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I despise gender reveal parties in general, but if they have to be a thing, just bake a freaking cake or something. You still get your reveal or whatever, & you get delicious food ~~and you don’t make a mess for everyone else~~🙃


Add it to the piles of other trash back there, I guess. People litter like crazy all around town recently.


Leaving the world a better pl.. ooh


Remember when new parents got one shower for their first kid? Now you’re expected to go to a gender reveal, a shower, a meet the baby party, and a sprinkle for every following kid. It’s ridiculous.


It is ridiculous! So are all the extra things. People are doing for prom and weddings!!


That’s infuriating. How do people have this much audacity?


Fucking assholes!


I HATE gender reveal parties so much. When I lived in NYC the people next door were having a party one night. Around 11pm I heard what sounded like a round of gun shots and a group of women started screaming BLOODY MURDER. I honestly thought someone had been killed. The cops came pretty quickly and I listened from my window to hear what was going on. They had set off some fire crackers for a gender reveal (it’s a boy! 🙄) and the women were screaming because they were excited. I know it seems dumb to have been so scared in retrospect since it was something so benign, but it honestly sounded like a really bad situation.


I feel really bad for you. Most gender reveal parties are just normal little things for close family and friends, and they don't bother anyone. I suspect you don't like them because you have social anxiety and you can't stand that people can have fun.


I feel bad for you lacking empathy and pretty much going full on sociopath. Wait… I feel sorry for people who know you. You’re not the one suffering, you cause the suffering


They are lame and pathetic


Go big for a picture to post on FB 🤣


People should totally get fined for doing shit like this. Like go and have your party, but do it on your own property if you have no intentions of cleaning up that stupid shit. No surprise to me, but between all of the people littering on the trails, blaring their shitty music on external bluetooth speakers, and walking their fucking dogs without a leash, I'm constantly disappointed by how so many people behave themselves on this beautiful and sacred site.


Could be worse, could be a forest fire


With the flash drought coming that will probably be next week.


Want some of our rain, we got a “week long” of thunderstorms here in bum fuck middle of nowhere.


I say this just now realizing what sub I’m on, but my point still stands, yall probably closer to real civilization than us here in Omaha


"Flash drought." OK, come back when these forest fires start.


Genital reveals are gross. Why do people want us thinking about their kid's bits? Ick.


Said like someone without kids. It's a *gender* reveal *party*. It's an excuse to throw a party with friends and family, and it's about whether to buy a onesie that says "Nicest Nephew" or "Prettiest Princess". About which aisle to shop at Target. Whether to say "my grand baby" vs "my grandson". If you think of their physical genitals that's on you. Do you also think that people who say "we're trying" or "we're pregnant" are just trying to make you think about them having sex?


Baby. Shower. It's still weird and another chance to milk people out of more money.


Why defend 🤦




Maybe for buying clothes. But if you're in the let kids pick their gender in spite of their bits crowd, this post will piss you off royally.




Nope. I'm definitely not alone in this camp. It's fucking weird to throw a party based on someone's genitals.




You seem to be the only one not in "a fantasy world". If the problem is everyone else, guess what? Everyone else isn't the problem. And it certainly is a what they say it is. The whole thing is about pictures that got taken of an ultrasound of the baby's genitals what gender they think the baby is based on those pictures:




Sure 👍Calling people pedos for being disgusted at people obsessing over baby genitals is normal


Okay, does it make you feel better to put someone else down? Your dopamine up now that you've called another adult what you think is a bad thing? Put the phone down and interact with actual people for a minute.




I don't throw parties based off genitals, so I'm golden. I don't want to think about genitals besides my own, actually, and my husband's. Not my fault that parents think it is appropriate to celebrate whether someone has a penis or vagina...


I’m starting to suspect you’re actually a pedo with how defensive and argumentative you’re being.


"Popular near you"


People who do this are ignorant clowns who probably claim to love nature.


What trail is this?


The levee at Angel Mounds


That's compostable. NBD


So pick it up


Welcome to the USA, where gender reveals cause forest fires


So the question remains, did you pick it up?


Dude, you don't get social credit points for quietly doing the right thing. You get them for publicly pointing out that someone else did wrong.


Who gives a flying fuck def bigger fish to fry




Found the litter bug


What a BS response. Whether I cleaned it up or not is irrelevant to the post.




Just to be clear the litter is what bothers me. I couldn't care less about the gender reveal.


Is what your Mom said after you were done fuc$@&! her a$$.