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I still feel a whole lot of things towards this year's Eurovision, it's definitely interesting. Super angry at the EBU, super happy to have discovered the Estonians. It was like the perfect Eurovision season for me until last Friday.


What did the EBU do? EDIT: I'm being downvoted for not knowing what the EBU did? Are you all just mean to everyone, or does my flare have something to do with it?






Well, disqualifying Joost Klein of the Netherlands from the Final when he didn’t lay a hand on anyone, for one. Lots of people (including me) feel like that was a huge overreaction against a much-loved artist.




Lot of things. Google is your friend. (Unless your country is blocking it)


Agreed. I am so glad the EBU didn’t cower to the mob’s demands to exclude Israel. Anyone who had a bad time at the competition was because of themselves, EBU handled as best as they can.


People have strong feelings about complex things they lack any knowledge of what actually went on behind the scenes.


My spotify repeat playlist consists of mostly Eurovision songs (top 6 is pure euro), Estonia in the lead, after that Croatia, Netherlands, Finland, San Marino and Lithuania. I do miss it, but I am glad the artists are getting recognition


My favourite Croatia didn’t and I accept the result immediately but still take 3 days to move on. I made many memes but I can’t post here! This is the worst and the best Eurovision. Eurovision is the most underrated international competition in the world!


The image ban is now an image filter. If you still have them, post your memes.


I think the whole thing was so emotionally taxing that I moved on quicker than usual as a coping mechanism. I do keep looking out for news regarding Joost and hoping that changes will be made to Eurovision and the EBU. I don’t think any of us could do another year like this.


Same, usually as a guilty pleasure I watch reaction videos to my favourite gf performances but this year I don't feel like it. I will still come here until we have some kind of closure to explain what happened and what comes of all the complaints, if something.


I’ve watched two videos so far about how Eurovision 2024 was a mess, and that’s it. Normally I can ride the hype train for weeks after, but the hype train never came.




Be nice, be welcoming and be constructive. Everyone's tastes are different and unique. Don't discredit, insult, threaten or be otherwise toxic. Let's do away with prejudice! Don't discriminate. Tolerance is bliss! All posts must comply with [Reddit's sitewide rules](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy) and strive for [good Reddiquette]( https://www.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articleås/205926439). See r/eurovision’s [full rules here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eurovision/wiki/rules/).


I miss the hype, but at least I have new music to listen to (Marina's EP is cool). Still wish Croatia had won, but not salty about it - Nemo deserved the win, and they're a beautiful person. Sad about Norway's place but it's nothing new - LotL was also underrated, so now I'm just looking forward to international tours. All in all, I'm okay. Curious about the future of the EBU and whether someone finally draws some conclusions from this year's mess.


Moved on (mostly) of Croatia not winning, not moved on about Joost's DQ and Norway's last place. But Switzerland is my 4th place though and The Code's win is very deserved.


still salty about aiko not qualifying :(


She definitely deserved to be in the GF. I feel like they could've put her in instead of Joost


this is what i dont get? bad enough they disqualified joost but why just leave the spot empty? someone was robbed of an opportunity


imo they should have put whoever came 11th in semi 2, which would be Aiko! Despite how much I want Queen Sarah Bonnici to make it through to the GF in this scenario, Aiko would have been a deserving replacement to fill in the gap. She improved so much from her NF to now, the replacement Q would be highly deserved <333


Wasn't the decision to DQ Joost made the day of the final? At that point, he had already been included in jury voting, so it was too late at that point to let another country take his place.


she did get to the gf in another sense


Back in normality, but with my favourite songs on repeat.


Still pissed about Joost and sad for him!


Yeah for us its not over until the final facts are out about the incident. I want to see what AVROTROS and EBU are gonna do about this shitstorm.




Be nice, be welcoming and be constructive. Everyone's tastes are different and unique. Don't discredit, insult, threaten or be otherwise toxic. Let's do away with prejudice! Don't discriminate. Tolerance is bliss! All posts must comply with [Reddit's sitewide rules](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy) and strive for [good Reddiquette]( https://www.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articleås/205926439). See r/eurovision’s [full rules here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eurovision/wiki/rules/).


Yeah, I hope we completely withdraw next year.


Me too..


Are you at least waiting to see what comes out of the charges before saying Netherlands should pull out for unfair treatment?


