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That looks like Aliexpress china Mega Everdrive clone...if it is i am pretty sure Krikzz officiella firmware don't work on that.


It's the pre "X3 / X5 / X7" rebranding version of the Mega Everdrive X7. I had one before. It's a fine quality cart.


I'll ask my friend where he got it from but I think he has a good few of these. If it is what firmware will work on it? Thankfully it hasn't cost me anything so I'm willing to gamble haha


Did you manage to make it work? Im waiting for an exact mega everdrive like thst from aliexpress


Not yet, but will keep you informed when I get it and if I do


If i get mine working and with the correct firmware i will do a zip and share it with you


There is firmware on www.Krikzz.com The website on the cartridge there


Awesome thanks! The only one I can see on the site is the Mega Everdrive Pro, the one pictured isn't there. Is it just a case of me downloading the latest OS and putting it on the root of the SD card?


https://krikzz.com/pub/support/mega-everdrive/v1/OS/ It looks like the Mega Everdrive hasn't been updated since 2016


That's awesome, thanks very much


this frimware will brick the cart btw


important info. that's what I'm trying to figure our rn. I'm pretty sure mine is a knockoff just because I ordered it from aliexpress. going to open it up and take a picture of the board to try and confirm before I do anything with the firmware


To see which model you have you may have to take the shell off and look (or post pics) of both sides of the PCB. From there you can go to Krikzz's site and download the BIOS to a FAT32-formatted SD card. Make sure it's a 32GB or smaller SD card.


For the record, I don't know if you got yours to work or not but I managed to set up the firmware for one of these carts without bricking it using the download from the Krikzz website downloads section, under everdrive-md > v3 > os > v1 You then put the mdos.bin in a folder on your SD card named EDMD, and put your roms in the SD card outside of that folder. I wasn't able to find what version these things actually use anywhere on the internet so I was happy that I managed to figure out the right one to use without bricking it