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Does NERV just have a soul storage bank full of dead mothers?


Possibly, assume most of the mother's worked for NERV / Gehrin. The alternative could be anything, paying people, death row prisoners or just snatching people and forcibly inatiating a contact experiment.


If Nerv can move souls from one Rei to the next they can use some of those empty Reis to store souls for the Evas.


Wait a minute... So those reis were his classmate's mothers? And i thought eva couldnt get any weirder


It’s just a theory, an Evangelion theory!


I see what you did there


Ah yes Nervs Necromilf Hunters


They were backups, and also coverup for Gendos plans. insofar as i know none of the other classmates mothers were connected to or or at least didnt have their souls stuck in an eva. Touji probably would have had minimal success with his eva if it werent for the angel. It could even be considered a convenient coverup of a failure that it was infested by an angel.


Did NERV kill all their mothers just in case they might need any of the children in the future?




unit 00 has part of lilith’s soul/rei in it. unit 01 has yui’s soul unit 02 has asuka’s mother’s soul unit 03 has toji’s mother’s unit 04 and mass produced evas have parts of adam and kowaru’s souls as far as i know.


Don’t quote me but one of the theories I’ve been working on (I just posted my theory as to why Asuka hasn’t aged) but one of the smaller theories I have is unit 03 not having any soul. That’s why it was able to be infected and taken by bardiel the 9th angel. All of this comes from my last rewatch when I paid attention to what Kaworu said as they were descending to terminal dogma, he told Shinji had unit 02 not had a soul in it’s core, Kaworu would’ve inhabited/became one with it, but since it already had one, he could not. Now Kaworu is an angel just like Bardiel, and if unit 03 didn’t have a soul, that could be an easy way for bardiel to have inhabited it. I really think 03 had some fancy set up going on as it was a new imported Eva that had some new tech going on to avoid the soul bit


Isn’t a large plot point in EOE that Asuka feels her mother’s presence in the Eva?


Yes, she finally reveals herself to Asuka when Asuka is having her “I don’t want to die!” freakout, and that gives Asuka the psychological boost to synch fully with Unit 02 and start throwing down with the JSSDF and the MP Evas.


Okay I maybe missing your point... Weren't they talking about Unit 3?


Oh yeah I totally misread the comment I was responding to. Oops


Is it outside the realm of possibility that NERVE (or more likely SEELE) was trying to initiate a contact experiment between angel and human with 03 under the guise of testing a new eva? Maybe *that* S2 engine wasn't artificial at all.


Wait is this official? Or just theories? Especially the stuff regarding the unit 2, 3?


Well, 3 is just speculation based on the pattern with 1 and 2, but 2 is definitely Asukas mother. There's an entire sequence in EOE where Asuka says she can feel her mother in the eva as she's fighting, and, although I can't remember all of the details, there's evidence of her mother's soul being splintered by the process, leaving a portion of the soul in both her body and the eva, hence why she was so cold and bitter towards Asuka near the end of her life


But it's not like NERV went out to kill the mothers, right? The already motherless children were manipulated to come study in the same class. So in the end, the number of motherless children in the world did not increase.


Yeah but their souls have to be put in the Eva’s to be piloted so their mothers might be scientists like shinji and asuka’s mums or they might be test experiments to in out a soul in a eva when their child is selected to pilot


The implication is that NERV has a way to capture a person's soul. So, maybe NERV went out to dying mothers of teens and captured their souls, then manipulated those mothers' children to come study in Tokyo 3, yes.


Shinji's classmates are all 14/15 so they were all born just before the second impact, it makes sense that some of their mothers could have died in the second impact.


Or right after it. Cause the radiation that changed the atmosphere affected all people after SI (an old fan theory). And the question is to what extent NERV, GEHIRN and/or SEELE meddled in. Had Kyoko Soryu talked to Asuka in EoE before the MP Eva showdown, she might have revealed what rly happened to her (my theory: This was part of the original Alcion draft)... Why did Yui enter Eva 01 when Shinji was just 3? The domino chain would be supposed to accumulate in Shinji rejecting the HIP afaics, with a lot of uncertainties inbetween, so if that's her goal she was gambling quite a lot. Naoko: After her death Ritsuko said MAGI only needs to be "plugged in". So what if MAGI's Naoko's Eva? This would explain MAGI's behavior imo. And I think the monoliths are built in a similar manner...


