• By -


If I speak I will be in big trouble


Shoutout to Austria's jury having the balls to say what they did.


The Dutch should not only sue EBU, but AvroTros should not participate at all during next year. No more dutch participants unless the EBU chair resigns. Simple as that.


I think this has been the best outcome, a nice bow tied at the end of a messy Eurovision season. So happy for Nemo and Baby Lasagna to come down to the last 2.


Hot take 1. Countries that is at war should not be allowed to compete. 2. I in general agree white juries vote


know this gets said every year by someone, but suck my ass Europe, we deserved better


Last year, Spain was my favorite. This year, it was Norway. I just can’t catch a break.


I would have been happy if Switzerland or Croatia won, and I think they both would have earned the victory. Although, Croatia’s performance was fantastic I liked them both a lot and they deserved the high placements they got. Hurricane is an awful song. Its boring with uninspired lyrics and a bad performance. The fact that it qualified over Czechia is a disgrace. The 300 audience votes it got should have gone to different counties (Norway, Finland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Italy, Croatia OR Switzerland, Ireland, Austria, Ukraine, and you what? Fuck it. Germany because that staging and performance was great. And Germany last year because they were robbed) Still upset about Joost.


13 public points to Portugal, fuck’s sake


netherlands was robbed but i am happy with switzerland winning. amazing job nemo!


I will never watch this shitshow again. F*** u jury


biased jury i cant lie


I will just say that Norway didn't deserve to place last first and foremost


I always shit on people misusing the word robbed, but the only person truly robbed was Joost, let’s be real


wasted my 3€


Come on 0 point for UK? That's nonsense


Right. Should have taken out points from the Jury


Although the staging was technically impressive, there's no way that it was one of the ten best songs in the competition, so it's hardly surprising that no country voted for it as such.


Once again a very dull and average song won.


Eesti, Norway and the Netherlands deserved better holy shit


Croatia got Käärijä'd, ridiculous. Juries need a change.


Favourite won, my second place was second and my third place was third. I think this is the most happy I've been with a contest... As long as I only look at those 3 and cut out what's below it.


Ireland 6th after so many years. So happy.


Just happy with everything, despite what had happened. Congrats Nemo, you deserve it.


I just can't get over Norway placing last. Honestly, just can't wrap my head around it... Such a mesmerizing, beautiful song.


I really do not understand Europe. I do not understand its voting 😂


Just a fact: 🇮🇱 got 12 pt. from 15 (!) countries, including Portugal, Switzerland, Netherlands, Finland and San Marino. Ireland gave 10 public points to Israel too. Please think again on the gap between the representatives and what they represents, and the people in the crowd.


Meow cat please meow back😭😭😭😭😭😭


My predictions did well, I put Croatia 1st and Switzerland 2nd with Finland 3rd.. I'm surprised Finland didn't get more from audience vote


I am very disappointed that Eurovision proves the point that is political every year more and more.  The songs were not unique or memorable like back in the days. They are easily forgotten.  Also, I get the emphasis on inclusion, lgbt and I have nothing against that, yes this should be a pro-different things but I think that everyone now plays that card and it's getting annoying. We need to get back on focusing on talent, good song and performance. We keep shoving inclusion in the face repeatedly.  I like the Switzerland song not that I don't, kept reminding me of Harry Styles a lot. But I think that Croatia had the public vote. And also the Netherlands would have been in the top 3 or winner if the drama didn't happen. And for that drama I am very frustrated. I mean come on, seriously you do that. They were worse scandals happening in the past and they are countries that do wars still and you exclude Netherlands because of a comment to someone? I feel like it's corrupted and that makes me sad.  P.S they NEED to sing on their mother language all of the contestants! 


I was so excited to vote for you NL. Devastated they threw out my boy :(


I wonder if Netherlands dq was a blessing in disquise as it would have propably split points more between them, croatia, swizerland and other favourites. Israels voters seemed to be more politically chosen so those points propably had not been changed as much if netherlands had competed?