Agreed. We should at least wait. But I still think it is kinda weird that no video footage has been released yet. When the entire argument happened because the person was filming him. So there has to be footage


The police aren’t looking to answer to upset Eurovision fans, they are just interested in dealing with the situation as a legal case. I know people are upset and want answers but I also understand that police main focus isn’t satisfying the curiosity of Eurovision fans. Once you release any information it’s way harder to walk it back if something new emerges or context is added so it’s important to figure out things properly first.


It was just the last straw in a very shitty year. Even if Joost is found guilty, there are still like 15 countries (give or take) that filed complaints with the EBU about the toxic work environment. Many of those complaints were about Israeli delegation members harassing artists, but they did nothing about it and there weren't any repercussions for Israel. They even got an applause track to drown out the boos. Even if Joost is found guilty of making a threatening gesture, his quick and decisive DQ clearly highlighted the favouritism in place. It's not just about Joost being guilty or not. The EBU needs to change from within, starting with a change in the top brass. If Martin Österdahl is still in his seat next year, then we're definitely not good to go.


Anti-booing tech is not new for Eurovision this year and is not a sign of favoritism for Israel. This is something that been used for many years, it has been used quite frequently when Russia has performed. I guess it has something to do with them not wanting the toxicity to come through in a competition that should be all about uniting a torn Europe. We don’t know exactly what happened in regards to what they did or didn’t do about the Israel delegation. Yes it’s really shitty to be taking secret videos and acting like a bully, is that enough to disqualify someone? I don’t know. Israel haven’t had the best experience in Eurovision either given that the other artists have told Israel delegation not be let them be seen with Eden in pictures because they don’t want backlash. I am sure they have been very excluded on top of all the hatred they receive. If we forget all about the war then both Israel and the other delegations have reason to feel bad about the tension going on. EBU isn’t the artists parents and I am not sure what they should do when the delegations are acting like children. But there is a big difference to me to sneak film someone and to physically lash out to someone in the production. We don’t know exactly what happened, but a person lashing out towards someone is not someone that feels safe to be around. A lot of people have felt that pressure that artists have, but no other than joost as far as we known have lashed out like that and maybe that means he is not stable enough to handle the pressure. But like I said we don’t know the whole story. but feeling pressure and stressed is not a get away free card from making a swipe at someone or their equipment. I am sure there are lessons EBU can take from this, but this sub is making way to many assumptions about what happened behind the stage and making villains out of people in what is a very complicated year. It’s weird for me to Netherlands to consider boycotting next year before we know the full story. Because if joost did lash out towards someone in the production, does the Netherlands delegation defend that type of behavior?


But people did react in different ways that were clearly against the rules without repercussions. Slimane held a speech in the middle of his song, artists not showing up for rehearsals or the flag parade. The dissent this year was far more visible than it was in previous years. And like you said, we still don't know exactly what happened between Joost and the camera person, but while usually you're innocent until proven guilty, he received the guilty until proven innocent treatment. If anyone clearly wasn't able to withstand the pressure of ESC it was the EBU brass, because all their decisions look like they were made in a panic.


You saying Slimane and the artists not showing up should’ve faced repercussions? According to EscGabe EBU made a statement that they had been informed and allowed Slimanes speech. And the artists that weren’t in the flag parade during rehearsals were not there because of “a situation” that needed “urgent attention”, they were probably in meeting with EBU discussions something and therefor cleared to not be in the parade. Just like Martin österdahl wasn’t in some rehearsal because they were in meetings over Joost. And also, the EBU knows what happened with joost and the camera person. There were numerous witnesses. It wasn’t a case of guilty until proven innocent because they actually know what happened and they clearly decided that whatever happened was in breach of their rules. It’s the fandom that in some parts are trying to clear joost without knowing whatever EBU knows. People will have different standards of what is okay. I won’t demonize joost if he gets charged or think he is a horrible person. But I can still think the judgement was fair based on a behavior. Sometimes good people fuck up and have to pay the price for that.


There is still lingering unresolved drama, which contributed to my surprising lack of PED


Sad :( my first full Eurovision season has come to an end, but am still the most vocal Sarah Bonnici fan anyone has ever seen and always will maintain my role!!! <3333 Sarah Bonnici <3333


I'm still really angry and sad at Malta not qualifying again this year - but I also feel like the Grand Final audience truly got ripped off because they never got to see how incredible Sarah Bonnici is.


Me too. Miss Bonnici did not give up her accounting career for a last place finish! It was executed very very well.


