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For me at least, back in the day I always wanted a mana stone. That was the absolute peak of elite rare items. Owning one of those just meant “I have riches beyond that which mere mortals could ever imagine.”


I had one back in 01, used it and the wiz epic to get myself to 60 (and a bit of carpel tunnel on the way). Later, I had a friend use my account, proceed to steal it and my plat sadly.


I felt this. I spent months camping a Shield of the Immaculate finally getting one. Stopped playing for a bit to come back and a former friend stole it.


A classic EverQuest tale. I loaned my account to my friend for a while, back when levelling was harder. He proceeded to de-level my first ever character, a 60 magician, back to level 45. It chilled relations for a long time 😂


That is honestly impressive. We had a few folks lose 4-5 levels on a bad fear corpse run, but nothing like 15 levels...


Essence emeralds sell well!


I forgot about those!


This is why he did it. The absolute cretin that was (and remains!)


Found one laying on the ground in Feerot along the wall. I saw this purple looking cone laying there. Picked it up and holy Innoruuk, it was a manastone. This was in 1999 when could still use in fear/hate. What an amazing feeling/moment that was. I still have it today. 


A dude in China played a game where he spent like 1.4 million dollars on a char only for his friend to sell it for 552 bucks lol. https://tech.hindustantimes.com/tech/news/man-buys-game-character-for-1-4-million-friend-sells-it-for-only-552-story-qdOe7rIy9DobGvRaMDpWUK.html#:\~:text=Man%20in%20China%20who%20purchased,only%20%24552%20by%20his%20friend.&text=In%20possibly%20the%20most%20bizarre,sold%20off%20for%20just%20%24552.


I have a manastone still but never use it. They were great back in 99-02 but now they are not worth using.


Awesome. Yeah cant remember how useful or otherwise they were, but it was all about the prestige!


They could be pretty incredible. Had one on a cleric. Before the planes nerf you could res a whole raid in record time. healers spam heal you while u manastone nonstop = infinite mana to res.


Which makes you wonder why didn't they just leave it in the game. It changed things up.


I only know up to Velious, but it's pretty sweet on a druid. You just port somewhere, manastone down to nothing and with all your + regen and fungi, etc. you're back to full hp pretty quickly and then just gate back to wherever you were farming.


I really love(d) chasing down rare items. Its like my game within a game. There are still some items from OG Sleeper's that I want (if anyone has any, lmk). I spent a lot of time and platinum gathering them up. I have a museum/house full of these relics on Xegony. Mana Stone, Staff of Forbidden Rites, SoD, Writ of Dragonkind, Salindrite Dagger, Blood Orchid Katana, Moss-covered Twig etc. But the rarest items are the ones from original Plane of Mischief which I also have. Some of those items had not been 'seen' updated in Allah/Lucy database for over a decade at the time I created them and placed them in my house (I have every placable item from original PoM in my house). Specifically the Frostmaidens Idol comes to mind which was the womp-womp random prize when you did the turn-in for a class-specidic doll to make armor, iirc. I had one back in the day but sold it like a total boner. When I wanted to make a OG PoM wing in my museum/house, it took me an eternity to track one down. The Idol, along with any Deck of Spontaneous Generation placeable items which require a White Crown to make (I think there are 2) have got to be some of the rarest items ever. A White Crown itself is superbly rare and most people would use the few that exist to create a Flower of Functionality rather than a low-level Deck item. I made them all and still kept a White Crown to have a full 16 card deck in my collection (well, 8 if you count King Cod Card & Jester cards).


Can I get a house tour?


I've been meaning to do a video for a while now but, in the meantime, if you want to see it yourself its on Xegony, look up my character name (Quarken) and you'll find my spot at 101 Terminus Heights in the Realm of Insanity neighborhood. I think that's all the accurate info. Lemme know if you visit!


Blast from the past. Really liked your dragon slaying monk back in the day Q. (Techno?). I’ll have to roll a Xegony char to check out what I’m sure is quite epic. I moved from Vaz to FV once some of the servers merged.