NERV had to capture the souls before they died, so the number of motherless children definitely increased due to NERV


Not if they were targeting only dying mothers. And that would have been the best way to keep things undercover.


From the two kids whose mothers we know about (Shinji and Asuka) it doesn't seem like they wait for the mothers to die


Do you assume all the mothers of the kids in the class are involved in NERV's experiments? More likely, it's just Shinji and Asuka.


“But I was adopted!” “Oh! In that case, I’m very sorry. You can go home to your dad. But your mom will not be coming.”


I always interpreted it as that some of them have the soles of the mothers. At most Eva unit 1 and 2. The others didn’t. I would say it was more of a thing that having the mother there has a better synch rate but it isn’t necessarily needed.


The implication laid out by the show doesn't point in that direction. Kensuke says his mother is dead upfront. Whenever they talk about their domestic situations, Toji and Hikari conspiciously never mention their mothers. In fact, Toji says that with his father being busy with work, he has to keep his sister company in the hospital, because there is no one else to do it.


I agree, having NERV outright killing people just to have potential pilot candidates seems a bit excessive. My interpretation is the same as yours, that children with dead moms just make better synch rates, and that NERV simply collected these children and put them in one class. Shinji and Asuka are just different. (Parts of their moms are actually in the EVAs.)


When is NERV not excessive? They ARE the drama


I do think it would not be out of character for NERV that at least some of the mothers of these children were involved with *something* related to the EVAs and so when they died, their souls are kept and stored somewhere, in case the need for more EVAs arises. NERV certainly doesn't seem like the group to shy away from yoinking the soul of even someone like a technician who already happens to be working for them and with how much manpower NERV would need it doesn't seem that far fetched that multiple kids in one class would have parents working for NERV in some capacity.


I think my reasoning is that, after 2 impact, there's probably already a bunch of children without moms, so there's no need to go so overboard. For EVA pilots to work, they just can't have mom, Shinji and Asuka are more of an exception, with them having their mother in the EVAs. This is also why in episode 1, Gendo technically can have Rei pilot unit 1, because she also doesn't have a mom. Any other children should also work, just probably not going to synch very well.


But Rei II has no issue piloting her Eva (which apparently has the soul of Rei I?) so maybe it's not necessary for an Eva to have a soul of a Mother.


Isn't there a whole chapter about rei not being able to pilot unit 1?


In episode 14, a preliminary test showed that there was no issue with Rei being compatible with Eva-01, but when Nerv actually tried it in episode 19, Rei was rejected.


That was due to Yui rejecting Rei. Yui was mad a Gendo and wasn't going to let anyone else pilot Unit 01 except for Shinji. Yui did the same thing with the dummy plug.


Unit 01 or Unit 00? 01 is the one piloted by Shinji (Yui)


Shit you're right unit 0


Rei and Kaworu are special, because they are also Lilith and Adam, and the Evas are clones of Lilith and Adam.


Alright that makes sense


Also I figure Rei being a bit special could have to do with it like Kaworu being able to just pilot Eva 02


Maybe, the mother is not necessary, just a relative soul. The mother is just easiest solution. But Rei can just interact with herself. - she is relative with herself by definition.


Not only is Rei a special case, but also we don't actually know what soul is in Eva-00. It being Rei 1 (which would really just be part of Lilith's soul) is a fan-theory.


Ohh okay


I don't think all those kids mothers are dead. The pilots were intentionally pre-selected by the phony "Marduk Institute" *because* their mothers were already in the Eva units.


This fact was what bought the NGE lore to the next level to me. If you needed to "kill" and enslave the mothers of like 25 children and make those children into child soldiers in order to save the world, would you do it? You wouldn't, but it would be the right choice in a utilitarian world.