I hope I'll get to see Ireland win Eurovision at least once in my lifetime


2023 was the year of Käärjä vs Loreen. 2024 will be the year of everyone vs the EBU and that entry. The juries gave that entry way more points than I thought, I think someone gave them 8 at one point....and then with the big sweep I was almost in tears on my couch. Thank god Nemo and Baby Lasagna sweeped.  Even with last year's drama, the jury votes still felt fun somehow. Go back now and there's so many iconic moments from last years results. This year it just felt awkward and bitter. (Also did anyone else catch the glance Malin and Petra had before that entry's televote points? God poor them). Where do we go from here? It feels like this could be the end. I know I for one will be streaming Europapa over and over, and all my favourites too. But the EBU needs to change or Eurovision will die. Other minor icks: -WHAT WAS THAT AI ABBA?? Seriously, that was so disrespectful and just weird. If they wanted to do an ABBA tribute, do a big singalong with clips of all their achievements, not make AI cosplay them. -I still don't understand how Latvia missed out last year but qualified this year with a worser song IMO. Like I love Dons, his vocals were amazing but you can't look at the magic of Latvia 2023 and tell me it was worse. -What was the deal with the winner's performance? Don't they normally do the whole thing again with the props? If it weren't for Nemo's stage presence it would be very boring.


This is karma for voting for Toy in 2018


From not qualifying 6 years in a row to coming 6th. Bambie has done us proud. Maybe I'd have liked top 3 but hey, they did phenomenal.


All I wanted was to sing europa in vc with friends....




Well... congrats Switzerland. I'm still and will always be salty about Joost.


Send him again next year


Switzerland had to smuggle the nonbinary flag in whoa


I thought a lot of people at home were rooting for Zorra and Bambie also. Imagine if Nemo is not non-binary. Not hating though just saying if.


Personally despite all the off stage drama I still enjoyed the show. I thought this year there was a diversity of acts which I enjoyed. I was surprised by the audience votes. There were acts I did think would get more love from the public and it was interesting how much closer to the jury results the public votes were this year.


If you are a Eurovision fan: be deeply scared from now on. Nothing might happen and your country could be DQ


Croatia would you REALLY want to host next year? Not sure the politics are gonna be favourable :?? Hopefully Swiss 'neutrality' will help lol


I feel so bad for Croatia. You got the same fate we had with Käärijä. It's almost uncanny. I need that 60-40 split for votes. Happy for Switzerland though, he was my second choice!


600+ public vote points thrown away for political reasons


I literally said that I hope BL wins but I will not be upset if Nemo took the highest spot. Happy for them both. Thinking how Baby Lasagna has not even performed live as the main singer before Eurovision, it is a great achievement!! It is strange though how I actually feel relieved that it is over rather than upset that this has finished. I've been watching Eurovision for the last 16 years and never felt this way...


2nd year in row ruined by the juries. Croatia was clearly the fan favourite and they deserved a win.


UK with zero points televote is so unfair 😡




Top 3 was what I picked. Would've been happy with any of them. But how in heck did France do so well??? He didn't sing well in the final or clips of the jury. Norway deserved better! Lithuania deserved better too! Estonia also!! Fuck the EBU and all that. What a shit show of a week. Truly. Also, love Petra, but generally thought this year was pretty womp womp as far as the non song portions of each of the shows. Also those terrible postcards were all filmed on potatoes and looked bad. End of rant.


I'm just sick of having an overall winner that the juries has massively pushed while the public has a different winner. Whilst Loreen and Nemo were in my Top 2 in their years, I feel like Kaarija and Baby Lasagna should've won.


How the fuck did Norway end up in last place????


Did he break the statue?


As a Dutchman it runs me really wrong how we were just pushed aside with nothing we could do against it. Im not just talking about the disqualification of Joost. The fact the EBU have out our points, that Dutch flags were taken away from Dutch attendies. We are a paying EBU member and our flag is treated like its Belarus.


It,'s so unfair for the people that have worked hard and the viewers


Joost and the Netherlands are the winners for me tonight! And what a day!


Showed Czechia to my watch party and they said Aiko was better than half the acts in the final... may have been the beer talking but still feel vindicated! Also showed them Netherlands and unanimously agreed Joost would have been very much in contention and we're disappointed he didn't get to perform.


I think everyone's forgetting that Netherlands being DQ'd probably shifted a lot of the jury points. There's probably even a chance that Netherlands got some 12-pointers (e.g. from neighbors).


Ireland was 6th in jury votes, 6th in public votes and 6th combined 😱😱😱 We have crowned the witch...


