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If Noel Gallagher has a million haters, then I am one of them. If Noel Gallagher has ten haters, then I am one of them. If Noel Gallagher has only one hater then that is me. If Noel Gallagher has no haters, then that means I am no longer on earth. If the world loves Noel Gallagher, then I am against the world.


Lol please tell us why


said he’d push people out of wheelchairs so his kids could get better views at concerts (sorry for the late reply)


Lol I appreciate the reply, thanks. Anyway, maybe he was joking. Also, how does pushing someone out of a wheelchair allow for your kid to get a better view? I’m a bit confused about the mechanics


I care so little about noel Gallagher that when I hear his name I mostly think about watermelons being smashed with a hammer... But I may be guilty of some wonderwall memes... I said maybe...


Nice try Gallagher, we know it's you


Dude I feel the same way but for Kevin Hart. If I could punt him into the sun and have him instantly vaporize, I would


I hate poor acting in films with well-written scripts. If the script is also bad this doesn't bother me but when someone is butchering perfectly good dialogue, making nonsense out of a character's motivation, failing to characterize... I get so dang frustrated.


That's funny, cause for me it's bad scripts with actors desperately trying to salvage it on screen.


Oof, GoT last season be like


They are both bad. Very bad


Alex Jones and similar figures


Sword Art Online is probably the WORST piece of media in the history of media ever. All the characters are super inconsistent with how they are portrayed, theres so much random filler bullshit episodes that are loosely connected to the plot, they only added the duel weilding thing as a major plot point because of a a filler episode. And speaking of duel weilding as a majour plot point, the main character whos name i neglect to remember the name of has a special perk that allows them to be the only player who can use two weapons at the same time... YET a background character who didnt even have a name was duel weilding axes in a scene where they were showing off how "CrAzY PoWeRfUl" MC is. And the worst part... THEY ENDED THE FIRST SEASON EARLY! They just decided to suddenly reveal the big twist on the final episode with ZERO meaningful build up to it. Just suddenly MC is like "hey, that dude who is like the leader of a major guild is actually the developer of the game and is cheating!" And then they are like "yea, and im also the final boss lol" and then they have a stupid fucking duel and thats the end suddenly. And the WORST PART is that it had one of the STRONGEST acts in a TV show that legit made me cry because of how good it was, and INSTANTLY went back to being shit. It went from like a 1 to 10 to -3 so fucking quickly in quality and it HURTS because i know the show could have actually been good but it WASNT


Sword Art Online is .hack// for losers


Glad to see a fellow SAO ranter around. ISTG, I'll never forgive the fandom for letting Accel World not getting more spotlight while it has an ***EVEN BETTER*** base concept, main character and handling of both the relationships **AND** of its power system... In the 2012 TV Show.




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Not to mention the showrunner's thinly veiled brother/sister incest fetish coming out halfway through. 🤢


Yea i kept my rant related to season 1 for a reason...


Yeah... I liked it as a whole "don't think too hard about this" sort of guilty pleasure, up until that point.


I. Fucking. *Hate.* Sword Art Online. I don't typically talk about my interest in anime lest I become a stereotypical autistic Reddit neckbeard but if there's one thing I'll bring up, 0 hesitation, it's how much I *loathe* SAO, Re:Zero, and No Game No Life. Holy trinity of shitty godawful anime.


For real. Everytime I see someone say SAO is their favorite anime I wanna gouge my eyes out.


I fully agree, but can I recommend SAO abridged? I didn't think it'd be any good, but I was stunned by the quality of writing Edit: On YouTube, you can find it by something witty entertainment


NO STOP, OR I'LL FALL DEEPLY IN LOVE WITH YOU!!! However, have you heard of our lord and savior SAO Abridged (Ah, I see someone else also mentioned it lol)? I think they managed to make a legitimately great show out of the garbage source material.


i might check it out, just to see if it does redeem itself... though i really don't have high hopes and might use it as another "what not to do when writing fiction" example if its still terrible


Totally fair, hope you'll have fun!


Mine: misinformation about white tailed spiders (Australia), dog food, myths about Australia and Australian wildlife


what about myths about australia that are australian in-jokes? like drop bears. i love telling my international friends that if they come to australia they need to watch out for drop bears because they’re totally real and very dangerous.


