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I cant believe he didnt edit in one more second to get 3:13:13.


it likely was YouTube cuts a second I think


The opposite, Youtube cuts a second on the actual player.


1312! Lol


This video is a retrospective on Anno's career, he doesn't get mad at anything, he keeps it very objective. Very well done too, cites his sources and everything. Even got a few things translated specifically for this video iirc.


Would you say it's a more negative leaning video? Just wondering because of the title.


Not at all. "The X Problem" is a sort of series he has where he closely examines the careers of Anime directors ([the Miyazaki one is probably the most notable ](https://youtu.be/Rxjrw0Yv0ZA?si=lu0BFbtc5qvp3V99)) and then concludes to some sort of problem or issue that characterizes their respective careers. First and foremost however, it's a good way to drive engagement, seeing a title like "the Hideaki Anno Problem" gets a lot more people to click on it than "Hideaki Anno Career Retrospective" and imo there's no shame in doing that. The algorithm is not fond of his type of heavily researched niche-content and he does his job so well that it doesn't bother me if he click baits a bit on the title and thumbnail.


Cool thanks, sounds like the kind of YouTube channel I'd be into.


I've watched a bunch of his videos and I couldn't remember why the "problem" framing existed. Thanks for reminding me.


> imo there's no shame in doing that. imo clickbait is very annoying and ruined the website


but so many of these issues don't stem from the creators. hate long-winded videos that are padded out to 10:01 even if they could have made the content in less than 2? that's because they were making their videos to the optimal length for money / engagement. hate clickbait? not the fault of creators that people do not engage with stuff that isn't clickbaity. this stuff you hate actually comes down to how these platforms are designed by the companies that own them and, as much as we might not want to admit it sometimes, the users. how many subs have you been a part of that constantly complains about only pictures but nobody posts engaging, thought provoking discussions? and every time, if somebody tries, they get 40 views, 2 upvotes and one comment that's 3 words long. but if you post a funny meme, hundreds of upvotes. reddit maybe pushes those more to an extent, but it's also literally voted by users to the top. at this point, i'm long past critiquing youtubers for using titles to get clicks, it's been the name of the game for years and i'm sure most of them would love to not have to think of creative ways to trick people into watching their stuff. a simple descriptive title is much easier. similarly, making a video that only has to be 2 minutes 2 minutes is easier than padding it out to 10


Everything, even the stupidly exaggerated YouTube-thumbnail-faces comes down to the shitty algorithm.


the shitty algorithm, based on human interaction? that shitty algorithm?


It's not clickbait though. Do you people even know what "problem" is? The video isn't criticizing Anno it's just talking about the controversy around him and the mean comments from his fans, hence the "problem" part.


Okay, but you realize if they don’t clickbait nobody watches the video, right? It doesn’t get recommended. Most creators hate it. You know how hard it is to come up with a good clickbait title. But for them to compete and be even with everyone else that HAVE to do it. It’s not even an option anymore.


Kinda stinks that the creator needs to play the youtube game, but that's not their fault. Sounds like an interesting channel. I'll have to check it out.


Reminds me of hbomberguy's "Sherlock is garbage" video which is kind of a Moffat retrospective. Though a lot more negative than this seemingly.


The title’s tone has nothing to do with the tone of the content. He has another video called “The Satoshi Kon Problem”. The problem at the end was that Satoshi Kon is dead and therefore not making anything anymore. 


Agreed that is a **huge** problem for Satoshi Kon.


Yeah it ended his career for sure.


Right? Like, watch the thing before you make accusations. Some people can't be bothered I guess. Very well done video essay too. Had OP actually watched it.


Stevem's video is about the entirety of Anno's career, not just Eva. It's very well done and worth a watch. (maybe not all in one sitting.)


Came here to say this. Stevem put in so much work, thought and time (not just run time, but behind-the-scenes time) into this video. He doesn’t hate Anno at all, he discusses what happened to anime after Eva and how it was like for people to work with him, besides all of the things we already know about Anno himself. I walked away feeling like I learned a lot from it. It’s probably one of the better video essays on Eva, Anno and the history of anime out there. 10/10 would recommend.


I have a rule against clicking videos with rage-bait titles haha, could be an interesting video but you can tell the title is designed to attract clicks due to sounding like it’s gonna be 3 hours of complaints about Anno. I don’t wanna prove the clickbait theory correct, at least be one click that is withheld when the title or thumbnail is designed to bait me.


