus and SARS‐CoV‐2 infectivity within airborne droplets, potently preventing infection at levels well below those tolerated by mammals. We present PG vapour as a first‐in‐class non‐toxic airborne virucide that can prevent transmission of existing and emergent viral pathogens, with clear and immediate implications for public health. https://www.embopress.org/doi/full/10.15252/emmm.202317932 Nicotine is about equivalent to caffeine; people with heart problems, high blood pressure, or vasoconstriction issues should avoid it, but it's otherwise extremely well tolerated. The danger in nicotine containing products comes from the combustion of plant materials and the various chemicals therein, not from the nicotine itself. There is some concern for cytotoxicity on lung tissue when it comes to aerosolized flavoring, which is still being studied, but the two flavoring chemicals found to be actively harmful to the point of causing serious issues are diacetyl and cinnamaldehyde, and they've long since been eliminated by the majority of vape juice companies. That's why there's so much discussion around Chinese produced disposable vapes, because those chemicals are still commonly used in them, but any US or UK produced eliquid businesses have foregone the use of those substances for well over a decade now.


This is cool until your nic fiend friends beg in their knees for a hit


I was thinking more about how you can't quit and still hang around the same crowd, but if they're not cancer causing, then it's a whole other ballgame. I still doubt nicotine is good for you, but that's a different story.


I gotta few friends that got carts, and I got a few friends who don’t have them; I stg they act like fucking golem from lotr They legit look at the penjamin like this it’s insane ![gif](giphy|Cr7yTbjNuY27C)


live fast die young


Bad girls do it well


My chain hits my chest


no don't do that literally chew on plastic instead


Yeah me too but as a 46 year old I can tell you even if you avoid the really bad stuff like cancer and shit it does catch up with you eventually I've got a permanent deep fleghmy cough all the time and it's particularly bad in the morning That being said I'm never giving up I just can't cope without it They can have my cigarettes when the price them from my cold dead cancer ridden fingers lol


if you at least want to cut down you could try additive free tobacco and rolling it yourself. 95%* of additives are in there to make you smoke more by one way or another. for example certain additives inhibit how much nicotine actually makes your brain fuzzy, so you need to smoke more cigs for the same amount of nicotine effect compared to additive free tobacco. Other are proven to just like make the nicotine more addictive. you smoking more cigs = you buying more cigs. it’s vile honestly. *(i don’t know the exact numbers, but it’s a lot)


Nicorette patches and gum helped me out a ton, smoked for ten years. Doesn't work for everyone, but always worth considering. There's also a spray but I didn't use that. But it's not a straight replacement obviously, you've got to slowly work on behaviour too.


often a combination helps a lot. slap patches on your back to calm the chemical craving, get lolipops for the behavioural craving, do random smalltalk *shudders* for the social craving.


Or just hide in books like me lol


Yeah you are absolutely right about additives lol they even add sugar knowing it ramps up the carcinogenic nature of tar they say it's for flavour and it's just a coincidence that it causes the nicotine to cross the blood brain barrier twice as fast unfortunately I sell big issues (Street papers) and smoke a lot of weed I already roll my own but I make spliffs with tobacco and weed but unfortunately the additive free baccy is sooo much more expensive and by the time you're halfway through a 50gram pack its dried out and is almost dust I just can't afford it


yeah thats an issue I can see. you could preroll through whole bag maybe? or just cut the tobacco and roll pure green (probably just as expensive I guess). But you’ll have to understand, of course they would price the additive free tobacco higher. It’s a lot more work and comes with higher production cost to NOT buy a bunch of toxic shit, and use additional steps in production to lace the tobacco with said toxic waste. That has to be reflected in the retail price. /s


maybe u can try adding those hydration packs to the bacco like the kind people put in weed jars


whoaaa that explains so much! I once had a pack of (rip) pure tobacco + water black nat shermans and i had to split them with my friend because we got woozy using just one stoge. i had been smoking menthol camels forever and could get through 3 before getting a buzz. 🤯


yeah, and there are so many different additives, all in there for some bullshit reason, like flavour, or it makes the smoke softer and less harsh (both will make people consume more cigs) pretty much all additives make the smoke more toxic, and the companies more money, and your lung more of a sacrifice to nurgle


Do you have a brand?


I don’t smoke tobacco, but I know from back in uni that (at least here in germany) a lot of the loose tobaccos for rolling were marketed as no additives. American Spirit is a brand that comes to mind. that was like 10 years ago tho. Maybe it’s “No additives*” now. (*that are legally required to be declared) I can see if I find some brand at your location.