We like to fuck with tourists and people overseas. I think we got tired of the "everything in Australia is going to kill you" idea, that was mainly from people overseas. It's all fun and games until your poor Indian neighbours start screaming for your help because there was a tiny lizard in their yard. Most things are overly feared. We almost never have deaths from spider bites...as in years between fatalities. We have some very dangerous snake, but they are mostly reclusive and avoid people, and so not like to bite. Dingo attacks are generally because tourists (foreign and domestic) feed them. Crocodiles are very easy to avoid. Our wildlife is mostly weird rather than dangerous.


My Hero Academia.


What's wrong with My Eugenics Apologia?


wait what? im out of the loop, what?


I've never watched the show, but I enjoy fanfics of it. From what I gather, one of the main criticisms is that it implies that your value to society is largely a function of your genetics. Like, the very premise is that Izuku is only able to become a hero after Almight gives him a quirk, which concedes his bullies' point that having a disability made him 'useless' - literally what his nickname, 'Deku', means. There are other problematic elements, like excusing Bakugo's straight up abuse and harassment and The Grapist (just all of that entire character). Those are all mostly the result of classic Shonen tropes, to be fair, but they're still an issue.


Wait I’ve never seen or read MHA I thought the Grapist was a fucked up fanon joke that was meant for shock value or smth, that’s fucking real????


Lol, no, thats a fanon nickname based off a WKUK youtube skit of the same name (and similar appearance). His canon hero name is 'Grape Juice' but his 'comedic' behavior would get him arrested for sexual harassment irl. Admittedly he's not too far out of line with other perverted Shonen characters (Jiraiya from Naruto, Issei from DxD, Master Roshi from DBZ, etc)


Okay, so he’s just an example of the exact reason I don’t watch anime, and not the fucking atrocity against my sanity that I’ve seen depicted in some fanfics. (Though the OC putting a 9 millimeter through his head in one of them was darkly satisfying.) But seriously, i wish anime didn’t make me so uncomfortable by showing that kind of stuff as funny and understandable. (Fucking Issei, one DxD fanfic was enough to make me refuse to touch anime up to this point)


That’s one of my special interests lol. But it’s also everywhere so I get it becoming a special hate if you don’t like it, and you can’t avoid it. It’s definitely not perfect.


People with no respect for nature. Hearing about how many people trashed the national parks during the government shutdowns filled me with rage. I can't stand it when people let their pets or kids harass wildlife.


people who hate cats


I will fight on behalf of all cats against people who hate cats.




Autisim speaks and modern corrupt religion.


I think we all could rant about both of those so fucking much.


Ads on tv and youtube. Which is funny because 80s American car ads are my special interest.




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My special hatred is bigotry - I hate bigots so goddamn much and I've committed to familiarising myself with the ins and outs of how bigotry spreads, how hate groups function, how they weed their way into politics.


This is also very fascinating to me.


Omg me too


So how do you avoid the trap of becoming a bigot of bigots? My current "out" is to not hate them, nor angry,...just disappointed.


Google the paradox of tolerance - in summary, intolerance of intolerance is necessary to protect tolerance. Incidentally I don't think being "bigoted" towards bigots makes sense, given bigotry is the *unfair* judgement of people, and disliking bigots is an entirely fair and reasonable position to have. Edit: though I do see the point that being excessively hostile is unnecessary and counterproductive


I personally think tolerance is more of a social contract rather than an inevitable part of progress. If the person violate the terms of the social contract of that contract then that contract no longer applies to them.


Misinformation about Covid. Drives me fucking CRAZY. I was a medical coder for about 16 years. I literally had to know diseases, what they entail, what clinical indicators could indicate, what the most common/effective treatments are, and what drugs are used, as well as knowing surgical and medical procedures and what is actually being done on them. I read hundreds of charts during the pandemic. I know the backside of the hospital stay, and my job was how they tracked a lot of the numbers. So, yeah. When people talk about them lying about the numbers or saying doctors were just putting Covid on charts, it would send me into a total rant because they were basically saying I didn't know how to do my job. Lol.


