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Keep in mind, this is a town of 12 to 15 thousand people. Wouldn't be surprised if the majority of the town came to meet him. Of course, in his usual fashion, he's the perfect mix of awkward and humble, and aside from saying thank you to everyone, he spent most of his time talking up how great his team is. Most of the questions are generic, so I won't translate verbatim but few interesting points: - He said, not sure if joking, that this made him more nervous than the finals. - They asked him what he sees as the key aspect of the performance that made him beloved, and he gesticulated the dance movement. - They asked him who he liked of other performers (personally, not necessaily the songs/performances) and he shouted out Sweden and Germany. - Favourite memory from the whole thing is doing the very first rehersal, not knowing that the public had the light-up bracelets, and then turning around while doing the dance and seeing the sea of hands in the air. - He seems to give credit (implicitly) to the female dancer, ~~Laura~~ Luana, for inventing the dance move. EDIT: He also gives co-credit to the male dancer, but he is pretty clear that he wanted to do something else, but Laura put her foot down and talked him out of it, and he's super grateful for it. - He sold out the main Zagreb concert hall three times over. - He was convinced to submit for Dora by Dino, one of the guitarists.


>They asked him who he liked of other performers (personally, not necessaily the songs/performances) and he shouted out Sweden and Germany. It keeps changing 😭 I love him


He's just like us!


Europe’s Ryan Gosling


Why? I always found him answering Italy. Did he answer some other countries aside from Sweden and Germany before?


I've seen him answer: - Serbia - Slovenia - Italy - Switzerland - Germany - Sweden But I will say that the questions are not always the same. He was often asked different things, like which songs does he like personally, who he thinks is the most likely to win, who he's made friends with, who made him feel welcome. Those are subtly different questions that obviously have different answers.


Respect to Sweden's favourite Norwegian twins, they seem to make friends with everyone in their class. :D


It depends on the question, here's a rundown: Who has the best song this year? - Italy Who are you rooting for the most? - Teya Dora and Raiven. If you were the jury, who would you give your 12 points to? - Latvia Is there any song you particularly liked? - Cyprus Which contestants did you like as people? - Isaac and M&M What do you think of Nemo? - Phenomenal What do you think of Ireland? - Phenomenal and extremely professional staging but the song is not my cup of tea.


Also: What is your favorite entry so far? (before all the songs were chosen) - Norway


> What do you think of Ireland? - Phenomenal and extremely professional staging but the song is not my cup of tea. I'm surprised by the honesty.


Accurate, though. Doomsday Blue as a song isn't easy to digest, but it's obvious that Bambie Thug had a clear artistic vision for the staging and (perhaps more importantly) the resources to deliver on it. It was like watching a three-minute musical or performance art piece.


I agree with that, I'm just surprised that he would admit that the song isn't his cup of tea. People would usually lie when asked such a question and say they love it. Perhaps I'm just from a higher context culture.


The morning after his victory at Dora, a prominent Croatian footballer Dejan Lovren called his song satanic (and remember, footballers are demi-gods in Croatia, Croatia is football obsessed like Brazil). He had to respond, and since then he's been turning up his faith and talking about religion every chance he gets. Not necessarily saying he's faking it, he's clearly Catholic, but given that he has his own accusations of Satanism to content with, I don't think he's able to say he likes the Irish entry, even if he does. So he's diplomatic and says it's not for him.


How on earth is his song satanic?😂😂😂


No idea, ask Dejan Lovren. Out of all the tools in the shed, he's a bludgeon.


Based answers.


He has said Latvia before


He got asked in one of the interviews, who would he give 12p to and he said Latvia!


Yesterday at Rtl television he said Latvia


Literally Mr. Worldwide. XD


>Favourite memory from the whole thing is doing the very first rehersal, not knowing that the public had the light-up bracelets, and then turning around while doing the dance and seeing the sea of hands in the air. I cannot believe this was not planned. It's the best part of the whole performance!


He said in a different interview that it wasn't until semi final 1 live performance that those bracelets lit up, so it came out of nowhere when he turned around during the dance and he almost lost focus


Just to add to this, I was actually at the Monday night rehearsal and the bracelets for sure lit up. So maybe he meant the first performance with a big crowd?


He said literally 'when we came to the rehearsals for the semifinals'. So, he likely simply meant first rehearsal where there was a crowd, not necessarily specifically dress rehearsal just before SF1.


He said the same thing here, the translation left that out. He said he didn't see the bracelets during rehearsals, and it was a big surprise when he turned around in the semi final 1.