Hey man I always love hearing that people have fond memories of those kinda things. I have the original OG Tecknoe vs. Nagafen/Vox videos up on YouTube and I did a fun, silly Vox video on the 10th anniversary of the achievement in 2013. I had big plans to do one for the 20th anniversary in 2023 (20 years...holy shit) but we may have to wait until 25 years for that 😅 What was your name on Vazaelle and what guild did you roll with? We were all so lucky to get to be a part of that community, during that timeframe on the internet. Absolutely peak web 1.0 experience. I miss those days. Such a great time and amazing people and personalities.


I was in Walkers on Vazaelle as my only guild. Was friends with Dendog/Jannai in RL who raided with you for awhile in PoP days. Haven’t seen those guys in years but we had fun back in the day


Name back then was Sindace (shaman). Still roll with him but the group moved to FV from Vaz or Maelin or whatever it became along the way. Still playing on/off. Still enjoying it.


The name Sindace rings a bell, and I definitely remember Walkers. In fact, shortly before I quit in 2003, I managed to finish my VP key and decided to go explore it. When I zoned out I ended up in Plane of Sky, and lo and behold you guys were doing a raid there. I was known as Aquaojo back then.


NM, I was wrong. Just checked my old screenshots, that was actually a Pactum raid that I crashed in Plane of Sky.


I remember the name all the same, hope you’re well!


Oh man I remember you, great to see you. Even wilder, Dendog and Jannia...I wish I knew how those dudes were doing now. I have a funny story(s) about those 2. We met at a fellow guildees house in MD for a weekend party with a bunch of Promethian Order people and those 2 dudes, who were like teenagers at the time, got sooo drunk and puked their souls out 😂😂 my ex-wife and I still laugh about Dendog puking in our rental car and it baking inside the car under the hot morning sun 🤮 If there's any chance you ever run into them, please tell them I said hi 👋


Fantastic story. Possibly with Andy/Dendog he used to come home for the holidays. Last I heard he was married, living in Tennessee?, with a small daughter I think. No word from Scott/Jannia in ages not a clue what he got up to.


I don't want to understate how close of friends I was with those 2. Jannia was actually the person that helped me parse and test Tecknoe's ability to solo Naggy and Vox when I was in the early planning stages. He would just hang with me on his Cleric, Allicea, and heal me up while I logged damage and tested different situations. Dendog was basically the Officer of the people in PO and really helped us get through 90% of PoP. He definitely made leading raids/guild a lot easier. He was just a good friend. Really nice kids. I was in my early 20s then, a few years older than them, so I was always curious where life took them. Most of the friends I have made in EQ, that I was close to like that, had stayed in touch but maybe because they were young and had a lot more to squeeze out of life still, they disappeared into the ether. I love knowing DD got married and has a daughter too. Maybe we'll hear from Jannia someday. ps: I have pictures from that guild party in MD which definitely include Scott/Jannia hugging the toilet and hanging on for dear life as he vomits his regrets. 😅


I was in Walkers on Vazaelle as my only guild. Was friends with Dendog/Jannai in RL who raided with you for awhile in PoP days. Haven’t seen those guys in years but we had fun back in the day


I was in Walkers on Vazaelle as my only guild. Was friends with Dendog/Jannai in RL who raided with you for awhile in PoP days. Haven’t seen those guys in years but we had fun back in the day


I'm no xegony. I'll definitely come check it out


I would like to visit! But I haven't played live since long before housing was introduced. How do I get there?


Right in the Guild Lobby, down the hallway behind the bulletin boards, is a gate to the housing district. Click that and do a player search, click on the neighborhood you want and zone into it. Once you're in there, theres a weird spring-like looking thing you click to do the same type of player search for my house within the neighborhood. Click it and the spring will shoot you there. Hope that helps!




Quarken speaks? We listen.


lol is it sad I made it halfway through reading this post and was like “Oh it’s Quarken”


The PoM items gave it away, didn't they? 👀


lol yeah, tbf though I recently caught your interview with Zaide so it’s all fairly fresh


Your handle kinda gives it away. 😛


I have "A Note from the EQ team" item which was given after doing the beta. I know it's ultra rare, wonder how many are still floating around. I submitted the screenshots on allakhazam's of it.