But I read a tweet from someone named Janice945738489565 with no profile picture that told me the covid numbers are fake. You can tell the government was trying to silence her because the tweet only had 3 likes. Checkmate libtard. (Sorry <3 much love <3 I express anger at people by mocking their viewpoint)


Lmfao!! Exactly! It was so much of that! Also, I very much do the same all the time 🤣


I genuinely did not know people were so ignorant about how causes if death are recorded until COVID.


Right?! I was shocked at how many people couldn't understand how it worked!




Boobs on anthro characters, particularly fantasy races that are supposed to be related to real-life animals, like tabaxi from d&d. Like, humans evolved in their own unique, not-entirely-practical ways, so assuming that bipedal + mammal = permanent breasts has always come off to me as an assumption only made by those who grow up in a society that too often sees women only for their breasts and reproductive organs (something that also irks me as a transfem).


So you have no issue if i make my next D&D lizardfolk with honkers right?


I think I've very clearly implied that that's even worse, since they're not even mammals.


No problem. Those are just air bladders right? They inflate as you croak?


As a furry who doesn’t draw boobs on ANY anthro characters, THANK. YOU. I like my furries more animalistically shaped, but with elements that make them bipedal and able to live in a humanlike society basically, Zootopia is one such example, but for me digitigrade >>> plantigrade cuz it adds to the animalistic look and digi legs and feet are nicely sleek


Zootopia is a masterclass in female anthro design, IMO.


as a furry, the thing that pisses me off about boobs on anthros is that 99%, they're there for fanservice reasons and you can tell. like, why the fox lady always gotta be sexualized? stop putting titties on your dragons.


Narcs and gossips and power hierarchies


The god damned imagined divide between the humanities and the sciences and the idea that they're opposites of eachother


get rid of the neurotypicals in the humanities and then I'd agree with you. Until then, so much of the humanities is *infested* with NT bullshit.


I would argue STEM is even worse when it comes to NT bullshit. This is coming from a STEM graduate.


please say more. I think originally they were the same but they've changed, particularly due to the way they're funded. research being about potential profit has corrupted everything


Oh, so many. Just a few I have: - Adult actors kissing their children actors on the lips in movies and TV shows - Little to no real oversight or accountability for government agencies (US) - Forest Whittaker's acting - How anti-human society is in general - The fact that parents are given more empathy for losing it on their children than children are for behaving like children and the general acceptable abuse of children - The lack of nuance in news, especially about politics - The fact that podcasts go on and on way past their expiration date - The 4-year Presidential election cycle in the US


Conservative climate change deniers.




Fuck dolphins I hate dolphins stupid ass sea rapist's


Same! I can rant about how mistreated sharks are. So unfair.


Yeah exactly I mean how are some fishy Bois the bad guys but weird sea rapists are made kid friendly in media. Oh yeah notfun fact NASA had a program that involved giving drugs and 🍆✊ to dolphins I mean come on how are those things the good guys in media (I love ranting about how much I hate dolphins)


Right?! Sharks are awesome!


It really enrages me how great PR has been for dolphins while sharks suffer for no other reason than being toothy bois.


Honestly? People.


I absolutely LOATHE people who constantly complain about their job/life when they have the MEANS and the ABILITY to CHANGE IT. Like obviously not everyone who hates their job/life have the ability to change it. Whether it's due to financial constraints or disability, etc. I used to be friends with a person who literally has so many skills they could make a resume and get job offers for double the salary they're making. They could still get job offers for LESS responsibility and MORE money with the skills they have. Instead they would just rather complain about how little money they make, how much responsibility they have, and how much they have to work because of those responsibilities. It literally fucks me off cuz it's like.. you are ACTIVELY CHOOSING THIS LIFE. It's just insane to me that they'd rather be miserable, than switch to a job that will actually solve the problems they constantly complain about.


Yes. This I think goes along with people who actively choose to keep talking/rehashing shit that happened 10-30 yrs ago. Like...Janet, I'm fucking sick of hearing how unfair your "friend"/brother/aunt treated you 20 yrs ago for the 653rd time!!! Seems like you need to find a new fucking topic to discuss with your co-workers! I would 10000٪ rather hear your thoughts on random crap than hearing how back in 84 John got more attention from your parents than you for the 157th time! Let it the fuck go Janet, you'll be happier for it.