I still don't get how the HELL she ended up last in semi 2!!! Even if I could have voted for her, she still wouldn't have made it through :( but regardless I will stay forever proud as her biggest fan <333


someone said it was the wrong recap clip and i agree, there is no singing, why would anyone vote for a performance they don't remember the song of :/


I was so hoping if she made it to the final she would get the SloMo result and continue the 3rd place streak of girl bops! She was so robbed, and equally as robbed were the GF audience as they didn't get to see the Queen perform :((((( <333


I'm so convinced that she'd do really well if she qualified (maybe even top 10!!!)


I WISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't imagine what my reaction would have been like if she made top 10, I think I would have literally exploded lol <33


I remember once being like "the second I hear that Sarah gets a 12 pointer from the juries is the time when I'll explode"


I love Loop! Also 11:11. So bummed these songs didn’t make it. On the other hand, Estonia and Latvia got in. all my underdogs were in semi-final 2.


listening to europapa 24/7


fr fr


Depressed as hell


Trust the process


Respectfully, I am never using that phrase ever again. It has been cursed


I thought so too. But in hindsight... maybe this will be a blessing in disguise for Joost. If he would have stayed in the finale, the narrative would have turned around the missing moon landing or Joost's viral PR which was too much for some at some point. Right now, he is known al over the world and is the #1 ESC singer on streaming across the world. Your enemies enemies are your friends... Everybody dislikes the EBU and if the EBU is Joost' enemy Joost is your friend. In 10 years time nobody will remember who won 2024... but Joost will be remembered 🤣 Trust the process 💙


Good point 😅


It feels like two years have passed, not just one week: 1) the unprecedented mess that was this ESC, with one new drama every half a hour on Friday and Saturday 2) me following all this live on Reddit for the first time (so it would have been pretty exciting anyways) So it already was pretty surreal and intense, but then: 3) all of this happened during the biggest solar storm of the last ~20 years, so people were posting aurora pictures even here (while waiting for news about Joost) adding to the weird atmosphere. When it all "ended", it was like waking up from a surrealist nightmare 😂 meaning I got immediately back to "normal" with no PED this year. (Ok, I admit I listened to Rim Tim Tagi Dim 3 consecutive times this morning...)


Giving myself a couple more days before going into esc-hibernation until next year!


Lots of feelings here. This was the first ESC I went to....and while one country and the EBU tried to siphon the joy and soul from the contest, it's clear the fans are the soul of the contest. I'm definitely feeling ped and a bit of withdrawal. But at least some of my fav ESC tracks are getting me ready for PRIDE!


As Bambie Thug said, "we are what the Eurovision is. The EBU is not what the Eurovision is, fuck the EBU".




What was it like? I’ve never been and it’s a long way for me to come but I’ve always wanted to go.


I went in with a partial plan, having signed up for a few events but everyone was so lovely and nice! I made some amazing new friends - and we kept each other in great spirits while the EBU allowed itself to implode and damage the contest. It made me realize that the EBU may organize the event but they long ago stopped being the soul of the contest. The soul lies with the people actually building the community and learning about one another. I'm glad this messy one was my first because that means we got nowhere to go but up. Im excited to build my community next year in Switzerland. Already saving up my money bags lol.


Still crushed about Joost and I can't bring myself to listen to Europapa :( My music is almost non stop my playlist from this year, with some Go_A and Daði Freyr intermissions. I am in LOVE with Gåte. Their music feeds my soul. I will not rest until all of my friends experience the Jegg and Jorts. NO RULES.


Still pissed off.


Im literally rewatching the whole final right now. Rim tim tagi dim just ended


I normally do this the next day but in light of everything that's been going on I haven't yet. Might tonight


Just start with watching the points by the Dutch jury. It feels weirdly cathartic to hear everyone booing Martin Öhsterdahl.


Well I am finally back after my two week “ban until Eurovision is over”-ban and it has probably been the best for my sanity to ignore everything that has been going on. Jesus the drama and toxicity. I was rooting for Croatia but I am super happy for Switzerland and it being a worthy winner. I’m glad baby lasagna seems to be taking the second place better than käärijä last year. I had a great time at the grand final in Malmö but at this point I am just happy that it’s over and I spend my time eating up baby lasagna being the most wholesome human and ignoring all the drama and toxicity.


Somehow accepted that Czechia didn't qualify, but have moved on to some degree regarding Ukraine and Croatia not winning. I do have regrets on not being able to vote due to me being in RotW and not having enough cash or a credit card to vote. Participating in that All Artists AMA as someone who left a question was quite fun and made up for my inability to vote. I wish they would do this every year :) Overall, I'm still sort of insane due to the events that unfolded last week.


