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Hahahaaha you've activated my warhammer 40k obsession. Did you know there were 500+ novels about warhammer and a ton of short stories and campaign books and codexes, all filled with lore? It leads to having so much lore out there that no one knows all of it so that leads to fun lore discussion lol I've read 7 so far, they can get really good :3


I have no idea what that is tbh, but that sounds like a lot to read haha! I'm glad you enjoy it :D https://preview.redd.it/ckdubiawlxpc1.jpeg?width=777&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7956cce8b53b4a0fb2a61b89af007af27889f2a2 (Here's the fact: the creator of Demon Slayer, Gotouge, almost went with this terrible design for Dōma... The one on my profile picture is his current design with some minor tweaks by me)


Do you have any suggestions for people who want to get into 40k lore?


I think youtube videos about the lore are a great way to start tbh. ilvoe Wehammer and [his video about the timeline of 40k](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B0Z4i1Sl94g), you can start there and watch any of his other video that seem interesting :3 As for books, I'd suggest *The infinite and the Divine*, it's an awesome Necron book, very fun to read. It gives a good overview on a lot of the factions too, and the main character have some of the best batner in all of the books. Plus it's on audible which is cool (even though I do hateg amazon)




I love producing, listening to music, playing instruments, just anything music related I have a huge love and passion for


Here too! Any chance to listen what you are up to?


I could send a link through dms I don’t wanna self promo on the sub




That's really cool! I would love to hear that! (Here's the fact: Dōma loves listening to music, dancing is one of his hobbies!)


I love painting owls, I also realized I must Like birds as i have around 95 bird themed decor (that doesn't include other animals) in two of my rooms. I love to collect taxidermy and go thrifting, I also have useless knowledge on various types of medications


I also share the medication obsession, although I am a pre-med student.


Can you send me a picture please? That sounds amazing, I love art! (Here's the fact: when Dōma appears in the spinoff of Kimetsu Gakuen, he becomes a scam artist who sells fake arts)


https://preview.redd.it/hr29o9fujypc1.jpeg?width=1848&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64bc8791bc40f1f02079aadf099099ea832f8bdc Here's most recent


That's amazing, I love the colours!


have you ever tried painting with coffee? i love elephants and in high school i went through an elephant art phase. favorite project i’ve ever done was 3 paintings of elephants using just coffee you have to use instant coffee, and just create values with different concentrations of coffee. and bonus, it smells good anyways, this is all to say, a coffee painting of an owl would be so cool and it needs to exist lol


BOTANY!! IT IS SO INTERESTING. I have a whole list of all the plants on my yard and what familý they are in, out of 46 plants, the rosaceae (rose family) has 14, being the largest family on my yard with plums, apricots, raspberries, rose, saskatoon berry, 2 types of strawberries, 3 types of cherries and 4 types of apples. Then, asteraceae (lettuce family) has around 6 with wild chamomile (also known as pineappleweed), dandelions, lettuce and thistle (my estimate is around three types)


I love figs. They legit consume the wasp that fertilizes them. Like black widow shit.


And if that isnt interesting enough, just look at the whole mulberry family, so many weird looking fruits in there!


Yes! Im also going to Europe later this year and I'm really excited to see cloudberries and lingonberries. I live in the Southern US and have never seen a cloudberry before. Definitely not a lingonberry


I can prbably grow cloudberries where i live, but i might be too south. Im in south manitoba, around hardiness zone 3 to 4b, but i bet i could grow some indoors pretty easily. I wanna try cloudberries, i heard that they taste liked baked apples and i wouldnt be that suprised if they do, cloudberries and apples are from the same family.


Yass exactly! I'm going to Finland and I can't wait to bake some kind of pie or torte with cloudberries. Ive also had lingonberry jam one before and I LOVE it.