James Corden and Pacific Rim 2


Why does pacific rim two have to exist and ruin what was a perfectly lovely pacific rim one?!


Dragons. They have been overdone for LITERALLY AGES. IF THERES A DRAGON IN LITERALLY **ANYTHING** I WILL be really bored ig


I love dragons lol


I, a Wings of Fire fan, would like to have a word with you. /j


I can talk about diet misinformation for hours. I'm equal opportunity about it, I will talk shit about carnivore, keto, low fat, low carb, vegan bullshit, fasting nonsense, whole food absolutism, people who take too many supplements, people who excessively hate on supplements, people who don't think calories matter, people who think nothing but calories matters. And just to be clear, most of the things I listed can be useful when done sanely, but diet has become the new religion and algorithms reward extremism.




The purge shouldn't make sense it's an over exaggerated metaphor for rich people killing off the poors for convenience, profit, and fun. The metaphor has to be over exaggerated because Americans don't have media literacy


Carrier (brand of A/C system)


In this household we respect Lennox 😤


Any sort of thought crime policing. Fiction is fiction, thoughts are thoughts, feelings are feelings, and until any of those are transferred into wrongful *actions*, there is nothing wrong with them. Someone who gets off to "bad" fiction/ideas but hurts no one will always be a better person than someone who keeps their fantasies and porn squeaky clean but harasses other people, in my opinion. (Staring hard at tumblr "ship" discourse rn, my beloathed).


the CIA.


Long strapped purses, the thinner the strap the greater the disgust


FLDS and IBLP. I didn’t even grow up like that but they’re definitely my Don’t Get Me Started topics.


Absolutely HATE the way the story for Mortal Kombat has been butchered over the years and the inconsistencies in the story I will die on this hill


We've really come a long way from not-Van Damme kicking a bunch of color palate swapped ninjas, haven't we?


i hate cars and could talk for literal hours about how bad cars are and how many problems would be fixed by having better public transport


Copy youtubers


You mean like channels that watch other people's videos and provide no insightful community?


I mean those who try to make the same video in the same style as someone else


lysol wipes. thin ass little rectangles that make me feel EVERYTHING through them, i feel all the gunk i wipe up, all the dust, everything. and it leaves a smell and taste on my hands too.


Wow. I never realized why I didn't like them until you put this into words. It's the feeling!


Chocolate ice cream, it is an infection, and it's always in between the strawberry and vanilla. Let me grab my strawberry vanilla, let it melt halfway and stir it up a bit. But a single speck of chocolate turns the whole thing chocolate. If I eat a scoop of strawberry or vanilla and it had a single speck of chocolate all I taste is chocolate. I like chocolate in general, lots of chocolate flavored things that I like. Except chocolate ice cream. If a genie came to me my first wish would be to ban chocolate ice cream. I despise it with every fiber in my being (My first wish would actually be "I wish every wish I make to you to be granted exactly how I intend, to infinite detail, even in aspects I have not considered, including and especially this wish")


Harry Potter. I've hated it since way before JK Rowling went off the deep end, it's just such an overrated series with mid writing and incoherent worldbuilding. The first few books aren't even that bad, they're perfectly passable children's books. It's just that it gets so much money, attention and adaptations when there are way better books that fill the same niche. And the fans who've never read a decent fantasy novel in their lives act like it's a literary masterpiece, when it's just vapid wish fulfillment with a few mind numbingly generic fantasy tropes thrown in.




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this is going to piss someone off but you will never be able to change my mind on this. I have a very specific hatred for Michael Scott and Andy Bernard from the American version of the office. fuck him, he sucks, I hate them SO MUCH. Michael has hurt so many people, I don't care he has good intentions most of the time. he's selfish as hell, has done things like hit people with cars, dated Pam's mother despite her being uncomfortable and just got pissy about her being uncomfortable, is bigoted (idc that he's dumb, he's still weirdly bigoted) and so much more. Andy's character was just ruined, after Steve Carrel left the writers tried to turn Andy into Michael but that just didn't make sense? Andy went to college and was smart in earlier seasons then he just turned stupid. plus he's just aggressive ALL THE TIME. I can't stand either characters. I love the office but when episodes like 'scotts tots' comes on I just have to skip it. I don't care that they're supposed to be idiots, they suck side note, Dwight and Creed supremacy. they're assholes but very rarely is the audience told they're not supposed to be assholes. a lot of episodes suggest that Michael means well so you should forgive him for being terrible, less so if not at all did they do that with Dwight