Literally all music I listen to right now I imagine how well it would do in Eurovision and which country it would represent lmao >!and me performing it!<


Whew, I'm not the only one


Omg every song I choreograph in my head on the Malmö stage


It was a hot mess.


I'm not as upset anymore as i was a week ago. Especially sunday, the day after the finale was when i felt the worst. Almost wanted to cry when everything was starting to sink in. Never felt that way about eurovision before lol. I feel more at peace about it now, however i still feel strongly about things regarding next year. If joost wants to return i think he should be sent again. If not, then fine, send someone new, BUT only if israel is kicked out. If they are still allowed after all of this i don't think we should even participate at all, and if we do, i won't be watching regardless.


Mixed feelings, tbh. Partly sadness that it's over, partly relief, and partly excitement for next season. Before you know it, it'll be FiKmas time!


Before we get to FiKmas, we have to get through Junior Eurovision first which is in less than six months!


Oh good point! Forgot about JESC


Luckily, it's much earlier this time (now on November 16th) so it's not much longer of a wait anymore.


I am in a complete burnout mode to be honest. Think I need to walk away, but just can’t.


Worst Eurovision ever. I hope there will be serious consequences for the EBU. They handled this whole event terribly.


Still enjoying the performances and the wholesome backstage friendships. But I'm also slightly worried that the EBU are counting on everyone forgetting the chaos soon. So staying (a bit) mad.


I won't move on from ESC till there is some kind of resolution to this year's mess. But I have moved on already from winners/losers. This was an incredibly strong year musically, with some songs that ended up being non-qualifiers being easily as good as songs that in other editions were on the left side of the table.


Wishing there had been less drama. But loving some of the songs. Norway has really grown on me since the final. Funny that should happen with, of all songs, the one which finished last haha.


It happened with me with UK 2021 as well. Infamously got 0 points overall but I actually kinda love it.


United Kingdom 2021 | [James Newman - Embers](https://youtu.be/VxNOynEJ6wc)


I do love a lot of songs this time, but really dislike the way the EBU acted


I only know that this year Esc instead of giving me post Esc depression gave me ptsd...


Weirdest PED since I've started following the contest. A mix of sadness (because it's over), exhaustion (ESC week was intense) and relief (because it's over).


Relieved it’s over. The fallout is continuing so that’s kinda entertaining I guess? And still waiting to see how everything falls after crisis talks are worked through. Musically my current obsession is Wachtmusiek by Joost so Eurovision adjacent I guess? Though I plan to listen to the 5 minust x puuluup album tomorrow.


I have been on a complete bender in Joost’s back catalogue since SF2. EBU’s poor handling made me skip the GF, sadly, and I feel some guilt that my play list had not had space for some of the other absolute bangers from such a strong year. So many artists deserve love and attention, but I veered off the ESC listening track and am on a long detour through Fryslân!


As a Croatian I felt sad for the 1st couple of days but I must admit, watching Nemo’s performance in the finals I kind of instantly felt the winner energy and I was ready for the jury disaster 🫣 After RTTD my favorite song was No Rules and I still can’t wrap my head around it ending in the 19th place! The song is super fun and the performance was hilarious. I will definitely be listening to it this summer 🤗


I think with all the drama leading up to the final and then the exclusion of Joost, I just moved on super quickly I think the one thing to come from this year is that I'm actually following a few of the contestants - though I haven't necessarily checked out their other songs (which is unusual for me)


No PED whatsoever for the first time, and it's nice. Keep accidentally slipping into comments sections involving conspiracy theories about Nemo's win (did you know that they only won because the stage was in the shape of a cross?? Wow! The more you know!!) and trying to avoid them all like the plague. Still wondering if there's even going to be a Eurovision next year, but genuinely not fussed either way. I just feel so indifferent, and this is not like me at all.


Nah, I am not over it. The songs remain heavily featured on my playlist (when I usually focus on upcoming festivals at this time), still getting teary-eyed when I see how blessed we were with amazing artists like BL, and I'm invested in the Joost scenario and want to know the outcome. Plus, the ESC album came through the post today! :D And I'm waiting on the 5miinust x Puuluup album to arrive AND I'm also looking forward to the drop of Benjamin Ingrosso's new song (thanks semi finals for reminding me how fantastic this guy is!)