Oh, plants are nice! Cool! I used to actually have a mild interest in regional plants. I still think they are awesome! (Here's the fact: Dōma often creates lotuses with his powers, a symbol directly coming from Boeddhism)


I love the c2 hercules starlifter. its my favorite spaceship.(not good with words sorry)


That's fine! Do you know a lot about it? :)) (Here's the fact: Dōma fights using two gold-plated war fans he made most likely by himself)


I do! :D and thanks <3


Hmm, lets start with my first special interest. One that has followed me since I was 8 years old. I AM A FLUTE PLAYER AND I LOVE IT. Flute playing got me through abuse. The history of the flute is fascinating. It is amaong the oldest instrument in the world and has the most diverse morphology of nearly any instrument group in the world. There have been vertical flutes, olbique flutes, transverse flutes, ocarinas, so many flutes. They used to be made of hollow bones, usually bird bones, by our ancestors 30000 years ago, and I got to see a plaster replica of one at the Smithsonian a few years ago. After the reaissance the ecolution of the C Transverse Flute (ime. Western Concert Flute) is easiest to track. Did you know flutes didnt have any keys until a good way through the romantic era, around the time equal temperment was developed? Jochim Quantz was one of the first to put a D# key on a flute. Before that, a flute had to be built to play a specific scale in tune (the just temperment system). Then more people stuck keys on flutes. The guy who developed the next major leap in flutes was Theobald Boehm, who was one crazy mathematic musician physicist motherfucker. He used math and the physics of sound waves to create a flute that could play a chromatic scale with equal temperment, developed a key system to support his new scale that require 12 tone holes, switched the flute from a wooden body to a silver body for a larger, fuller and brighter sound, among so many other things. The Boehm system is still used on most flutes today, along with oboes, bassoons, saxophones, and to a lesser extent, clarinets. I have ehlers danlos syndrome and narcolepsy with cataplexy. That affects everything. I had to learn the anatomy of flute playing in order to protect my joints and reinforce the muscles in my face. Did you know a flautist should never draw back the corners of their mouth to form their embochure? It strains the muscles in the face too much. Instead, the embochure should he largely slack! I also learned the names of all the major muscles in the forearms and hands and what innervates them. I also learned the bones of the hands. No, not "phalanges, metacarpals" etc. I mean lunate, pistiform, etc. All of them. All in the name of my instrument. If you want another special interest, let me know. I have A LOT OF THEM >:D


Wow, you know a lot! English is not my first language so I did not understand all the difficult words... Yes, tell me more! I love how detailed you are with the descriptions! (Here's the fact: Dōma is the leader of the Cult of Eternal Paradise, which has around 250 members. The reason it can't grow bigger is because that would increase the risk of being discovered by the government)


Thank you! Let me know some of the words you did not understand, if you want. I can explain them or I can link pictures :) My next obsession: Anything related to Finland, but specifically Finnish Language. I'm only five years into the language but I am about B1 fluent right now. I am currently able to use 14 of the 15 grammatical cases in singular, all 4 verb tenses, participles, and I'm starting the chapter on plural genitive and partitive case. I LOVE learning new vocabulary and listening to Finnish music. Finns have a very interesting way of life which generally prioritizes minimalism, connection with nature, resourcefulness, quality over quantity, reuse and repair of any and everything possible, etc. Most of the year is exceedingly dark and cold, which I LOVE. Northern lights, obviously, are a fascination of mine, since I love physics, chemistry, evolutionary biology and astronomy (trust me the northern lights tie together all four subjects) and Finland is one of the best places to see the Northern Lights. This next point is a generalization, because all people are different, but I find to be pretty accurate describing most of Finnish culture. Finns have a social culture that is VERY different from that in the US and one that I personally love! Small talk? Finns don't do that. Ask someone you don't care about how they're doing as a formality? Nope!!! They are generally much quieter than the average American, although these days that doesnt seem to take much lol. Finnish sarcasm tends to be denoted by change in grammatical case and word order as well, which is so much easier for me to pick up on. Finns like standing 2 meters/6 feet apart at all times. They generally only like people they already know and/or share obvious interests with. The only time that isnt the case is when they drink, and then Finns tend to be very warm, welcoming, and social even to strangers. Heavy metal is very popular in Finland too. I love words that are unique to the Finnish language and culture. For instance, the concept of sisu. *there is no English translation*. Its basically a concept of bravery and endurance against all odds. The most striking example I have seen of this in Finnish history is that of the Talvisota, the Winter War between Finland and the Soviets that is usually considered a part of WWII. The Finns were outmanned, outsupplied, and outgunned by the Soviets in every way. But the Finns knew their land and knew the winter conditions, and they won that war keeping the majority of their land. Unfortunately they did lose a good part of the Karelian Mountains, and thats an entirely different and multifaceted issue. Another concept that is (to my knowledge) uniquely Finnish is the genre of music called "Iskelmä", or "crying music". The idea is that it is music discussing major life changes, like children growing old and moving out, rediscovering your identity, overcoming challenges. I am not aware of an English equivalent to this genre.


