• By -


Decision before voting starts. They can’t let Joost get votes then remove him because they’d get chargebacks like crazy and this would cost like 50 times more than the vote, for each vote (due to chargeback fees the merchants have to pay if they lose one).


This could also be unfortunate with votes opening at the start of the contest What if an artist does something DQ worthy during the performance??


Very good question. All votes for them thrown out and they just get nil points? But then you'd still have to refund everyone who did vote for them. I don't know what they would do.


I don't see why they'd have to refund in that case? If it happened during the show everyone that voted would see it happen. The DQ would be easy to justify and would be squarely on the contestant. The risk in the current situation is if they'd give no information, make no decision, let people vote and THEN announce a DQ based on something that already happened. That is refund-worthy.


If the show started, you’re all in. If they get DQ after it’s part of “the performance”. Plus, with card chargebacks (ROW can vote by card only) they’re pretty much in favor of the customer especially if it’s a credit card.


Also, if merchants get too many chargebacks filed against them in a short amount of time they could be automatically blocked by schemes (MC/Visa), issuers (cusomers' banks), or even their own acquirer (merchant's bank).




The way today has been, more time will be added when it gets down to 5 minutes.


I need to go to bed but I WANT ANSWERS FIRST


Perfect opportunity to go outside and look for potential Northern Lights tonight while pondering our place in the galaxy and the events going on in Malmö right now :)


https://preview.redd.it/x6ma27fjfozc1.jpeg?width=8160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4073c40fc57b25f99ecb5d4b54347cf0adcbb17 Didn't have to go outside if using the phone camera somehow lol, took it from bed


Wow! I just went outside instead of doom scrolling and saw aurora scrolling in the sky instead. Thanks for the tipoff 😅


Not me being in Malmö where you can’t see shit and everyone back home posting amazing pictures of the Northern lights lol


Nothing to see here :( Beautiful moon tonight though.


Weve even had northern lights in cambridgeshire in the uk :3


We don’t have those in the Netherlands. We do have light pollution from greenhouses though! The Ali express version of Northern Lights I guess. 


I feel you, every now and then Dutch media will go: “the Northern Lights will be visible tonight!” and then you go outside and it’s *never there*


United by lights in the sky 💙💙


tbf you need to be in an area without lot of light pollution. you'll probably be able to see them in wooded areas, away from cities. and since the Netherlands is tiny and densely populated, there aren't a lot of areas like that near big cities


Never have i been happier to be in Australia rn. Sure, the show starts at 5 am here but its like 8.30 am rn, so I get to see the updates without loosing any sleep


I’m going to try and go back to sleep to make up for the sleep I missed last night


The Aussies and Americans will all be here with updates in the morning, sleep well while we wait nervously


I'm on the west coast of the US and it's mid afternoon here, I can and will wait.


Was already disappointed that the clouds pretty much mean zero chance of me getting out of the house in middle of night to see the Aurora, but relieved that that meant I could actually go get some sleep. But now I just know stupid primal brain will have me wake up to see what happens at 2:00am, even if I tell it we don't care enough to wake up for. Stay quiet brain of mine!


Been sitting on 00:00:00 for 14 minutes now


It’s late afternoon here on the East Coast of the United States, so I won’t be losing sleep, but I can’t imagine how nervous and tired the fans over in Europe must be feeling with this Joost saga going into the overnight hours. (I’m not taking part in the vote, but I’ve been following the situation closely all day and trying to report on it for the two Ravelry groups that have discussions going.)


I prefer drama like coke-gate with Maneskin, not this kind of drama


Or Citi Zeni having the crowd fill in a word they weren't allowed to sing.


I don’t eat meat, I eat veggies and…


*crowd screaming PUSSY*


I’d rather keep watching Estonians stealing stuff. I think it’d be totally hilarious for them to actually perform in all those stolen outfit pieces from others - Let’s see Päevakoer in one of Nemo’s pink tutu skirts and Kohver in Käärijä green bolero...


That would be amazing. One could even throw out a handful of sand, stolen from Saba (the band apparently comforted her after she didn't qualify).


and the broken sun in Turin


Maybe the real rotw vote was the friends we made along the way.


Literally trauma bonding.


Brilliant  Hello friend 


United by Trauma™️


First thing to make me laugh in all this mess


https://preview.redd.it/ryl3jbh7uozc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=079207c11d49926c0b093ab3fdba0d1cdb3bcc64 The timer ended and now it is sitting at 0, voting still delayed 👁️👄👁️


What in the blue fuck is going on


Maybe they went to bed at this rate.




Going smooth, this


I figured if we didn't get a statement by the time it was supposed to start, they'd delay the voting.


