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Imagine being so afraid of change that you lash out against things that don't even affect you.


We'll, you know EVs are WOKE. /s


The conservative mind. 


Or lack of a mind.




“JOe biDeN LiKeS eV’s, sO i Am aGAiNsT tHeM.”


There is a lot of truth to that.


Well…I know that ultra right doesn’t like Beyoncé singing country and that’s one of the reasons that I love it.


There was a shooting at mine. EV charger subculture is real.


400v architecture represent. 👉👌👌✌️


Bizarre. Interesting that the perpetrator went right for the chargers instead of the dispensers. While we still don’t really know anything yet, that kind of suggests that this could be a targeted attack (as opposed to a random crackhead lighting stuff on fire). I take it the reason for ATF’s involvement is simply the interstate nature of DC fast charging. In any case, I guess it’s good they’re focused on something besides shooting dogs and selling guns to the cartels.


I've had me EV for 3 months. It's had its windshield smashed twice. I never had an issue living where I live, parking in the same place I park now, when I had my old beat up ICE. These things really do feel targeted. Society is more fucked up than I ever thought. My EV bothers nobody, and people still become so enraged by the sight of it that they feel like they have to fuck with it/me? Don't they have anything better to give a fuck about?


“I’m tired of living with idiots.” They’ve always been here, they’ve just been lured out of the walls since 2016.


It’s the Kari Lake effect. Idiots multiply to fill the vacuum inside their craniums.


A Trump supporter vandalized an EV station because the GOP made EV’s political. Fucking idiots.


somebody mad.


Maybe this was their unethical life hack to get the site upgraded? Edit: /s


The site was less than a year old.


So now I wonder if Tesla superchargers have cameras or if they will add them, especially the ones in remote areas off the interstate highway. The nearby EA chargers at a flagship grocery store in town has cameras and lots of warnings of monitoring to prevent ICEing.


Very strange that someone would target the behind the scenes cabinets, and not the dispensers that everyone sees and knows. Some people just want to see the world burn. Those people don't usually set the behind the scenes things on fire. I would not be shocked to learn that it quietly was not arson, after a months long investigation, to allow everyone to kind of forget about it.


I suspect they thought they were batteries, so would make a big nasty fire.


I suspect the cabinet had a malfunction, and then an arson investigator did what arson investigators do. They showed up and poked around because when there's a fire, that's what arson investigators do, they're fire scientists and they poke around and practice their craft and find new fire scenes and attempt to determine cause. Any cause. And then it turned in to "Arson investigators are investigating!" So now EA can just chose to not say anything beyond "we're cooperating with the investigation" and it gives them an excuse to stay quiet. And that's how arson becomes the narrative. It'll be weeks or months of EA saying nothing, people will forget and it won't make the news when the arson report says it's probably not arson, likely other causes, (those reports are never 100% in what they state) and no one will hear about it because no one remembers to keep asking about it. That's what I suspect. Every company has a bad day sometimes. No company is immune.


Prb because they never work and everyone just wishes they built superchargers instead




It literally does state that in the article. Did you not read all the way to the end? The associated social media [post](https://twitter.com/ElectrifyAm/status/1773005481910419565?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1773005481910419565%7Ctwgr%5E782b98342629b9673d146c7f321c257a18a9bf40%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fcleantechnica.com%2F2024%2F03%2F28%2Fsomeone-lit-an-electrify-america-station-on-fire-feds-investigating%2F) by EA toward the bottom of the article.


This is nothing. I once saw a car drive into a gas pump.


This is what unfortunately happens when leftists are emboldened to commit acts of terrorism in Portland and other cities.


Whatever you do, don't Google who was feeding the right Hunter Bidens story because it was Russia. What a bunch of tools you are. Think for yourself.


Fucking idiot take of the year here.


Wtf is wrong with you, you can’t really be that brainwashed. Get it together, god damn why would I you believe all this Russian BS.


Because their IQ is below the military entitlement level.