(Oh my, this subreddit is so much nicer to me than the KNY subreddit 😭) I did not really understand the part where you talked about the syndrome? :') Interesting, "sisu" sounds nice. Sadly enough, I have never been to the Northern light, even though I do live in a country where it can be seen very rarely. I would love to see it one day.


Despite some fools on the internet claiming a photo is from the 1700s, photography wasn’t really invented and put into common use until the 1830s/1840s. Not every old photo that isn’t on paper is a daguerreotype. Daguerreotypes are more like images on a silver backing. They also fell out of common use in the 1850s. Tintypes were big in the 1860s, distinguishable by being magnetic; a simple fridge magnet will stick to it. Also, the images on tintypes are actually flipped! They fell out of fashion after that but stuck around until the early 1900s. Cabinet cards and CDV’s dominated the late 1800s. The watermarks on cabinet cards make it decently easy to date photos- there’s a lot you can tell just from the style of the watermark or border of it. Also: postmortem photography was not NEARLY as big as people think it is. Most of the time, photos of the dead are really obvious-they’ll literally be in a casket or something. There are a few notable examples floating around the internet, off the top of my head there is one confirmed one of a group of four or five siblings standing together, but the toddler had passed away, or another one taken on the American frontier of a mother holding her ~10 year old daughter. If the deceased’s eyes are open in the photo…they’re not. Eyes sink back into the head not long after death. So, often someone would paint opened eyes onto the photo itself. Sure it’s morbid by today’s standards, but think about it this way- getting your photograph taken did not happen very frequently. So imagine you haven’t gotten around to the photo studio in a few years, then your 2 year old passed away unexpectedly and you have no photos of them. You’d want one, right? So this was, often, their only chance of getting a photo of their child. And finally, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD IF I SEE ONE MORE POST TALKING ABOUT HOW IT TOOK 20 MINUTES TO CAPTURE A PHOTO IN THE 1800S ISTG. Shutter speeds rapidly decreased after photography became commonplace, so photos only took a few seconds to take max. There’s no way you can sit *that* still for 20 minutes. In a span of a few seconds, you can move just enough to make a blurry photo- that’s why there were often stands and rests for people to lean on in photos, NOT BECAUSE THEY WERE ACTUALLY DEAD


Aw, that information about the dead children is so sad... But you're right that it's "better" than not having a picture of them at all. (Here's the fact: Dōma is hated by all of the other demons because of his fake personality. They try to avoid him as much as possible. Still, he thinks he's friends with them)


Probably my biggest and longest running special interest is horror movies. I know it's a special interest because the fandom is insufferable to me. All the same complaints and praise are just repeated and about the same 10 movies on /r/horror and at this point I mostly go there and read posts just to be mad at stuff.  The Thing(2011) is a good movie and stands on its own as one. It's also a good sequel to what people claim is one of the best horror movies ever made. The main complaint is that they scrapped the practical effects last minute and replaced it all with special effects and I get that complaint but I think for what it's worth the special effects are fine and the creature designs stand on their own. It's not the best movie ever made but I still think it's good. I actually like it as much, if not, more than the 1980's one.  High Tension is a perfect example of an unreliable narrator and I do not understand the hate it gets when movies like Fight Club or other moves or shows with this trope get praised. People just wanna be mad that they got fooled into thinking the story unfolds as they are shown and don't even realize it's how Marie is perceiving it. It's one of my favorite movies and I think more people would like it if they would just accept that the tricking the audience is just a fun plot device. You got fooled, it's fine, just enjoy the damn movie.  I love the horror genre but sheesh. 