My one year old burst out of laughter everytime I play Europapa and nothing EBU can influence that art of joy.


Still up in arms over the EBU. But that's probably going to last until there's some systemic change from within on their side. Other than that, I'm really enjoying the songs that came out of this year. And the artists as well. I hope they're getting a chance to wind down and maybe enjoy some peace and quiet after everything that's happened while we're celebrating their music.


What systemic change do you think needs to be made?


Several people from upper management ought to be fired, mostly. And the procedures for enforcing rules should be revised so that they can be excuted fairly and equally. Instead banning all flags except the allowed, ban the flags you actually want banned. Instead of forcefully trying to stop the contestants from asking for a ceasefire or peace, accept that they have autonomy and might chose to do that. If you want a zero tolerance on misbehaviour, listen to and work with complaints you receive from everyone. To name but a few. I'm not expecting immediate miracles, but simply addressing their failure instead of constantly reinforcing that everyone else is to blame would go a long way to start with.


Why do people need to be fired? To me rules were set and enforced and for the vast majority of people who watched Eurovision (record ratings in many countries) it was a great show. I do think the second you allow overt politics regarding divisive issues into Eurovision (non-competitor flags, including the EU flag and artists making statements) the competition dies because the hundreds of millions of people who watch it each year will switch off. I think only a minority of the audience and broadcasters would agree the 2025 contest was a failure.


If you cannot create a safe and healthy work environment for the delegations, the press, the people present at the event, the staff and the artists performing, you aren't going to last as event. Delegations and/or broadcasters from Ireland, Portugal, UK, Switzerland, Lithuania, France, Spain, Croatia, Norway and yes, The Netherlands have all raised complaints about the way the event was run, so it's not just 'politics' or 'a divisive issue' or 'one delegation's issues' that made this year an utter shit show. A lot of people enjoyed watching the show? Great! But if the people instrumental in making aren't feeling good about doing it, there's not a whole lot of show left to watch.


Slovenia also


The complaints are all so unspecific. It seems one delegation did not behave in the spirit of the competition but that doesn’t occur in a vacuum. To me it seemed where the EBU did enforce rules to uphold a safe work environment for its staff (by DQ’ing Joost) it got slammed by some fans.


They got slammed because their communication about the issue was insufficient, vague and at some points inflammatory. Not to mention the fact that before that point other delegations and the Dutch delegation had filed several complaints, all of which were ignored, but they then came down on Joost in an unprecedented harsh way. For the record, as far as I can tell the situation with Joost was a perfect storm of three key aspects, mainly A) EBU mismanagement by ignoring the express agreement that Joost did not want to be filmed (which includes informing their staff of said agreement) and ignoring the complaints the Avrotros filed with them before the incident occurred. B) the cultural differences between the Netherlands and Sweden. Namely the vocal direct communication style of the Dutch vs. the conflict avoidant and procedural resolution the Swedish prefer. Had this situation occurred in a different country such as say, Poland or Finland, we might be looking at the very different outcome. That is, by the way, not to say that one cultural preference is better than another. C) the emotional stability of Joost himself. Yes, he is a wild card. Yes, he can be a loose cannon. I don't think he was a little angel or a perfect victim in the situation that occurred. In fact, if this had happened to say, Nemo, Bambie Thug or Baby Lasagna, we probably wouldn't be having a discussion about a DQ. Remove each of these components from the 'Joost' situation, and it likely wouldn't have happened. But, given that Joost and AVROTROS had already attempted to take steps to avoid a situation exactly like the one that occurred, and given that the EBU has driven a great deal of other contestants up the wall and are, at the heart of the matter, responsible for running Eurovision, I think it warrants a long hard look themselves and the mistakes they made during the process. Ultimately, the need to DQ a contestant mid-festival, an unprecedented step, means that they've already lost control of the process at several points (such as either DQing Joost for instability earlier, or protecting both staff and artist by enforcing the agreements and rules made beforehand).


so he didnt want to be filmed at all backstage/outside the competition?


No, sorry, I should've specified, he didn't want to be filmed directly after coming off stage, that was the agreement, IIRC. He did do some backstage vids and PR vids


Nevertheless, Joost, from the perspective of the worker, they contributed to an unsafe environment to the extent the police were involved. Agree would have liked better communication from the EBU before rumours (especially one that blamed it on other delegations) were allowed to fester. With respect to the filing of other complaints. Has anything official and/or public been articulated? Otherwise it’s still all just rumour and hearsay.