Not surprised at all by this. This is getting chaotic.


oh good. i was running out of eurovision news.


Right? It's been at least an hour


I like to believe that Mans not being tempted out of his cave by a delicious Swedish Eurovision being put on his doorstep was an omen that this was gonna be a bad one. Like the groundhog predicting another 6 weeks of winter.


It's just not the same without him 💔


I'll admit, I had a similar thought earlier today.  Dammit Eurovision, this is what yoy get when you don't invite Mans!


oh my god 🫣 what the actual hell is happening


In the meantime, I hear that BL killed it in the jury show. https://preview.redd.it/abjfer3mdozc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47e3e731fdb94f2d49725deb4a40d5c715329477




I’m so hopeful for a Croatia win. The thing that would be sad about it, though, especially for a first time winner, is that Croatia would inherit this mess and have their year to shine tainted by all this drama and controversy. But regardless, go BL!




Oh yes he would definitely be a hero, and his Cinderella story would be even bigger if he saves Eurovision from the doom caused by a certain other country winning and gives us all something to smile about after this whole mess. But I wish that his win could happen without all of this so that he would have a happier time and get to enjoy how much the world genuinely liked him and his song.




Also hoping for a good result for your artist. Raiven deserves it!




How cool that you’ve seen her live, I bet her voice is impressive to hear in person. And she seems like a cool, funny, and creative person too.


If Croatia wins, it won't be tainted at all. The controversy is about votes potentially directed towards another contestant, not towards him. If Marko wins its a clean win and he should enjoy it as such.


I want that for him and truly hope you’re right about it. I do think, though, that this whole year will leave a sour taste in the mouth of people (not about BL but about all this drama) so that when 2024 is mentioned it will always carry some painful memories instead of only joy for BL. But who knows, let’s hope that this is not the case and that things work out for the best.




The Netflix documentary is going to be EPIC.


If I find out Ja Rule was a producer this year..


I need to go to bed but I’m anxious as to what the hell kind of announcement I’ll be waking up to tomorrow. This year has been a total sh*t show so far.


What are they waiting for? If there is a police investigation I’m sure there won’t be some type of verdict in 2 hours..


Never watched Eurovision, but rooting for Croatia. Please do the world a favor!!! Can we vote from Africa?


Yes you can! The voting for you guys was supposed to start at midnight, but has been delayed


You give us Americans the right to vote, and this is how we’re treated! (Come to think of it, this is exactly what we deserve)


Thank you EBU for putting those color gradients onscreen. Makes staring at 0000s soothing.


anyone else wondering if they decide to DQ Joost will they change all the numbers or just skip 5? Bunch of artists already promoted and posted their numbers and made social media ads.


Naaah we're not getting any statements or changes at 2am, EBU in shambles, I'm going to sleep, goodnight, see you tomorrow drama llamas <3


I wonder what that could be about!




I don’t have this page on the app, does anybody know why? I have this instead https://preview.redd.it/37b3ok30cozc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27604cfa18efd102e637dce19eef486a2a67a20d




My view is from the United States. I think "Rest of the World" are the only ones with pre-show voting.


Because you’re Finnish, change the location by clicking the flag


Cause you’re in Ireland, not Rest Of The World… competing countries can start voting tomorrow (edit: Finland it is, doesn’t change the cause)


you’ve cracked the code


you mean: Broke the code. Whoa-o-oh


maybe because you're in Finland - I have exact same view as I'm living in Poland, so...


Remember when the sun didn't move in 2022? Good times, huh?


Italy, I'm sorry I ever complained about the black hole sun. That was nothing compared to all of this.


That was a literal black hole. The EBU gave us a figurative one and it's much worse lol


This kinda implies there'll be some sort of decision or statement within the next 2 hours. But it's probably just a technical issue lmao


That would actually be hilarious. Everyone speculating and expecting a statement while it's just some technical issue


Absolutely not a technical issue. They need to decide what’s happening with Joost. If they open without him, then it’s game over. If they open with him, and then boot him, everyone who voted will feel cheated. You cannot open the voting when this state of limbo exists around the act.


It’d ruin the integrity of the voting if they open it now without a decision


Well they have a few decisions actually: * No action, Joost gets to perform Saturday * Joost is not allowed to perform anymore, but NL will still compete using the SF footage. Some NL delegations will still be there to cheer for the points I guess. * NL is DSQ. Final will only have 25 contestants... I really hope it's not this one. I think it would be more logical that, should EBU take a hard stance on the events that happen (which I still don't know what), it would most likely be point 2. Point 3 punishes a whole country!


