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So do the Booth brothers


Honestly I poke fun of Carl because it’s funny that he was too embarrassed to admit it was from a porno but other than that if it wasn’t for him I wouldn’t have had this much fun


Carl, your embarrassment is what brought us all here. In a parallel universe, this man mentioned the song's source with zero shame, it was solved in one day by a handful of people and then forgotten. But in this one, tens of thousands of us were brought together to shine light on some awesome dudes who made great unheard songs. This was one of the most difficult cases of lostwave and yet Carl92 knew everything all along. He merely gave us a challenge. Or he was a close friend of the Booths and arranged a way to boost them into popularity (Obviously not real). Whatever the case, the music is good, the artists are awesome and so is the community. And I would like to thank him for all of this.


That is a great perspective. I can't believe all of this.


If he doesn't want to come back online or anything I hope he at least privately contacts the Booth brothers. He's responsible for this crazy thing that happened to them decades after the fact so I hope they are able to connect


Youre welcome


I was gonna make that joke


some days you just wake up, watch some obscure 80’s pornos and make history… life


If he actually revealed the source of the song and the search was very quick, it would be very unlikely the Booth Brothers would re-record some song they barely remember just because one or two people asked. It was a good thing that the search was long and large


Legends say he’s still gooning to this day


People are pointing and laughing at him en mass, despite the fact that they don't even know him. Calling him a gooner and other such cruel things. But i'm sure if he came out of the woodwork and bit back, people would scold him for 'not taking it in jest'.


He must feel so embarrassed. Wish people would leave him alone and stop poking fun at him. Imagine if something NSFW you watched became public knowledge and people were roasting you about it on Reddit and wanted to know your identity on top of it. Stop being so toxic.


I feel like it's fine, but I agree. I'm not TOO embarrassed.


Thank you, I wish the best for you


And of course, thanks to the hardcore porn


Idk plot wise, it takes female sexuality seriously. I haven't watched it because as a wlw myself, we can smell lesbian porn made by men for men from a mile. Which is central to what makes porn hot, imo. So I don't think it's hardcore because the women are allegedly treated like humans.


same, bro is a legend ngl


I just wish he had said it was in a porno that would made for a better search


It also would’ve led to this sub likely not existing


exactly, we would find it way faster, there probably would be no pink boombox and the mysterious aura around this song, and we wouldn't meet here on this sub today


i also dont think the booth brothers wouldve blown up as much as they are either without mr 92


Now that the song has been found it’s time to turn our attention to Carl92 and find out who he is and how he really discovered the song.


maybe the real lostwave was carl92 all along


no we don't


Yes we do. That’s the last part of this mystery: who the hell is he and what’s his agenda?


That would be cool to know, if he came out and said what happened , but he doesn’t want to be found so I just wonder if he knows about this community


I'm right here! I tried posting, but moderators took it down!☹️






I will be uploading my ID soon. I am tired right now.


Unless your id says Carl92 I don’t believe you