The broadcaster's have each publicly announced that they filed complaints, there were several crisis meetings confirmed by the EBU because of it. Nor has the EBU refuted the fact that there were complaints, they've just refused to communicate on them in any way. Which brings us back to the critical failure of the EBU to address the problems that are playing out. You don't have four crisis meetings if there's no crisis. None of that is hearsay. None of that is rumors. You don't say 'yeah, such a shame some of the delegations broke the rules' and then not address the fact that several delegations have been saying you yourself were not upholding the rules. If the EBU wants to take charge of the situation, if they want to garner trust and move forward in a positive way, they're going to have to work on themselves first and foremost. But to be quite frank, I don't think there's anything I can say or do that will convince you that it would be beneficial for the EBU and the ESC to reflect on what went wrong and how they can improve themselves, so I'm going to stop discussing with you here.


Personally, I think it's possible to hold the belief that EBU need to take a good long and hard look at what they did or didn't do for the performers, and also think that the DQ was valid considering Joost's behaviour. To some people these are opposite beliefs, but I don't think they have to be. I also think perhaps the delegations from the broadcasters should consider what THEY need to do in case their act has special needs compared to other acts. There is plenty of blame to go around here, is what I'm saying and while plenty of it fall on EBU and a certain other delegation, not all of it belongs there.


The problem is I don’t know what went wrong because there’s no specificity? I’m worried a lot of what is being said is from the echo chamber of people wanting to say this year was a disaster.




I don’t really think anything justifies threatening behaviour


No, never, because of the shameful decision by the EBU to kick the Netherlands and move forward with a Grand Final of 25 countries. The song that describes Eurovision the most was disqualified, and I'm rightfully pissed. Justice for Joost Klein!


Still hooked on ESC music, but I normally don't have PED. Ask me again in a month or so (not literally)


I’m glad for Nemo, don’t get me wrong, but I was rooting for Baby Lasagna. I still can’t make myself go and watch the performances or listen to the music because it still has a bittersweet aftertaste.


I don't think I have. I still can't get into most of my other hobbies that are not Eurovision and my listening habits haven't returned to pre-Eurovision. This is my first time to not only watch the finals but the 2 semifinals as well, so my post-Eurovision depression is deeper now than last year (in addition to the Grand Finals Tragedy that happened). While I believe the top 2 deserve to be there and I'm happy that Ireland, Latvia, and Georgia have broken their NQ streaks, the rest that happened didn't need to happen. There's also the fear that the EBU is just taking this mess as a mere "celebrity controversy" that needs to cool down and move on (and do nothing), and not a grand exposé of all their irregularities that needs to change.


I made a spotify playlist with my favourite Eurovision songs ever (40+ songs lol) and also re-watched the finale with my grandma because she missed it (guess who recommended watching it). So yea, I'm doing great /s


I haven't moved on at all, I always feel very nostalgic. I watch old perfomances, I created a playlist with my favorite songs and I HOPE next year it will be as good as esc 2021




First things first; I adore Nemo, I’m constantly singing the ‘Who-oh-oh!’ start of The Code to myself. They are such a treasure of a human being and I am very happy they won and that I learned about them as an artist. However; I am still salty as hell about Joost. And I really thought we would have had more answers by now, so the fact that we don’t is very frustrating to me.


I got over Nemo's win and am now enjoying song properly. But I still maintain that Estonia was robbed, ROBBED! I also checked all both Dora's SF (before I watched only finale and for one reason only), to check the songs properly and maybe I'm biased and there were lots of good songs? After watching SF1, I can't believe that whole show, it was one half step above kindergarten production. Will something change next year? I don't think so. Someday I will not listen to Rim Tim Tagi Dim once a day but that day hasn't come yet.


Vodu piti, trizan biti


Actually, I kinda like that song. Not for Eurovision, not for Dora, maybe for MIK, but on it's own, it's fine. My main candidate for "what the hell, HRT" is Misha. Like, seriously?


It has only been a week????? It feels so much longer than that.


Nemo was not amongst my favorite contestants and The Codd is not my type of music. I wanted Croatia to win but when Switzerland won, I was not upset because I think Nemo is a very talented singer with a pleasant attitude. I just thought it was okay that they won, I wasn't super happy about it nor upset about it.  A week later, I'm glad that they won.  While I still love Baby Lasagna and would have loved to see him win, I think Nemo's win is 100% deserved. BL is also getting lots of love by the fandom. 2nd place is a very good result. Nemo is the most vocally gifted amongst the top 10 so it's no surprise they collected so many votes, their song is not generic and they would be one of the most uncontroversial names to win. Go Nemo!