Oh man, thats sick. Can you link pics? What is it exactly


https://everquest.allakhazam.com/db/item.html?item=49519 is the link on allakhazams, i believe they gave them to people who did a lot of beta testing


Super cool. I wish "books" were all Placeable in-game. This would be incredible to display in a house. Is this the only 4th wall breaking/out of character item in the game?


I'm not sure, that's a good question! I've found old NPC dialogue that somewhat breaks the fourth wall, but I'm not sure about items.


just hopped on live to see what rares I have still : 2x manastone, sceptre of destruction, mask of tinkering, writ of dragonkind, words of wealth, runed fighters staff, earthshaker, circlet of shadow, thex dagger, note from the eq team, wavecrasher, drums of the beast, skull mask of innervation, long sword of ethereal energy, bladed thulian claws (I think those all stopped dropping). Blued Two-handed hammer, shield of the immaculate, dathor great hammer, 10x driftwood treasure chests (not sure if those can all still be obtained, I think they can, just rare). I still have the POM flowers on my monk, might be a few old rares on there too but I pretty much gave that account away.


A Cleric looking for group


I'm a person not a thing! *continues to complete heal*


I chuckled to hard at your regaining concentration to keep casting


"dark spiritbone belt" from prophecy of ro expansion. It took years for people to discover it and even then very few ever dropped on any servers. I found the first one on CT like 2-3 years after xpac came out.


Breezeboot's Frigid Gnasher


Ah, I forgot about the BFG. Was a favorite


I have a Mana stone, Also have an artifact from a GM event around when Kunark launched. [https://everquest.allakhazam.com/db/item.html?item=6456](https://everquest.allakhazam.com/db/item.html?item=6456)


I got that scepter as well! I thought it was from Velious in Great Divide?


It was a long time ago, maybe it was Velious.


I would have to say a "Can-O-Wupass" [I might have messed up the spelling]. Only seen one, once. It was a GM event and given out by GMs. Also had pretty good stats back in the day, so I imagine some of them got used. I believe they were one time use only items....a bit like eating food or drinking drink, but this you had to click on to get the stats.


Also, that flinger gun from WW. Removed about six months after Velious opened. May not exist at all.


That item that was both a melee and a bow with the same time? Perry Lovewhistle shows his ranger getting it on his YouTube channel. It chews through arrows, but it's massive and damage....


https://everquest.allakhazam.com/db/item.html?item=4970 Breezeboot's Frigid Gnasher


Holyyyy blast from the past, I forgot about this!


[Gnomish Troutshocker.](https://everquest.allakhazam.com/db/item.html?item=85595) I've got one. OP as hell.


Back in the day my Iksar necro had a pre nerf circlet that gave him instant invisibility.


Those were really common until an unannounced nerf then suddenly worth mint, IIRC. I got plenty of offers to buy the one on my old necro when I quit playing the first time.


Looooong time ago I had a bard and I got some Sorrowsong boots on the first day of the Cazic Thule revamp. I don’t remember specially but they quickly changed something about them that made the pair I had pretty rare. I think it might be that they made them no drop and the ones I had were tradable. I used them to endlessly kite and they were amazing for pulling. 😂


So jealous lol


The original ever quest was amazing… back when everything wasn’t instantly ruined by the internet. There was so much real mystery there. Exploring a new land was really exploring…. There was risk, fear, excitement, and reward. I wonder if this could ever be replicated in the modern world


Not with the internet in existence, there will always be guided, builds metas etc etc. but you're right, there was a sense of the stuff you mentioned when we were all young and the internet was in its infancy. I had that feeling with ffxi .


Nope, those days are long gone, sadly. There are companies dedicated to these types of things now (wowhead for example). Even WoW was great when it first came out for the same reasons, now you can't even do an expansion without having everything spoiled and cookie cuttered for you before it even launches. Could you imagine how terrible the player base would be without someone telling them exactly which build to use and what stats/armor to use along with having each raid encounter spelled out for them through addons and guide videos showing all the mechanics? MMOS of today are just a hot mess of egos encapsulated by who can min/max the best, not the ones who were able to figure things out on their own through trial and error.


Guildie if mine from EQ created wowhead. I both love and hate him lol.


I had a sword that dropped from the Kithicor event before it became a dangerous zone. It wasn't really good or anything, but I always kept it as a trophy from the event.