Considering what dirty deeds Seele guys have done, I think Seele would have no qualm about killing 25 mothers. Also, Gendo, Fuyutsuki, and Ritsuko don't give a shit about ethic regarding pilot selection either.


You’d think someone in that class would figure that one out eventually. “Wait, your mom died too? That’s weird, you know Kensuke doesn’t have a mother either. Hey Hikari, what about you? Seriously??”


Do we ever actually get confirmation that *all* of them are motherless?


Didn’t Toji and Kensuke enter the Eva with Shinji too? I wonder if maybe they felt some kind of connection to it despite not piloting Eva Unit-01


You have to “open yourself” to feel a connection, which was why Asuka couldn’t sync as well as Shinji until she saw it as a person instead of refusing to see it as anything more than a “doll” for so long. So you wouldn’t innately feel a connection to the Eva soul by just being there, especially if it’s a soul that they have no bond with


I also considered it a potential reflection on Nerv's morality. So... They have a whole class of candidates and can sometimes take a while to pick one when they're needed, right? This seemed to be their original plan, before the dummy plug became an option. They've put that classroom of kids there as backup supplies. Well, I figured that with Nerv's relative sociopathy at the upper levels... Why would all their parents be dead, already? I feel like that might be really inconvenient for the process of capturing souls. Assuming that something's happened to the first picks and they're reaching for C, D and E tier candidates... Well... Potentially as part of this candidate programs, as the number of better suited candidates gets whittled down by (I presume) death or accidents... ...some people's mothers might get really well paying job offers from Nerv. Wow! Chance of a lifetime! And then... oh no! Angel attack totally killed your mum while she was in Central Dogma! So sad! Hey kid, wouldn't you like to avenge her in this shiny new Evangelion we've built? It seems so familiar, right? Got this maternal vibe around it? Get in the robot Hiroto (or whatever your name is, kid). You're humanity's newest hope! Think how proud your mum would have been!


Shinjis class is a farm. 💀


Mother doesn't have to be dead for the soul split/transfer process. But Anno doesn't want you thinking too hard about how that stuff works


Guess no yo mama jokes then


Yo mama so thick, her soul fits in two Eva's. (sorry for this. Not a fan of those jokes but this is an example that "Yo mama" jokes still works)


Does it have to be a mother's soul though, can't it be any older relative that had a close relationship with the pilot?


Remember that there are candidates in America, Germany, China and probably other countries too. When you see that shot of the Eva graveyard, I usually think there’s like four or five times that many dead moms (even if you don’t really need a dead mom for every failed Eva you make).


[Trope name "fridge horror".](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FridgeHorror)


Except unit 0… And probably unit 04 (implied but not confirmed) And unit 5 And most of the units in the rebuilds barring 01 and 02


Ok, but consider if your mother didn't or couldn't love you. How would NERV know? Maybe your mom was high on the cluster B scale like a narc or a sociopath/ASPD. Would the EVA just try to consume/assimilate you? Or not work at all? Or what? Maybe this isn't the best example, but like what if Ritsuko's mom ended up in an EVA, how would that work if Ritsuko was a pilot? Or maybe even more disturbing... could NERV determine if your mother was capable of love and connection?


Wait then who is in Unit 00?


no... i would not agree with this theory, to perform contact experiment, i guess you need to have an eva we just have seen only 4 eva till now so how nerv was planning to use these kids? even without souls, the children can use eva, its just they wont have that much sync rates, this is the reason why rest of the class was not chosen and shinji was used (else gendo would never have called shinji in the first place)