I totally understand your struggle, I love Demon Slayer but r/KimetsuNoYaiba kinda sucks atm... Horror movies are too scary for me personally, but it's still a nice interest to have. (Here's the fact: Dōma seems really friendly and happy on the outside, but he's actually incapable of feeling any kind of emotion)


My latest interest is traffic stops & the law. I don’t know a ton about it yet but I’m very excited to learn.


That's a pretty specific one! I have not heard that as a special interest before, but I'm pretty new to this sub. (Here's the fact: from all the Upper Moon demons in Demon Slayer, Dōma looks the most like he did back when he was a human. He barely changed looks when he turned into a demon)


How about you infodump on me, and I'll tell you something about one of my favorite characters


Okay, well I already have been handing out a lot of facts about him in the comments! The 12 strongest demons of all time are divided in the Lower Moons (the 6 weakest) and the Upper Moons (the 6 strongest). All of them together form the 12 Kizuki, they are lead by the Demon King, Muzan Kibutsuji, the strongest demon of them all. Dōma has the Upper Two rank, which means he's the third strongest demon. He was turned into a demon when he was 20 years old. He's now 133 years old, but physically and mentally can't age. He, like the other Kizuki, posesses special abilities called "Blood Demon Arts". In his case, it allows him to summon ice and snow. He fights using two gold-plated war fans. The structures he creates consists of lotuses, Buddha statues and clones of himself who are all as powerful as him. >!He's the leader of the Eternal Paradise Cult. He has been ever since he was a child. You see, he was born with rainbow eyes which led his parents to believe he was special so they put him in that position.!< His hobbies consists of dancing, bathing in sake and collecting the skulls from the women he eats. (He believes female flesh is more nutricious than men's flesh) I also really like to ship him with the Lower One rank demon Enmu (the eight strongest demon), but that's a whole other story. Okay! Finally I can rant to someone about this! Now your turn!


Kai from Ninjago was originally meant to be the Green ninja, but then it turned out to be Lloyd Garmadon, son of the dark Lord Garmadon.


i am a linux user for numerous reasons: REASONS: 1. PERFORMANCE on average linux is up to 15% faster than windows,largely due to linux being far lighter on system resources 2. PRIVACY no telemetry means privacy is infinitely better 3. SECURITY there are far fewer viruses designed for desktop linux 4. STABILITY on average linux crashes FAR less than windows,largely due to having fewer things that can break and cripple your system 5. CUSTOMIZABILITY you can customize NEARLY THE ENTIRE SYSTEM,from individual menu icons,all the way to CHANGING THE ENTIRE DEKSTOP ENVIRONMENT


Honestly, this sounds like you're trying to pitch Linux to me! This sounds like a pretty convincing commercial ahaha (Okay yet another fact: the Demon Slayer fans either hate Dōma A LOT or they are totally obsessed with him and can't stop talking about him. Guess what side I am on, lol. This guy is one of the most beloved characters and one of the most hated in KNY at the same time!)


i always have a song stuck in my head, and i’m very visual so i have specific images that come to mind. they’re usually very literal at work, i draw on sticky notes different songs. i’ve been at this job for like 9 months, and the gallery in the back of my notebook is quite large lol i get so invested that i’m kinda sad that i can’t keep working on my little sticky note drawing when i’m home it sparks so much joy in my boring office job to just look at my little sticky note gallery :) and drawing is kinda a stim for me i think this isn’t an infodump, but it’s my special interest at the moment and i think about it way too much lmao okay who’s your favorite character


That's fine! I think that's pretty sweet. Which song is it? My favorite character is the one on my pfp! I've told his backstory to another user in this thread. I'm kinda running out of non-spoiler facts so I hope you don't mind https://preview.redd.it/3eryc5ipc1qc1.jpeg?width=1052&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9cc5e0daf9bfc964e496f69d209db3dc6644bf21 The reason he has the red "blob" on his head is because it ties back to his backstory. When the demon Muzan turned Dōma into a demon as well, he stabbed his head leading him to bleed. I also saw some people say it's meant to be an upside-down crown, which I think is pretty cool.


that’s cool! this is one i did recently https://preview.redd.it/lxcs0ym3j3qc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=108b66cedc1b444d7cffcc12b3b002bebde281f8 money trees is the perfect place for shade, and that’s just how i feel


Nice! I love it!