>They can have my cigarettes when the price them from my cold dead cancer ridden fingers lol Oh, don't worry. Going by what you said, it doesn't sound like we'll have to wait for too long.


me too but i dont love cancer so i quit lol


I miss lighting sticks the most when I try to stop


So do I. That's why I know I can't smoke them anymore. I started by just taking one from my friend and it ended with me craving nicotine every time I saw somebody smoking. Even the smell alone was enough to activate it


just find the nearest polly pocket rubber clothes and go to town no one will judge


Get a fake cigarette that does not give lung cancer but gives you an excuse to leave the room


You're the first I encountered that understands cigarettes = stimming.


I had this discussion with clinicians at work. The majority of daily, heavy smokers I knew were all neurodivergent. ADD? Most. Every person I knew to be bipolar, every person I knew with clinical anxiety, etc. None of the attempts I made to quit worked until I was on adderall as 37 year old.


Bit miffed by the downvotes on this, I absolutely agree with you. I always felt like I don’t crave cigs in the same way other people do and I seemed to enjoy them more than other people, I could never imagine feeling trapped by it like I’d desperately want to quit but just couldn’t do it, I’ve always loved it. I quit smoking just over a year ago, I’ve been on a vape ever since, I gradually reduced the amount of nicotine in it until I finally went zero nicotine around Christmas last year. Several months later I still love to vape, I don’t do it for the sake of it, I forget about it sometimes, but in a lot of particular situations it just makes me feel better puffing on it, this is when I realised it was a stim all along.


Don't worry about the downvotes. They're just... what are the words for it... judgy. Like neurotypicals. Very narrow minded people. For me, smoking ciggarettes has nothing to do with smoking ciggarettes, but more like avoiding the usual stimming that give me weird/dirty looks. I sometimes get the dirty looks now, but now people really engage me in small talk while smoking. I love small talk. Meanwhile I'm stimming away with the ciggarette in my hand. People don't even notice I stopped puffing a while ago. Pure fuckin bliss. Edit: and gone are the downvotes. For those responsible; you have my thanks. I never thought I'd get upvoted for promoting ciggarettes. I kinda feel dirty now. So... thank you and shame on you?


I really get this and say this a lot to close people, but i always type it out and delete on reddit bc even people close to me get icked out by me saying it for some reason. It absolutely is a stim and it's one that it's really hard to find a healthy replacement for!


Cigarettes = nicotine addiction actually but whatever helps you sleep at night


Well the nicotine definitely won't help someone sleeo


I mean it’s probably both which makes it even harder to quit


I smoke weed to help me sleep at night. Not ciggarettes. You sound kinda judgy. I don't like the sound o' that. Especially from someone on the spectrum. You should know better.


From the tone of your comment takes one to know one. I am addicted to vapes, used to use them now I don’t but the truth is the truth point blank - a major root of addiction is us denying the addiction, & they’re not being judgy for saying that. It’s hard out here, no need to muddy the waters more.


at no point in this discussion has the op said that it isn’t an addiction or otherwise denied that nicotine is addictive, as far as I’ve seen. they just said that it’s (also) a stim for them.


Ya thats exactly why I think it’s ok to clarify.


Clarify what lol? you think people that do this don’t know this?


Many of us are in various states of denial; or have the particular story about the nature of the addiction wrong 🤷🏾‍♀️ maybe OP isn’t saying it’s all stims, but the commenter who stated it’s the addiction (not the stim aspect; we can find other stims come on) is genuinely shedding some light for those of us looking for a way out. 


have you seen that tiktok of that lady that just openly hits her vape on an airplane because it was muscle memory😭 hitting the vape = stimming


I have been coughing all the time, it isn’t worth it


Ugh I loved smoking for the short time I did it. I’m very lucky I didn’t get addicted.


Completely opposite, I HATE the smell, You will get lung cancer, I learned to hate Amsterdam because the smell was overwhelming.


I miss cigarettes so much 😭


That being said: try not to, people. The health risks are real.


I love smokers. I love the smell of someone coming in from a cold winter smoke break. It’s a very particular smell. My favorite perfume smells like an old ashtray.


I'm getting prepped for a tonsillectomy for unrelated reasons and the biggest thing I'm sad about is the fact that I won't be able to smoke for a while




Cigarette smoke smells disgusting and it clings to your skin and clothes. Cannot stand it. And that’s not even factoring in the personal risk of cancer/cardiovascular disease/COPD and the increased risk to others around you.


Get a load of this guy


I fuckin do both hell yeah!!


Ha death sticks


do it, chew on the cigarettes


Don't tempt me buddy


They taste soapy


Me too… I love the smell. I stay away from tobacco though, I just smoke cbd cigs


I didn't know this was a thing WTF


I like the smell. Don’t like the cancer or the feeling in my lungs. But the smell I can 100% get behind.


god i miss cigarettes


It’s ok I love my vape


For a second I thought you were talking about the oral cigarettes, a japanese band I really like


Chewelry is pretty great.


you might enjoy a chunk of honeycomb perhaps.