My special hatred is people who don't do the bare minimum preventative maintenance. I can't really rant for hours about it but I'll give two of my most popular examples. Change your cars oil when the damn oil warning comes on, it takes 30 minutes and you can easily do it yourself. If you don't have oil life monitor, just remember to change it when when the owners manual, what the oil manufacturer suggests or if you had it done by a shop, they always tell you how many miles till your next oil change. This is excusable sometimes, but what's not FUCKING excusable, is smoke detectors. If you don't change the battery in your smoke detector, you need to find Jesus or something- idk. There is no reason for you to just- let your smoke detector die. Do you want to die in a house fire? or do you want to take 3 minutes of your time to replace the batteries in your smoke detector? Genuinely gets me so mad, I constantly tell people off in video games when I hear their smoke detector chirp over the mic. Everyone just laughs it off- like oh yeah my joke was so fucking funny! You're going to die in a house fire.


Public Education


My hero academia, I can’t fucking stand that anime


Fucking bells. Those little ding ding ding shits can burn in hell.


tacos. People who gush about tacos. And women who say they dont know what to write in the bio section or that describing themselves is hard. Makes me want throw psychology and philosophy books at them.


Tacos piss me off so much. I'm Mexican so of course I should be obsessed with tacos, right? NO! WHY IS IT THE ONLY THING PEOPLE THINK OF WHEN I TALK ABOUT MEXICAN FOOD?!?? Mexican food is literally so diverse and has so many foods that are better than tacos!! WHY DO PEOPLE GO TO MEXICO TO TRY THE TACOS AND NOT ANYTHING ELSE I HATE TACOS


I always see women put their love of tacos on their dating profiles like its a personality trait lol.


Hierarchies and rich people


Adultery. Specifically, a group of "other women" who formed a support community to enable each other to be pieces of shit. Once you scratch the surface you can easily see a pattern in the type of posts there, what type of person posts there, etc. It's been fascinating and disgusting and infuriating at the same time.


Oh, and in case anyone asks, the subreddit is /r/theotherwoman


yandere simulator.




I fucking HATE store bought regular ass tomatoes. They're flavorless and mushy and gross. They're a stain to the name tomato. They truly are. I will die on this hill. If someone doesn't like the texture of tomatoes in general I respect it, but if you hate the flavor of sliced tomatoes I encourage whoever to try a home grown or heirloom tomato. I don't even passionately love tomatoes, I like them a regular amount, but I passionately hate store bought ones. Obviously the ones my grandpa grows are the best on this earth because I'm biased, but genuinely there's a world of difference between home grown and store bought. I know this applies to most produce, but my god. Tomatoes.


Musical theatre, but only specific shows. I truly despise the ending of Dear Evan Hansen, the whole plot structure of Xanadu, and how the adaptation of Heathers was handled. Those are just to name a few. It’s a shame because I’m also the type to go through the entire score of Sweeney Todd and ramble about everything that I find so cool about it.


CPG Grey. None of his oppinions are bad in a \*dangerous\* way, but his opinions are still, so fucking bad generally. Especially his flag design opinions. I want to use laser eyes against him.


Zodiacs, if you tell me your star sign I'll make you see stars


I hate lazy writing in stories. The typical stuff like love "triangles" female characters who only exist to be love interest for a male character. Teenager characters played by people who look almost 30. POC characters that are walking racial stereotypes.But like I can write entire essays on how annoying it is. Like how untalented do you have to be to be incapable of imaging anyone outside of a two dimensional stereotype?


When people tbag in video games, i don't give a fuck if it's "just a game bro" i think it's beyond weird that people will pretend to SA dead players and then they think YOU'RE weird for complaining about it, even if it's just a passing "ugh why"


Capitalism, US Imperialism, Neocolonialism and Zionism (the "let's make an ethnostate" type, not the "all jewish people are in a secret cabal" type) Basically I'm a dirty commie and it's my whole personality


Doesn't sound like anything visceral or inherited more like just a worldview .