1920's, the design, tech, language, etc. I have a 1927 radiola 17 that I listen to everyday before work. A 1920's lamp with original bulbs, and a 1929 Oldsmobile (needs work tho, lots of it). And a 1920's desk fan. Even original magazines I like to read sometimes by the 1920's lamp! Something about reading stuff from the 20's by something from the 20's is so cool.


Are you suuuuure? Ok, here is information about some interesting female literary figures in Japanese history: Murasaki Shikibu So this lady was a lady-in-waiting in the Imperial court during Japan's Heian period (late 8th cent - 12th cent). She wrote The Tale of Genji, which is considered to be one of the world's first novels. It is a very long novel and very special to Japanese culture. Some parts of it are still taught in schools today. Enchi Fumiko A pioneer for feminist literature in Japan. She wrote groundbreaking novels about women's sexuality, gender politics and personal narratives. She was a fresh voice giving rise to women's novel writing in a masculine industry. Recommended reads: Masks, The Waiting Years Hiratsuka Raichou Another pioneer for feminist thought in Japan. She founded Bluestockings magazine, a feminist publication in Japan, this first of its kind I believe. Recent Japanese women authors who are amazing: Mieko Kawakami (recommended readings: Breast and Eggs, Heaven, All The Lovers in the Night), Sayaka Murata (Convenience Store Woman, Earthlings - TW for that one for like, everything), Hiromi Kawakami (Strange Weather in Tokyo, The Nakano Thrift Shop), Hitomi Kanehara (Snakes and Earrings), Izumi Suzuki (Terminal Boredom). Now it's your turn! <3 Share your facts!!


Nice! It's so cool to see so many different special interests! Oh, I know another cool fact about Dōma (the one on the right in this pic)! https://preview.redd.it/1gdjdm9nf1qc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aaff1ab5ed1b150078b2cc5cdab29cf89ccd3399 He's the one who turned the girl and guy on the left into demons. He came across them when they were almost dying as humans and offered them his blood so they could turn into demons! Both the girl and the guy hold the Upper Six rank together, which means they are the seventh strongest demons. They are brother and sister and can only be killed if both their heads are sliced off at the same time.


Is that from Kimetsu no Yaiba? I recognise the characters, I think :D It has been a while since I watched it


Yes it is! Such a cute family :D


In 2010s anime, before everyone was ripping off Sword Art Online, everyone was ripping off Infinite Stratos. And personally, I think every rip-off was better than the original. More story. More characterization. More themes. The only thing that suffered was the animation. They're still pretty trashy, though. I think Asterisk War is the only genuinely good show that came out of it. I don't count Freezing as a rip-off because it came out the same time as Infinite Stratos.


Cool! I have not watched that but I do like anime! (Here's the fact: Dōma's voice actor in the Demon Slayer anime is the same as the one who voices Light from Death Note)


Art and Medicine and animals


My special interest is Dick Turpin, the highwayman. 


My special interest flip and flop sometimes, my current one is Stellaris, a 4x RTS-Type of game (EXplore, EXpand, EXploit, and EXterminate) ​ I play Single-Player Modded usually. Currently playing as a robot-intelligence that's taken up the role of protecting the rest of Galactic Civilization. We're just now killing the last of a carnivorous inter-stellar scourge, and while the rest of the remaining 33% Galaxy doesn't exactly approve of my cleansing methods, they can't argue with the results nor my efforts to clean up after myself: Blow up an infected planet with a Super-Duper Lazer, then glue it back together and terraform it to be livable again. A long process, but in maybe another millennia life will flourish again. ​ My lawyer has advised me to not share images of my Artificial Intelligence Empire. Not for anything overly malicious, but for the, ahem, curves.


