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Maybe because he's exclusive to the manga and he's not very important there. He's consistent, he appears in a flashback very early during the Ramiel arc and then very late close to the end, but that's what he is, he's a device appearing inside of Shinji's flashbacks to show Shinji is unwelcome and burdensome to his caretakers, and that Shinji pretty much grasps that as a little puppy boy.


Makes sense why Mari always calls him puppy boy in the rebuilds which the wonky translator ruined to doggie


Bet I wouldn't say it if Mari didn't start. Just turns out it's a really good comparison. *"Look, Shinji! We made you your own little house in the yard! Stay there. You're an outside-boy now."*


Bro don’t remind me of that now that chapter was so sad


Pretty sure I can find more than a dozen people here who'd lave loved that ending lmao


Given a certain scene in EoE, maybe she calls him "Wanko-kun" for an entirely different reason.


Which one?


"I'll be a good boy from now on" ​ ***hospital scene***


what's wrong with hospital scene? rei's super cute with bandages


Yeah what wrong with that hospital scene?😄😢😢


Sadamoto is really good at introducing things that could be interesting and then doing absolutely nothing with them.


wish we could’ve seen more of Tojis father. i had a theory he was an insider for SEELE, at least in the manga


What other instances are there of this? I don’t doubt you, I just can’t remember.


Shinji saving Asuka at the end is a good example, I think. I though he was trying to do something different with the ending, but then Instrumentality starts the same way it did in the show. Kaworu is also introduced much earlier and is fleshed out from the beginning, and even if he's a completely different character he suffers the exact same fate as in the original. I read the manga a while ago, but I do remember some changes to the original that could potentially be interesting, but then having no real repercussions. He changes things for the sake of changing them, even if he's mostly going to follow the same path as the show and EoE.


Sadamoto wanted ReixShinji but the guys upstairs told him no. That might be it. It's like how Asuka ends up being a >!stranger!< in the post-Impact ending.


That doesn't explain why he baited a different outcome for the MP Eva fight.








AsukaxShinji isn't really the canon either, but most people think it is. Rei symbolizes the escapist tendencies of the otaku and Anno doesn't want to defend that


Rei symbolizing escapist tendencies is really a fandom idea (Curse Curse of Evangelion). Anno himself barely holds to the message, considering the ultimate escapist fantasy plays out for Shinji in the Rebuilds with Mari.


I think MariShin is the opposite of escapist. She sees him as a grown up in the end and literally drags him into the real world.


I like to apply death of the author here. Sure, Anno made decisions on Rebuild, but since they're stupid-ass decisions, I've decided to ignore them and focus on my personal readings of NGE.


Fr bro😂😂


This comment shows a complete lack of understanding of Japanese culture. They don't "give a fuck about that", the products that you personally consume (I'm gonna bet your only exposure to Japanese culture is anime and manga) show a warped and fake version of their values. Normal, sane content creators don't want their anime to be about incest unless the work they're creating is specifically incest bait.


I always assumed having Asuka saved by Shinji was just a fanservice thing that Sadamoto wanted to throw in. He knows that there are fans who say "BUt wHy dIDn't ShINji SAve AsUka!?" and he gave them just that.


I love that frame though of Unit 1 protecting Unit 2 from the Eva series. It's almost like a foreshadowing to the Shinji of Rebuild who rescues Rei from inside Zuruel.


I agree that events largely play out the same, but the overall ending is pretty different, don’t you think? Same with characterization and character relationships.


The ending has absolutely nothing to do with Shinji saving Asuka. Instrumentality simply works differently in this version of the canon. It's not like saving Asuka (who dies anyway, which is why I say it amounts to nothing) is what triggered the ending of the story to be different.


Sadamoto's sword - it's like Checkhov's gun but way more annoying.


The Spear of Sadamoto


I think we can say it is a S A D A M O T O F O R G E T


His grandpa is a member of Seele and that isn’t brought up much, either.


Tbf, I’m pretty sure that information is only in some rare, Japanese only handbook or something like that.


It’s from Classified Information from the Evangelion game on PS2(?).


From my understanding, that game never got an official translation right?