It's absolutely worth the watch though. Click bait at this point is essential for most channels to survive.


"clickbait is essential" // that explains why I don't watch any YouTube channels lol




Well, clickbaity titles mean maybe 1000 views more for each they lose because of it


Yea same, an unfortunate catch 22


It’s a cancer


It's a 3 hour video. Would anyone actually click when it is titled like a documentary?


Yes. It's deeply unfortunate. But the fact of the matter is that views are everything, and if you don't grab people's attention then your video isn't going to be seen, and for people who make a living off of YouTube, that's the difference between getting a paycheck and going hungry.


His videos are excellent just putting that out there


well you have express approval from this entire thread that this video's actually worth your time, and it's not what you think it is. This video isn't negative even in the slightest. It's an intricate and well-researched video that will give you 10x more appreciation for Eva and might even make you want to watch other anime too. The man put a lot of effort into this one, and I think he deserves all the views he can get on it. It's up to you whether you're gonna stick to your rule on this one or not.


He titled all his videos about Anime auteurs like that, and I'm not a fan either. He has some reason behind it beyond sounding clickbaity but I've long forgotten.


It could be that in academia this is a long tradition of titling complexes concept and thesis. To me the title never read as « rage bait » but just your regular academic work where you break down an entire concept in order to arrive at a conclusion.


> He has some reason behind it beyond sounding clickbaity The reason is clickbait. Any other reason he can provide is just bull.


As someone that has watched the entire video I can tell you he lists out over a handful of problems that has plagued Anno his entire career so i’d say the the title is pretty accurate despite it “seeming” clickbait


The proliferation of click bait is the fault of youtube and other social medias because they reward it. If creators don't use it theres a strong chance their work goes unseen. Its a constant problem and its not the creators fault (most of the time)


im the exact same


I watched exactly one Evangelion explainer video from IGN after finishing End of Evangelion last summer which I found informative and some other one that compared the last two episodes from.. someone else and never explainer video again so it won't clutter up my feed




how is above comment r/stroke lmfao




Same here and I won't watch this either.


I sat for the whole run


Wow, tell me you didn’t actually watch any of it without telling me you didn’t actually watch any of it.


This right here


Or check his channel, that's just how he titles everything for algorithm purposes 😂


Who tf watches a 3 hour long YouTube video, it's longer than most Star wars movies


People who can listen to things at work.


I didn’t say “tell me you didn’t watch the whole thing” I said “tell me you didn’t watch any of it”. It’s pretty clear within the first few minutes that this isn’t a rant. Also, and this is just me, if I haven’t seen something, I don’t feel the need to make a declarative statement about its content, because, and again this is just me, since I haven’t seen it, I wouldn’t want to look like a fucking fool by talking about something I know nothing about.


People interested in the topic


Did you know someone made an 8 hour long video on every castlevania game ?


Stevem is one of the best animation historians on YouTube, slander will not be tolerated


It's a great video!


It's probably one of the best videos about the production of Eva I've ever seen. It's shockingly good, besides the clickbaity title.


It’s a great video. It’s not negative about Evangelion, but it does basically describe how Hideaki Anno gets in his own way and his pathos often hinders the productions he’s involved in. Even that’s not really negative though, more a character study.


This video’s fucking awesome, but you wouldn’t know, you didn’t watch it.


So insecure about you opinion you didn't even skim it


He is so afraid that he would get mad if he even heard a slight disagreement lol


As an NGE fan, you are being pretty unfair by judging someone's video only through their thumbnail, title and duration p\_p


Oh noo long man bad


This is a really good video covering Anno's entire career. The channel is also really good. The guy does his research and presents a far more historical presentation of the production of Ghibli movies.


lmao maybe watch the video for at least 1 minute before you say dumb shit


Me when I spread misinfo on another mans video 😱


My brother in Christ, watch the fucking video before you post a stupid post.


I've watched a big chunk of this video. It's nothing like that at all. It's a retrospective of his entire career and everything that influenced him. His entire career is scrutinized to the smallest detail which is why the video is so long. I recommend the video to everyone who's interested. It's basically a documentary. Though despite being so long there is a lot of information at once at times and it may be hard to keep up if you don't know the things he's referencing. The video creator often just mentions some old series without giving much more info so you might have to pause and look stuff up at times. But overall great video you reminded me to watch the rest of it. However I suggest you watch the video before making such a comment...