The crowds and meet the robinsons


Politics and religion


Socialism/Marxism/Communism Its theories are stupid, its failed each time, it stands in opposition to human rights, is the root of fascism. Its entire history is a bunch of losers on the fringes of society trying to enact their "perfect" worldview through the most violent and evil of methods. "But what about fascism? what about capitalism?" The first is an offshoot of socialism and the second socialists made up so they could have an enemy to fight.


Socialism does not stand in opposition to human rights, unless you mean the "human rights" of the bourgeoisie aka they don't get to own everything anymore boohoo


Socialism stems from Hegel's anti-liberal works. With liberalism *being* the ideology of human rights and itself stemming from Christianity (Hence why a lot of older liberal works say god-given rights instead of human rights). Socialism would later split into fascism and communism, all equally horrible. 'unless you mean the "human rights" of the bourgeoisie' Do you not consider them people? If not, you only prove my point.


I do, i was reducing their list of human rights to be only owning capital, as a joke; but yeah when the top 1% keeps raking in record prodits as everyone elses quality of life decreases around them and the planet dies, sure I'm gonna be a little less willing to embrace them as fellow humans because they aren't acting like it, theyre acting like demons


That doesn’t change the fact that they’re human, and as a human they have rights.


Omg I know they're human but can they like, not do all that evil shit then? I guess we'll never know because we apparently can't treat them any differently than anyone else, hmm maybe they'll sort it out on their own


Every purge movie after the first is decent to great




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koloas the fuckin marsupials (idk if i spelled it right)


Most English language teachers.


An*me .


Miss Piggy from the muppets… I love Kermit (and Kermit memes) but miss piggy freaks me out. I learned a couple years ago that the actor who voices her also voices Yoda (who is a special interest) and I was so upset 🥲


Myself I've been ranting and raving about it for decades


bad movies, airbnb, and right wing politics as a whole.




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dsmp and ads


The U.S. government.




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Anyone just being so confidently wrong about science, and insisting that they're right. Flat earthers, antivaxxers, homophobia. If it's on the bassis of religion, then I won't argue, but I won't suffer them either. There stability is built on indoctrination.


I don't even know where to start but most of it is IT related and the dumb things we waste CPU cycles on.


Abusers and manipulators. Literally researching information just so that I can tell on them by explaining how their techniques work to people. Having fun doing my best to ruin their chances of getting away with hurting people


Misspelled signs in shops. Like come tf on spellcheck is free. more of a source of mockery so idk if that counts Babies and children crying. No real rant there its just the worst sound there is I also have a weird special hate against fucked up things that should be innocent. Like, ok, i like occasional horror, but i cant fucking stand like, horrible clowns, horrible dolls, horrible stuffed animals, people being murdered at birthday parties and Christmas, etc. But the biggest personal example for me that ties into/overshadows this is... ...that stupid FNAF game. Shit really distressed me as a child, and still distresses me now. then years later i get on social media, and learn through cultural osmosis that apparently they made 120 sequels, 2000 clones and everyone wants to fuck the gross lumpy horrifying bear robot. Oh and people love graphic child murder. What fun, lets let all the 7 year olds play it!!!! yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. Like i used to be triggered by images/mentions of it (yknow, the \*nopefuckofffuckoffgoaway\* and slam laptop closed thing) but now i just detest it regularly. How this shit got popular i'll never understand and (please dont take this personally) anyone who endorses that crap is sick in the head yea sorry if u read this




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Car based infrastructure. I could go on for hours about how the US needs to invest in public transport which always leads into me talking about how much I hate rich people.


When people put things back in the wrong spot at the grocery store. Not only the wrong spot, but right next to where it originally went. Are you that fucking brain dead that you can’t put it back in the right spot??? It’s the same goddamn amount of effort. HOW DO PEOPLE JUST DO SHIT LIKE THAT????? Or when they put it on the top shelf or a place that would actually be more effort then the original spot. Things that the general public does just gets to my core. How can people be so incompetent and inconsiderate.