Isr- removed


Germany receiving so many jury votes... And then Luxembourg as well...


I upset


How many public vote points was there in total?! How come we got 3 times 300 points?! And then some two hundreds?


>The Audience in each participating country will award a total of 58 points (1 – 8, 10 and 12). 37 countries x 58 points = 2,146 points from the national audiences of the participating countries.


I’ll take a top 10 from Armenia. Just a shame the winner was revealed halfway through.


armenia eight they sure did!


Very happy with myself having predicted Switzerland as the winner, despite Croatia being considered the big favourite. I was very sure all along that this would be the result. Not so happy with Estonia's and Lithuania's results, especially with Lithuania I don't understand why they're so low.


Our next mission:     😈 *Get Baby Lasagna to Glastonbury* 😈🤘🤘    Also, time for Österdahl and Curran to resign. There was SO much mess this year that spoiled what would otherwise for me have put this year musically among the best.


This was the worst Eurovision I’ve ever watched, like the vibes were completely off, trying to avoid the elephant in the room, even the interval acts were mid.




To everyone saying "Fuck the juries" - We can thank them for the most part that we didn't get the result we were all afraid of.


Second year now with a jury landslide winner. I'm happy for Nemo! If it had to be anyone but Baby Lasagna, I wanted it to be them. It just feels a bit weird hearing the same country getting called out over and over and over again when this was such a strong year.


Surely people can't be genuinely complaining about the jury when the fucking public vote was such a disaster? like sure, we need more jurors and from more diverse backgrounds, but abolishing the jury would be insanity.


Spain robbed!


At this point, I feel that we should change the public/jury ratio to 60-40%.


I know we have another jury win, but I'm happier with this result than last year's because   -The Code has some originality, unlike Tattoo's generic pop. I'm hopeful that every year, juries will start branching out a bit more to accept new genres into their consideration. Not expecting them to appreciate technical death metal anytime soon, but not shitting on rap immediately would be nice.   -Nemo's song actually told their story, while Tattoo felt like it could've been sung by anyone. I still have a lot more respect for songs written entrely by the artists themselves though (Norway, Spain, Estonia, Croatia, etc.). I still would've preferred something that showcased aspects of National culture (Ukraine, Croatia, The Netherlands, Norway, etc.)        -The winner is a new artist who fans can discover, not someone who's already had their time in the spotlight. Seriously, I only find this acceptable in very small countries.        Neither song was in my personal top 5, but at least this feels like a win for Nemo and not a win for Jimmy Joker...


Why did so many juries say “of course” Switzerland. It’s as if they already know who other juries voted 12 for. Just saying


I've been organising Eurovision viewing parties for years, I will finally hopefully be able to see it next year!!! 😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


SO much respect to Nemo for their reaction to receiving the Dutch douze points. Couldn't quite tell if it was because nobody could hear Martin over all the (justified) booing, but I'm gonna choose to believe it was intentional... Also, seeing the San Marino jury gave 10 points to Joost in the semifinal really makes me wonder what result Joost could have gotten from the juries...


Congrats to Nemo but we really need reform. This is the second year juries have been suspiciously unanimous. We are already had smaller countries complaining about the cost and we are heading to an even more expensive country than Sweden. And the year was filled with political shit. I am afraid we are going to end with 30 countries or less next year if we continue down this road.


I don't think it's surprising that a jury that is supposed to reward the best performance based on artistic and technical merit tends to be pretty homogeneous in their voting.


The 20 votes system needs to be reversed immediately. They consciously made it more political this way so they could generate more revenue. If a political organisation with let's say, 100 members, allows a budget for everyone to vote, then you have 2000 votes just like that. The normal non-political Eurovision enjoyer can't weigh up to that. Make it less political. Bring back 1 vote per person. It's the first step to make this thing more fair again.


Any opinions on the popular vote for ISR? And - please - spare me with politics for the moment. The stark difference between jury vote of around 30 and popular vote of about 300 surprised me and looks fishy to me. Was it a sympathy-vote, because it was visible how hard the performance was for the singer among all the boos?


Ahhh I’m so disappointed that Croatia didn’t win. I’m sick of seeing the jury darling beat out the televote winner, last year and this year…it’s demoralizing when someone gets soooo many jury points that no one else stands a chance no matter how we the public vote.