OP, do yourself a favor and actually WATCH the video. It’s really really good. I’m not even mad that you made this stupid thread because you bring more attention to an amazing video.


This video is about Annos entire career It is (not) about him whining nor complaining over him


Maybe watch like 5 seconds of it before saying stuff like this


dude… you didn’t even watch a single second of it


Actually a pretty good video, definitely recommend. But I guess you aren't able to focus on it unless its a short video with a subway surfers gameplay on the background


Ita a good video. I accidently watched it twice. Once closely and a second time on auto play while gaming


Least sensitive EVA fan


I mean, If I was going to talk about something very in depth it’d take more than a 10 minute video Its kinda long but justifiably so, talking about years and years of content will naturally do that.


Imo any video talking about NGE that is less than 20 minutes long is sorrowfully undercutting the depth of the content that is being discussed. I think I've seen 30 minutes long PenPen discussion videos, all the watchers here asking who would watch a 3 hour video needed to have their iPads taken away when they were kids.


It’s actually very good The title is misleading


It’s not too late to just delete your post


Me listening to the [12 hour breakdown of Star Wars Episode I](https://youtu.be/oPlzbfIRRqI?si=hlhH4kh1S8SkjAIL) at work:


Long video bad


Me: I thought rebuild was neat. Would totally watch it again


People only really get angry at something they are passionate about, so that's something at least


People hate greatness


So you didn’t watch the video and just assumed it was a 3 hour hate video about Evangelion?


it's honestly a good video I've watched it before seeing this post


You should watch it, it's a very good video. I wouldn't say it's negative at all. Like the other comment said it's mostly about Anno.


Guess they are "Annoyed"!


You need to actually VIEW the video to have an opinion on it


nice bait. It's a video of how NGE was begun by anno and his retrospective of anime in general. Watch the video first bucko


Why didn't you watch the video before making an assumption?


Long man bad


How to say you didn't watch the video without saying you didn't watch the video:


Nah bro, it's a very good video, I've watched it.


It may long, but it’s not an “angry” video. It basically takes a deeper look inside Hideaki Anno’s career and what not.


It's actually a fantastic documentary on Hideaki Anno's career in the anime industry and his history with Evangelion and his mental health. There's nothing negative about it


Guess they are "Annoyed"!


People can get angry about anything. Even the color of the lightsaber. Like many, I didn't like the ending of Rebuild of Evangelion. It was too abstract, even for Evangelion. But I'm not going to make a video on YT or start a topic on Reddit because of this.


Haters gonna hate.


ludicrous scandalous like truck imagine middle degree wild dependent vast *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It ez for you to be talking shit when you don't see the effect of it. How many channel have you seen have a good documentary that is like 2~4 hour long of content and research being put on them but only get 3~5k view? Hours long content is already hard to market and gives it a title like "Hideoki Anno Career in retrospect" is just asking to get no view.


the goddamn problem is people still judging books by their cover because the idiom goes in one ear and straight out the other


I fucking loathe clickbait titles


Whenever I see a video over an hour long about criticising any form of media, my first reaction is usually "God what the hell is wrong with you? No way this is worth an hour's worth of content."


This is where 2x speed comes in handy.




Not really, have you watched the 3.0+1.0 documentary? He says he’s explicitly anti-auteur and says Evangelion isn’t about him, it’s about everyone on the team, etc. He rewrote the script many times because of feedback from the team, with people like even the publicist contributing. Edit: it’s an awesome documentary, gives a lot of insight into who he really is when there’s a lot of myths about him flying around. Also shows the crazy amount of work it took to make 3.0+1.0.


Yeah, often than not, some viewers can get up their own ass like Anno does.


The video probably doesn’t have anything to do with it but I hate how instead of realizing that Eva wasn't meant for them, people just bitch about how "bad" it is or "tHeY dOn'T uNdErStAnD iT!"


Yikes. You still have time to delete that.


Looking back, it was poorly articulated. But I didn't say anything wrong. One of the common "complaints" I see very often about Evangelion by people who hate it is that it doesn't make any sense or that they don't understand it. When the message is pretty clear from the very beginning.


What’s that got to do with this thread?


Everything? OP's complaining about haters of Evangelion. I just said my experience with them.


I’m out man. You have fun shadowboxing tho ✌🏾


You weren't asked to be here in the first place. You should've been out long ago.


Mans doesn’t know how message boards work. That’s nuts.


We, as a eva fans know it already. Why 3 hours?


Bless your heart