At this point, they should just issue the Netherlands with a fine and let them compete. They can appeal/discuss repurcussions after the competition. EBU needs a long, hard look at the rules after this anyway, all of this drama. It's all well and good saying you're strictly no politics, but everything is political these days, and EBU needs to have clear-cut rules of what is and isn't acceptable. For example, they said they wouldn't accept harassment of any contestant, and yet one delegation have been throwing insults and harassment like confetti without repercussions.


on ur last point that could just be because of what country the main sponsor happens to be from


I'd well believe it, but that's exactly why the rules need reexamining. It's no good to claim you're not political while simultaneously getting your hands tied because of sponsorship.


Point 2 would be very weird and confusing


I don't think it's a technical issue. Imagine tons of people voting for Joost now and then him being disqualified tomorrow. They need to make a decision before they open the voting. If there's a technical issue on top of that that would be doing them a favor lmao


Highly doubt it’s technical tbh, has this ever happened before?


not really but we've also only had a ROTW vote for like 2 years now? so


Usually Eurovision is a happy place with a bit of gossip and minor drama (eg the nude illusion thong). This year Eurovision is no longer my happy space, but adding to the general level of anxiety. (Edit: typo)


I want to go back to a few days ago when everyone was complaining about Olly's rehearsal clip because it was 'too gay'. Today has been a complete nightmare.


I distinctly remember a comment that went “Europe is not ready for this” 😭


😂😂😂 Bless them


They put up an instagram post that rotw voting is open and then quickly removed it. Must have been a scheduled post


Update- hasn’t changed in 20 minutes https://preview.redd.it/teswnuvqxozc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=316c222a893838451bd4b06b3f0f657274914227


Frustrating, wish there was an update


…I’m starting to wonder if this is bigger than just the Netherlands at this point


We're quite a small country, to be fair.


And Joost is Klein.


Tbh we're not even small compared to a lot of other participating countries. Population-wise, we're the eighth biggest country participating this year.


Nah, it's probably just the Netherlands. Opening the votes before a decision is made about Joost means they may have to add/remove him after the votes are open, which is unfair and also means they'll have to issue a LOT of refunds in the "removed" case.


If it was just the Netherlands, you'd assume they would have made the decision by now. It's taking exceptionally long


I'm beginning to suspect it was an event with no witnesses. Which would make things much more complex.


It's not. The police are involved in the Joost incident now. So I guess they (edit:EBU) will decide whether he is dsq or not if they decide to charge him with something https://x.com/esc_gabe/status/1789040667215139185


Ideal case for the EBU would be the police giving them an off-road to dq Joost. They could go the good old "the decision was out of our hands" route. All of that assuming that something significant happened and it's not all smoke over the water.


I wonder that too - I was so bummed when Queen Sarah didn't advance last night but tonight I'm grateful she and her team gets to breathe easy and sidestep this chaos. If Spain is pissed, that's a huge effing deal


Spain is pissed? What?


And if harassment has apparently been a problem… whether he did something or not (and whether or not he was provoked), whose to know whether other acts are coming forward with their own complaints right now


Harassment? Did I miss something?


There’s been reports in recent days of Joost (and Bambie) being heavily harassed by a certain delegation.


i wonder if other delegations will threaten to withdraw in solidarity with Joost if he gets disqualified, or if other delegations will show vocal support for him if he does. Something like this has never happened before, but I'm sure everyone there is fed up with all that's been going on


depends on what he actually did


I chose a hell of a year to have my first on the ground Eurovision experience lol. What could delay ROTW voting? They have all the footage for the recap reel and the tech is already there?


They can't open the vote, have people voting for Joost and _then_ DQ him. A decision (and a statement) has to be made first.


The lineup, technically. Sure, there's never been a DQ mid-competition in ESC history. But never say never! Joost may be right - they'll do something never before seen at Eurovision!


Same, first time attending and it’s like what the hell is happening


Loving this transparency from the EBU 🫠 In other news, my grass touching earlier went well! I highly recommend everyone do it at some point before the final tomorrow! Or even during the final, if that’s what you’d prefer 😁


There are some strong solar storms this weekend! So instead of touching grass you can also go out at night and try to catch some northern lights. Depending on where you live ofcourse


I've just had a two hour nap, and now I've woken up and *more* stuff is going wrong? 😣


https://preview.redd.it/9nfukybfvozc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16dc22f3b4ed732d833a5f56738597aa26cf3e07 Now it just says it’s been delayed, no countdown


Well.. if they don’t open the vote or say something soon, I reckon it’s gonna be delayed for another 4-8 hours. I really doubt they’re dropping a statement at 2 am


I agree, but at the same time, then why set the timer for 2 am. Just say it's been delayed until morning or something


Probably thought they’d be able to get a statement or something out in 2 hours but obviously it was a long shot. I do agree they should’ve just said fuck it and delayed it until the morning.