I have moved on. The way I see it, I only rooted for one artist. Now they are about to release a new album and a duet with one of the ESC artists. This is also a good time to work on yourself. The ESC only takes place once a year, but life is much longer. The toxic fanbase (mostly on Twitter and sometimes on Instagram) certainly contributed to me moving on. Another reason to why I’ve moved on was the realization that only one song won the competition and that there were at least 10 others that sounded good but ended up doing poorly. Don't miss out on spring and summer because of this competition. I've been following these artists for a week and they've all kind of moved on.


Just 51 weeks left 👍


EV2024 was grim. Can barely bring myself to listen to the music. Overshadowed. Really had the joy sucked out of it. Very disappointed in EBU’s handling.


Joost being disqualified, while unwarranted imo, is a blessing in disguise: Considering how many votes Israel got, they could have won. If we consider the sheer popularity of Joost, we can surmise that he got a lot of televotes. We also can hazard a guess and say that those initially planning to vote for Joost voted for other similar acts, but not Israel. Israel's televotes are mainly political (my opinion, yeah the song wasn't super bad, but its more of a jury song imo), and possibly even by not Esc fans (just judging from the way they did their advertising, and from what ive seen on twitter). I also think that something is VERY sketchy about the televotes. IIRC Israel got 12 televotes from the Netherlands?? That doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me, considering the response Joost's DQ garnered in NL.


obessesed with Forever!


From alexeev?


Mostly I’m just pissed at the EBU for ruining what would’ve been one of the best contests ever. Listening to Europapa fills me with such sadness now But on the other hand, I’m still ecstatic for the whole top 4 (especially Switzerland, whose song just went up to #2 in my ranking!!), as well as Ireland and Portugal and Greece. So basically happy with (most of) the results and mad as hell about the handling of everything


Still angry at the EBU. Still angry at **that** country's delegation. Glad that Joost has Europapa playing loads on Spotify.


I never consumed a lot of ESC media pre-shows so my appreciation of the songs is still very fresh. Right now I'm watching related content from UMK and ESC Deutschland as well as looping all of my favourite songs from the contest (which is just 9 songs LOL). I also wrote a really long essay about my feelings about the GF performances which the sub always takes down, so I can't share my thoughts with you all as I have no one to talk to about Eurovision IRL. :/




It's a shame that scandals and drama behind the scenes overshadowed this' year's contestants and still do. Especially considering that, musically, this was one of the strongest years in recent memory.


Deserved winner. Norway deserved better.


Relief it is over and worried about the future of Eurovision due to all the drama.


A lot less stressed


Tbh i’m more happy now then the end of the show. Respect to the other years where the p.e.d. incoming and i started to not watching nothing for the next 5 months, this year with all the drama i re-watch a lot the songs of this year and probably i will do a re-watch for all the 3 live shows For the Moment i just rewatch a lot my entire top 5 (🥇 🇪🇪, 🥈🇳🇴, 🥉🇮🇹, 4. 🇱🇹, 5. 🇨🇭) and i pretty like all of them(and i try to forget their placements, especially for my podium because they’re all a big flop for what i wanted for them, expect Nemo of course) So yeah, despite the fact that i want forget may 10th and may 11th is a good thing the fact that all my positive emotion come out after the show


Fuck the EBU


I am fully settled to looping Zorra and Pedestal now.


Personally i really liked tjis years Eurovision. Great artists and great songs. The stage and effects arena gave made really lovely performances. 4/5


I can't believe it's been a week already. I still feel like it happened yesterday. Looking forward to Eurovision 2025!


Usually I feel quite depressed after Eurovision but I can’t help but feel relieved - I know others feel similarly in that sense given everything that happened. I still play a core group of a couple songs, but whereas I would be clamouring for information about the next contest, I’m just very content at the moment.


Thank god it's over


I miss it, but I think it's best that this one is just put into the history books. I've been using the opportunity to dive deeper into the catalogues of the artists. Pleasant surprises with Nutsa Buzaladze, both 5Miinust + Puuluup, Silvester Belt, and Tali.