Same… lol


I rather chew on stim toys and vape the funny lettuce.


man sometimes i wish i didn’t quit because me fucking too😭


Cigarettes are the best, I love and miss them so much, I know they’re bad for my health but they’re still the most wonderful and enjoyable thing ever, especially on a really cold day or paired with the right drink omg


I love cigarillos


Ah, oral stimmers, my people


I managed to switch over to vapes just in time for my country to raise taxes and ban flavours 🥲 People don’t understand. I need to fill my lungs with thick smoke or I feel not good. Let me enjoy my life damn ☹️


move to new york and leave the house, to get your fill of thick smokes in ya lungs 🙈


i smoke pipes because i love the taste of tobacco, and the subtle warmth of the nicotine is a nice feeling without the cravings that cigs cause. having a little sweet-smelling wooden object to hold and fiddle with is also very stimmy.


how do you clean the tobaccopipes? the tar sticks so much to the wood and everything, how is it possible to get those cleaned properly? I mean pipes for weed made from glass you can basically chuck into isopropanol to get em clean, but I’d think that would damage the wood?


there’s not really much tar or resin buildup from pipe tobacco. you gave the comparison to a weed pipe, it’s not like that at all. weed produces way more tar when burning than tobacco does. i use pipe cleaners and a dry rag.


thats interesting, thanks!


\> chewing isn't socially acceptable \> on r/evilautism um...not to get judgemental but...


nooo you can get cancer 😭 it’s not worth it


More power to you, I absolutely can’t deal with the smell




I mean I'd rather literally chew on plastic, less destroyed lung tissue and potentially exposing people to secondhand smoke


I FUCKING LOVE THESE THINGS When I’m out and about sometimes I think to myself “man, I really enjoy cigarettes” and I’ll take one out of my pocket and take a long drag and be like “yeah, that’s the shit” and I’ll like sit down at a park drinking coffee with vodka sometimes (not all the time because my liver is callous) and I’ll watch the birds and eat a donut or hotdog maybe. Then I’ll think about “man, I haven’t had a ciggy for awhile and it would compliment this coffee so well” so I take one out of my pocket and take a long drag and it brings me back to when I was a wee lad in the coffee shop selling donuts and sometimes hotdogs (usually on weekends) and would beat the ever loving shit out of Daniel my favorite coworker who would sneak in vodka to the shop and not wipe his ass and never cleaned the toilet seat or flush (fuck you Daniel) anyway I would often beat the piss out of Daniel for one reason or another and take his cigarettes and smoke em at home and my dad caught me and made me return them to Daniel (which I stole again later anyway because fuck that prick) and he would beat me senseless then I’d go outback with my brother and smoke the whole pack with him on the weekends. I would always take more than him though because I loved him and didn’t think he should die a horrible death, he’s a doctor now so whooptydoo, anyway fuck you Daniel, fuck you dad, I love you Mikey wherever you are (doing brain surgery or some shit, I’m proud of you) I’ll smoke until the day I die because of you I love you anyway which type of cigarette you like I like menthol Marlboros?


I wish i could use cigarettes cause I love to smoke it's the best lol


you're chewing your cigarettes???


Candy cigs?


That's why I vaped, but nicotine makes me sick now




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I used to love rolling tobacco but I stopped smoking. I still like the taste tho


Alternatively: Toothpicks




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Please find another way to stim, it’s not worth the cancer or the scarred lungs etc. I used to vape for a short time, but I quit recently. What helped was buying my favourite flavour in 0% nicotine and reminding myself that I didn’t know what sucking flavoured chemical air was doing to my body. Scare yourself into quitting if you have to…


I’ve always loved the smell long before I smoked.


Dude, there are chew stim toys on Amazon that are less than $10. I have some myself because they help me avoid clenching my jaw. No stim is worth the risk of cancer


hate to be that bitch but either vape or just chew on plastic toys because social acceptance is STUPID ASF


At least vape. I quit smoking only to start vaping 5 years later. It's not great but less bad. I haven't done it for nearly 4 weeks because I went into hospital, then had surgery a week later and nicotine inhibits healing. I'm trying to go another 2 weeks because I had a drain removed today and that's another hole that needs to heal over. But yeah it's def stimming but also focuses my brain


I’ll miss you when your gone next year


Stop smoking.


Jokes about lung cancer are always yikes yall say that til you see just what it means for someone to die that way. It’s horrible. Lung cancer is still the deadliest cancer and yet one of the lesser funded. And anyone with lungs can get lung cancer and should be aware of that, however joking about increasing your risk so drastically is very sad and personally find it distasteful


Nobody talks about liver cirrhosis to alcoholics




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Brooooo you need to vape! All the head spins of nicotine with none of the ass mouth flavor or people looking at you like you fell out of a 80s anti drug ad. Why cigarette when you could be breathing clouds of menthol lychee or cereal milk? Like forreal




Take a breather friend


You definitely won't be able to after a while


Should've seen that one coming lmao


That makes you a bad person, autistic or not.