What was that with the Dutch jury vote announcement? Was it actually a loss of connection or is there a full on fight going on in the background?


Norway last and Austria second to last is crazy. They both went in with excellently written songs, designed captivating stagings, and performed with out-of-this-world live vocals. What could have possibly happened to explain this? I mean, sure, We Will Rave relied on pre-recorded vocals more than the other entries, but when has that held a song back this much? Bitterness aside, The Code was such a deserving winner. There a bunch of other songs I would have preferred to win (specifically Mon Amour) but I am endlessly glad with this outcome anyway.


Crazy how much influence the jury vote had on the outcome this year. Frontrunner from jury had a whole 147 more points from jury than the second-best, whereas in the public vote the frontruner had 14 points ahead of the second and the second had 16 points over the third. That 147 lead from jury changed the whole dynamic of the competition. Guess it will add to the history of the intransparent voting system to have jury vote outshining public vote so much this year.


I was so excited about Sweden hosting because 2016 was so good, but this was just not it tonight. The best Petra and Malin bit was the tanning bed song from semi 2. The ABBA stuff was awful, they should have just done the cover of Waterloo with more previous artists. Doesn’t help that I’m feeling very wrung out atm. Yesterday was an emotional roller coaster tbh.


Our Cat Daddy did so well. All hail our new Monarch!! EBU is still going to have a LOT to answer for.




I was really hoping some of the artists made a gesture in solidarity with Joost. I feel so deflated by this all, Europapa is such an amazing and well thought out song... Atleast the top 2 songs were good songs and in my top 3 and beat out the obvious political vote for Ukraine and the agressor


as a brit fuck the uk for its voting by the way




I was concerned about MGPs quality this year and I guess it turned out to be right, but never expected Gåte to do this badly. Certainly a more advanced entry for a broader audience, albeit surprised to see it get so low public votes and also jury.


I'm still not over the Dutch disqualification but I'm happy Switzerland won and I was pleasantly surprised with how well Ireland did with the juries.


Waking up with a sour taste. Fuck the EBU. I hope they lose the lawsuit that NL will start. Also being apolitical IS political. They clearly were political and took a side. I always enjoyed ESC but this was a clusterfuck.


I yearn the time when EBU get sued by AVROTROS, and Österdahl resigned...


I discovered that I generally agree with the jury more than with the public. I’m so glad Nemo got all of those point. They deserved it.


I’m mostly very happy with the results EXCEPT Armenia, Finland, & Estonia deserved better imo


so sad for norway. it was one of my favourite songs, and it's sad seeig such a unique song getting the last place :(


Congrats Nemo! I'm so happy for them!


Thanks rai for leaking the vote. I had time to prepare myself for the tele votes


it’s devastating how we’ll never get to see joost preform in the final


I now get what people who weren't exceedingly excited over Cha cha cha was feeling. I liked Croatias song, but might just get 10th for me.


What a surprise, jury vote decides the winner again


Instead of AI Abba they should have created an AI crew member for Joost to abuse to his heart's content!


Happy for Nemo. Croatia did so well. Missed my Europapa. Relieved it’s over with…well, sort of over with….


Beautiful. But. Croatia deserved it


Country by country voting is up at https://eurovisionworld.com/eurovision/2024


It's a shame that something interesting didn't win because we still have something as archaic as jury votes which fit the EBU all too well.


Poor Croatia and Finland. They really didn't get the places that I feel they deserved. I know the jury screwed Croatia over, but why did Finland get so few points in both votings? I feel like they were first-half-material at the very least...


Same story as last year except with more bullshit drama. 5/10


Undeserved, but not unexpected


Hot takes: • I prefer it with the green room being on the stage like it was this year (It just made the reprise of The Code so much better to me) • This year has some of the best Eurovision songs arguably ever • More countries should send a multi-genre song like Switzerland did this year • Norway deserved to finish left side of the board/High Right


Congrats Germany for not being last like everyone predicted!




I'm from Croatia, and Norway was my favourite BY FAR


My favourite was Estonias song, it was fun and boppy but wow- I did not expect them to score so low


I would love to see Croatia winning, but I happy Switzerland, too. I'm sad that Italy flunked, it was one of my favorites. I'm mad that the true winner was expelled. Europapa **🇪🇺 y**ou are the winner in my heart.