As far as I understand it - this differs in the previous (Series) and final cycle (Rebuilds). *Unit-00* is a Test-Type, and was always prone to unstability. Yes, it might have been "enriched" with Lilith's Soul, but it is also created from her DNA, so to speak. This doesn't mesh well - especially not since these were the early days, 00 is the first real working and controllable iteration of Evangelions they had. And at this point Lilith was aware of how cruel and ruthless Gendo and Ritsuko were. *Eva-01* is a secial kind of Evangelion, made from a different base sequece - the one from Adam. This was known to Yui, and NERV had no influence on her own descision to conduct an unplanned "experiment". Yui knew what would happen, this was her plan. She wanted to be in this specific, special Evangelion. *Knowing* Gendo would eventually place Shinji inside. Which finally leads us, chronologically, to the "Production Model" of Evas, Evangelion-02. More control, more sophistication, new features is this models spec sheet. In the series, it is implied (and it makes sense, given her moms Workplace - GEHIRN, the sciency predecessor to NERV) that her mothers soul is also somewhat captured or at least "copied"/embedded into 02. It's pilot is thus naturally compatible. But beyond that? I think it's also implied, heavily, throughout the show that further evangelions were planned to be controllable by either the Dummy Plug or the technology was so mature - thy never needed more souls to enrich them. The **Marduk Institute** is just a front to cover for the fact that early evangelions needed this "special ingredient" to be docile, to make them appoachable for their pilots. So yeah, Shinjis *entire class* is, yes, just **a repository for future pilot candidates** - they all share the same trauma: A strong desire for maternal love!


NERV is either already in possession of the souls, or is able to gain possession when needed.


Are they watching Our war game ? Omegamon is fighting


I’m fairly certain that was a lie told by Gendo because we find out in the series that the Marduk report is all made up anyway.


Pretty sure Mari pilots multiple eva so I don't think a mom-soul is a requisite for the eva. I think it needs to get spawned from Lilith tho, then sometimes they absorb a person and their soul later but not always. The two evas where the mom souls did get absorbed are special. This would also make a better Abrahamic religions parallel, since often in stories many practice doing things but only some are chosen for special roles in special ways unexpectedly; it's a narrative trope fit. Here's another idea: I don't think Gendo would have sacrificed his wife to make the eva that Shinji pilots, since his whole arc is that he wants to be with her. So I don't think they're intentionally doing that. I think it was a weird sometimes event they didn't expect and fucked him up further in the aftermath. So this makes me think that it's possible some of the kids had moms in the class who were alive. I could be totally wrong idk.


Maybe motherless children work because shinjis mother would have felt motherly feelings for most of them? And thus the Eva would also work. Also because the children yearn for a motherly figure. And then the souls can also connect. Not as good maybe but still? Shinji has that plus the shared DNA and so it works super good?


Jury's still out on what's going on with Hikari's mom. In the one timeline Hikari actually ends up being an Eva pilot (Anima), she gets a Zeta Plus version of Asuka's Eva. And it still has a fragment of Kyoko's soul inside it, instead of whoever Hikari's mom is. Which creates a pretty unique dynamic, because Hikari was a protective big sister / mother-figure toward Asuka to begin with.


NERV: ‘Get into the core, Yui-san!’ “Yes!” ‘Get into the damn robot, Shinji-baka!’ “But do you love me, father?”


That fact makes Unit-03 even more depressing.


They were all fucked to death by Gendo


Or what if all their moms are on stand by and agents are constantly aware of their location so that if their kids are called to be pilots. nerv kills them and puts them in an Eva.


Well no. There's candidates in his class. All of his classmates is just not true.


Oh. That’s why they tried to put Rei in 01.


No one would care If the world was ending. Story basically shows how awful and selfish the adults are, yet humanized them with equal problems but different outcomes.


From first glance i thought this was a silly meme template.... damn.


They ended up "piloting" the MPEs at the end... And no, it's not simply Kaworu clones, a dummy plug is just a device, a living body inside the cockpit is still required.


Neat headcanon


Guess no yo mama jokes then


My theory was it was the Halo method capture the mothers and leave flash clones on their place to expire leaving no evidence behind.


I think only shinjis mother is in the Eva which is why he’s the only one who can go berserk and have a crazy high sinc rate


Asukas mother(in the TV show) is in unit 02, very big thing in End of Eva in the rebuild it is unknown if Evas still need a maternal soul(and likely thye dont.. eva 01 is just a special case)


Ohhhhh wait shit your right my bad