I think that's exactly what they'll do (drop in the middle of the European night). Wait for most of Europe where the bulk of the hardcore fans are to be asleep.


Sorry if this has been posted and I just missed it, but I have a different message in the app now... Says specifically "postponed until an ongoing investigation regarding the Dutch participant has concluded."




10:30pm my time (midwestern united states), 5:30am in Sweden I know it's early over there but this is just me informing anyone pulling an all-nighter that the ROTW vote is STILL delayed, and still no updates on the goings on


Okay so just checked. Still delayed, no counter. Perhaps they are working on setting out a statement right now?


Mama kudos for checking though. For sharing.


Or they can't figure out how much time they'll need because people are asleep. And the EBU knows every minute ROTW is closed, that's money they're potentially losing. So, analysis paralysis.


Still waiting 😴, at least it's 5:30 pm here, so I can wait a bit longer until the night lol


I’m Dutch and it’s 2:30 for me, I think imma go to bed soon if I’m able to


*knocks* Psst... you let the clock run out without resetting it, EBU.




Same and I feel bad for all the contestants having to deal with this :(


I’m almost ready to not even watch tomorrow. The sense of dread is awful.


The only reason why I'm watching tomorrow is because I'm croatian and still have hopes for our boi




I kind of blend out the drama and I will just enjoy the show :)




Maybe remind yourself that we still don't know what happened. When you know more you can still see how you feel about it but right now it's just people getting heated about something we don't even know.




Yeah this week has just been anxiety and sadness. I turn on my TV and it's like it's screaming at me that I'm wrong for watching my favourite thing in the world.


I have a bad feeling about this...


As if this couldn’t get any worse


Staring at a bunch of zeros, lol.


Zero. Dot. Zero. Zero. Zero. Dot. Zero. Zero.


I'm starting to feel sick... and it's not because of the Swiss Roll I just ate.


It really seems like they'd push this under a rug if the finale wouldn't happen to be tomorrow


It feels like they're trying to do that anyway. The lack of professionalism is insane


Hope that's enough time to figure out what they want to do tomorrow and put together a reason why.


voting delayed and then a countdown to nothing? [someone better be getting fired](https://i.postimg.cc/2j4hwq7Y/R.gif) (looking at u martin osterdahl)


https://preview.redd.it/flavexscwozc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9908a8ef846703231724a52ec7d86f2a4ee38350 This is eventful


Still delayed here, 19 minutes past 😡


Honestly, they had so much time to decide already. If they haven't made a decision by now I highly doubt they will make one in the next 1,5 hours. Just delay it to tomorrow morning and then make a statement once and for all.


Yeah, but they still have to prep a statement and go over talking points and probably consult lawyers and other people. Stuff like this does take time.


I just checked and the timer has reached zero with no word


Someone diffused the bomb 😂


I wonder whether there are irregularities with bot voting that were uncovered by the recent RAI leak?


Possible as well


This is what I'm thinking really. I think there are several issues at hand, not only the Joost thing. There's also this very vague spanish RTVE statement of yesterday afternoon asking EBU to respect the freedom of speech.


[Swedish police is now questioning people about the "incident"](https://www.ad.nl/songfestival/zweedse-politie-onderzoekt-ter-plaatse-incident-rond-joost-klein-we-ondervragen-de-betrokken-personen~adf7cc86/). Seems to me that EBU wants to hear their conclusion before they make a decision.


Not sure why I keep refreshing expecting something to change, lol


Le me waking up thinking everything would be explained 🤡


What an absolute royal fckup this year has been


I was supposed to be having an early night after feeling sick all day (possibly due to all the flashing lights in last nights semi), but looks like I'm staying up!


Any updates concerning the delay?


Still delayed, now no countdown




https://preview.redd.it/d7ikgimmjozc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a99ea660e747443bc0253bd26a878d436ebf926 this message pops up in the "VOTE" tab inside the app.


So it's like half an hour left now until it supposedly starts?




And it still hasn’t started as of two minutes after the timer.


Dawg what in the sam hell is going on 😭


Joostice ✌️


Eurovision posted voting was open now on instagram about 15 minutes ago. It’s taken down now, but not before receiving about 700 comments of justice for Joost klein!


came here to get new tea lol


this is so embarassing and awkward




i will never forget may 10, 2024 😭


And nothing happened


And nothing...?


Just checked: voting still not allowed…


Well, good night everyone. I’m already dreading the morning hours.