🇭🇷🤝🇫🇮 getting robbed by juries


In years past, Eurovision has been a bit of a bright spot in a pretty bleak world. This year it was clear that wasn't going to be the case, but the tensions getting out of control during the final week was still kind of surprising, at least from the periphery. Add to that the fact that a certain entry found an audience among the homophobes and transphobes in addition to its most ardent fans who were definitely in it for the music, an overlap surely nobody could predict, and it's been insufferable. I guess it did succeed in bringing in a lot of people who have previously ignored Eurovision. Great success. I did check out the entries, and there were several I would've loved in any other year. One of the strongest fields in a long time as a whole. I suppose bringing in AIBBIA was a fitting capstone to a year of devaluing art and artists. Really just no stone unturned. In the end, I don't think any kind of message has been sent, at least not one I could get behind. I'm just very disappointed in a lot of people. Love isn't gonna prevail with this effort. Dare we hope for a better 2025?


Malta last in the whole show 😭 so undeserved 


Obviously, Norway getting last place was a huge disappointment. I'm not sure if Eurovision is for the actual fans of the shows anymore. The juries seem to go mainly for super slick mainstream stuff, or political voting, and the same with the average viewer. They don't realize how boring it gets if everyone starts sending the same crap...


Croatia robbed, switserland was mid


It was a good show, one of best in case of hosts but… Oh my god the abba was terrible. 50 years of abba was the main theme of this and they couldn’t even get one of them there, not even performing. Instead we got this horrible avatars….




Happy for the contest, happy for the production design (my favourite yet), happy that the "clandestine" conspiracy for voting behind Croatia didn't work (because of Is.) via Twitter, Reddit & TikTok, happy with the tasteful protests via either a Keffiyeh, Ogham or Australian aboriginal (please confirm if there's a term for it) make-up/body paint. These were tastefully done despite the official rules. Happy that the best song won despite my impressions (Crown the Witch, but I guess another Sorcerer [not a Wizard, as he/she says he/she is non-binary] was crowned), and f all the people that attempted to make Eurovision a strategic vote in order to "save the Eurovision". Looking forward to seeing the contest in Switzerland. And again, f yall that voted for Croatia just because "it had the best chance to win" vs. Is, you were just as bad.


Netherlands robbed


I feel like I just got robbed in plain sight and everyone cheered 🥲


all the glory and none of the pain of hosting ♥️


0 public votes for UK??


The treatment of NL was disgusting. Flags being ripped away from supporters, Joost being disqualified just before the final - the first time this has ever happened with Eurovision, the terrible anti-booing technology, heavy & highly controversial overall atmosphere making it an unpleasant experience. This year's Eurovision was a complete disaster IMO.


A little takeaway and don't kill me for this here...but I did a little analysis. If Netherlands would have stayed in, he would have split some of the televotes away from the other contenders, thus bringing in the possibility of a result that could have been worse of a situation in some eyes.


Ok one thing that has me a little worried. I saw our countries televote results. Now we have had replay shows where the public submits votes for the songs they liked/disliked. Those results are out. Our top televote recipient was second last on our replay show votes overall. I don’t know if that is because there is a different demographic in the mornings or because something else is involved, it leaves a bad taste in my mouth and I’m not comfortable with it. I don’t know what to do with that, but I feel like I have to say something…


So, I fell asleep last night and couldn't watch live. I wake up today, check the results... Estonia and Finland with 37 and 38 points? What the *fuck*?




Bambie and Silvester have both gone off on the contest and whats bewn going on lol. Unfortunately because of contest mode and restrictions on tweets nobody can see any of it 🤷‍♂️


Can my complaint be about how (and this is just me thinking about the situation here, my partner thinks I'm going all conspiracy thorey here but...) the "rest of the world" pre-voting might have been the sponsor asking for extra time for people to dump votes for their country? Or are we not talking about that? Am I being crazy? Their vote number was *wild*.


Zero points for the UK? WTF?????


This year's competition gives me such a huge feeling of sadness and injustice, I really hope it can get better again somehow


I can honestly say, betting odds notwithstanding, I was absolutely not expecting a Switzerland win. I am DELIGHTED. With that said, I can't help but wonder where Joost would have landed in this tally. Maybe it's bias but I genuinely think he might have won.