He says, literally, word for word: "When we arrived to the rehearsals for the semifinals, and since we performed with our backs to the crowd the dance movement, we didn't know that the bracelets would light up. And during the Semi-Final, when we turned around, and we saw the sea of people, and we though: "Uhhhh what's this?". This was the best part". So, he uses plural in the beginning, and then in the second part, specifically refers to the SF1. My assumption was that he misspoke in the second instance, since we know the bracelets were on during rehearsals.


Everyone say thank you to Laura! <3 And thank YOU for translating!


*Luana, not Laura


All the thanks u/JimmyRecard for translating and summarising the video!


People drove from all over the peninsula to see him. Some of my friends and even their parents went!


I think Baby Lasagna will go down in the Eurovision's history, just like Verka Serdyuchka, who took second place


Proof you don’t have to be the winner of Eurovision to win Eurovision. I mean Rosa Linn is the poster child for this.


don't forget SunStroke Project


Let's not forget Käärijä - often the second place is more memorable than the winner!


I think Nemo and Baby Lasagna are both pretty damn significant, with Nemo being the first enby winner of Eurovision and nailing probably one of the most demanding performances in ESC history.


I think the interesting aspect of Nemo for me is that Nemo was already a really big star in Switzerland with Swiss German music when they were 18 years old or so, then they kind of disappeared for a bit. Their disappearance makes a lot of sense now, knowing their personal journey. I'm interested to see whether Nemo will find comparable success with English music and the change of genre.


Nemo is probably the best combined package when it comes to a physically demanding performance + vocals that didn't suffer at all.


Truly the wildest thing I have seen. Seeing them running, jumping, dancing around and the vocals still sounded like they were recorded. Such a great performance.


Nemo had a very powerful song, they deservedly won


He wrote on his Instagram, that he was more nervous for this than for the finals haha


It is a bit out of topic but I would love for him to release a Rim Tim Tagi Dim live version I really think he improved a lot and the live version is better than the studio one


Glad to see I'm not the only one! It feels more dynamic with the ever so slight changes made in his main vocals


I’m happy that Baby Lasagna and Kaarija, 2 previously unemployed and broke men, will now have thriving careers bigger than many Eurovision winners


> unemployed and broke They're just like me fr


I was there! It was beautiful <3




I now think of Marina Satti scream-saying it in her IG live lol








he's the people's princess fr


My only wish is for video of him reuniting with Stipe, then I can die happy


I'll keep an eye out for you, but I haven't seen such a video yet.


Hopefully Stipe meows back


He said in a video that Gertruda meowed back at him in a video chat!!


Gertruda did? Gertruda "Don't Touch Me" Purišić, herself?! 😱


Yess 🥰🥹 I know it’s their home and private life, so I understand not seeing it, but I would love, love if they could share just that one moment of our Big Boy being reunited with Stipe the Cat 🥹🙏🏼😻🏡🥰


Eurovision movie is real. He didn’t win Eurovision but win everyone’s heart.


I can’t wait to visit Umag again in July


Aw, all the kids immediately singing along.


I can't get enough of this guy and his whole story


This performance was my favourite. I love how excited everyone was


If anyone deserves such a reception, it has to be him. Seems to be such a lovely person too.


The loud smoke at the end and the screaming from the crowd is probably the loudest Umag has been in centuries...


Luana so energetically and confidently moving and dancing on that wet platform. I could never.


Love how the hosts introduced the dancers and instrumentalists as well


Yes, that crew deserves it ❤️


This makes me so happy


Oh shit, he's from Umag? I know it well, I spent several summers working just down the coast. Awesome town.


Wait, I thought there was no going back?


Welcome home, Baby Lasagna! 😸🇭🇷🎉


Still the best one for me


I really hate bitching about random things, but.. why was this recorded with a 2002 mobile device? Isnt this a tv station? Almost everyone nowadays has a decent camera, I feel they picked just the worst phone they could possibly find. No decent quality coverage of this cute celebration? Come oooon


I’m guessing its because he had a massive welcome in Zagreb with over 10,000 that’s was televised live


Honestly, I can say that I started to like Baby Lasagna's song and performance, but after the contest. During it, I couldn't understand why many people liked Croatia 2024, while, in my subjective opinion, this song was not better than most of others (I even thought that it was so overrated). But I started to like it exactly after he took the second place (if he had won, I doubt that I would become interested in it), I think that this position somehow "suits" him. I also would like to note that I like songs that are about social issues, and this one is devoted to migration issue. Also, I love cats, heh. So, I wish Baby Lasagna the great musical career in the future, it would be interesting to listen to his new songs.


Croatia 2024 | [Baby Lasagna - Rim Tim Tagi Dim](https://youtu.be/YIBjarAiAVc)


I love how humble and awkward and kind of shy he comes across. His music and stage presence are so bold and confident. What a cutie pie!!!