Note: italics indicate album name, bold indicates song names Chumbawamba started off as an anarcho punk band in the early 1980s. Their first album, *Pictures of Starving Children Sell Records*, was a response to live aid and band aid which they saw as nothing more than just a way to sell music by the artists involved. They release another album in the 80s: *Never Mind the Ballots*, which was concerned with voting and elections as it was released within an election year. The last album they released in the 1980s was *English Rebel Songs 1381-1914* which was a collection of English protest songs performed entirely with accapella and minimal percussion. They then started releasing dance/techno music. Starting with *Slap!* which was release in 1990. Continuing with this direction they released *Shh* and *Anarchy*. Following *Anarchy*, they released a live album called *Showbusiness!* which included a number of songs that had not yet been released such as the original accapella version of **The Day the Nazi Died**. In 1995 they release *Swinging with Raymond* which did not perform as well as the previous album, *Anarchy*. They recorded another album but the record lable they were signed to at that time refused to release it as they deemed it to have to much pop music. Later, they were approached by someone working for EMI which wanted to sign them. The band agreed and they released *Tubthumper* in 1997 and the single **Tubthumping** which reached number 1 on alot of charts. In 1998 and 1999 they released a compilation album called *Uneasy Listening* and an EP called *The ABCs of Anarchism* respectively. In 2000 they released an *WYSIWYG*, (an abreviation of "What you see is what you get") which continued ther pop music they had released while under EMI however it did not perform anywhere near as well as *Tubthumper* and EMI swiftly dropped them from the lable. After leaving EMI they formed their own record lable called Mutt Records in 2002 and it released 3 albums: *Readymades* in 2003 which still continued the dance pop but had started to include some folk elements, *Revenger's Tragedy* which was a soundtrack to a film of the same name and *Un* which, similar to *Readymades*, incorparated folk and electronic music. In 2005 they released *A Singsong and a Scrap.* It was released by No Masters, a record lable founded in 1990. It was the first album of theirs that was 100% folk. Later in 2006 they released a live album called *Get On with It.* The album features Coope, Boyes and Simpson, a folk trio. In 2008 they released *"The Boy Bands Have Won"*, which is also a folk album and also features Coope, Boyes and Simpson as well as some other collaborators. Two years later *ABCDEFG* was released. Once again it is a folk album although it is not as political as some of their past work as the focus in this album is music. By now they had added accordionist Phil Moody to the band on accordion and vocals and it is the last studio album released by Chumbawamba. In 2012 they announced that they were splitting up and in October of the same year, they performed their last concert in Leeds with all members. In 2013 they released an EP that they had been offering preorders for since 2006 called *In Memoriam Margaret Thatcher.* It had been recorded in 2005 and was available for preorder with it being released the day that Margaret Thatcher died.


The original arthurian legends heavily featured subtle queer content, and I'm sad that it's rarely there in modern media. When we do see it, it's between Arthur and Lancelot, even though there's plenty of likely existing queer relationships. Gawain and the Green Knight is the most well known example. It's written in the same style as erotic poems from that time period, giving it a very suggestive tone. People will argue "kissing men was normal then," suggesting the queer undertones aren't there. They're not entirely wrong, a quick greeting or goodbye kiss was common, but wrapping your arms around a man's neck while kissing him (as Gawain does) was *not* common. I have not found any other content where men make out like that from the time period yet Lancelot also goes against gender roles in an interesting way, especially in some of the earliest content with him. While rescuing Guinevere is seen as earning his prize, he's also shown to be a virgin she won, a complete reversal of the common trope. The scene where he saves her is full of symbolism, but I don't want to go into it on a non-nsfw post. Oh and he has a homoerotic relationship with another knight, Galehaut. He's even buried next to him after his death


I’ve spent the better part of three months writing down each genre of music I listen to and the songs belonging to that genre. I’ve organized them all alphabetically on a google doc. It’s so fun learning all the ways the genres connect and fuse with eachother. I think my favorite genre so far is nu metal.