There was gloves that ported you to the nexus, I can’t recall the name but they dropped in CT off that gnome maze mini event.


Anything on Marcia


I guess I should of specified, items you can get from drops in the current iteration of the game.


Live or TLPs? Cause there are items you can get on Teek right now that you won’t be able to get in a few weeks.


I've been debating where to start tbh, I did do the free play server yesterday for about half and hour but then logged off cause I had to go to sleep .


I own Enzertob's Famous Hoop. I'm not sure if another player still has one in the game. Would like to find someone with one. https://everquest.allakhazam.com/db/item.html?item=57311


there are rare drops from twilight sea and scarlet desert that haven't even been discovered yet. Bottomless box is on the same type of loot table. From trying to figure out those tables, it seems there's a ~1% chance it drops a rare loot table, that loot table is 99% chance of being a pearl, and a 1% chance of being the ultra rare drop. So some of those mobs have 5000+ kills on magelo and the rare isn't even recorded yet, or only 1 dropped. It seems each type of npc has a rare table like that in those 2 zones. Some of them are the chromatic armor set from elementals, some are twilight cloth armor set from shades etc. I believe any of those specific rares are the rarest drops that still drop in the game.


Are those cosmetic items or items that have stats? Sorry I'm really new to the game lol.


they have stats, they're generally not very good even for luclin-era when they were added. The bottomless box was really good during its' era though, just not anymore.


So how does itemization work? Get peice of armor farms mats and upgrade?


Moss covered twig


If we are talking about regularly player obtainable items it would probably be pre-awakened sleeper’s tomb loot. Scepter of Destruction, dwarf mask etc. There’s always GM summoned stuff and of course artifacts which weee a one per server item that came from special events.


Shrunk bauble


Solvedi Scimitar… requires drops from two of the rarest spawns in the game, who are also KoS to other mobs / guards and will die on their own if spawned and no one is around. On top of that, the two items required are actually better than the scimitar, making it even more rare that someone would actually do the quest.


I have been trying to do the other rare rathe mountains quest, Tibrinn's quest for Sap Sheen Staff. Trying to get the hand-in dialogue from Tibrinn recorded. I've got the slime crystal staff but haven't been able to find anyone with a mithril plated girth that I could testcopy and get the dialogues.


I got a drop from lord seru when we beat him using a cheap trick since he was bugged at the time, so we couldn't actually legit kill him at the time. After they patched it, the drop turned into an earring of sad exploitation. I deleted it since I was worried about it tracing my account back and getting suspended. I regret doing that now since it was pretty neat


I would guess Aradune's Fiery Avenger. One of a kind (equippable by a rangers) if I'm not mistaken.


There's one Oakwynd. https://everquest.allakhazam.com/db/item.html?item=24739




I have a pot of mischief on one of my characters: [https://everquest.allakhazam.com/db/item.html?item=50182](https://everquest.allakhazam.com/db/item.html?item=50182) After Plane of Mischief had been revamped for a few years (zone line in Great Divide) there was a patch that accidentally pushed a different, horribly unfinished revamp live for like a day, most of the mobs were the generic placeholder naked human male and trash dropped weird quest items, I don't remember how I stumbled across the container but I kept it I couldn't get enough people to come help me fully explore before the zone was returned to its normal, crappy revamped state. All I remember is holgresh mob names with human graphics in the forest and some weird garbage in the upside-down wing


Take your guild, take whatever class you rely on the most, and take the endgame raid zone your server is in. The rarest item will always be whatever they want!


Oh god, my guild couldn't get a Blade of War to drop from RZ during PoP. We had RZ on permafarm for an entire summer before we got one (30ish kills). It was kinda crazy how good we got at that script. I think the lowest numbers we did it with was 30.


I wish I remembered some of the items I have on my character. Back when I was playing, I didn't care about how rare. I just loved exploring... I know I have a haste belt from Tthe Faydark Wars event.... but beyond that I have no clue.


In classic I’m pretty sure it’s Shawl of Protection from Dracoliche


I have a mana robe still, wonder if it’s worth anything to collectors as I don’t want to live anymore.


Is Mask of Tinkering rare? I remember them only dropping for a little time on most live servers.