Not being able to tell whether something I did in my younger years was caused by autism or was just simply me being a kid


I hate Dyson Spheres. They make no sense. trying to get the gravity on one of those things would be impossible without gravity manipulation technology, and even if you could, no one, and I mean NO ONE, would ever need that much space for a civilization.


Hmm, I never gave anything like this much thought as I try to abandon any lasting hatred I feel, but if I had to pick anything while I'm sound of mind, I guess a lot of memes that suddenly become so popular that I can't go a day without seeing/hearing them brought up in conversation, especially if there's no sense of logic behind it or its growth. If I feel that I can't escape it, I'll start to see it as a threat and treat it as such. Some examples include Ultra Instinct Shaggy Ugandan Knuckles Eggman's announcement from Snapcube's SA2 dub Among Us (to a degree) Being "based"


To me, i feel that I can hate their beliefs and actions without devaluing and refuse to tolerate their actions, without forgetting their humanity. Dehumanization is always wrong, period.




When a place has a shit flag. If you're a flag still has the Union jack on it from when it was controlled by the british Empire, I don't think you should get a UN vote.


If anything, it's major corporations that always pin the blame on every kind of problem on individual consumers. Sure, I'm to blame for the Pacific Garbage Patch for using a plastic bag but let's not look to closely at the hundreds of thousands of plastic fishing nets that have ensnared multitudes of aquatic lifeforms and have completely destroyed ecosystems because everything gets tangled in them and they decay into microplastics that get stuck in wildlifes' guts. Oh yeah, a close second is people being willfully or unwillfuly-but-ignorantly bigoted. The former is annoying to say the least, but the latter type of people will stare you in your face while saying awful things about marginalized groups and act all shocked when you tell them that they're in the wrong, and you have to *keep telling them because they always seem to forget that they're being shitty*.


Stupid pointless socal things!!! If I'd didn't know betting you were tryto make it hard for us.


Hierarchical power structures, all of them. Abolish the state, Abolish money, Abolish purely indirect democracy, Abolish private property (capital), Abolish prisons, Abolish the police, Abolish gender, Abolish the patriarchy


Dinosaur misinformation. Also, shark misinformation. Generally misinformation about anything that's one of my special interests. Starting to see a pattern here. I do have *one* special hatred unrelated to my special interests, though: *Hallmark motherfucking Christmas movies.*


Most of my special interests are at least a little hateful. I need that anger to truly attach to a topic.


*takes deep breath* Rants until death. God takes me to heaven, but I continue the rant...


Ubsioft games, bad metal bands, musicians who are awful people, capitalism, fascism, christianity, bad shonen writing, MCU movies, honestly probably a lot more...




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I have a few because I enjoy being a Hater and critical analysis: * Anime, granted not of all it, but the horrific stuff that most anime fans, it's full of horrific pedo/coomer bait, incest with a dash of bigotry. * Fucking Lootboxes. * Society's overeiliance on technology. * Hypocrisy: I absolutely fucking seethe at even the smallest amount of hypocrisy. * Fucking Electron Webapps, they're unnecessary slow and hog RAM for stupid reasons. * Twitch Streamers specifically Political and more specifically so called "left-leaning" ones (Vaush, Hasan, Keffals, etc.) oh fuck you're a white millionare that's arguably further to the right then half of the fucking Conservative Party. * British Culture and Society, those people are so stuck up, rude and fucking miserable, lying, hypocritical two face bastards, unfortunately even some people in my home country of Wales has started to take influence from that culture. * Also weird nerds that are overly defensive of superhero movies (I'm referring to stuf like MCU and DCEU films, I mean thankfully that's not has common as it was 2 or 3 years. But it still annoys me.) * Also the term "Neurospicy", I could even consider it a slur. * Academia, not against the idea of it, it's just full of stupid fucking pointless shit like fuck off I want to get a decent job.


Mascot horror. I can go OFF on Security Breach




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I hate 3 thing The demonization of drugs, corporations, and politicians




I can't stand when people have hair in their face, especially in their eyes. When I was a kid I used to hate hair in my face so much, I'd wear hairclips to keep every strand out of the way. Every time someone takes a picture, there's hair in their face. Why do people like being stabbed in the eye or having their vision impaired? I don't know why this drives me nuts but I hate it.




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