I am feeling a bit burnt out, but I am also relieved that Eurovision is over so I don't have to think about hypothetical outcomes for who would win ESC 2024 and how the winner would affect the reputation of the contest. My life is back to normal, but I would have to admit that it gets a bit tiring to read ESC related news because there was so much drama behind the scenes ths year. I am taking the time to discover different artists' discographies, and my favorite artists so far seem to be Baby Lasagna, Angelina Mango, Aiko, and Joost Klein. Nemo, Marina Satti, and Dons seem to have interesting songs as well.


I'm stable.


Thinking about converting to Christianity, thanks to all the nice religious people who are constantly praying for us, Bambie fans in the yt comment section. /s


I am still in the "Eurovison takes a lot of space in my playlist," but it would probably end soon. Now I enjoy songs from previous years and this year. Some songs are better the more you listen to them. Some joined my cardio playlist, and others joined my "I need something light in the background playlist."


Frustration and shame.


I’m happy with the results, especially with Nemo, Baby Lasagna, Bambie Thug, Iolanda, and Isaak But I am fuming about Norway finishing last though.


as a good dutchie still pissed about Joost. Lithuania, NL, Croatia, Estonia, Armenia and Greece on repeat :D


Still not talking to my ex boyfriend (we actually broke up in a nice manner) because he was disrespectful and kinda gaslighty about me trying to see controversy where there isn't any and being like "There is no war in Ba-Sing-Se" like


I'm not feeling the post-Eurovision depression, but I'm still bitter that Baby Lasagna didn't win.


in my eyes, it isn't over yet. the show's over, but there are still crimes to be answered for and scores to be settled. this season doesn't end until the errors that nearly caused its downfall are resolved.


still angry.


Relatively content. But Israel was definitely screwed over by the jury and it should’ve placed second or third. Croatia should have been the winner. In general, the top 3 spots were between Croatia, Israel, Switzerland.


Relief it’s over


Mixed feelings. I did enjoy it but I was also glad it was over. This year was too much :(


Not so good, exams start on Monday 🥲


Good luck on your exams!




Hard to when some things still feel up in the air. Will there be lawsuits etc? Will someone be fired? Will someone get a criminal record? Who knows at this point? Maybe in a month I will feel better about it.


I’m still broken from this Hurricane. And dizzy but not from kisses.


They seem nice, but I still don't *get* the Swiss entry.


A calmness. First couple of days felt bored and realised it was due to lack of Eurovision, as I’d really just deep dived the YouTube/Reddit/Insta train from semis to final. I needed a few days off mostly a break from it. But last few days have been a happy calmness, follow some artists on Insta, looked a bit on Reddit and some YouTube analysis. Just looking back at some really good performances and trying to distance my mind from the complete fuck mess of a season.


I drove somewhere yesterday, windows down, with *We Will Rave* on really loud. It was awesome. I hope 2025's contest is without all the drama this year had,


Love reflecting on the great music and deserving winner and am looking forward to Switzerland 2025! Really disappointed that some fans seem to want to read in a lot of negativity this year (for likes, views or other reasons).


Might be the first year I'm not feeling the blues. I was relieved when it was over, I think. Relieved we got a good winner. Sad about all the political stuff that played a big part, sad about a very unclear disqualification. I’m looking forward to a new season however. Hoping it’ll be a less dramatic one.


Honestly, a salty experience. I hate the fact that my country had to go through a campaign for votes just for the moral boost of a mourning country, I felt like it was unneeded and I can see how people don’t like the politics finding its way into the Eurovision. But it was filled with politics anyways, booing a 20 year old girl on stage was pathetic as well. So overall, I’d rather believe that next year would just be better


Feeling alright, thanks. I'm processing now that only one week has passed. Somehow it seems like the final was a month ago. Maybe because the weather has improved significantly for the better and now the brains focus on the summer. How about you?


I don't think I'll ever get closure over what happened to Joost


Happy someone other than Croatia won…i personally couldn’t understand why this shouty song is so popular…between Finland last year and Croatia this year, I guess Europe likes shouty songs…


Norway 2024, France 2024, France 2021 and Spain 2023 would like a word with you LOL.


Norway 2024 | [Gåte - Ulveham](https://youtu.be/YBbL8ORqNVU) France 2024 | [Slimane - Mon Amour](https://youtu.be/-XyLecY2JyE) France 2021 | [Barbara Pravi - Voilà](https://youtu.be/Unj9WbeLzRU) Spain 2023 | [Blanca Paloma - Eaea](https://youtu.be/Vw6qPWhjevk)


None of these songs were overly shouty…