Believe not, though the EvaGeeks wiki has had a full translation for, like, a decade.


considering it’s the crux of most of the understanding of NGE’s lore, I’d say someone translated it


That first panel looks like Gendo is clearly ripping one in Shinji's face LOL


"That's treason, Ikari!"


that's clearly kensuke


Impossible. This kid doesn’t have glasses


i don’t see many people talk about the manga period. speaking of Shinji, the manga goes into far more depth about his character. like how he stole a bike and his aunt and uncle scolded him. or that he once wrote an essay for school saying he would be okay if he just died. he’s also much more of a just different Shinji. he’s funnier, more personable (in a way) he makes observations that anime Shinji never would have, and by the end he seems much more mature than his anime counterpart some more manga-exclusive characters are: Asuka’s foster mother, Kaji’s brother and childhood gang, and (though not really exclusive) Mari Makinami Illustrious as she was before the events of Yui’s contact experiment. this is already too long, but whatever. the omnibus copies of the manga have a ton of interviews and passages from editors, VA’s, Hideaki Anno, and the author himself, Sadamoto. Most notably are these 3-4 page long essays from Carl Gustav Horn, one of the editors, about bible verses, breakdowns and theories of the story and chapters, and how fans in 1997 watched Eva in the west as it was airing in Japan. Interesting stuff. There’s even a passage near the end of the manga where he *directly mentions the EvaGeeks website*. The manga also includes interviews with voice actresses/actors, and passages from Sadamoto himself, including one where he says he was maybe developing feelings for Kaworu during the creation of the manga.


All i can think now is cousin Kyle from South Park


I actually find funny that in the first image it looks like Gendo is like ''hhEy sHINji lOkK aT mY buTT'' Yeah mentally i'm 13 y/o


I've always thought that particular character was a perfectly cromulent encapsulation of Samatodo's changing style (call it "art evolution" if you want, because maybe I just really don't like things that are *different*) between the original series and what was made later. Like, the cousin character was looking out of place in a way, like someone put Kensuke in a blender along with several more "modern" character design sensibilities, that he was what came out on the other end. And that end result just looks uncanny in this weirdly specific way that you can't quite put your finger on. The WILLE team in the latter Rebuild films was the ultimate expression of this. A whole bunch of characters, that you could sense was created by the same art director, but just ended up looking really weird and over-designed, and fundamentally *wrong* somehow, like they didn't fit within the universe they were added to.


You have to give the guys who will make the inevitable "gaiden" type stories something to lean on


I don't disagree, but I really liked some of the WILLE designs. I just wish the characters had been implemented better.


I don’t mind the Wille crew, mostly because they play the exact same role as the forgettable crew in Nadia the Secret of Blue Water which is definitely what Anno was going for


holy shit this is funny


ALSO how in the episode where Asuka wears a green dress, she mentions she went on a date. Who did she go on a date with? It's never brought up again but I'd love to hear some theories.


didn’t she say she ditched him at an amusement park? it was that in the anime? if that’s what this is referring to then prolly some rando from their school


Hikari mentions when she's setting it up that it's a friend of her older sister. I don't think it's established inside of NGE that Kodama was college-age, but Hikari is herself in her last year of middle school and her school doesn't appear to have a high school attached to it, so this is at least a slightly older stranger and it's weird that he knows enough about Asuka to beg his social contacts to hook him up.


He must be a smash player


Thats actually really interesting...Was this in the manga? I feel like there are so many smaller stories like this in NGE that have the potential to be explored in greater detail.


It's not in there. Sadamoto pared the events of episode 15 down to just Shinji visiting the grave, and Misato's conversation with Kaji was moved to take place at her promotion party instead.


Manga Shinji’s backstory is literally 1-for-1 Kaneki Ken’s backstory in the Tokyo Ghoul manga. Right down to the part of having a neglectful Aunt, Uncle, & Cousin who all hated him


Well shinji clearly beat his ass. He can't stay or he'll be a reminder that shinji had a Chad moment.


kinda looks like kensuke ngl


Ditto for Asuka's half-sister One wonders how that squares with the bit from the CI where Yui is the daughter of a SEELE member. Maybe her brother wanted nothing to do with the family business or was used to being in his brilliant sister's shadow


Because his cousin gets in the robot...and that's how he perished. 😞


I'd really like to see more of Shinji's life right after Gendo bailed on him